One time I walked in on my son (about 5 years old who was potty trained btw) standing in his closet trying to see how far he could pee across his room. kids do some weird stuff lol.
When I was in 1st or 2nd grade me and my friend (also a girl) took turns peeing in a plant stand when my son was about 6 I was picking up his room and he said “don’t look in that box” I was like why? “That’s my dirty underwear box.” Tf? Put them in the laundry son:sob: Now we have 2 full bathrooms (upstairs and downstairs) and he’s a teen and sometimes he will walk past the open bathroom upstairs, come downstairs, walk past the downstairs restroom, and go out and pee in the backyard. Why?? “Because sometimes peeing outside is the best, mom”
In conclusion kids can be strange lol
Oh wow! What little jerks… And good to know this happens! My son still has 2 months to go before making his entrance into the world but I’ll be keeping this is the back of my mind and keeping an eye out for this… And thanks for all those who answered this question because now I have some ideas on how to deal with it.
Get him the target game for the potty!
I’m so glad I had a girl…I was scared to death I’d have to deal with a lil boy yankin his wanker and peeing all over gods creations and then a lil baby gurl popped out…
Now she’s 12 and sassy and looks 16…maybe a boy would have been better after all…
Sorry I am of no help…
I’d go with the ones who said start making them clean up his own pee and see how he likes it…or tell him he will go back to pull ups and won’t be a big boy no more…kudos to all the boy mom’s out there!!! I don’t know how y’all do it!!
My son went through an EXTREMELY short lived phase of this too. I made him clean it up and wear a pull up all day again. Resolved itself up real quick after that. I feel like it’s just a weird boy thing.
yes put a ping pong ball in toilet then he can see if he can sink that
He’s testing you. Acting out to see your reaction. Punish him how you see fit. Its a disrespect to those people. He doesn’t care for them. A time out or a good pop on the bottom may help. Take away a toy he enjoys or game time.
Boy of my boys use to do this…the doctor told me its normal for little boys. Lasted about 6 months each and then they stopped finally.
Since he’s a big boy who thinks he can pee anywhere, he can help mum clean it. Everytime. Or clean it under Mum’s s directions
You need to put your foot down and punish Him, time out, spanking, whatever you use.
My son did this I never did figure it out he just grew out of it. And we did spank him and that didn’t stop him
Put the dog water with pee in his sippy cup in front of him and hand it to him with a straight face and say nothing. When he freaks out stare him down. He won’t mess with you again…ever
Little boys do that - don’t know why but they do
I’m so glad I have girls. Lol
My sons almost 4 and does this too sometimes. It’s annoying but they think it’s funny. Hoping it’s a phase.
Honestly I think you’ll find most boys do this its anoying but he will grow out of it have u thought about getting them balls can put in the toilet for them to aim at just to make it abit more fun could be worth a try
That is called having a boy
My son is 5 and sometimes does this cause he thinks it’s funny I think it’s just a boy thing my nephews used to do it to
He’s fascinated with his penis and what it can do. I’m guessing if girls had a penis that they would do the same thing.
My son did this at the same age, but he sure didn’t like cleaning it with mommy. Make him help you clean it up. Talk to him explain why it’s wrong and if he continues to do it he will have to clean it. In time he will stop. At least it’s not the toy box like my boy …
Welcome to being a boy mom!
Kids are curious and being able to pee anywhere is probably fun. Just have a talk about being sanitary and why it’s not ok to pee on objects. If he wants something different, let him pee outside on the grass. It’s good for the grass anyway.
Go to the bathroom with him, when he pees in the toilet, reward him.
I’m going to agree with making him clean it up and if you can let him pee like in the backyard or something. My nephew went through a phase where he peed every where but the toilet and I let him pee outside on the tree and fence. He thought it was the funniest thing ever and he stopped peeing all over the house. He was seeing his dad’s bad ass dog peeing all over everything so that’s why he started doing it
My son did the sameeeee thing. He’d do it in his bedroom closet. It drove me nuts. I ended up not letting him go in his room by himself and eventually he stopped. You may have to make a rule where he can’t be alone until he learns that he can’t do that
I don’t get the “he’s a boy” excuses. Bottom line is he knows better.
Ashley I’m with you I don’t understand that myself
Make him clean and he won’t think it’s funny anymore.
I have boys and they never did this so idk. Maybe having him help you clean up will deter him…
Why are so many saying this is normal behavior for a boy? No it’s not. Not a boy that’s fully toilet trained. This is not normal behavior or “just a phase”.
