My son is being bullied on the bus: What do I do?

You need 2 complain and report each incident. 3 strikes and let his parents find him a new way to school. The bus isn’t a right, It’s a privilage


I would also inform the school and the bus company and the bus driver and inform everybody that you were making a police report


Contact the school and the bus company. Let them know if it doesn’t get fixed there will be charges filed.


The school I worked for allowed 1 incident(minor) before being put off the bus for x number of days and parents had to figure out how to get their little troublemaker to school. It ranged from 1 day off up to 10 days usually. Parents fight you on this instead of supporting you. It makes for a terrible environment for the other bus riders though. Kids here everything and see everything. Every bus today needs a monitor.

Schools handle nothing and it’s sad af! Especially how much these kids commit suicide behind being bullied , son needs to grab 1 and :boxing_glove: :boxing_glove::boxing_glove: and I guarantee all of em stop :v:t3: worked for my 2 


Honestly, the boy needs to face his fears and learn to defend himself. Even at an early age unfortunately. Safe spaces dont really help the way people want em to. The staff can only do so much. Sucks but its just kinda how life is. I’m not saying have your kid out there fightin… But taking the moral high ground and not fighting doesnt make you the better person. It makes you the victim at some point.


U gotta teach your boy how to fight…its terrible but its neccessary sometimes…kids can be cruel…they r young and dont have many worries…

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I would definitely make some changes towards transportation either pick him up myself or have someone I trust pick him up. But normally when it comes to situations like this once they are aware of the incident, they remove those boys from taking the school bus. At least once you report it to the school the principle would have a sit down with the parents to address the incident. And take action from there to prevent any escalation. My son’s safety is number one and he should be able to go to school and come back home happy and whole not sad because he was bullied. Some parents need to check their kids this kind of behavior is unacceptable.

Had similar trouble.except my daughter came home with black eye and when I called the school,raising hell,they told me it was a hit or miss bc their cameras wasn’t working mostly in the hallway it happened…be dumbass kept my daughter out rest the week and now I’m paying…I’m going to court over truancy but like wtf my daughters education is very important to me…but health and education go hand in hand …can’t have no nurses or docs if they aren’t educated yet,can’t be educated if they commit suicide!!! They need to step up their game.cant have hundreds of kids without proper supervision…same for on bus… cameras should all work and that’sfor damn sure

I’d be on that bus every day til something was done about. Zero tolerance for bullying!!

I would teach him to stand up for himself get him into material arts and talk to the bus driver and school go to the cops if you have to sometimes it could get really bad and out of hand Some parents don’t care don’t think :thinking: there kids are like that . Talk to the kids that are doing this as well . 

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One thing I learned as a parent is that , even tho the school or staff may need a stiff taking to, these are the vary people your son has to respect and deal with on the daily ( the school staff ) so if you must have a strong conversation do it without your son present. He should however be apart of any solution so he can know what is expected of him if it happens again.
I just hear so many parents say to let the school have it but we must remember our kids are learning how to treat the school staff by our actions and words.

Majority of the time there’s always video and audio on the buses. That is attempted strangulation and is a chargeable offense. I would press charges if I were you


Perhaps the bus driver could help?

I never advocate violence…but! My daughter had been cruelly bullied by a pair of girls on her bus while she was in junior high. One day one of the girls pushed her off the bus, and my daughter turned around and punched her. There was a fight, and my daughter came out on top, with the bully whimpering. The bus driver stopped the fight of course, and my daughter came home OK. The other girls parents wanted to file charges, until all the kids told them that the girl started it. They changed schools, and good riddance!

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I know what you mean. I would ask if there is any cameras on the bus. If they were on at the time to. I know my daughter’s bus had cameras. See footage. Talk to the parents also. I’m sure they will denie anything happened. My daughter got bit by another student in middle school. I went in person and talked to the principal. It gotten taken care of .

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Off to school you go. I would also inform the superintendent of your school system that they need some kind of supervision on the buses.

