My SO brought a gun into the house when I am uncomfortable with it: Advice?

If he has mental health issues that’s the only way that I would be concerned. Otherwise even if I didn’t want a gun in my house there would be one in there. This is crazy world we live in now days. I live way out in the country with no neighbors I have a gun locked and loaded in my house at all times. This is crazy world we live in. Think about others besides your self. Maybe he is trying to protect you and your family.

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It’s not going to jump up and shoot itself. It’s an inanimate object that requires a human to operate it. Have him take you out and get you familiar with how it operates so you can be comfortable. He wants to protect you. Maybe he did consider your feelings but his desire to protect the family is stronger. What are you going to do to protect the family against an intruder? Do you expect him to protect the family? If you are leaving it up to him, what are you expecting him to protect you with? If you’re going to hide somewhere while you want him to go confront whatever is going bump in the night, it’s probably fair to let him have a tool that will help level the playing field.


I’m from Kentucky and we all shoot guns. My grandson killed his first deer at 7years old. I would try to learn how to use them and teach the children gun safety.


Compromise. Have a gun safe. Its not a one way street. I have multiple :woman_shrugging:t2:


I hope you’re good at close combat if you don’t want a gun in the house :rofl:


I was the same way at first because my middle child did not want guns in this house BUT then i came to the realization that having one can help protect my family if need be so I’m ok with it now and so is my daughter.

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Being raised around guns and taught at a young age, I don’t understand.
The only advise I can give is to try to compromise. I don’t know your situation as to why you are you uncomfortable. So that depends on the advise to give. If it’s because you haven’t been around them, then I agree with other comments about going to the range and trying to get use to it and learning to shoot it.
If it’s a personal experience (trauma) then he needs to respect that and give you time. :pray:t2::heart:

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And if you’re thinking of the "gun violence " its not gun violence. Its a people issue.


i wouldn’t feel comftable i wouldn’t be living their


Bet you won’t be uncomfortable with it if someone ever breaks in and that gun saves your life.


I feel uncomfortable having guns at our house as well , but only because we have our kids . One day , those very guns could save our lives . With proper safety measures and locks , I feel better about it . But I wasn’t happy with guns in the house , until the recent couple years .

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The statistics for gun violence goes up and kid related injuries.
I grew up with them and shoot just as good as the rest of them, and I still don’t like them and wasn’t happy with the choice of having it either.
So we keep ours locked, separated from ammo and the kids know they can’t go in the same area as it’s kept in.

And we have on going conversations around them.


These kind of disagreements make me laugh. Cuz no matter what you do one person is getting their way and the other person is being ignored. Maybe consider how he feels not having one to protect his family. There are locks and safes and classes you can take to make you feel better. Knowledge is power.


What would you have done if he had it years before you were in his life? Would you tell him to get rid of HIS gun because you’re uncomfortable? Learn gun safety with him (ask him just to refresh his memory), be responsible and keep it in a locked gun safe/gun cabinet. As long as it’s COMPLETELY UNLOADED and ammo is separate (on separate shelf in gun safe) for example, it’s perfectly safe.

Bet you wouldn’t be uncomfortable if that’s what saves your family’s lives one day.
I used to say I’d never allow one in my house, until I had children and wanted protection!!

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What about his feelings on wanting one in the house?


The way you’re wording it, seems like you want it your way or no way. You’re going to need to compromise somehow.


In todays world, every mentally stable human should own and operate a firearm and should know how to correctly.

It’s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

We have firearms that are locked away in a safe one WE can get into. Our children will learn gun safety at a young age. I know how to properly handle and shoot firearms and I’m damn good at it.

We have to protect our children and our families. If someone breaks into your house, you have to have a way to protect what’s yours.

The same thing you are wanting from him, consideration, you aren’t giving to him.
Why is it your of nothing?

Although we both are just fine with guns. I would understand. Because I don’t want it, but he does ? Why do I have to get my way ? It’s his house too. Now is it in a safe ? Locked up properly ? Does he know what he’s doing ?


Compromising tell Them that it needs to be in a safe for everyone’s safety. Especially if you have children.

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I have 3 kids and a gun in my house, they have no access to it, we have been teaching the oldest gun safety. We had someone pretty much break into our house while my kids were sleeping, me and my boyfriend grabbed the gun and made it clear we have a gun, and that gun stayed visible until the cops arrived.

