My son is being bullied on the bus: What do I do?

There is a boy at my granddaughters bus stop and he is constantly putting his hands on her. I’ve talked to his parents and they do nothing! Finally I pulled him to the side and told him I am watching his every move.i finally told his parents, that if my kid gets hurt, there will be consequences!

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Take a deep breath let the principal know what’s going on bullying is not acceptable any whrer

When your son gets picked up you should wait with him and talk to the bus driver.

Call the bus company and let them know what is going on. Where I live kids get 3 warnings and after that they are kicked off the bus. Speak to the school also…


Just tell it like you just did…tell them that you fear for your sons life & want no harm to come to anyone…no one should live in fear…

I’d be waiting at the bus and talk to all those kids my self or go knock on the kids door myself and talk to there parents the teacher and my sons principal are bullies them selves sometimes that’s what I’m dealing with at my sons school because of my sons hair etc

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I might be coming from left field, here, but check into some self defense classes for your kid.

Yes, talk to the principal. Yes, talk to the bus driver & main office of the bus depot … if there are cameras on the bus, they can review the video & the school can call the kids into the office & talk with them. But mom & the principal & the bus driver aren’t always going to be around to protect the child, and the bullies might retaliate if they get into trouble for bullying.

Enroll your child in some sort of self defense class, so that no matter what situation they find themselves in, they can defend themselves. It will build their self confidence & self esteem, and help them to develop self discipline & self respect.

Talk with the school’s resource officer … let him/her know what’s going on, and ask for information on local self defense classes or programs in your area that might be helpful.

The bullies will continue to bully… kids at that age can be ruthless & cruel, and they will continually pick on other kids that seem weaker, or that seem to be likely targets. When they get into trouble for bullying, it just makes them act worse because they’re mad that they got into trouble over it.

You need to help your son learn to protect himself, so that when there aren’t any adults around to protect him, he has the confidence to take care of himself. He still needs to report any incidences that occur, and you need to be vigilant in working with the school and the school’s resource officer to help your son … and possibly to help the bullies in the long run.


When my daughter 11 years old , got bullied I went to the school and did a writing report. My daughter had to do it and give exact detail , names, and witnesses if any. And I told them better be the last time or I would take my daughter to another school. Trust me they don’t want that.
My daughter did one day counseling and the others did for quite a few months. I did talk to the Vise Principal and he told me he would be watching them . The bullying did stop. Good luck to you. :pray:

Well, first of all it’s not the school’s fault. The bus driver should be aware and reported it all if he/she is paying attention. Talk to the bus barn’s administrator and the school principal. Be sure you know all the boy’s names especially the one that assaulted your son….and that is what it was….assault. Talk to the other kids that see this and get names. Demand the boys involved and their parents are called into a meeting with you, your son, principal, driver and/or their supervisor and a member of the school board and let them all know, it stops now or you’re next call is to the media about unsafe conditions on the bus and the police. Trust me, that school does not want that kind of negative exposure in their district. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Been through it growing up …had to take matters in my own hands :wink:

I sure would go to the school and calmly talk to the teacher and the principle and ask them for help your child not have to be hurt by bullies


I would report it to the bus driver and principal. Hands around a neck is dangerous and accidents happen. Mom of 4

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these boys probably come from a verry unhappy home