My SO brought a gun into the house when I am uncomfortable with it: Advice?

You expressed how you felt about it being there… you never said not to bring a gun here. So he can use that .saying you are uncomfortable doesn’t mean you wouldn’t mind it there just as long as it’s not noticable…is different then straight out say don’t bring a gun here. Is it legit???

I know they are allowed in America but hell no would I let anyone bring one into my home.
Don’t mind the other comments saying he can do what he wants.
Your his wife and he should respect your wishes.


I’d say ask yourself how many people are stabbed/killed with knives the consider your kitchen cutlery and quit being a wuss


Ny ex husband did this to me and it filled me with more anxiety. I was afraid my oldest would find it and play with it (she was an only at the time)and he wasn’t stable so it made feel unsafe. My situation could be completely different from yours but I hated it too. There was soooo much more into mine that I’m not going to go into. I know how you feel. I hope things work out for you.


You’re both allowed to have your own feelings. Yours are not more valid than his and same the other way around. As long as it’s safely put away just get used to it. He has every right to own what he wants.


Is this chick fckn for real. :roll_eyes: GTFOH :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


What was the purpose behind it? I’ve watched too many murder mystery shows to know it’s an important staple to have in a home. Especially with how things are going in todays world. Do you trust him to use it in a way of defending all of you? Do you feel like he’s a threat to you and your lively hood? Is he qualified to own one? Did he take safely corses to handle one?

If my husband brought one home under GOOD circumstances than I’d be okay with it. If I were uncomfortable with it I would ask him to keep it put up, and don’t bring it out with me in the house. He deserves to have things he wants in his own home, too. 

God forbid someone break into you home, but if your SO had a gun I’m sure you would be thankful he was able to protect you.


Okay, I need you to ask yourself this: Why do I think how I feel is more important than how he feels?

You don’t get to be the deciding party in every disagreement. Sacrifice. Yield. Pick your battles.


Dealbreaker issues are usually discussed at the onset of a relationship, if it was then its a bait and switch on one of you, if it wasnt then its an unfortunate evolution for you guys

He should have talked to you about it first, agreed BUT we both carry in my great state. I will protect myself…too dangerous out there not too. Also you think criminals give AF about laws? They’ll be armed and I’m not dying or being raped. Nope. I have equal footing

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You should break up with him because he needs to find someone who doesn’t think that theirs are the only feelings that matter.


My advice would be to get over yourself. Your SO can do what they want. It’s YOU that’s trying to control them not them violating trust. You don’t get to control their behavior. You only get to control Your behavior.


It’s his house too? You can’t dictate everything. The compromise would be a gun safe/box. You have to be respectful to what your spouse wants as well?
Besides that, home protection IS important.


Lock it up. There are special cases available.


Trust that he will respect his vows to protect y’all at any cost


My guns stay and idc who doesn’t like it. I wouldn’t want a SO who doesn’t support 2nd Ammendment rights and who is scared to own guns and protect this family. But that’s me. You’ll wish you had one when you are robbed, held at gun point or faced with rape one day.

when we moved into our new house my husband hid our guns. a shotgun and 22 rifle built them into the wall as well as amo.


I’d be bothered over the fact I told my partner I was uncomfortable and they did the thing anyway :woman_shrugging:t3:

But at the same time I wouldn’t stop them doing it

You didn’t consider his at all either. If you don’t like it, leave. Or suck It up.

As long as he puts it up away from me and the kids I’d be alright nvr know I’m these days when you’ll need a gun

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Maybe you should try understanding his reasons for having a weapon in the home. No reason to be scared of a gun. It is a tool. Respect it, learn it, get familiar with it, and the fear will go away.


Compromise keep it locked up at all times unloaded


If a gun is brought in a home it should be because both parties want it not the decision of just one


I’m not a huge fan of guns in the house but my husband hunts. Our compromise was all his guns always needed to be in the gun safe/cabinet and bullets in a separate gun safe. It’s also in an area in our house that the kids aren’t allowed to go into.