Have you talk to the bus driver

I would go to his bus stop and raise he’ll with the bus driver

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Years ago my 5th grade son was bullied by a 7th grader on the bus. Contacted bus driver and school principal in person. Nothing was done. Finally told my kid he might get his butt kicked but if the bully grabbed him again to swing straight at the nose. Bully got his nose bloodied. Both boys ended up with parents in principal’s office. Parents all acted as sensible adults, boys shook hands. Bullying stopped and both boys were good friends the rest of their time in school.

Call the transit company. Make sure they have cameras on. And give them the date that it happened. They can watch. And will address it. Include the bus company.

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I’ve had to deal with my son being bullied in his school and to be honest I went off I didn’t care how they take it. There should be adult supervision in all places where there are children. Speak to the principal and let them know you want repercussions for this behavior and if that don’t work the school administration, if not that press charges and bring in the media. Im so sick of these kids being so disrespectful and rude they need to be taught this is not how you behave or treat others. People don’t realize how traumatizing being bullied can be, there are kids committing suicide over this or causing havoc in society over it. Since that kid physically touched your son… thats an assault and threat if they don’t listen or do anything press charges on the child and the school. Just my opinion.

Call the police, that is a very serious thing to do. They can go to the bus company and take any and all footage regarding what happened.
The child doing this needs to learn now and quick that what theyre doing is unacceptable. In domestic abuse, it is known that if your partner is willing to put their hands on your neck, they are far more likely to actually kill you.

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This mom has been through this. Climb on the bus. Have your child point out who it is. Look at those kids, and tell them you are following the bus to school and having a talk with the principal and have him call the parents in. If my child EVER treated another child like that, they would lose all privileges and a spanking they would never forget! Kids like that need a wake up call.

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Just go tell them what is going on and ask them to pull them tape from the bus 99% have them and demand to see it… thats what my mom did… Then tell your son to defend himself. Grab one of them and go to town on them… he will get in trouble with the school but not at home for defending himself. Thats what we tell our kids.

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Walk into the school and let them know your son is being bullied and asaulted by 4 boys on the bus and your attorney will be in touch…this has been going on and the school is held responsible for the well being and saftey of the kids in school and on the school bus…and principle can inform his bus driver that the attorney will be in contact with that driver also…and the school board will also be addressed…he can also send a note or make a phone call to these boy’s parrents that they as well will be contacted and charges filed for the assault that thay all 4 boys took part in…by this time…that principle will know you are not messing around and he can act accordingly…be sure to say , thank you and have a nice day befor you walk out of his office smiling sweetly an very courteously hand him a card with an attorney’s name on it…along with a detailed letter documenting dates and times of accurances…in fact…have about 5 copies of said document so he can pass them along to all involved.


What do you do? You get on the bus and scare those little boys till they piss themselves that’s what you do… because the school won’t do Alot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He needs to tell you their names if he knows them. Report it to the principal and the bus driver. If no action is taken or it doesn’t talk go to the superintendent office and report it. That don’t stop it, calling your local TV station and go on there and report it on TV. Because some kids ends up being pick on ruthless to the point their grades decline or some commit suicide. I’m sorry to say that.

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My son was being bullied at school by some kid once a long time ago…so I went to the school numerous times but it kept happening…so I waited for the kid at the gate and told him I’ll break every finger on his hand if he ever touched my son again. Did I get called to the principal office and told I can’t say that? Yes! But did the bullying stop immediately after that incident? Also yes :joy: no one fucks with my kids :heart:

No you go to the police station and file charges, screw them other kids…lately it seems like schools are not doing much on buses to protect these kids. Screw the school! Dont wait go now, I would. Kids as young as 10 are committing suicide because of bullying. This needs to stop now. Did you see the 6 year old boy that had a ball thrown in his face and caught him on fire!!! He lived but he was 6!


