My son is peeing in weird place, what do I do?

** My son is 3 about to turn 4 in a couple of days and he started peeing in odd places. He has been fully potty trained for a while now and don’t know where this is coming from. He peed in our doggies water bowl, on his dad’s boot, outside of the toilet, and in the trashcan next to the toilet. When I ask him why? He thinks is funny and when he notices my serious face and he’s about to get in trouble he just says he is sorry and won’t do it again. What is this? Do I need to get him help or something?**


Give some reinforcement (preferred snack, access to a toy for 15 minutes, etc) that he ONLY gets when he pees in the toilet. Let him pick it out… “Okay, what do you want next time you pee in the toilet?”

When he pees in inappropriate places (not the toilet), you could use a mild punisher such as making him do a non-preferred chore, sending a preferred item to timeout for an hour, or even a spanking.

If you’re consistent with the two, use reinforcers/rewards that he really likes, and choose punishers that he doesn’t like, than it should really help quickly.


In boys, regression can be a sign of sexual abuse. If he continues I would definitely look into it further.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My son is peeing in weird place, what do I do?

He’s just testing his boundaries, it’s a short phrase.


That’s just a boy being a boy. He will outgrow it once he has peed everywhere he can think of. Lol


Has anything changed? Maybe it’s to get attention or going through something and his way of testing boundaries.

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I think he is just being a little boy. Make a simple sticker chart to reward him using the toilet to try to urge him to use the toilet only using positive reinforcement.

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I would just tell him that it is not funny and tell him he will get in trouble for peeing in places other than the toilet.

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Make Him Clean It Himself Boys Don’t Like To Clean Up Their Own Mess Especially His Own Pee And Give Him A Huge List Of Chores To Do He Won’t Be Doing That Again Lol :joy:


Id show him trees and bushes or peeing in the tub. If he continues; he helps with clean up


I don’t know his why other than he is exploring, but I would attempt to fix the behavior by giving him a skittle or m&m every time he shows you his pee in the potty. Probably tedious but punishment may make him hide it or do it even more.

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GIVE HIM A FRUIT LOOP TO GO PEE WITH. throw the fruit loop in the toilet and tell him to aim for the fruit loop. Make peeing on the potty fun! Lol


My second son used to pee down his race car track :woman_facepalming:

Honestly I think it’s a phase that some boys go through lol

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I remember my brother use to pee all the time in his toy box. It did eventually stop lol

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Our son just began doing this also!! I think its a phase!

That is little boys lol

And what kind of “help” do you think he would need? It’s a boy being a boy and seeing what he can get away with.

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Wait till you find pee in the clothes drawer cause he was too lazy to walk to the toilet during the night it’s normal for boys :joy:

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Mine does did this the last place he peed was in a cardboard box he told me he thought it would stay in there :roll_eyes::face_with_hand_over_mouth: but it stacked through his problem is he doesn’t like to come downstairs at night told him all he has to do is wake me up and ill take him other place was in the hungry hippos game I think it is a phase at least I hope it is

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If he’s doing it on purpose…make him clean it up. He won’t think its so funny anymore.


I laugh reacted only because it’s just a little funny & will one day be a funny story to tell him. I’m not laughing at you because I’m sure that’s frustrating to deal with considering it’s urine so the cleaning up sucks & the smell I’m sure isn’t pleasant either. But I’m sure it’s just a phase of some kind but if you’re too worried then I’d mention it to his pediatrician & see what they suggest. I guarantee he’s not the first or last boy to be doing this lol

He’s laughing because he knows that you are not going to do anything about it .no punishment no consequences for his actions than there is no reason for him to stop untill he gets bored with doing it and stop when he wants to

I’ve got 3 boys and when they were young all peed everywhere, just wait till the phase is having competitions to see who can pee furtherst up a wall/tree etc :rofl:


Let him clean up behind himself teach him a lesson he wants to pee here he there enema bucket of water and a sponge yeah he’s you should stop by then good luck


Lol mine have peed from in toys to on their pillows :laughing: :rofl:… it’s not very funny at the time though. Oh, and I’m super tired of cleaning pee around the toilet

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I think its a power thing. Like, I have control over this thing…


I honestly just think it’s a boy thing! My son went through that phase for a few weeks and I remember my brother being really bad about it! One day my mom was cleaning out his toy box and found like 2” of urine in the bottom lol

My husband is 42, he stills pees anywhere he can!! (Outside, of course) Lol!!!

