My son is moving out, how do I cope?

17 yrs ago I had my son. Things were tough when he was little, I was a single mum and trying so hard. Fast forward and he's finished school, starts a great job in 2 weeks, and moving out of home. I'm so proud of him. But my heart just breaks. I've been dreading him moving out but at the same time I'm so proud he's on a good path. I want to ask, how do you cope when your kid leaves the nest? I just feel this deep sadness but I am so proud of him and want him to do well. This is just my emotions. He knows nothing of my sadness, I don't want him to know. I will miss him so much.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My son is moving out, how do I cope?

:broken_heart: you will be okay. I promise. You’ll adjust and just be proud that he knows how to be independent!

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I cried for 3 days when my oldest moved out at 18. It was the worst feeling ever. I dont know if I truly ever got over it and she is now 25.

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Maybe wherever he is moving to, get him some housewarming gifts and things that he loved when he lived with you that will make him feel at home, and comforts him. It might help you feel better about it knowing he still has that sorta comfort from his mum? Just a suggestion.


My son is 15 and I cry just thinking about when this day is going to come. :sob::broken_heart:

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Im not ready for that :sob::sob::sob: and hes only 5 :sob::sob: and still dont wanna think about it :pleading_face:

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My daughter turned 19 in Oct thankfully she’s quite content at home going to school and work. I could not be happier but even i know this time also will end😢

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Not son but my brother. I helped raise him and when he was 14 he moved in with us when our dad died. He wasn’t in a good place in many ways and he struggled. It was hard and fought but he grew up amazing. He moved out a month shy of his 18th birthday and it was so bittersweet. I was sad to see him go but happy he was going on to be an adult and build his own life now. Be proud of him momma and watch him grow even more!

What an awesome mum you are.I felt like I grieved when mine moved out

I don’t personally know but I do know my mom went back to school and that ultimately made her happy again she met new faces of all ages and many stayed very good friends after school, I still see them around at family gatherings . It makes my mom happy and I also feel very wholesome seeing her so comfortable

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You’ve got to find a hobby or something to fill your time. It also helps if you’ve got other noise in the house like pets or friends or something like that. Now is the part of motherhood where you get to relax and just be there when he needs you. You get to look deeper into yourself and find out new things to enjoy. You both are growing into new stages of life together and that’s pretty beautiful.


Be proud mama cause you did good!!!

We lay the foundation for our children, let him spread his wings & fly!

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Mumma you have raise you son to be independent and you should be proud yes itsupsetting but he will be back to visit let him spread his wings and fly its an adjustment but be proud of yourself


It’s normal to feel like that it kills but you have to let them fly x


This was hard for me too. Take care of urself. If ur feeling bad about it take a couple days off to heal/feel better. O man this hit me hard too am sorry

It is hard when your children leave home… but, you will be fine and so will he… he’ll be back…I promise… it’s an adjustment, but it’s going to work out…all mother’s go through that…

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Be proud . He’s being independent early. There’s 40 year olds still living at home. Now that’s not fun :joy:

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Just another chapter of life…it will be rough at first but I promise it does get easier…plus its all on a positive move…BE PROUD…lots of good things will follow

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I have 6 kids. 2 on their own. It sucks. But mine stop by everyday in lunch breaks and after work. But it still sucks. You’ll adjust.

It’s hard my son stayed at home while working until he was 24 and then moved 13 hours away from us I dont know who took it the worst me or my hubby it gets easier but I always miss him especially on his first birthday away from us but I am so proud of him

My mother in law, a very wise lady always said, children are like birds, you have to let them fly. A few tears is ok.


So sad they have to grow up

I wish I had advice for you…
But glad he has a good head on his shoulders!
My mom literally moved out on me when I was 17, so I dont think she cared if I lived with her or not.
Just make sure to call him every few days or so. Have him over for Sunday dinner!


Just went through this too, kinda lonely but so proud as well. Mixed emotions for sure. Been mom for 26 years then poof all gone, just like that.
What’s next? :grin::heart::heart:

Don’t worry he’ll bounce back a couple times. In any hard times the kids tend to come home they’ll always need their mom. I have 2 my son is more stable than his sister that bounces back. Just try to find something you’re interested in doing and enjoy the times when your son comes back home


I was happy knowing that I had raised kids that could be out of my home and then I started the next phase of my life Cry a few days and then went on

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Mine left years ago - I went to work - that helped a lot.

When my youngest son moved to Florida I was so heartbroken, thankfully, we can facetime each other

Perhaps consider therapy to help with the loss. It’s okay, these are hard feelings to deal with, when you feel alone. You are not alone and this is okay. Do not feel ashamed, many mother’s need extra help, and once again this is okay.

My daughter moved out at the same age and it made me sad at first but once I seen she was doing well I was ok. She only lives about 10 mins away so we see each other often. I still have her room set up as it was when she lived at home and she’s about to be 23. It will be ok and just let him know you’re proud of him and hope he visits with you often.

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You’ve got this mama.
Keep in mind that you raised a wonderful, successful, independent man. You did a great job!