I’d file a police report


I have been there. Tell the principal what happened. Some principals deal with it and like to talk to the child so they know they can came to them. The principal might know if there is a person who deals with it on the bus. Some schools have that in place. Be straight with the principal and tell him/her what you were told by your child. If nothing is going to be done by the principal than go to the police. You need to go through each step as it cames up. Principal than if there is someone who deals with it on the bus, than the police. That way you have protected yourself and your child if anything should came back at you.

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By telling your son to go off on the boys that are bullying him. If he punches them between the eyebrows and the chin they will stop. Bullies pick on weekness and even if he does not win the fight, they will recognize his strength. He might even become the 5th friend in the group and will not let them bully other kids.

If the school handles it the torment will get extremely worse.

Ask to review the film from bus cameras.


Just simply tell them you will not tolerate any kind of abuse of any form and that means abother child putting his arms around his neck and name calling ect…

Don’t settle and don’t let this slide! This is your child so go in there and tell them how it is mamma !! :blush::blush:


Contact school and the bus barn.

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Report this. Tell the driver to watch out for these kids. Also, tell your child he may have to defend himself bullies are insecure people who feel the need to put others down in order to feel better.


Report it to everyone and tell them you have alawyer

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File a police report


When I had to deal with this I didn’t receive any help from the school. I called the sheriff’s dept. and Poof the school took action and the bully was not on the bus anymore.


My rule is “when hands are placed on you” you aim right for their nose.


There be cameras installed in each bus . Check to see ! Call bus barn or who ever runs transportation call principle, if that doesn’t work call police. This is very dangerous


Raise hell
When you get to the school Office, if it still
Goes on press charges on those Kids. Bullies are bullies because nothing happens they get no consequences, because a lot of times parents let that crap sly. Be on top
Of it.
I’m that mom that if someone hurts my kid I’m up there raising hell taking matters into my own hands.

Also having ur son defend himself isn’t a bad thing. Throw him into a karate course etc.


Tell them you are going to put in a complaint to the school board and if things dont change the best thing to do is home school to keep him safe

Calm. If possible just tell what happened

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If you’re too nice about it then nothing is done.


Kids die over this type of thing because they can’t handle the pressure or fear. It should be taken seriously


File a police report and yeah go off. I would. I’m so sorry your son is going through that. Tell him we say he is awesome.


Talk to the school that driver is not doing his or her job


Hop on the school bus…


It’s assault, physically and verbally. Get the names of those boys if possible and contact police. Also the school but they don’t do much, especially if not " on school grounds" no matter what bullying protocols they claim to have. Do whatever you gotta do to protect your kids! Also, rule in my house is to never start a fight but ALWAYS ALWAYS DEFEND YOURSELF! You have MY permission to do so and I’ll stand by it!

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Go to school and raise hell


The bus driver needs to make them stop or they are OFF THE BUS!!!


File a police report on the assault bc that’s exactly what it was! Hopefully there were other class mates that were witness since the four other boys could deny it! Then report it to the school but be extremely firm otherwise they may do nothing! A police report will help the school to take it seriously! Also, go directly to the bus drivers supervisor and report him for failing to protect your son, and failing to report the assault! Your son may not want to go through all of this but he firm there too as the bullying could escalate to a full on assault by all of them against your son. Good luck!

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I’m a teacher. Go to the school once and tell them that if it happens 1 single more time that you will go to the police first then the board and news stations and then a lawyer. And do exactly that.


Tell your son that if they put there hands on him again punch them in the face …. They won’t do it again.


I’d start with an email. Explain the matter in detail, tell them that you expect them to deal with it accordingly and let them know that you will be there to discuss the matter in the morning. I’d also include the principal, vice principal, superintendent, bus company and guidance counselor. I only say this, because all too often, the school says things like “no body told me” or , " we had no idea this was going on". Every time there is an incident, email again. Follow up with a call or visit. If the bullying progresses and you want to press charges, you will have all of your written correspondences to back up your claims. I have done this twice in the past with my daughter due to cyber bullying. Both times the issue was taken care of swiftly. She has not had any issues since. It’s very easy for verbal communication to be swept under the rug. There is no denying when it’s in writing.