Somehow, its not strong enough of a subject for you to leave, so accept it. Just like you said : its not a gun debate, so sh*t or get off the pot.


Jennifer Sparks Htl right!!!
The way she is talking, leaves no room for discussion. It’s her way or no way. Good for him for doing it anyway!


No he considered your feelings the first time when you expressed how uncomfortable you were and he still made the decision to do what’s best for his family and in all honesty, perhaps you’re not considering how he feels, since this seems to now be all about feelings and throwing labels around to win an already in place debate over this. Let the man be a man and do what he’s got to do! You could ask him to keep the bullets separate and the gun up. But sounds you want it all your way and your way only bc of your feelings??? Yeah okay. I’m not crazy about guns in our home either but atleast of a riot were to start living outside of Philadelphia, atleast I know we have protection that can get to a burglar breaking into our home much quicker than a cop can! And one day, that gun just might save your life so chill out and let your man feel like he’s doing something for his family. Cheese and rice!


Your significant other can say exactly the same thing about your lack of respect and trust.

That this means a lot to him and it is a matter of respect for his feelings.

Why is the fact the your being uncomfortable trumps his feelings?

Perhsps you can come to an agreement where you both compromise, he can have the gun but it must be kept in a locked case.

You both take a gun safety course.

I suppose the person who is named in the lease or who holds the mortgage came have the deciding vote.

Or if this is a hill you are willing to die on, you could break up.

Personally, I would break up with a person who is trying to control me if I want a gun and I handle it properly.

A BIG red flag for me.

You don’t want a gun.
Don’t buy one.
Don’t handle mine.
And don’t tell me I can’t have one.

I’m keep my gun and get rid of the partner if forced to choose, because this is a complete disregard of respect and trust towards me.

You are behaving as though only your feelings should matter.


I don’t like shooting them or holding them but my husband is a gun person so we have like 10+ and he keeps them locked up


If my house no guns in it.
If shared house we got together that best be in the best lick box with ammo else where.

Get a Tigger lock or we have a conceal shelf that is fingerprint activated we are a huge 2nd amendment family, with having children and all the sick and twisted people in the world it doesn’t hurt to have one… you 2 should take some carry classes together get certified on all the ins and outs of owing a firearm become comfortable with how they work and how and when to use them it may ease you a little on having one… you’re feeling are valid so don’t forget that either


I’d give him the option for him to remove it or me to remove it


Depends on how it was stored. We have guns. And we’ve had four kids. And always have had kids stay over. But our kids are taught gun safety and the guns are locked up. I feel better knowing I can protect my kids and know how to protect my kids if I need to when my husband is not home. But I want them out of reach from kids for sure.


For me this is something where you both need to agree on. I’d tell him to keep it someone else like at a shooting range. I’d tell him it has to go or you will.

Lmao there’s so many terrible women commenting on here. Holy crap.

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He went against how you feel.

I have 2 only because they were my dad’s

You’re hurt because your feelings were not took in consideration. But… did you take his into consideration?? How can your feelings be valid if you don’t give him the same respect of his. You like salads he doesn’t. That doesn’t mean you stop eating them. Somewhere you guys have to have a compromise on but just a gun but most everything in your relationship.


Are you afraid of him? If so you should leave him immediately whether or not he has a gun. If not you should get over your irrational fears of inanimate objects and be glad that he chose safety and protection over your delicate sensibilities.


The gun should be stored in a locked safe unloaded and ammo somewhere else
That’s the compromise


You sound like a spoiled brat that didn’t get your way and now reaching out to strangers to justify your fit I’m sure you throwing like a toddler. Grow up talk to your man not the internet.


If I were you, I’d leave him. I’d never allow a gun in my house where my children and I live and thank god my hubby feels the same.


