For mine it was just a phase.
Maybe show him battle ship in the toilet… take squares of toilet paper and let him sink it. Or Cheerios. Helped with my brothers
Normal boy I think… Not normal for the mom
Make him help clean it. It will become less funny.
Mom of 5 boys , he’s just being a boy.
Some of them are a little hard to house train lol.
You will need wine. Boys are better with wine. My boys are 26,22,19,8,&5 so they survivable, with the wine.
I’m kinda of laughing cause this is common in boys, I was raised around 3, and let me tell you, they’ll challenge their little pee pee to do anything! But good luck hopefully he grows out of it lol
I have a son and I’m so glad he never did this hahahah. Boys!!
My son is autistic and did funny things like pee in a bottle but then didn’t no where to put it so emptied it out the bedroom window he’s grown out of it now lol
Boys are just gross. There’s no other explanation. I let my son pee outside and pee crazy so he stops peeing all over the toilet or in the shower. My son thinks it’s funny too. Letting him pee outside and telling him to see how far he can make his pee go and that you only pee crazy when outside where nobody can see you has helped save the bathroom a ton. (Mine just turned four on the 15th)
My son did that a while after we fully potty trained him. His favorite tho was the ice chest we had in the living room that wasn’t being used. I think its mostly just curiosity and them learning. It didn’t last very long tho I always just tried to gently correct him and tell him that’s it not good for him to potty anywhere but in the potty
It’s just a normal faze boys go through. I have three sons and five male grandchildren and they all did it
My oldest did that and I made him clean it up. Last time he did that! LoL
My son did this in his earlier years but he was sleepwalking. No lie he pissed in a cup on the coffee table and didn’t dribble on the table not a drop. Another night on the floor of the closet bathroom… he’s peed in my bathtub. Boys are just gross. Lmao
Standing in the corner should help the situation
My older boys (4&3) like to have contests. They were both potty trained at the same time so now that they’re both able to reach while standing to pee, they like to have “sword fights” with their pee.
I have caught them peeing in a bucket and I’m just like “well, at least it wasn’t on the floor”
I’ve heard it gets better, but I’m right there with you!
When My son was 2 he whipped it out in Walmart parking lot.embarrassing.he would pee outside and everywhere else. His Grandpa would pee outside (country living).Had to get Grandpa and His Dad on the same page about where it is appropriate to pee. He out grow it. At about 5 ish.
You said dog water bowl. Is he trying to mimic the sog
Why is it with every little thing, people’s first question?.. Do you think they need help or therapy?.. If a child truly needs therapy, you’ll know it… He’s a boy,they do things like this around that age.
Thank god my sons didn’t do that. I’d go nuts! Hope you find a resolution good luck momma.
Goodness. I have three boys and none of them did this. Hopefully you figure it out.
Maybe give him a challenge- pee on the cheerios in the toilet- to encourage him to use the toilet?
My son just peed in our restroom trashcan and thought it was hilarious. His dad thought so too:unamused:. Hes 4.
I would consulate the doctor
I raised 4 and they just rather pee outside as anywhere.
Sounds just like a little boy… if you are a girl mom and complaining about the obsessive crying and whining from little girls I would tell you that’s completely normal and you have a girl. I would definitely say make him clean up his mess and a timeout.
My son peed in the litter box ONCE. Didn’t happen again after he had to clean it.
You can get things that float in the toilet for him to aim af
Marklyn does thinks it cool to pee off the porch
My son did this at the same age he would randomly pee on the couch, in his room, in our shoes. We started making him clean it up and he stopped finally.
My son did it to he would pee in the bathtub (not bath time). If we had a bon fire he would pee on it and say he’s putting out the fire. My husband had the hood of my car up and my son stood on the porch and peed all over the motor. Boys will be boys.
Sometimes kids (girls & boys both) do things they know they shouldn’t just to get attention. Sometimes it’s better to not knowledge what they’re doing, but try to find the reason!
If you find a good way to punish him for doing it…(like make him clean it up) He will stop!
Sometimes this can mean abuse,
Make him completely clean it up! He’ll hate cleaning it up!
Well my son was pee potty trained but used a pull up to poop in until he was almost 6. Yea i tried everything. Anyway… this kid never played in his poop even as an infant. Never touched it. Yet when he was 5… he started grabbing out of his pullup as he was pooping and would wipe his hands off on his walls all the sudden. I almost died. How gross. He did it a couple of times and then never again since. I doubt there is anything “wrong”
The amount of times the school called me to let me know my son was peeing on the playground equipment outside at recess just hang on girl lol they grow out of it and start doing other weird stuff instead
Make him clean it up, if he does it again, then take something important to him away, and ake him clean up his mess again. If do it again, spank him and again make him clean up his mess.