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Make him clean it up. Then, sit him in time out for 3-4 min. Every time. Don’t waiver.


Make him clean it he’ll stop also my son did this and psychologically he could be marking his home yea weird but this does happen


Make him clean up his mess

Toss some colored tablets in toilet and tell him to pee on them. It’ll dissolve them and make the water several colors :bowing_woman:t3:

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One of my boys took all the shampoo caps and lined them up on the edge of tub and peed in them lol . All my boys went through this phase n they all are ok lol. Its funny looking back at it ; ) Don’t sweat the small things

My 3 year old son has done the same thing. He thinks is funny is the only reason why I can guess he’s done it.

Omg my 2 year old is doing this toooo any type of bowl like object he can find ! Dog bowl food bowl even the dust pan and like the clear plastic that a hot wheel comes in lmao and hes uusaly pretty good about getting it all in too.

Put a few Cheerios in the toilet. Hit the target. Put dish soap or bubble bath in the toilet make bubbles

My son used to pee in his ToyBox :woman_facepalming:

Little boys just like to pee on stuff. They think it’s cool that they can direct it on stuff. You’ll have to put your foot down and make him start cleaning it up. Not so funny then.

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Have him clean it up. Tell him this before an situation occurs that this will happen.


Oh sure when little kids do it people laugh, but when I do it all of a sudden I have this big “attitude problem”… Yeash… :sunglasses:


I’ve walked into my kitchen to see mine peeing underneath the table half asleep, ive had pee in my tub, the trashcan, down the side of my tub, in front of the toilet, on the lid, and back of the toilet too. Make him clean it up each and every time and he will stop. Bc it’s not fun anymore. Safe to say from these comments that it’s a phase and it will stop when there are consequences for it


Whip his ass for once,whimp.

Make him clean it himself. After a few times of that, he will not do it again!

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Make him clean it up and I don’t think it’s a boy thing my son has never done this yes he’s peed outside but if he peed in my shoes he would be in so much trouble

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Sounds like he’s just being a dick. I’m with the other person, pee on his things

:sweat_smile: take him outside and let him pee on a tree or ant pile. But make sure he knows he can’t go inside anymore unless it’s in the toilet


I would be putting a pull-up on him and tell him if he keeps peeing everywhere then he will keep wearing the pull-up like a baby.


I raised 3 boys and this never happened. HOWEVER, I had another issue. They thought they could pee outside no matter where we were. At least my husband taught them “to water the tree/bushes” at home.


He’s a boy, its to be expected :joy: it’s like he has his own built in squirt gun. Have him clean it up and be consistent with that.


Its a phase. Tell him its nasty and he needs to pee in the toilet. If he pees on his toys throw them away. That’s what I did. Other things I had him help me clean. He stopped doing it.

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aren’t boys fun? It’s a phase… remind him it’s not okay but don’t scold him too harsh because he will get better at hiding it… like… in the dresser drawers… the bathtub, the trash can… it won’t last long. Once I gave my son permission to pee outside on a tree, it stopped… he’s 6 now, and every once in a while I’ll catch him going to his “spot” in the yard… :woman_shrugging:t3:

Teach them to pee sitting instead of standing.

He’s just being a little boy, lol.


My son was doing the same thing and it ended up being the disruptions in his life (his dad got divorced around the same time as covid started and a bit more personal stuff I won’t post here) but the child phycologist I took him to told me to be extra aware that that is a known sign of sexual abuse. I googled it a ton after. It truly is. Be aware of that.