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They won’t help you if you’re nice you need to go off believe me

I called the school police… I had a girl who kicked my son he had bruises. They were in the 5th… this girl was mean to everyone. No one did anything because it was a girl. Nope I called police it was 4 years ago. She never did it again.


I am the secretary at a school and I feel your pain but what occurs on the bus is the responsibility of the bus company. Please encourage your child to let the driver know so they can put in a report or you phone the bus company to alert them. If there is no report from the bus company about behaviour, the school has no way of dealing with it. Sorry but this is the process we deal with all the time.

Inform the school that if this is NOT addressed AND taken care of…there will be a police report filed for ANY future incidents! I had to do this with my youngest son! I only had to file ONE police report!!

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Did your son say who the boys are? I’d be having a parent conference with the other parents, principal, possibly the counselor… that is dangerous for your kid (you already know) and I would be threatening those parents with legal action if there kid lays another finger on your son! Prayers and please keep us posted! So sorry :pray::pray::pray:

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You need to call the bus co and the principal. Been through this recently

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They’ll tell you it didn’t happen on school property. The bus is another thing. Teach your defense and pop one them. They’ll stop. Otherwise principal should kick bully off bus. Your son must special and they are jealous

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File a police report, request the driver change the seat assignment, let the driver know why, get him closer to front of bus, teach your child to never take the first punch !


Tell him to put an end to it. Stand up for himself. The bully is jealous of something your son has. Family love, or something. But he needs to put an end to it. Let them know he is not the one.

Let his dad handle it!! The only way you are going to stop this SHITT, is to snatch his little ass up by his collar! And then slap the SHITT out of him to let him know what it feels like to be bullied! If you can’t do it, fine some older kids to do it for you

Contact law enforcement juvenile detective division

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If the school want do anything about it call the news channel and watch what happens. I hope your son will be ok and that these bullies are stopped ! My son was picked on when he was young and he finnally had enough one day and stood up for himself and that kid didnt bother him any more.


Say if the school can not do something, you will be calling the police and charging the accused boy of harassment and assault. The bus should have cameras that caught the incident

You have to call the bus company. They should have cameras.


Go to the school, I would also talk to the bus driver. Most school busses these days have audio and video recording on them. My kids school does. We had a similar issue and went to the school and the school dealt with it. They informed the other parents/guardians and the child sat at the front of the bus. I started dropping off and picking my kids up, but my schedule allows for that. But start with the school.


When this happened to my daughter I went to the bus stop and told the driver in front of the kids. I also made it very clear (without calling out the bullies by name) that the next step would be a meeting with the principal and parents. If that doesn’t work I let them know that I would be getting law enforcement involved. We had no more problems.


Pull him off the bus and drive him to school


Is there a camera on the bus?


Let them know it won’t be tolerated and those involved need to face the consequences. Tell them this will be the school’s only warning to address this and any further bullying or harm to your child that you will be getting a lawyer and contacting the local media. (Schools HATE bad publicity and don’t want sued.) Make it known this is something that WILL NOT be tolerated. Kids have died from being bullied and others were killed by bullies.

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I would have those boys names and their parents names. Demand a plan of action. Ask what their protocol is, and it’s effectiveness. I am so sorry this is happening to your son. Best of luck!