Make him responsible for his actions.
Definitely start making him clean it up himself. EVERY time. He will get tired of it and stop.
My kid used to do this they outgrow it I promise just let him know the places he is peeing isn’t acceptable. Good luck momma.
My 6 year old has peed in the trash a couple of times. Little boys do weird things lol.
This is “normal” for boys. I have found when we are outside letting him pee on trees has helped to get the need to pee on everything out of his system.
Lockdown can cause toilet issues with little ones,ours was fully toilet trained just before first lockdown went right back to the beginning and we had to do the training all over again ,so could be that
Make him clean it up, every time. He’s old enough to do that.
Kids do crazy things. Just monitor and try to get him to stop. I can completely relate… when my son and daughter were about 3 & 4, they went in their pool and we told them not to run in the house wet. I caught them holding hands in the backyard with their backs against our house! So boys and girls alike can do weird things.
Is he peeing where the family dog pees? Also, instead of asking facebook people maybe ask a pediatrician…
I think it’s normal lol my boy did it. Trees tires. Buckets dogs bowl. He even peed on the dog lmao
Explain its not OK, not funny, and not tolerated. Has anything changed recently? Expecting, new job, started school ect.? That will set him back on learned things.
My grandson was modeling after the dog. He wanted to pee on the car tires.
I have two perspectives. My initial thought is he is just being a boy. My second thought (speaking from experience) there could be more going on, kids tend to urinate in weird places if they have been abused down there. I don’t want to scare you, just inform. Hopefully he is just being a stinker and outgrows it soon!
I’m sorry but that is funny I don’t think it’s anything serious he is only little
It’s thankfully just a phase! My son did the same thing!
Spank him and make him clean up. He will not do it again.
Welcome to boys. Ugh
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My son is peeing in weird place, what do I do?
My son loves peeing outside… by a tree? Maybe let me have a spot like that outside to help his curiosity? That’s all it is.
My Son did this too and it was more behavioral than anything else. We had just brought home his Baby brother so I seriously just sat him down and had a talk about it. Asked him if he was feeling left out by Mommy and Daddy and if he was doing this because he got Mommy and Daddies attention. He said yes and then I explained how even though he’s getting attention it’s not the kind of attention he wants because now we are frustrated about him peeing outside of the pottys. After the talk and making him help clean it up it stopped. We also made sure to prioritize some one on one with just him without his baby brother so he gets that positive attention.
My son did the same thing he peed on the church bus tire at church, any weird place he could find he was P.P. ing telling him you’re going to get into trouble one day he decided to pee through a knot hole in a wood fence and a duckling grab his worm and gave a yake we ended up going to the hospital for a little bit of surgery at that point the skin had to come off and he had to be circumcised needless to say lesson learned from that day on he only urinated in the potty and he was potty trained completely at the age of two and this behavior began about the age of three and ended… abruptly
How about a time- out…or…an old-fashioned swat on the bottom! He is testing his boundaries with you. He knows what he is doing is a no-no, but just seeing how far he can push the limits and not really get into trouble. Making him clean-up after himself might do the trick…but be prepared to take more direct action.
Raised 3 boys and have run a daycare, its very normal. Give him potty pops for going in potty or let him aim at cheerios in toilet. Being a mother of boys is hard work, from son up to son down!
I have 3 boys and never had this particular problem but suggest having him help you clean it up that way he learns if he does it somewhere other than the potty he has to clean it up. Also, treats for when he goes in the potty as a reward works wonders.
Apparently needs crate training…
Make going in the potty more fun than what he’s doing. Have his daddy show him how to go standing up, then put Cheerios in the bowl for him to aim at. Then everyday he only goes where he is supposed to he can earn a reward (sticker, small toy, treat, coins, etc. Whatever you use for positive reinforcement).
Put cheerios in the toilet and make a game out of it.
Does he watch his daddy pee, maybe outside? I just ask because my son went through a phase like this. If he and his daddy were outside, they would pee wherever (we live in the woods lol) and my son thought he could do the same inside. I just had to reaffirm that inside we pee in the toilet and nowhere else!! Good luck mama, but I really think it may just be a phase and nothing to be too concerned about just yet!
