My son has always had trouble pooping: Advice?

fiber gummies is what my dr told me for my son

My daughter’s doctor had her start taking miralax everyday. It worked wonders for her.


I mean, the Zarbees vitamin D suppliment always makes my son poop when he can’t. I’ll mix a little into his food

They say water it down, but when mine has trouble, I just give her straight Apple juice. I’m also anti sugar and this is the only time she really ever gets juice.

Karo syrup and warm water

My daughter had the same problem and the dr she was going to at the time kept switching formula and the problem continued until I switched dr and she told me you must leave them on the same formula longer then 2 weeks or the problem will continue I don’t know how Often you are switching but we ended up on similac sensitive and I give her a karo bottle in the morning and night and also prune juice and any food that starts with the letter “p” peas prunes etc and also warm baths at night and that seems to help keep her regular Hope this helps

Have you tried soy milk? He could be lactose intolerant.

Chiropractor, I swear

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Stick to the “p” foods. Peas pears prunes peaches. Goat milk will work if you want to try that route. My son has been on miralax since he was 10 months old… He’s 4 and still on it… No banana baby food that always made it worse for us. Warm baths help.

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Maybe try donor breastmilk?

Nah I’d be demanding a referral to GI. Could have celiacs or hirschsprung disease. Get to the source of the issue instead of treating it with bandaids


My daughter is only like this when she has too much dairy.

I’m a little confused as to why prune juice doesn’t work for you.

We usually have to give our daughter a few ounces every day, and if she doesnt go for 3 days, I give her 6 or 7oz.

It just… always works.

You may want to check with you Dr about dosage but my soon was the same way as a child and we were told to do like 1/2 tsp miralax in his morning bottle/milk

He could be having too much of curtain foods like apple or banana. When my little one had poops like that my doc told me to cut those out for a day or two, make sure the kiddo gets tons of water.

Teaspoon brown sugar in warm water works a treat or coloxal drops

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Try a formula that has lower iron in it…that’s what worked for my daughter as a baby

This is my daughter to a T
She has a milk allergy. I switched her to lactose free everything and give her 3 lacteeze a day. If daycare or her dad happen to mess up and give her milk or milk products I give her half a dose of a very gentle laxative. I give her watered down prune juice often and apples everyday. She also has a high fibre diet with SO much water.
I hope this helps you… and this was all suggested by her pediatrician.

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Does he eat solids???

Try probiotics! And maybe goat’s milk also

Has any mother’s ever tryed warm prune juice it helps.

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My daughter gets extremely constipated by bananas

I’d say try a chiropractor. They work wonders and it’s safe

Talk to dr about miralax. My daughter gets constipated so much. We tried diet changes, more water, prunes, everything we could think of. Her dr finally said miralax and it’s helped tremendously.

Hi, my daughter suffers the exact same thing. She had it since infant and she is now 2 years old. It pains my heart to see how she struggles with pooping. Most times the poop is so hard, she bleeds when pooping. Now it’s a little regular. On average, she poops every 3 days on her own. On days that it more than 3 days, we help her along with enema. It’s something you insert into her rectum and squeeze out the liquid content. Within minutes, she will poop. We don’t give her enema on a regular basis but only on days she passes the 3rd day without pooping. On top of this, her diet is very important. Lots of water, prune juice, fruits like papaya and watermelon and a good fibre diet will help along the way. Feel free to msg me if you need any further clarification. I will gladly help out. Poor kids when they have to go through constipation. I feel you.

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I would request a GI visit upper and lower endoscopy with biopsies, just in case. And I don’t think it’s healthy to put anything up your child’s rear to assist a bowel movement.


Grape juice worked for my daughter

My daughter has the same problems. Our GI doctor recommended a cap of miralax everyday. It has been our savior. We tried EVERYTHING and this was the only thing that helped.

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I give my 9 month old pureed prunes, Gerber has apple/prune baby food, shes not a huge fan of it but I can usually get her to take a couple of bites at a time. I’ll also give her apple/prune juice (not diluted). If the doctor has not told you to do a suppository, please dont do a suppository. His digestive tract is already having issues and you may inadvertently be causing more issues for him down the road if they are not specifically prescribed to him.

Try the prune juice. My son had constipation when he was about 5 or 6 months and my bestie who is a mother of 5 suggested it and it worked. He had nice big poop the next morning.


Dont give straight water! My daughter almost died!

Try more veggie baby foods like peas, beans, etc that will help soften stoools.

My daughter had the same problems and she was even on a soy formula. Did use 1/2 a baby suppository a few times. She out grew it.