Maybe he’s acting out for some reason?
You could try making him clean it up !!!
Oh boys are disgusting, loving little creatures, aren’t they? My son peed in the metal trash can because he thought it sounded cool when he was about that age. He and I had a few conversations about it and that he wouldn’t do it again. Well he did. So I had him come in and help me clean it up and he could see how gross it was to clean it up. After he helped me clean it up, he stopped doing it.
Definitely normal… I swear both mine did, youngest still does start making him clean it up…
Lol for a while my little brother peed in our fireplace. Also had a phase where hed only pee on trees. AND THEN…then he walked around the house while peeing at the same time. Good luck
My 6 year old has peed in the trashcan a couple of times. Little boys do weird things lol.
Maybe he’s marking his territory
Tell him the peepee fairy will come and take his peepee if he keeps it up
Let him Pee. It’s part of growing up being a boy. Completely normal lol My husband Still goes outside and pees off of the porch occasionally just because he can
Kids are weird. But consequences mama stick to em!
My kid pees in all sort of weird places too like in the dumper of his big tonka truck and stuff like that
He will outgrow it, lol, my 3 year old granddaughter, fully potty trained, peed in my shoe, wouldn’t make it a power struggle tho, just remind him that we go pee in the toilet
Well does your dog pee in the house at all. He might have seen it do it.
My kid pissed on his tablet when he was 3 and when I asked him why he said “because I was bored”
My son did this when he was 3 but my husband was deployed at the time. He was acting out because he thought his daddy had left him. There’s a reason for it, you just have to figure out what’s going on to cause this behavior
Boys think it’s cool to be able to pee where they want. They take after men that way. My son would sleep walk, and walk right past me and pee in the laundry basket, his sisters bed and other bizarre places. It passed and he learned to pee like most men, so be patient.
This is 100% normal … I have two girls who were happy to use the toilet after being toilet trained … Then three boys who pee in the most bizarre places even after having been toilet trained for ages.
Honestly, it drives me nuts, but is providing us with a giggle afterwards
I don’t know why they do it … But it seems to be a universal boy-thing!
Good luck! Xx
Get him something to aim at in the toilet. My son aims at a toilet refresher that clips on the bowl lol. Once we started that his aim and judgement improved. Lol
Sounds like my cat i desexed him
No big deal. Literally just a boy being a boy. Mine is almost 9 & if he gets the opportunity to pee any where other than the toilet (for example: in a water bottle on a long road trip) he’s so excited about it. It’ll pass
Sounds like he is mimicking the dogs peeing in weird places.
Lay down pee pads where is he peeing to help clean the mess.
My son went through this when he was small for a short period thank goodness. Its interesting learning the different places you can use your sprayer I guess.
I’m. He’ll to the no…this is disgusting at that age and no acceptable period…this is not normal I have 3 boys and none of them ever dare do this … discipline and stick to it
My opinion is pop that buttom and make him clean it up with you…my boys pee on the seat the clean it up…its disgusting gross and should not be put in a phase situation…
It’s clear that some of you were raised without love and have no background in psychology. Want to know the quickest way to fuck a kid up? Let’s just beat them into submission and not give them enough hugs so they can all grow up to be emotionally inept adults who can’t maintain a relationship and never get to experience joy. What is wrong with you people?
He’s discovered his weenie. He’s just playing with a new toy. Encourage peeing in the pot, but don’t traumatize the poor kid for figuring things out. Geez!
My GIRL did this. He’ll stop. Don’t freak out.
Make him clean it up, he’ll think twice about doing it again!
My son went through this. For a while. It will pass. But I would make him clean it up.
I mean if i got to hold a fire hose as i peed id also pee in weird spots lolololo
When my son was about 3 years old, we sent him upstairs to get ready for bed. After a few minutes, his dad decided to go check on him. As he walked under & past the upstairs landing, he realized that his head had gotten very wet. My son had chosen that exact moment to pee through the upstairs railing and accidentally onto his dad’s head! It was really quite funny!
As a mama of 7 boys all I can Say is it’s a boy thing
No rhyme or reason to it
And mine are adults and still pee in funny places just coz they can
When you find out can you let me know my son does exactly the same thing. And his response is normally I just needed a wee mummy.
I have four boys.
I think what he is doing is normal,
He will grow out of it,his just a baby still. .
It’s such a boy thing.