Respect and compromise are important in any relationship. There should have been further communication first and perhaps taking you to the range with him for lessons . Letting you get more comfortable around the weapon.
Not something I’m comfortable with tbh …its not something you see here much except armed police…but id try to respect his reasons if he tried to respect my feelings.
Id be insisting on a decent gunsafe at least . I know guns are just a tool like any other but in the wrong hands they are dangerous and like any other tool should be securely kept .
Thats all supposing the gun is legal of course…if its not then one of us would be leaving and the police notified

I don’t like them either. BUT,if you live alone and know how to safely use it,can be a comfort security.

Tell him to get a safe

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I’ve got guns from when I was a regular hunter. I keep them locked up in a case. I don’t have a handgun and don’t know why anyone would.


I’m sorry you felt like your feelings were ignored. That’s always a painful thing to deal with. If he already brought it home, maybe you both agree that it needs a very secure place to be. You both learn the code for a safe or know where to find it in case of emergency. It’s impossible to make everyone happy 100% of the time, but there’s some compromise to be made on both parts. If you don’t like the thought of a gun being in the home, he can lock it away so you don’t need to see it all the time. The compromise on your part is that you learn to accept it but know that it’s not due to not listening to you. He most likely just wants you all to be safe. If it’s for his own personal reason though, I’d be worried that it’s not safe. In that case, you should leave when it’s safe to do so.

He might be feeling as strongly as you do, you’d can’t say your feelings are more important than his on this. Maybe y’all can compromise and agree on having one that is locked up and maybe you can consider going and taking a class on safety and how to use a gun so your more comfortable.


I have to agree that his feelings of having a gun in the house for safety are just as important as you feeling like you don’t want one in the house. Both of your feelings matter, not just yours. In my opinion, better safe than sorry. I’d rather have one and never need it than need one and not have it. Come to a compromise about how and where to store it.


These days Is needed but kept locked in a safe :raised_hands:

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Whose house is it? Are there children?? Lots of good ideas here and yet… a little too much of the gun debate that you asked folks to avoid. Good luck

I used to feel the same about guns. We have them now. We have taught the kids starting at very young age gun safety and respect for guns and not to touch them etc. Do you not like guns cause your not trained in them? I felt alot better knowing proper gun safety…


I mean, what if he’s uncomfortable without a gun in the house. How’s that work then. Does your level of uncomfortable automatically trump his or what :thinking:


Get a grip.
The only way this should be a problem is if he is violent and you’re afraid of him. If not, this is a social programming problem in YOU.


Guns are a nono.desrespect is as well.and the both can become very dangerous :face_with_diagonal_mouth:hope you both work this out.good luck :crossed_fingers:

Raised with guns,on a ranch. They never had them put up, but we knew hows an whys of them. Back then most people didn’t lock them up kids knew to respect the rules. I also was taught the gun is an object it can’t picked its self up and pull the trigger it is a tool to use for food or protection and is not a toy. Funny we never locked our doors back then either.
In today’s world their is no responsibility and respect so that it is appropriate to lock up and keep belonging out of reach of young people.
I now live in an area that I do not feel I need a gun, I lock up my home. I do still have a baseball bat. Because you do have to be prepared.


Not sure why your SO wants a gun or why you don’t, but, yes, there should have been some discussion out of respect. However, if you were completely closed to the idea, it’s not surprising there wasn’t. To many men, self protection is a core instinct. Evolution wise, this was a valuable trait.

Guns are just objects. The real concern should be about the people who have access to them. It’s important for everyone who has a gun to be a mature and responsible person who takes training VERY seriously. If it’s just a macho thing he doesn’t want to train for or there are children in the home, you have reason to be concerned.

I don’t understand the theory that if you express your opinion and he has another opinion that means he disrespects your feelings, but ok. Dump him and go find someone who let’s you have your way about everything. If the guns are properly secured and precautions are taken, it shouldn’t be an issue. We have kids, grandkids and great grandkids in our house and we own guns.


More information is needed please.