Same with my daughter turns out lactose intolerant

My 8 month old son has always had bowel issues to he almost needed surgery and recently he was constipated I took him to the hospital and they gave me a liquid laxative you give to him by mouth and within a day he was pooping regularly and I only gave him four doses of it maybe talk to a doctor about that it might help my son was the exact same way and the stuff they gave me is good for a month and when I feel him getting like that again I will give him a couple Doses and he’s good for about a week

I used these on my daughter and they are amazing. Literally as soon as you use them she was going. My dr recommended them.

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My granddaughter has same problem since she was little she’s 3 and still having problem so we took her to pediatric gastro doctor and she’s explained everything and put her on miralax it’s working for her

You can ask for lactulose or try 6oz warm prune or pear juice… I would try this before jumping to miralax or Senna.

A probiotic taken daily

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Give him olive oil in milk he will fine

We had to use mirlax for 1 yr for my daughter

I know you’ve had alot of advice…but this is something that truly worked for all 3 of mine…a 1/2 teaspoon karo syrup in every formula bottle…if using formula…you can also buy the beano meltaways…break into 4ths…and you should start seeing results soon…idk if someone recommended straight water…but that’s dangerous! Good luck! Praying for y’all

You need a different pediatrician. This absolutely is not normal. We have 2 month old babies in our GI clinic for help with constipation. Probiotic daily, few ounces of prune or pear juice in bottle. Do not do senna or miralax yet. Try a few diff juices in bottle first.

Please educate yourself on miralax. It is not approved or recommended for children

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I gave my daughter the baby food prunes when she was that little and it helper her tremendously as long as I was consistent with it. And then when she was about a year old they put her on miralax

My daughter (3) is breastfed and is still like this. Doctor keeps telling me nothing is wrong, about a year ago I started giving her pure orange the really cheap pure orange and she goes every other day. Before it was going between 7-10 days and I was trying everything. Any shop brand cheap pure orange, one cup each morning works a trick for every other day for a year now. X

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I know they tell you formula for the first year however, we used to switch to whole milk at 6 months. My son had issues snd we switched to goat milk then whole milk. If you haven’t trued mineral oil try giving him some every day. My mom used to give us a tablespoon but it might be too much.

Use a daily stool softener miralax or generic it will not hurt him its not a laxitive.grandaughter was on that for years now takes a adult pill.

The clear Kayro syrup REALLY does help!!! Just a little dash in each bottle! Also, you arnt supposed to be giving him just straight water yet. Doesn’t allow for his belly to absorb the nutrients from formula and foods…which can ultimately cause digestion issues. Also, Gripe water works awesome!! And I learned very quickly, that anything starting with a P (pumpkin especially, prunes, peas, etc) will definitely help him to go! I noticed with my daughter, the Kayro syrup helped her to pass it easily. Took only like twice for it to start working. Good luck momma, I know this is extremely frustrating and scary for you!
P.S. has your doctor suggested putting small amounts of baby cereal in the formula? You have to shake it up really really good! I can’t remember if we used the rice cereal or the regular. Either way, it was suggested by the doctor to help fill her belly and have regular poops.

Chiropractor helps too

Freshly home made pure apple juice worked for my baby

Watered down prune juice. We have had the same problem with my son. We found watered down prune juice helps soften the poop and makes it easier for him to pass. I felt horrible having to help my son get his poop out and having to use the pedialax.

Prune juice.My nurse told me to warm it before drinking.

My 5 year old has been on movical daily from as long as I can remember it is common and most will grow out off it so much the hospital won’t see my son till he turned 5 - make sure nothing is from concentrate drink wise and fresh orange with bits in helps - it is so easy for them to get scared to go if it hurts them which obv makes it worst we do story time and games on toilet, a stool helps so his legs are not dangling, and not too much banana it bungs them up my son can only eat half I hope you get sorted it’s awful but main thing is to try and get it softer so it’s not hurting take it step by step we did start on lactalose which was great at first but his body got use to it the movical came 2nd and it’s worked ever since we are only just lowering the dose now fingers crossed it works x

My daughter was like this but she either went little pebbles or didn’t go at all. We just learned now that grape juice helps her go tremendously. And she’s 2.5 years old. Prune juice wouldn’t help, apple juice wouldn’t help and after a few doses of baby laxatives those didn’t work either. We didn’t want to even try the q-tip trick as I personally feel it invades their personal space.

When my son was a baby I would put about a tablespoon of molasses in his bottle when he couldn’t go. It really helped and after he started walking and moving around more on his own he outgrew it. Good luck

My oldest had this problem. Ot wasnt an every time he pooped though. It was tough but he eventually outgrew it. Hes 2 now and doesnt have the issue anymore. I also used to use part of a glycerin suppository to help him when needed. That’s what his doctor said to do if karo syrup or juice didn’t help.