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Perhaps consider that it is also a respect/trust issue with your SO and they feel the same hurt and uncomfortableness without having a gun. Is it legal? Is it secured?
If it is a deal breaker with you, you should leave because it seems to be a deal breaker with you SO too.


A lock box is something to look into! It’s a good compromise for safety. Or set a boundary if that’s how important having a gun-free house is.

I’m also uncomfortable with you having a gun in your home because it seems to me that you know nothing about guns. Maybe you should take a gun safety course and go learn to shoot?


I used to be you. I now own my own gun after taking classes and becoming comfortable with it.


Its not gonna jump up and bite u or shoot u just respect guns there maybe even a woman’s night at the shooting range :slight_smile: you could go learn how to use it and learn gun safety the world is getting insane we have guns locks and safes as well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would feel uncomfortable until I learned how to use it and clean and handle it. I don’t think he did it out of disrespect. I really think in todays society a gun is needed for protection. Everyone ( adults) need to learn how to use it.

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I think if he’s actively being disrespectful to you by stomping all over your boundaries - whether it’s a gun or something else - that is a potentially relationship-ending issue.

A lot of these replies are placing their gun values into the situation. It’s not about them. You don’t feel that way, and that’s ok.


I’m siding with him on this one. It’s better to have it for protection. However it needs to be put in a safe place away from kids. You need to take a gun safety course bc u obviously know nothing about them and that’s why your uncomfortable.


Have him get a safe for it so then you can feel more at ease. Especially if kids are around, they need to be safely put away.

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America has a sick obsession with guns. We are leading in gun violence, more children in 2022 have died from gun violence than active duty police officers. People are in denial & will blame it on “people w/ mental health issues”. GUNS are the issue not PEOPLE. Guns do not improve safety in fact they actually can make it more dangerous. But hey as long as y’all have ur guns.:clown_face:


If it’s under lock and key along with the amo and there is absolutely no way anyone can access it without knowing where the key is, I don’t see a problem with it. However, most half wits do not store guns properly.


Compromise and just pick a safe place for them to be stored

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I guess he feels the same you do about having it. We have multiple guns as do my kids who hunt. I don’t like when they clean them inside. But it’s their home too. Maybe familiarize your self with them. Shooting lessons etc. So you can become more comfortable


Do you live together? If not and it’s your place then you can set the boundaries. If it’s a shared place then you both need to talk about how to handle having a gun in the home. Storage safety classes why the need for one etc.

Did you take his feelings into consideration?? Sometimes when one spouse feels strongly about something the other spouse doesn’t get their way. He obviously feels very strongly about having protection. Keep it secured and hidden from little hands and your comfort level will rise.

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Your SO is doing it to protect you. It’s not going to hurt you. What would happen if armed robbers came to your house and your SO didn’t have it to protect the family?

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What about his feelings? Why doesn’t he get a say in his house too? Better that he told you he took it and not have it there without you knowing

I’m not big into guns but I would compromise. As long as he has it in a safe place where the kids cannot get to it I would be ok


I’m female. I own multiple guns, it’s like owning a fire extinguisher, you hope you don’t have to use it, but so glad you’ve got it!


If he lied to you, that’s a huge problem! No matter what lying and hiding crap is not okay!!!
As for the gun! Be reasonable! Make a compromise. Say like the gun must stay in a safe! Must have lock on trigger! Must never NEVER come out to show off or to show to friends ( that’s immature childish bull shit that gets people accidentally killed) , no one is allowed to know it is in the house but you and him! And you both must take classes and go shoot once a month so you both know what your doing. Compromise is what a relationship is all about! It’s not, your way! It’s not, his way! It’s you meet in the middle! If he don’t have a safe, get raid of it!!!

You need to compromise. Just keep it in a safe.

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My parents r avid hunters they own dogs and everything you need to bird hunt they have guns galore but all locked up I used to be uncomfortable knowing guns r in house bit then I realized guns aren’t just going to load themselves and jump out of safe. But yes he should have talked to you it’s a decision both parties need to agree on.

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Sure it is. Yet here you demanding absolute control and the final say. So much for respecting what he thinks.