  1. why are you uncomfortable with owning one? Is it something about him/his behavior, something in your past, or just a general discomfort due to unfamiliarity?

  2. why does he want one now? Are you living or working in an area where you may encounter a dangerous situation?

  3. is there anything that would make you okay with having one? Training, a biometric safe, etc.?


Ask your SO to keep it locked up. That’s how we make it work.

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Something tells me ya’ll might not be meant to be. Jk

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I am scared of guns, and would never use the one we have unless absolutely necessary, so we bought a lock box that uses a code to get in to and put it in the closet.

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I hate-love guns, my husband makes sure they are not even in the house, we cant find them…make sure he has it locked up and put away, god forbid anything happens to a kid then you will be held accountable for not securing it. Its now your responsibility as well.

Compromise…it makes him feel safe to have it…where do YOU feel safe keeping it? Safe, double lock, etc…keep an open mind

My fiance did something similar except I wasn’t hurt. My issue stems from fear of guns being around those who didn’t use it properly and were dumb around guns, also the fact we got a toddler and all the horror stories and reality of how careful you have to be with it. However, he got a pistol that he never keeps a bullet in the chamber ever and also you have to cock/slide it back to even get it loaded which is impossible for me let alone my toddler. Also we keep it put up high and in a safe spot that my toddler has never seen and can’t physically get to. He also doesn’t keep it in the house everyday, he goes to work and carries it with him. However he also got an AR shortly after and we keep that at his parents until we can get an actual secure gun safe for that one. We live in a 50/50 neighborhood and in general a large city so having it is for safety and I agree even though I hold my own reservations about it. We also went on a date to the gun range so I could learn a little bit and shoot, it made a difference. Still nervous around them but not as bad. I would figure out what makes you feel that way towards guns, discuss it with your s/o and then go from there. I’m sure yall can find a compromise. He may truly feel secure and better with having a gun in the household as strongly as you may feel about not wanting them in your home or around you.

Seriously what is the issue? Just because you don’t like them doesn’t give you the right to outlaw them. That is your issue not his. I hate war documentaries. So if I hate war documentaries and have to sit through them instead of watching what I want… is that disrespect? You cannot always get your way. Seriously it is a mere tool. It doesn’t operate itself. I mean if they do mine are defective. You have bigger battles ahead in life than this.


I would just ask him to lock it in a safe. Might be a good idea for you to learn about guns and take a safety course. They are not the problem. Only the people who who don’t understand or use them improperly are.


I have many guns in my house. He should have respected your wishes on you not wanting one though. Is it properly secured in a gun safe? I feel like if he is having it secured properly then it’s not a super big issue. Try to come up with an agreement so you are more comfortable but he also has what he wants.

Tell him go put it in the car when at your house. If y’all share a house it’s his right to carry tell him to keep it up around you

I just dealt with it. Now he has 9 handguns (I hate handguns) idk how many others. As long as he keeps them locked up I’m okay with it now. But If I ever find one not locked up, I will sell every one he has and make it look like someone broke in and stole them lol

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You’ll be thankful you have one if god forbid you ever need one

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If there’s a safe to store it in so the wrong people can’t get at it… I’d get over it. Now if it was something more egregious like he took out a loan on something w/o telling you when you’re already struggling…you got bigger problems with disrespect.

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Umm just because he made the decision to bring the gun in the house does not mean “your feelings were not considered” that’s a controlling way of thinking. Your uncomfortable with the fact of having a gun in the house, he’s uncomfortable with the fact that if someone tried to hurt you and your family he couldn’t protect you. It’s all about compromise


I wouldn’t had been okay with my ex having a gun in the house. Current bf has multiple, he also keeps everything stored safely. I’d start with asking yourself why you’re uncomfortable and go from there.

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I’m the type when the hubby gets a new gun especially a pistol I’m always the first to claim it. Our home has an open gun policy where you can find one in almost every corner and one sitting beside the door just in case. And yes the kids know how to shoot and the proper way to handle a gun, they especially know guns do kill and when and why they would need to use one for defense.