Be aware of all that is going on in his life. And when you talk to him about it try as hard as you can to not show how annoyed or upset you are to get HIS truth. His a kid. And kids only have a few ways of expressing themselves. He’s trying to tell you something. Even though he probably isn’t even aware. He may truly think it’s funny while there is an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. As his protector, you gotta have patience to figure it out


Have him clean it up then restrict his TV time or something else.

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Hi, welcome to having a son.


According to our Pediatrician this is a variation of normal behavior that your child should NOT be shamed or punished for. We did discuss the why/why nots, safety, sanitation etc. We solved it with aiming games. First with the scented toilet stick ons that go in the bowl as a “target” and then ordered some septic safe dissolvable dinosaur targets that he could put in the bowl before going for a target. Super cheap and fun for him. No further issues.


He would be cleaning that up himself… he is old enough to know that it’s wrong and it needs a consequence… he is a boy and they think it’s funny they can literally pee anywhere…

A few times of cleaning it he will decide it isn’t all that fun… JMO

Make him clean it up! Let is know how many times he cleans it up before he stops peeing everywhere!

i’m thinking most boys do it… my little brother used to poop on our driveway because he thought he was a dog. lasted a month or two


Mom of three boys here, and let me tell u, IT JUST A BOY THING!! No they dont need help just explain to them its not nice to pee on or in other things than the toilet( or a tree) my oldest use to pee in his bedroom garbage can because he didnt want to miss sponge bob, he was 4 at the time, its like their own personal water gun j/s just keep.telling them its not nice and they will grow out.of it and move onto other gross things lol( like frogs and.lizards in ur tub​:astonished::joy:

My sister’s son used to pee in the floor vents :weary: turns out he saw a commercial with something coming out of the toilet and was freaked out. It was awful tho… Good luck!

Also, something that helped me with my son was having a bowl of Cheerios in the bathroom. If he called me in there he could throw one in the potty and essentially do target practice with it lol if he peed without making a mess he got a toy (we had a toy box with party pack toys, dollar store toys and .99¢ hot wheels) and he was always so excited to potty right. He also ALWAYS got one if he just sat down to pee.

It’s like a new toy they want to know how far it will go, where it’s going to land, what if we try this and that. Eventually they grow out of it but definitely make them help with cleanup


I’d make him help me clean it up, then put him in time out for like 5 minutes

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He’s old enough to know better. Have him clean it up one time and he will quit.


Make him clean it up.


I would take him to Dr to make sure he dont have a uti. But normally when there is a change going on like that. Something happened to why he doing it. Uti would be my first step to just make sure

It’s honestly just a boy thing. But start letting him hit the fruit loop in the toilet bowel. Maybe that will help.

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Does he see the dog pee in weird places? He could just be doing it because the dog is…

I had this issue with my daughter when she was five going on six and what I did was I put a potty in her room next to her bed and I put a potty in the living room basically just like reminding them that if you have to make potty you go in the potty. My daughter used to get cups and pee in them and it used to upset me until I realized she’s not doing it to be spiteful or to be defiant she’s doing it because either she peed on herself a little bit and was embarrassed. I was able to factor out the possibility that she’s being lazy just for the simple fact that she’s getting a cup and peeing in it instead of going to the bathroom. We were able to correct it within three to four months

My son did it for a few months and then finally stopped after he was scolded for it. He was about the same age and fully potty trained at the time. I learned later he was doing it because he didn’t want to stop playing and walk all the way to the bathroom. He turns 5 later this month. I think some boys it’s a phase. My now 2 year old has also pulled his pull up off and peed behind the sofa a few times. He’s showing interest but isn’t potty trained yet.

As my mother would say a couple cracks on his bottom will put an end to it once it happens a couple times

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He’s a boy. Have him help you clean the mess up every time he does it. His sorry doesn’t mean anything if he still does it. Explain the importance of using the toilet.

Have him come throw a cheerio in the toilet every time he goes so he can “aim” at it. I know that’s used for potty training but it might be fun for him!