I pray that u get this worked out n solved immediately for ur child sake. God bless! :heart:

same thing happened to one of my grandson’s…informed school and they reviewed the BUS Camera…waiting for the results…bus drivers don’t get involved so I was told

Tell him they better get it under control or you will sue them and the school

I am a school bus driver, so I know what I’m talking about here. There is so much to concentrate on to get all the kids home safely. Buses and the routes are loud by nature, so most likely the bus driver is unaware of the bullying. Make the administration aware if you can not speak the the driver.
*If that doesn’t work then make a point to speak to the driver directly!
**When it comes to bussing and routes (at least in the state of CA) the bus driver holds the ultimate authority over parents and administration and everything!
*** If the driver is not willing to help your child then make sure to let them know the responsibility of your child’s welfare while in their care will ultimately fall on the driver!! (They know this already but if they choose to ignore it, let them know that you know!)
Personally when I’ve dealt with these situations I move the bully kids to assigned seats at the front of the bus. When you speak to the driver you should suggest the same. There is no logical reason why that can’t be accommodated. There is the possibility of multiple drivers for the same route and if this is the excuse then go back to administration and make them aware of all the previous advice I gave and EXPECT them to make all drivers aware of the accommodations for the bully kids. Also, your child should not be the one in the assigned seat because he has done no wrong.


Explain that you have a concern regarding your son. Tell the principal your son is being bullied on the bus and you just found out. It’s been happening for awhile. Recently one of the boys put his hands around my son’s neck. My son came to me after this incident. I’m coming to you for your help and support to have this bullying stopped immediately. Good luck.

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They should have cameras on the bus.

Go to the School :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::two_hearts::two_hearts:

Don’t let them put you off or try to convince you they’ll handle it. Stay on their asses and inform them you have a lawyer on stand by if they don’t resolve it. We’ve been in this situation many times, once it resulted in my daughter being assaulted then suspended bc she defended herself. Don’t let them patronize you and put you off. And don’t give up until they are punished and kicked off the bus.

You can always do what I did to my daughter’s bully. When I picked them up from school, the little *sshole was right there - waiting for his dad to come. I politely walked up to him, introduced myself to him and told him to keep his hands to himself and to keep a distance from my girls or there would be consequences. I kindly told him I’m not above taking my displeasure out on him, nor was I worried about going back to jail because of it. I seem to remember telling him he’s welcome to let his dad know about our conversation, too. I would be delighted to let dad know all about everything he’s been up to. He never bothered my girls again. It was either my little speech or he got a good look at their father. Daddy was 6’ tall, over 350 and very firm and muscular. I like to think I killed him with kindness.


I have no good advice to give you bcuz I’d personally bringing hell to earth at 8am in the morning. This is soooo upsetting. I’m sorry ur son had to go thru this unnecessary situation

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Has your son told the bus driver? You can also contact the bus barn and let them know the buses have cameras, also if this is in the EMS-ISD on the district and school websites there is a bullying form that you can fill out and submit

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Is the bus system separate from the school? Are the kids that are bullying in his school? I would actually start with the bus system. If the kids are the same age, go to the principal to watch for it at school. Principals can’t control what’s on the bus. Maybe the driver needs to assign seating on the bus. If he/she doesn’t know, he/she can’t help. I’d start with the driver.

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Driver needs to kick them off the bus. Our buses have cameras. Or just take him and pick him up which might cause problems as well. They’re mean kids can’t behave, then your parents can bring you to and from school

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You go off your head
Mama Bear
And tell them exactly how pissed off you are
Use whatever words come to mind
And don’t hold back

Rip the school and the bus company a new arse hole
There is no excuse for bullying

Tell them either it stops or you will sue the school and you can


The bus driver is probably scared of them

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Go off or nothing will be done


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See if there’s cameras installed on the bus. If not, demand that they do.

talk to the bus friver as well

Is there a video camera on the bus?

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Had the same problem call the bus company immediately if you can talk to the bus driver talk to the bus driver let him know what’s going on tell your son when is happening to tell the bus driver when is going on and then as soon as you get off the phone with the bus company call the school they call the kids in and ask what was going on what happened thank goodness we moved and now the love’s riding the bus

Go to bus driver also. Go to school principal. See if their are cameras. If not, no big deal. Be very demanding or nothing will be done! If not, go to school board President or whatever you call them. Over your county. This is very serious!!!

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