I would suggest asking for a GI doctor to discuss these symptoms. That being said, I have gone through my share of products to help my kid poop and the only tried and true method with results has been simple prune juice. I diluted a bedtime bottle for a couple nights with prune juice and it did the trick after all her discomfort.

My twins are 8 now. They both had the same problem and it continued until age 4-5. We tried all the things above. The thing that helped the most was not do much what we gave them. But more so a change in routine. After years of struggling a new (older) nurse was hired as the pediatrician office. She said it’s all about habits. She said have them sit on the pot and try after every meal. Sit for 5 minutes each time. At first I thought yeah ok that won’t work lady. I’ve been to two hi doctors given them everything under the sun to help and nothing. Like sitting on the toilet 3times a day will work. But it did! It took a couple weeks for it two work like clockwork. So we still did a glass of magic juice Dr Pepper and prune juice ( another nursing trick)for a couple weeks with it. But wasn’t needed after that. You have to stick with it. It needs to be near the same time. That’s why we decided after meal times. We did three times per day. She said at least twice per day at around the same time. It works and no drugs or surgeries needed. Thank god. I never saw that nurse again. I’m not sure if she was a temp. She made a giant difference in my children’s health and my mental wellbeing.

My daughter would barely go unassisted for the first few months. Have you used a gas frida? I swear those things work wonders.

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U can give him prum juice
My oldest son had that problem up intell he was like 10 i finally had to put him on a diet no juice or sweets or any starch food after a yrs and muralax once a day everything is good now but its always gonna be something u have to watch

I know white pear juice or white grape juice worked wonders for my daughter.

My daughter was the same way, her doctor recommended mineral oil. Just a teaspoon every other day. It’s a natural laxative. She started this about 7-9 months old.

Have you tried nutrimagen formula with probiotics added to it. My son is also 8 months and we had the same issue, like I thought he was going to pop a blood vessels his face got so red when he was trying to push

My pediatrician told me I could give my 6 month old miralax. A tsp in his bottle. I haven’t had to try yet as the prunes seemed to work for him.

Check with your doctor first, but when this happened with my babies, pediatrician recommended a little black strap molasses in water instead of dark Karo. It seemed to work better.

Feed him dried prunes as a snack with whatever else you’re doing, they taste just like big raisins and they are healthy for him. The kind I buy come individually wrapped so it makes them extra handy to keep in a backpack for him

Dont water his juice down anymore and get regular juice not baby juice. My son had this problem and had to be put on mirilax to get a mass of poop out of his intestines it was really gross when he finally went. More whole grain breads or toast will help because of the fiber. Cut down on baby foods that have bananas in them and get more applesauce or apple products in him. Prune juice mixed with a berry juice for flavor helped my son drink it. When my step son had constipation issues we made molasses cookies and used mineral oil as well. You can also mix prune juice in his bottles so it doesnt back him up.

Omg poor baby my son is now fifty six and he still has problems when he was born they had to dilate his rectum . don’t know why that happens.i do know what u are going through I feel bad for u and there is nothing u can do.i hope u can find help.their is nothing worse then to watch your baby going through that .I will say a prayer for u.good luck and God bless.

My sons were very constipated but not that bad I put the Karo syrup in their formula and fed them prunes with every meal. It continued through their toddler years that’s when I gave them the dried prunes which I just to,d them it was big raisins and gave them fiber rich cereal and miralax occasionally. But it seems like he may need to see a specialist if it’s that bad for him poor ,little guy

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My pediatrician suggested miralax, the adult stool softener powder. I give my daughter about 1/4-1/2 a capful a day mixed in apple juice and it works like a charm

My daughter has issues as well. I give her prunes and she drinks prune apple or Apple juice watered down as well. And you could also put a teaspoon of mirlax in the bottle. And dark karo syurp.

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He needs the formula nutramigine it’s expensive but my some was the exact same way exact! This made a huge difference within a CPL weeks

My son has this problem (he just turned 3 but its has been an issue since birth). We did different kinds of formula, a complete non dairy diet and nothing worked. We saw 2 GI doctors and both of them just kept upping his laxative medication. I finally found a third GI dr who found the problem. It wasnt/isnt that his poop is too hard. When a normal person poops, the butthole (sorry dont know the proper term) is supposed to contract and that’s what pushes the poop out. My sons DOES NOT contract at all. So for him to poop it takes work. The dr said he will train his body to push it out over time. So for now, I can let him (by doctor recommendation) go 3 or 4 days without a proper poop. If after 4 days he has not gone a decent amount and his belly is visibly distended (puffed out) i can give him a children’s enema (you can buy them at walmart. It’s a smaller bottle). I HIGHLY recommend demanding to see a GI doctor

My niece had this problem when she was a baby, she’s 12 now. She would drink PEAR :pear: juice!!! And an exlax!!!

