My son is terrified to go to bed: Advice?

Get rid of the dream catcher…


Pray with him let him know God will protect him


Thank you for going to such great lengths for him

Get a video baby monitor to see what’s happening.

Sage the bejuzus out of his room and the whole house

Keep trying Momma. I know your tired but don’t give up!


Somethings scaring him. Amazon has cams set those up don’t tell him or anyone and make monster spray. You can use any bottle write on it monster spray add touch of glitter explain what it is and spray his room every night.
Maybe there a shadow in his window when he’s asleep or a coat or other object that looks scary when he’s in bed … Whatever it is you’ll see on the cameras when he lays dwn.
Does he have a nightlight? And had he seen a horror movie of some kind in the last week? Those gave my oldest had dreams if she seen them

Is there any possibility, however remote, of abuse by anyone? I know this is very unpleasant to think on and no one wants to believe it possible, but at that age abuse, wether it is once or ongoing can cause behavior like this.

Sorry if this upsets you. I am not trying to make accusations, just hoping all possibilities have been considered.


Put oil on his door frame and window sill and pray over his room.


My son is 5 and we have similar issues with bed time. 2 night lights, our bedrooms are 10ft away from each other, and he has his dog sleep with him. I have to reassure him every night it’s okay. But with my son it’s games and TV shows that scare him. So i have to shut off anything gorey or he will remember it at bed time. Or think someone is going to try to get him. Our dog is the biggest thing that makes him feel safe.

My daughter gets like this, she is 4, so we actually started quiet time that hopefully leads to a nap again (we don’t call it nap time because she freaks the fuck out) and she’s doing alot better. They can become like this if they are over tired and those are excuses, also my daughter can’t take any sleep aid because it makes her really bad almost what you described for your son, but 20x worse. Not even kidding. Also if he’s started school or even DL that may be to much stimulation that his brain can’t handle yet.

Let him fall asleep with you and then put him in his bed, for whatever reason he’s going through a phase. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Let him sleep with you. Talk to him about what’s going on


My son did similar when he was 3 or 4, I assumed it wa because his dad and me split due to domestic, I told his therapist who told me his friend Jacob was being mean to him at home (I had no clue who Jacob was, no one named Jacob comes over) I had a sit down but made it casual so he would feel comfortable talking to me and tried my best not to make any faces they may seem like I was upset or dismissing him, after what he told me I was putting pictures up I found stored stored away and when he saw one picture he asked how I knew that man, I said that is my dad, your grandpa who passed away when mommy was young he said “thats grandpa, he comes when jacob is here to protect me” I let the dog sleep with him and I woke up to the dog growling so I ran into the room and my dog was growling at the corner in his bedroom while guarding my son, (nothing I could see that was there for him to growl especially since my dog at the time was a happy go lucky beagle who would make friends with anyone), I went straight to a medium who didn’t know the story but told me a little boy in my house (dead) is no good and I need to sage with prayer and thats what I did, that night was the first night my son slept no problems ( he didn’t know what I did) I asked a week later about Jacob and he told me “one night grandpa came and told Jacob to get out and not come back and he did” he hasn’t had problems since. I know it may sound far fetched and if someone told me that I would think they where nuts but it happened to us.


Both of my kids did this. I just had them in my bed. We then slept in their room on the floor in the bunk bed in the living room. I knew one day it would end. One day they would want their own bed. My daughter is 8 and doesn’t ever come to my bed anymore. My 6 year old very rarely does. Nothing I did worked. Other than them in my bed. Sometimes I slept in their bed if I needed space. I miss having them in bed with me.

Yours will grow out of it. I hope you have better luck and find a solution

Palo Santo is similar to sage and it’s good for clearing negative energy and inviting positive calm energy into the room.

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So sleeping with mom and dad doesn’t seem like an option here. Could you take a few of the portable things to the couch and see if he sleeps there? Definitely use a protective sheet or pad if bed wetting is an issue. But that would be my first try.

Ghosts. Just gonna say it.


If it’s a spirit making him scared then please don’t fuel the fire and make it angry. Have someone professional come in and help you get rid of it! Doing sage or oils or rituals yourself can only aggravate it and make things so much worse! Speaking from experience!

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let that poor baby sleep with you!!