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Really your right it is a very serious :face_with_monocle: disrespect thing and if he or she is disrespecting you this way what’s the next way or time you’ll be disrespected and me possible hurt :pensive: not just emotionally but physical or even verbally and verbally will turn into mentally

I mean is this a hill you want to die on? Ask him to keep it under lock and key (or code).

My only issue here is that this same thing happened to me and then like 2 years later he decided it was a smart idea to be driving around in the middle of the night with the shot gun at my kids feet during what he calls “a mental breakdown”

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As long as he is following gun safety and it is locked away at all times and disarmed, I don’t see the issue

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I would ask that he keeps it locked up. Thats what we do

Not a Fan! One argument I’ve heard is about not locking up because you don’t have enough time to get out before they attack you!
And the other is
Leaving it out in the open or in a drawer where kids or intruder can find it first!
I just am not comfortable with any of this! :scream: :woman_shrugging:

Honestly, he has every right to own one. A compromise can be done between you but unless there is valid reason he shouldn’t have one that makes you uncomfortable, then just at least ask him to keep it out of sight and in a place only he can have access to it. Imagine the roles reversed, and if he didn’t want you to have something you felt you should be aloud to.


I feel the same way you do about guns I hate them always have my husband kept them anyway try to impress on me to use them to learn to use them he passed away and I gave the guns away to his son now I live in a trailer alone just myself and my daughter and we’ve had several issues out here trust me the police don’t get to you in time I am now trying to find a way to afford to have a gun to protect myself and my daughter as much as I hate them in this world you’ve got to have protections dogs aren’t enough they cannot defend you against someone who has a gun who is sneaking around you’re only defense is to have one just have to learn how to use them and how to defend yourself properly this is a crazy world and I hate it


Your “feelings” aren’t any more important than his about the issue
As long as it is stored responsibly I don’t understand the issue tbh


I would have a major dummy spit
The average Joe blow doesn’t and shouldn’t need a firearm of any discription


Girl when he kills an intruder just remember you crying on SM about a damn gun in your house. Practice proper gum safety and everything will be fine

Yeah, it’s a disrespect issue for sure.
So now, figure out why you’re so uncomfortable with a gun in the home. Is there any way you can find a way to be comfortable with it there, like in a locked box?
Or you could have your SO teach you how to shoot it or at least safely handle it. There is always compromise, I mean unless they’re toting it around in their waist band, then that’s a whole bigger issue.
The main answer is to let him know that’s it’s a big deal to you and how disrespectful he’s (she’s) being.

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This isn’t a gun issue. This is a trust and partnership issue.


Situations like this typically make me think there’s other issues contributing to it. Personally, I trust my husband & his judgement completely & know he’s never (purposely) do anything that put me or our boys in an unsafe situation. He very well could have considered ur feelings tho & chose to get it anyway. I’d sit down together & have a serious discussion about it. As long as he practices proper gun safety, I don’t really see it being a problem. It really just comes down to trust, communication & compromise when possible. Without knowing more details as to WHY it makes u uncomfortable, i can’t really give more advice than that. I do hope y’all figure this out :black_heart:


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I think it all depends on where you fear is stemming from. Do you have a healthy relationship? Is your partner in good mental health? Do you fight a lot?
If you answered yes to any of those questions it might be time to think about what is going on in your relationship and if it’s healthy and safe.
If you feel safe and secure then try to come to a solid compromise with your partner.

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So where is a compromise? Either your way or no way?


A quick question… what makes your feelings more important than his? With that being asked it honestly sounds like the two of you have other things going on and you have bottled them up and are picking this as your line in the sand. Relationships are supposed to be 50/50 with give and take, not always one persons way all the time. (If you always bend to him it’s time for you to move on but if he is always giving into you maybe you need to evaluate your relationship and if you want it to work change)