Give him a cloth and cleaner and have him clean up his mess. If he’s laughing and thinks it’s funny, he’s doing it on purpose. Then have a nice chat and find out why and see where his feelings are. Best wishes.
This is one of those cases of boys being boys or kids being kids where they are experimenting. Just tell him no, have him clean it up or help clean it up and maybe take away a toy if he keeps it up after telling him no and making him help or clean it up himself.
Make him clean it up I bet he’ll quit doing it
This happened to one of my friends son .he would any where on the house and pee even on the carpet. It stunk so bad they had to take it out. The more they tried to talk to him the more he did…they took a stool and made him set on .just him and bathroom…making him set right in front toilet. They put a camera in also so they could see if what he was doing if he got off stool he would get a pop on his bottom it took him about 4 days and he was ready to go to the toilet. And he tried it again back to stool he went
He goes to to pee in big boy toilet all the time. No more problems. Good luck
My mind always goes to one place first when a child changes his behavior abruptly.
He may be acting out. Has there been anyone around him that may have abused him be it physically or sexually?
Check into this first. If not, carry out his cleaning up after himself. Should it still continue, some sort of punishment then.
Should none of the above work out over time, seek help.
Make him clean up the mess. He might not like that part of the fun he’s having.
My son, same age done this for a few weeks. He even peed in my mop bucket I was mopping the floor with. Luckily I seen him doing it or I would have mopped my floor with piss water.
There is actually a diagnosis for this , yet I recommend you consult a counselor or psychologist
He is being a boy! Make him clean it up.
Attention seeking. Instead geta timer set it for every hour teach him that when he hears it it’s time for the bathroom break. Keep a sticker chart by refrigerator and add a sticker each time he goes into the bathroom add a box with things that are cheap and easy to buy or give him a racetrack road to follow with a cut out car . Each time car moves up a lock. Have different things written on SOME ( like pick out a snack / outside playing/ etc . At one point even a grab bag with a reward in it. When you get to end of the road or week it’s a happy meal from his choice of a food place or a simple matchbox car. I taught daycare and had different things I did that encouraged children at very very early ages of potty training. Didn’t take long either it is a schedule I followed
Been around boys all my life, this is not normal, and it needs to be corrective! Punishment if some kind should do the trick!
He’s being a kid… it’ll be okay.
Just a phase.
Positive re-direction will go a long way mama
Don’t allow him to keep saying sorry. After awhile, it is just words, with no real meaning. He very obviously knows what he is doing. So when it happens, give him a consequence. Like having to clean up the mess and maybe missing a treat, special activity or show. And stick to it. Don’t let him think that just saying sorry will fix everything.
My son peed off the front porch well on it. He told his dad he f***ed up and the girls were in the bathroom which they weren’t. I didn’t scold him just had him help get hot water and wash it off. Kids will be kids.
Get him a cape and mask “The Uruinator”
He’s a toddler. Let him be. But tell him no each time give time out.
Have you tried rubbing his nose in it?
Lack of discipline. Make him realize that it is wrong with some form of punishment. No TV,no toys ,no dessert but do something. Not just a mad face
Boys OMG my grandson started peeing in the bathroom trash can then blamed it on me
Make him clean it up and pee in his shoes! Lol
Could be a behavioral problem. Consult your doctor
Get a dam belt and use it on him!
Have a chart on the fridge, give him a sticker to put on it every time he pees in the toilet. Reward him with something small at the end of each week and praise him. A small toy, take him for ice cream, etc.
He’s making a game out of going to the washroom .
“boys will be boys” .
Have him help you clean it up , he won’t like that part of his game too much. Which in turn will help put an end to his behaviour.
Put Cheerios in the toilet bowl to entertain him , while he goes potty
You’ve told him this isn’t appropriate. So, I’d start holding him accountable. Next time he does it, make him be responsible for cleaning up the mess under your supervision.
It will act as a deterrent because he’ll be called away from whatever he’d chosen to do in order to clean up his mess & will teach him personal responsibility as a bonus for you both!
Seeking attention that is what I see at day care
Have him clean it up every time, he won’t think it’s so funny.
Make him clean it up.
I Raised 2 boys. But Im old school…I’d crack him on the ass first and then make him clean it up.
It’ll past just got to keep being on top of him about it
He’s fine -boys are just gross lol
Always rule out health issues before assuming it is a behavior.
Easy, use a belt on his ass!
Keep redirecting him to the bathroom
Lmao That’s just boys!
Beat his butt period