Has your son seen news regarding the pandemic and the number of deaths? Has he heard about the hospitals and all the crowding, as well as doctors and nurses dying from COVID? Perhaps when you had your surgery, he may have worried that you might die. Talk and drawing pictures are a good start. Good luck!

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See a pediatrician… now…

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There’s an evil presence in the room. Yes the orbs thing. I’m not joking. U need to know the right way to cast it out. It’s not sage. Its claiming Jesus name. It works! Follow Mike Signorelli on fb
He’s my pastor and he can help u with this issue and help explain what happening. Help ur son.


My son is 4 he wakes up every nite screaming about different things sometimes he says there’s a man we have seen fortune tellers and stuff they can’t see why he’s screaming at night just says it’s night terrier’s

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If he is afraid of monsters, (mine were) make some “monster juice” spray bottle with water, lavender oil, and sparkles. He can spray it around his room where the monsters might be, they don’t like it and will stay away. Best of Luck mama!!


This is literally happing to my daughter right now. She turned 6 in October and just recently if I even move she’s up and got ahold of my arm. I can’t go to the bathroom, get something out of my car, etc. she needs one of us to sleep with her or lay with her. I don’t even mention the word “store” or going to the store by myself because she had a full blown panic attack. I’m talking couldn’t breathe, crying so hard I though she would faint. She doesn’t care if my husband goes anywhere, and doesn’t have a problem when I drop her off at school but as soon as I pick up her it’s right back to latching to my arm. We are both exhausted. It just started out of know where.


Separation Anxiety, it can happen. We have noticed our kids have gotten it more than usual because since the pandemic they have been with us mostly. They don’t see anyone else really or go to others homes including family. So when we are not near them they get anxious and you can tell they feel insecure. Probably because of your surgery caused him worry. We have a 3 yr and 1 yr


Hot tea with honey. It’s calming. Decaff of course. Spray bottle of water and smell good oil maybe, but its his scared spray. Good luck. My youngest had night terrors. So horrible. Make a routine and stick to it.


It’s not anything you’ve done different in your routine or parenting skills. Something is legitimately scaring him. Listen to him. Find out what it is. Get the house blessed, him blessed, sage your home and him. I know it can sound crazy but children are more susceptible to the paranormal. It’s not a joke. He needs your help.


What is he scared of. There must be something specific that is frightening him. I’d try to figure out what that is and see how to help him with that. It sounds as though maybe your surgery may have created some extreme anxiety in him. He may need some extra help with that.


I know it’s probably not ideal but is it at all possible for you to make a little bed up in your room for a few nights just so the poor little man can get some sleep as well as mum and dad? As mentioned above you could try the montser spray bottle trick. Hope you all get some relief x


My daughter was having horrible nightmares when she was in middle school. Wouldn’t sleep. She’s a very visual person and so we started by praying over our house. Praying over each child. Praying over each room. And then had her visualize an angel army surrounding our house, protecting it and our family. She has continued to do this as she’s gotten older.


I know this may not be wanted but maybe co-sleep for a couple nights, maybe he just needs his comfort and safe place. I know you said you just had surgery so maybe that triggered a fear (if mommy can get hurt so can I?). Another idea read to him until he falls asleep/ if you have a pet get them a cape and say they won’t let anything happen to him. The pet patrols the house all night


When my daughter was scared o would go lay with her in her bed. She would tell me what she was afraid of and I would find the source. It took my forever to figure that way trick out. Come to find out she was scares of her tinkerbell lamp it made a shadow on the wall and she thought it was jeepers creepers lol good luck


Let him sleep with you. If he needs to feel safe then help him feel safe. I know people say it’s bad to let kids sleep with you, but I think we’re living in weird times and kids just need to feel a little extra love.


A pediatrician once told me that if my daughter was having trouble sleeping was to go in her room at night and look for shadows on the wall. I know it sounds crazy but he said there could be something like a stuffed animal or something casting a shadow that looks scary to the child so often times rearranging helps!