Ping pong balls in the dunny work a treat.
Thats him being a boy, I have 2 boys and they both do this
When my son was 3 almost 4 he was obsessed with peeing on his 9 years older sister - she was 12-13 and would scream - so I began paying him a quarter a day to NOT PEE ON HIS SISTER-
She’s 29 and he is 20- they still laugh at his antics back then - boys are different than us women and very funny - after raising so many children I truly believe they are comic relief
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My son is peeing in weird place, what do I do?
He’s probably just being a boy. Punish him🤷🏼♀️ he will learn
He’s marking his territory
My son does this too.
My nephew did it as well 13 years ago when he was little.
Do you allow him to pee anywhere besides a toilet? Such as outside where ever he is?
My son never did this, but there would be consequences. He would be cleaning it up, and have something taken away for the remainder of the day until he breaks the habit.
Welcome to life with boys. LOL I had two! He doesn’t need help. After I finished laughing, I would reinforce that “we don’t pee in the dog’s water bowl. They have to drink that. Would you like to do that?” He’ll stop. It’s a stage.
Have certain spots he can pee, outside on the tree if you don’t have close neighbors and only at home, in the potty. My son lives peeing outside. Thankful we lived out in the country.
Little boys being boys. Explain the process and that this behavior is not appropriate; which I’m sure you have. You might need to implement a consequence.
If he hasn’t got a urine infection he needs to be told it’s wrong and some consequences put into place
Boys are weird. But have him clean it up and help wash his hands. Without him seeing you can go over his work. But I’m sure he won’t want to clean it. So it may do the trick.
I would say some time of punishment that is fit for his age like a time out and understand that this is not okay and if he does it then he will continue to be in trouble
Make him clean it up it will no longer think it’s funny
He’s just being a boy:) just keep on redirecting and letting him know there are consequences to our actions. You’re doing fine mom;)
Boys are weird. I found a pee drawer in a plastic play kitchen once, but it was mostly little weird things like pee in a water bottle in his room when he was 4ish. Not a fun time. He got over it by 5.
Have another boy that just turned 4. Holding my breath…
I’m sorry I know its prob not funny to you…it was funny sometimes when my boys did it…like my 4 yr old just peed off the play house in the back yard I asked him why he would do that and he said why not I almost died then explained why not …my oldest who is about to be 19 peed out of a tree in front of a bunch of kids a mom came and told me he was 5 idk why boys do the goofy ish they do they stop keep explaining why its gross make him clean it and himself he’ll stop
Bruh my boy does it too hes 3 and knows how to use the bathroom and yet pisses in my fire place and anywhere else he thinks is cool. Driving me bonkers
My son use to pee down the air vents in our townhouse… I couldn’t for the life of me get the pee smell out of his room till one day I caught him doing it… scared him really good by catching him and he didn’t do it again…
he picked it up some where.back track.
Stop blaming bad behaviors on the child’s gender, he can be a boy and know better.
Honestly, based off some of your responses alone I wouldn’t ask you guys for advice.
My son used to pee in the litter box peeing is funny, and comes with a neat shooter he’ll outgrow it.
Ugh. My son did that too. I never really found that anything worked, but I did make him clean it up. He eventually outgrew it. Such a frustrating thing. Hang in there mama, this too shall pass.
Haha that’s kinda funny but i think it’s totally normal. When i was 4-5 yrs old, i peed in the pipe inside our bathroom and i keep doing it even though my mom keep telling me to stop kids do weird things especially he is a boy, he is exploring and finding those things interesting but he will grow out of it cus I DID and my mom and dad was always mad about it and can’t blame them either lol
I’m thinking he’s doing it for attention because No one I know that has boys along with my son, and my grandson has never done anything like this! Talk to him and if it continues consult his physician maybe they can help.
I had three boys I never had them to do that
Sounds like laziness
Sit him on ‘the naughty step’ or take there phone away!!! Lol
Wants more attention
I bet if you make him clean it he will stop
No advice just dying laughing
It’s just a thing, my son had a phase where we wanted to pee off the porch, would sleep or in corners, and went back to a pull up. He’s fine.
I think its an age/attention thing. My 5 yr old daughter peed in her toy sand bucket, then poured some in her soap dispenser. Smh.
My almost 4 year old did it on his crocs one day by the stairs ……lol i think its a boy thing their curious
I get boys peeing outside. But, peeing indoors, anywhere besides the toilet, he needs to be made aware. Not acceptable. And not funny.