I grew up with Guns in the House that were used for Hunting. We were taught not to touch. I don’t understand why People get so upset with them,it’s not the Gun that you should be afraid of,but the mean and Evil People out there searching for someone to harm. Guns were used in giving us Freedom. I sure feel saver knowing we have protection when we go to Bed. I sure would rather have them and not need them,than need them and not have them.


Get a gun safe as a compromise. The world is going to hell in a hand bag, you might thank him for having that protection later you never know. Relationships are about compromise, it’s not just about what you want. You might not feel safe with it there, he might not feel safe without it. Find a compromise, don’t be selfish about it.


If thier are kids around he can keep it in a safe place but that’s our right to own a gun.

What’s wrong with guns?


What is your issue with the gun? Do you have a fear of guns? Are you unfamiliar with guns? If so, maybe try having him take you to a gun range and familiarize yourself with it, get comfortable handling a gun. Then maybe compromise, how about a gun safe? Then you know it’s there but it’s out of your sight.

What if he feels uncomfortable WITHOUT a gun in the house. Doesn’t he deserve to feel safe too? Why should you get your way and he can’t?


:fire:If he is violent and or abusive…I totally understand your worries
An abused woman is 5x more likely to get shot by the abuser if he owns or has access to a gun. These are the statistics. :fire:


The gun goes or he goes.


Get a safe, keep it in the garage in a safe. Doesn’t sound like you are compromising either…. Compromising doesn’t mean you get the final say.


It’s gotta go both ways. Compromise.


What about his feelings? There’s safes and such to put firearms in so they are out of you and any children’s reach. Is your fear due to not being around them and not being properly trained with them? Guns are typically used for protection, if he feels safer with one perhaps you should consider his feelings more.


I think every household should have at least one gun for protection especially with children in the house. What were to happen if something bad happened and intruders had a gun or guns themselves and you have nothing. Tell him he justs needs to make sure to keep it locked up safely.


You can have guns & be completely safe. Buy a gun cabinet, one that locks & you can put away like in your room or in your closet. My parents did that & I don’t even think I ever seen their guns, my husband & I have a gun safe away from our kids.

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I wouldn’t want a hun in my place either.


Does he actually know how to use it or is he just one of these dummies that buy one because he thinks he’ll be cool and ends up accidentally shooting his foot off? Because if it’s the latter, I’d make him take some classes and join him so you’re both knowledgeable and can be responsible gun owners. Oh and buy a gun safe.

Have him keep it in a safe if it makes u that uncomfortable. But that’s something you need to compromise on. Because his opinion matters too


If your issue is because of children, keep it in a high or secured place.

I’d rather have it and don’t have to use it instead of wishing I had one.

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Take a few classes on how to control a gun and use a gun it’ll make you feel better


Meet in the middle and get a gun safe.

Especially if you have children. If it’s for defense and he keeps it in his nightstand or whatever, put a trigger lock on it. We have ones that need our fingerprints to unlock.

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Sounds like you guys need to compromise. It’s something he obviously really wanted, what if there was something you really really wanted? He should just get a safe, and hide it from you, where you won’t be able to see it or find it so you won’t accidentally come up on it and it scare you, or whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable.

I’d get over it because it’s their house too… why do you feel entitled to every inch of space and move your husband makes? That’s weird asf really…

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I Agree with you !
It is a respect and trust issue…
You asked that he Not do something and you trusted he would respect your request.
WHAT the request was about…
He disregarded your request and disrespected & violated your house rules and now you question if he is trustworthy.


compromise. get a safe. You’re right though, it is a trust thing. If you can’t trust your partner to follow safe handling and usage of a gun you probably shouldn’t be with them :woman_shrugging: other than that… the guns an object. lock it up in a safe for storage and alls good.

He shouldn’t be the only one to compromise, you need to respect his views at well. Find a way to meet in the middle

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In Australia we have very strict gun laws.
So if my partner brought a gun home I’d be angry and extremely uncomfortable.
There is absolutely no need for a gun.
And without a license and safe storage it’s illegal and can’t be used for protection.
Everyday citizens who have guns here legally are only for hunting. Which comes with lots of rules and regulations. I couldn’t imagine being in a country where it’s considered normal to have a gun.
Seeing mass shootings all over the news is heartbreaking


Yes! I really don’t like guns at all. My S/O and I discussed why I don’t want them around and (because I feel unsafe around them and having the kids around them) so he took me shooting, taught me how to safely use one… and he makes sure they’re always secured so a kid doesn’t get one. Now I have a gun in my house but it’s not scary to me anymore

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Meet in the middle, get a lockbox for the gun and put it up somewhere safe where no one but you both know where it is, thats how ours is


I get the everyone has different views but if your SO wants one he has the right to have one but I suggest sitting down and discussing safety precautions, where it will be locked up etc


His feelings should be considered as much as yours. He is grown and shouldn’t be treated like a child. If he wants a gun he should have one. If it bothers you have him lock it up. How can your feeling be so hurt over something like this. Very childish behavior.