When my son was young an accident caused him to be afraid at night … I took him to a psychologist who specialized with young children … she played a game with stuffies and such and helped hi over come his fear …it took jyst a few visits…she told me the worst thing to do us to take him in bed with you because by doing that you are basically saying that their is something in the room to be afraid of so try to keep him In his own bed I know how hard that is to do because they are so scared …


He very well may see something you cannot. I am a believer in paranormal. Ask him to draw what he is scared of. Sage the house.


my neice started peeing the bed and I found out that she was being sexually abused by my step nephew. not saying this is the case but it is something to look into. i would maybe get him into a therapist also


Mommy I’d find the route of the problem. Pls sit down with him and have a talk. This is serious because at the end of the day he is missing out on his sleep and so are u. Talk to him and ask what he is afraid of, what made him scared and if something is bothering him. Believe ur son. The unseen are real. Their spirits are out there. Some are good and some are very bad. Pls listen to ur child. We are their to protect them. Help him. Trust him and make sure he knows u are their to protect him :heart:


Melatonin helped my son a lot. I was at my wits end and exhausted :sleeping: his pediatrician recommended it when I became concerned. He wouldn’t sleep at night. I think it’s partly pandemic induced anxiety :frowning_with_open_mouth: he’s only 8 but it’s hard on kids.


Who watched him when you went to have surgery? Either the fact that you were away has freaked him out or perhaps something happened while you were away that has disturbed him terribly. Poor little dude. Lay with him until he sleeps, hold him, reassure him.


Talk to him about the surgery maybe he thought he was going to loose you. Did you stay the night away.

I am not being nosey but my ex would yell at me alot and i didnt even know mt daughter heard ahe would be afraid at bed time and pee the bed. I had no idea why neither did my daughter when i asked. When we moved out it all stopped.

Maybe he is worried about something and cant even put i to words. Maybe a bad dream


Forts have really helped. Building a fort (I think it feels safe too)… do it together and let them sleep in there. It may hide the shadows on the walls etc. also makes it fun and can make it comfy inside.


I would consult with his pediatrician maybe they could provide some tips or recommend a child therapist to see if they can understand what he is scared of and ways to work on getting rid of his fears. Poor little guy, good luck!

Maybe he has a predisposition for anxiety and the surgery you had triggered it? Could be that it scared him, I’m thinking all he needs right now is reassurance, a safe space (maybe in your room for a few nights as mentioned above).??


Put a nanny cam in his room, don’t tell anyone. See what is going on.
Foster a dog from a local shelter. Let your son pick one out. Dogs are great security.


I was terrified of the dark as a child. Can he sleep with you or in your room? Your poor guy sounds so scared. I know you’re doing everything you can, but sometimes having someone with you is the only thing that helps. Even as an adult, I need someone with me. I hope he feels less scared soon. Poor kiddo and poor mama.


You had surgery who keep him he may of seen or heard a scary movie. That happened to my son he didn’t tell me till he got older . Our daughter I just put a Bible by her bed she was good after that. Told her it would keep her safe


Oh mama, you’re not alone. We are battling the same thing. Our therapist was irritated when I said she sleeps with us still - that irritated me quite a bit. I think forcing them to be by themselves is much worse. We have tried everything. It should pass eventually


I let my daughter sleep on an air mattress in my bedroom for a while, eventually grew out of it, but still loves it, and I don’t mind, so she still gets to come in my bedroom during the weekend sometimes. I think your hubby should b ok with it too, otherwise it might cause conflict, but I cherish my sleep, and she needed hers, so it was a good solution for us at the time! Nothing is forever! Good luck.


Buy white sage in Amazon and burn it (remember to open doors and windows so bad energy can get out) I did not believe in this and after 2 months of my kid waking up at night screaming like crazy and gave it a try and the screaming stoped that night. I also found online a mantra that you say while burning it “every energy that is not of my better and highest good get out, with love but you are not welcome to stay here, please leave through the open door/window” you have nothing to lose if you try


I think keep him close for now. He needs to know you’re there. I stayed outside my daughters door with my phone when she has times like this. That way she knows I’m there. Also, could he be hungry? Anyone can be anxious if they’re hungry. We watch a calming painting video, have a snack (warm milk was popular when she was 5). We found something heavier worked for her snack, like warm oatmeal. Offer to put his matress on the floor too (nobody hiding under the bed then right?). This helped my daughter huge. Hope you guys get some relief soon.


Smudge his room. (palo santo or white sage)… Ask him what he is scared of…what or who he sees… try to get him to draw you a picture if he cant explain it… kids are more prone to seeing things that most adults cant… ive been able to see/sense spirits since childhood myself, it is very possible that there is a presence around & HE sees & feels it. Even if it isnt an evil one persay, as a child not knowing any better it can be damn scary.

he could also be having an anxiety issue from you having your surgery. Who watched him while you were away & for how long were you in the hospital?