Call me crazy but if you are looking for a fast, good, easy solution- get your child some ivory soap. Cut a small sliver off, round the edges and up the butt it goes. Hold their legs together if necessary but it should stay in there on it’s own. Soft poop should follow within 10 minutes. Ivory soap is 99.9% all natural.
My daughter couldn’t poop no matter what we did but they couldn’t find any reason for it. Ivory soap was the only thing that worked and the doctor approved it.


Our son went through that for the longest time until he was about a year old then things became normal but prior to that he passed pebbles, clay, and he strained hard to pass it. Sometimes crying.

We changed to Sensitive advance formula and once he was was on milk i found the horizon organic milk helped. When i did anything else he was straining. Now at 22 months he’s back on store brand whole milk and he’s fine and normal stool. I guess it’s just a phase and digestive development which isn’t common but happens.

Our dr said Miralax which does help. They weren’t concerned. He wasn’t lactose intolerant.

Definitely go to the dr immediately

Call your doctor and have them do an ultrasound around his gallbladder and intestine. Sometimes kids have gallstones (very uncommon but it can happen) My son is 2 1/2 and we just had a similar problem. It got to the point where he was puking and couldn’t hold anything down. They did xrays thinking it was his intestines (which you should have them check too) but then found out he has gallstones. Now he’s going to be seeing a Gastroenterologist to see what are next step is. If your doctor won’t help then look for a different one until one does. Go to the ER. Poor baby /:

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My lo couldn’t do cow’s milk formula or soy. We ended up on Nutramigen. She had MAJOR problems pooping with soy. We had a difficult time transitioning to regular milk also; had to use soy milk then after a year or so we starting buying chocolate milk. She still has trouble pooping, especially if she drinks too much milk. I sometimes have to give her a glycerin suppository to help her go. Prunes & prune juice worked well for us when she was younger.

Um…how many Drs you been too?

My little boy suffered with constipation from being a few months old, it made him really sick, i was given all kinds of laxatives for him but they never worked, he became a really fussy eater too which didnt help, the one thing i got him to eat lots of was Shreddies / Malted Wheaties ( they’re full of fibre) i gave him a bowl for breakfast and a bowl before bed and within a week his constipation was gone, the hospital he was under were amazed at the results and started recommending it to other patients, best thing was that all his other sicknesses went away too and he started to be a much healthier and happier child xx

My son has to drink an ounce of prune juice everyday or he gets stopped up

Make sure he is getting 24-30 oz of breastmilk or formula a day. It sounds like a dehydration problem. Little pebble stools usually mean dehydration.

My daughter had this problem. Dr. said to put a little dark karo syrup in her bottles. Give him baby foods high in fiber apple sauce, pears, etc. You can also mix his baby cereal w/apple juice.

Uhh I used a suppository on my son when he was a baby because he had a major issue with pooping too. You can get glycerin suppositories. They aren’t as big. Unfortunately you have to hold it in til it melts or else your kiddo will just push it out. But once it melts, my kid shit out so much shit I thought it would never end. And my doctor is the one who prescribed them to me for him.

Try giving him prunes and water too. Prunes always helped my son too.

Hopefully you get something that works for you and the little man. I know how hard it is and how painful it looks for them. Good luck

I would get a recommendation to a specialist. My daughter was the same and has celiac’s disease.

My daughter was bad when she was little… We didnt use dark Karo. We used the clear and i put it in every single bottle/cup that she had. For a 9oz i would put 4 of Karo the rest water… Try giving as much juice (apple or prune) as you can and making it almost half syrup… It’ll be a bit sweet but… Or just do water and Karo… We did that ALOT… But we had to put it in EVERY SINGLE THING SHE DRANK

We have my oldest was same way made then send her to gi dr

Dont get gim use those things
Gi dr told me it only gets what it can reach by using those he prob pretty back up
I hope they done xray on his belly

We try prune juice and of that doesn’t work out peds doctor also told us to use miralax

My granddaughter has always had these issues. She’s now three she takes 1 envelope of culturelle in her morning cup of water, hasn’t had a problem in over 2 years

my Ped had mine son on miralax every day for years.

My son hardly ever pooped on his own. I would give him a glycerin suppository every 3rd day. Once he started eating more baby food and drinking less formula, he got much better. I figure it was just the iron they add to formula that was keeping him constipated. He’s almost 11 months now and has regular bowel movements all on his own.

Prune juice or prune baby food. My daughter had the same issue. She didn’t like the prune baby food, so I would slip prune juice in her water. I think its 6 oz after eight months.