Make him clean it up


There is reason for all behavior, positive or negative and your Reaction is EVERYTHING, remain calm yet firm, hope you can figure it out the reason, at the very least just know, this too shall pass and before you know it, it will be a different issue your trying to figure out😆

I agree with Joyce Ruark - - make him clean it up!!!

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My son went through this and it lasted for like I wanna say six months it’s frustrating and honestly I didn’t get answers he finally just stopped. I made him clean it up several times too

This is a teaching moment. Make him clean his mess up. Talk to him about germs and why he shouldn’t be peeing everywhere.


I went through this with my then 5 year old. He was peeing in the trash can in his room. It took me a month to figure out where the smell was coming from (as I emptied it every few days). LOL. When asked he would just say “it’s easier mom”. Than walking to the bathroom. I made him clean it up every time. He did this for like 3 months. I had to show him and count steps to show him it was just as easy as walking to the bathroom and less stinky. Make it a game for him to go in the bathroom. Give him washable markers to draw on back of toilet seat or make him sink froot loops ect. Make it more fun to use the toilet and he will stop.

My four year old did the same thing. Fully potty trained for a while and peed in the bathroom bin for a while bc he thought it was funny or he was half asleep in the middle of the night. After I dumped it out I made him clean it every time. Eventually he stopped. TBH boys are just strange. He’s my youngest of four boys so it’s nothing new at this point.

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Nope time to whoop butt

Tell him if he can’t pee in the toilet as he should he will go back to wearing diapers.


Yall are so nice cause my momma would have whooped some ass :rofl: I remember saying “you suck” once and never again :sweat_smile:

Make him clean it up he won’t think it’s funny after so many times of cleaning it


My son used to go hide when needing to poop :poop: , and he would squat and poop in a corner and then come get me . He was 2/3 . But it was because he was scared to poop it hurt him that’s when I found out he was lactose and we switch milk. So it could be worse lol you’d be picking up big shits instead but I hope you can get him to stop lol maybe he sees the dog or something like someone else stated but him a little potty put it in the bathroom for him as his special toilet to use put targets to make it a game for him in his potty.

My neighbor’s son peed in the heating vents, making the whole house smell. Guess it’s a phase.


Karen Fritts Weinmann

Put him on timeout each time he does it or take a toy away n make him clean it up! If there r no consequences he will keep doing it


My 3 almost 4 year old is doing the same thing. He was peeing in his closet and when I caught on he started peeing on his bed thank God it’s a plastic mattress when I caught on to that he started peeing on his floor and covering it up with blankets. I took all his technology as punishment because that’s his favorite thing and he is doing alot better. 1 week no peeing in random places


I think this is normal…they regress for some reason and then they just get it…

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I went to use the restroom after I served dinner to all my kids. When I left the kitchen everyone was sitting quietly eating. When I came back my son was on the table peeing in my candle I had lit…boys are just fucking weird :joy::joy: and it wont end there either.

A good spanking would work too


My son did this for a while. I put him in time out and made him clean up his mess. He stopped eventually. It’s probably just a phase. Whatever you decide to do with him, be consistent.

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Totally normal for alot of boys. They think its some kind of game. I agree with most… make him clean it up. Hell get tired of it and stop doing it eventually.


One of my boys peed in a floor vent a few times. Them and their boy cousins used to pee outside and “cross the streams” like on Ghostbusters. The vents I put a stop too quickly but I was ok on the Ghostbusters part. Mostly. :joy:

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He’s a boy. They’re LITERALLY obsessed with peeing on things and they don’t all grow completely out of it either. Pee on a building? Sure why not. Write my name in the snow? Hell yes! Random tree in the park? When ya gotta go you gotta go. (Careful some places this will earn you a lifetime on the sex offender registry)

My son is almost 5 and has never done this … my nephews never did either… I would make him clean it up him self … peeing out side of the toilet like right In front ? That may be an accident… my son did that when he wouldn’t push his pee pee down enough and he does it a little now since he’s learning to stand up and pee

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