No one wants to hear this and I’m defently not saying it’s happening but three huge signs of sexual abuse start with night terrors, bed wetting and scared to be left alone.
They are also signs of evil spirits in the home. Holly oil and a dr visit is defently recommended


If it is THIS extreme, you really ought to do a prayer walk and get him prayed for. That sounds really demonic, he is probably prettified! It’s not fiction, I used to have this happen to me to. I was SO afraid of the dark and tormented. My family thought i was being ridiculous but it was real.


I’m in a similar same boat. My thought it he is only little for so long. So I have accepted that I love the cuddles and I know I’ll miss them. My son is 5 and I lay with him in bed until he falls asleep or he lays in bed with me and sometime we both fall asleep. We read and tell stories and just cuddle each other. I’m a single parent and work full time. These are moment I cherish and I’ll never get back.


Something has scared him or done something to him. If it was my child He could sleep with me. Anything to help him sleep. Carry him to the doctor. I know it’s bad to be scare. Will he talk?


My son has a hard time going to bed sometimes too. He has a few nightlights and sleeps with a ton of stuffed animals. But every night we try and stay very consistent with our bedtime routine. He gets a “night vitamin” right before bed. It’s a magnesium gummy. Magnesium helps calm them. Melatonin would work too. But get a good brand one. And when he’s in bed I sing him a song and say a prayer. And if he’s still struggling, he asked me to put good things in his head to dream about. So I lightly press on his forehead and “push” good thoughts into his head. He loves it. I hope this helps. I know how hard and frustrating that is


My son struggles with getting very scared too- he turns 5 in early February. This is what helped him. We leave a pretty bright light on. I dont like it because I know it promotes light sleep not deep sleep but I plan to wean him off it. THEN I also check on him literally every 1-4 minutes and give a kiss / hug. I remind him ill be checking on him in a minute as I leave gently but firmly. He has been making progress on this slowly but surely! Good luck!! Sometimes a melatonin can assist as well- its safe for children!


My daughter had “bad dreams” I put a little Bible under her pillow told her God would catch anything bad coming her way. Every night before bed we would go out side shake out any bad that was caught in her Bible and do it all again but IT WORKED


Ask him questions. Someone in person or something on TV maybe have said something that scares him. He probably feels if he falls seep he won’t wake up again or when he wakes up you won’t be there.

My sister cried for a couple weeks. Refused to go to school (kindergarten). When we sat down with her, she said she was afraid when she came home my mom would be gone. So naturally she never wanted to leave my moms side.

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Has he said what is scaring him? You haven surgery might have struck anxiety… I know from when I was younger night terrors were terrible things were there in my mind but not in real life I was always scared to close my eyes cause the same dream would happen over and over no matter what I did or my family did or said it was still so real to me… I’d let your kiddo lay with you and just reassure him everything is okay mommy is there and will fight anything off while he gets rest and eventually he will sleep peacefully and you will too

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My kids had this exact problem so maybe some calm-serene music he may like, a really fluffy stuffed animal. Glow in the dark stars could be helpful.

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It’s a very high stress time right now for everyone. Maybe he heard you talking about the pandemic and then you went to the hospital and his little mind just made up the worst scenario in his head and now he’s terrified. I feel like part of it is the age. Part of it is being around you all day every day and then not having you there in the same capacity while you heal. Kids are so sensitive to that stuff. Just give him the option to sleep in a little spot in your room for a while. Everyone needs rest. Once he’s rested for a few days, work on the cause and getting him back on track. Big hugs to you. I know it’s hard.

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Poor guy. My son was and is like this. Complete terror. He also describes " who" he sees in detail. I’m a nurse
I’ve looked at each logical thing I can. I just can’t figure it out. It’s not manipulation, it’s terror. He is still sleeping in my room

Here is two things that happened to me. First one was when my daugther was a baby she slept great. Never had any problems with her sleeping thru the night. Our neighbor made us a dream catcher. So I thought it was nice and hung it is her room above her crib. Couple nights late she started to have night terrors. Literally waking screaming her sleep. It was horrible. It went on for about a month as we were trying to figure out what was causing. Then we cleared our minds and realized it start after we placed the dream catcher in her room. We removed it and the terrors stopped. Second thing my son used to tell me he was scared to sleep in his room and was older then was no reason for it. He couldnt tell me why for a while. So I went in his room. I realized that a part of his drop ceiling was broke and there was a hole. So I fixed the hole and he no longer had an issue with sleeping in his room. Not sure if this will help but I truly understand what you are going thru.