My ex brought guns with him when he moved in…about 10. I asked him to make sure our kids were with a respect for them and were taught proper safety and use. We as a family attended multiple gun safety n use classes. It ended up being something we enjoyed as a family even now.


What makes you think for feelings are more important than his feelings? If you don’t want a gun that’s cool, but he doesn’t need to feel the same way you feel. He’s allowed to bring a gun into his own home.


I am not a gun person but seriously thinking of getting one & learning how to use it. People are out of control. If the gun is properly locked away I wouldn’t worry about it. If he has it under the bed or something stupid like that then it would have to go. Having a gun, go learn how to shoot it. Hopefully you will never have to use it


Just get a gun safe and make sure it is locked up they’re good to have an emergencies you never know

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:eyes: me reading all these angry comments knowing that I have half an arsenal in the garage and my 6 year old already knows gun safety​:joy:


We have guns in the house, locked in a gun safe. Husband enjoys the shooting range and buying different kinds. Teaching my son how to properly clean them, how to check to make sure the lock on the gun, gun safety and all that stuff. We don’t allow guns just laying around of course.


Compromise. Have your SO put a trgger/barrel lock on it and put it in a locked case or safe.


So your feelings are more important than his? He doesn’t get a choice?


First, that definitely should have been a discussion before you co-habited. It it was, and you are can’t bring yourself to accept the gunI would end the cohabitation. It will always be a battle between you.

Know how to use it !


Have a conversation about respect.
As long as he is responsible with it, has taken safety classes, properly cleans and cares for it, it should be safe to have.


I used to think the same but I had him show me how to use it so that I’m comfortable with it. He works away so I keep it for safety reasons as I’m always alone with my kids and I’d like to know how to protect myself and my children. I used to be scared of them too until I learned how to use one.


What about your partner feelings? Doesn’t count


Make it a date thing you do! My husband and I go to the gun range for dates! Then we go out to eat afterwards. Beats dinner and a movie any day!!! Plus, you have the added security of knowing he’ll be able to protect y’all if the time comes. It’s not the gun you should be afraid of. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Might as well be scared of knives too with that kind of logic.
Get a safe, keep it in the safe when not using it. Simple!


America and there guns will yee every learn :smiling_face_with_tear:


Put you foot down on a gun case for it if he doesn’t already have one. No locked case no gun.

I live in Montana and basically everyone has guns here (including my family) and it’s pretty much common sense and standard.


He’s a grown man and doesn’t need your permission to own a gun .


Why are your feelings more important than his? If he also feels strongly about wanting one for protection and has expressed this then why does that not matter and he should just automatically let you have your way? If there is a locked place for the weapon then it shouldn’t be an issue. Its about compromise


That’s a huge deal. You expressed how you were against it and your SO ignored it. That’s not ok at all. There should have been a discussion.


I was never comfortable. If it is done legally and locked in a safe, youll forget it’s there. Go to the range and learn to use it, especially in this world.


How long have you been together? Whose house is it? Why are your feelings more important than his feelings? If you’re not comfortable with it, don’t be around it. Ask him to put it in a safe so kids can’t get to it.


Shut the fuck up you snowflake safety trumps petty feelings any day but if you wanna get robbed and seriously injured or killed feel free don’t let us stop you

The gun goes or he goes!


How is it stored? Is it stored safely? Away where the kids have no access to it? Is it stored without ammo?


My husband grew up around guns & I didn’t. I never actually been around em till I met him. He respected I didn’t like them & he didn’t have one until after I got use to the idea & felt more comfortable. He helped me learn how to use them. And I now feel safe to carry it. Sorry but he’s protecting his family & maybe one day you can allow yourself to also learn to use it to feel more at ease.


He’s not respecting your rules. That is a deal breaker