Some kids have panic attacks and fear is such a difficult one when you’re young because you can’t take it away with a bit of lavendar. This happened to me when I was in grade 7. We came back from a trip through Africa and suddenly I had such bad fear and panic attacks that my vision blurred and shook like someone who has epilepsy. I didn’t want to be alone at all. It helped if I slept in my brother’s room - where there was someone else. I was literally tormented. Its not ideal to have him sleep in your room but I do think having someone around or getting him a dog will help a lot. If you are Christian, fear is something you can also help him to overcome by teaching him simple bible verses that will feed his faith instead of fear little by little. Fear is speaking so loud in those moments saying tormenting things to them and hearing comforting words really helps. So sorry your family is going through this, it’s so exhausting and traumatic.

Try laying with him. Maybe that will help calm his nerves some. Hope thos gets resolved quickly for you and your family.

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My son eventually told us there was a shark in his room. Scared to fall asleep. Bought a wee blow up one, put it under his bed. Daddy went searching, found it & wrestled it, killed it( took plug out) Then it was ceremoniously put in the outside bin. Peace reigned!!

Ask him what he’s afraid of…if it’s monsters do something goofy like give him a “anti monster” spray. Or you could try a “guardian” of sorts like a figurine or stuffy to “watch over him” while he sleeps. When my brother got scared I used to set up stuffed animals/toys and tell him they were his guardians for when he was scared. It can be something simple…like shadows…noises…Or it could be something more complicated. Maybe it freaked him out when you went away for surgery…Or he could just have anxiety being alone. I wouldn’t take little man out of his bed but reassure him and try to find out the cause of him being so petrified.

Change his room around but let him decide where everything goes like his bed and cupboards that way hes seeing every inch of his room and get him to help, really helped with my youngest she slept right through after that, she was affraid of the dark not monsters

I would lay with him until he falls asleep. I would talk to the doctor about peeing the bed especially if this wasn’t a issue before. He sounds terrified and he needs you to comfort him.

Sounds like he might be autistic, they act out those symptoms, take him to the Dr, just my opinion, seen it in or family

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I am a mother of two that are adults now but I had issues with them both my first advice is take the lavender out of room could be having a reaction to it as everyone is different and smell is one big problem that goes undiagnosed disorder
I also suggest putting a fan in his room as till this day 54 year’s later I still need a fan to sleep hope this helps will keep following in Hope’s you find the issues going on
I am writing this o my daughter fb just for information

My son is 4.5 and is exactly the same. Saying he doesn’t want to sleep by himself. We got him his own bed in our room but he always starts off falling asleep in his own room. We do have to lay next to him and hold his hand in order for him to fall asleep as well as have 3 of his buddies (stuffed animals) to sleep with, but when he wakes up in the middle of the night he comes straight to our room and into his toddler bed. Melatonin is nice sometimes but it can cause nightmares. So if you try that be careful… It could make it worse. My next step im going to try the “sleep” liquid sentsy for the air wick diffusers and see if that helps… just like you, I’ve tried everything I could think of… so hopefully you can figure it out! Just know your not alone on this topic! Good luck!

Definitely sleep beside him. My daughter feels great comfort with having me or her aunt right beside her. Shes 9 now and still seeks this. I know it sounds outlandish for a 9 year old to want to sleep beside her mom but its actually very helpful!

Consult a doctor… Melatonin is a natural sleep hormone we should have (you should always consult a doctor before giving)… some ppl lack this. Definitely helps to get that natural sleep cycle going.

Sit with your son in the room and you both Pray to JESUS asking Jesus to bring PEACE into the room and into your son’s heart. Resist the devil by telling him he must Flee in the Mighty Name Above Every Other Name, Jesus Christ and ask Jesus to replace the evil that has left his room with the Presence & Peace of Jesus. God Will do this for you if you ask Him into your hearts & your Home :pray::heartpulse::pray: I am interceding for you right now :pray::pray::pray:

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My son was similar. Before Kindergarten he did not pass the eye exam. He needed glasses. We had no idea he was having that much trouble seeing. And at that time, he knew no better. Bedtime terrified him. We had tried everything, too. But his nighttime terror completely resolved when he got glasses.

Random but seen it on Teen Mom. A mom made a bottle of Monster Keep away spray with her daughter!


My daughter is 5 and will not go to sleep unless I sit in her room with her and she used to get up constantly as soon as I moved so we now give her a little bit of melatonin to help her stay asleep so she can be rested and so can I! I also have a son who is 4 and is worried that monsters or zombies will come in the house at night so when he says that I remind him that only baby monsters can come play during the day because when he sleeps they do too and I also remind him that we prayed so God has put up the monster/zombie defences to keep them away from the house and thankfully it puts him at peace and he sleeps :blush: I feel for you and would definitely be asking him what he is scared of and going from there! I will be praying for you and wish you the best of luck and some sleep too :blush:

Read him a happy book before he goes to bed or put in a happy movie. Put up some glow in the dark stars and some Christmas lights or plug in night lights. Draw happy pictures to hang on his wall. Get him a lamp next to his bed. Get him some stuffed animals to sleep with. Buy a weighted blanket. Get some lavender candles or defuser things. Try melatonin. Lavender lotion and body wash. Maybe some sleepy tea before bed

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Then play things on YouTube like promises from God etc…always positive affirmations…take control of how they are spending their time…keep their vibration up…the dark energy attracts to the fear…do a prayer over water…blessed water with love and protected energy …spray the room together…listen to beautiful music…stay of the internet and TV at night…

Maybe this book can help - it’s all about the dark and is a very child friendly book to explain their is nothing to worry about!
Maybe stay in his room with him until he falls asleep for a few nights then gradually come out of his room before he his properly asleep

I’m not exactly sure how long you’ve been experiencing this with him. He’s definitely showing signs of separation anxiety, but could something have triggered it? If you were away from him for some time, that could be the reason if it started when you returned. Could that be the only reason why or did whoever took care of him during that time help cause him to be afraid to sleep alone? I would lay with him and talk with him age appropriately in terms he understands about it. You know your own child and how to talk with him. I wouldn’t start talking with him about it right away. I’d give it about 3 days. In the meantime, just talk about anything else until that time. Plus, I would lay with him until he falls asleep.

We had this with both our kids when they hit three. We tried the night lights and a lamp. Shortly after that my son told me he saw a red monster climb out of the back of his dust bin wagon as I sat with him one night, and believe me he looked like he saw exactly that as he looked absolutely bloody terrified. I’m not sure if you’re a believe of spirits and such. I am and I got my house blessed by a vicar. He recommended I remove mirrors which are opposite windows after blessing them too. He looked quite terrified as he walked upstairs in our house and stood on the landing where the mirror was opposite the window. I had one sat on the floor too. Removed them both that same day. Not an actual problem since. I was curious as to why he suggested about the mirrors and upon researching, if you’re a believe or a sceptic, apparently it creates a gateway/portal for bad spirits to cross over into our realm.
Get your house blessed. Even if you’re not religious. I’m not but I still did it. And remove mirrors opposite windows.

Is it that he’s having trouble falling asleep or that he’s keeping himself awake? I would let him sleep where he is comfortable then carry him to his bed. I wouldn’t give him melatonin if falling asleep isn’t the issue.

This is just my opinion but let him sleep with you in you’lls room for as long as he feels comfortable moving to his own room.
He won’t do this forever. In a blink of an eye his gonna be all grown up and won’t even need you that much. My son is 2 and I’ll only send him to his own room when he wants to go. We have a Co sleeper attached to our bed

Well no ones said it so I will. Kids can see things we can’t. Maybe he’s seeing things you and the hubby can not. Don’t always brush it off as bad dreams or anxiety! Ghosts are a real thing. And from this whole description I mean sounds not far off. Ask him what scares him. Did he or does he see something or someone? Never know


When all else fails…you must pray…pray with them…ask for God to place his wings of protection over them little ones…I don’t give a toss I’d you don’t believe in God…he is real and so is other side so you give your child a spiritual grounding…they will cast out demons…put in there Armor of God…if not for yourself…for your children . because things are only going to get worse… believe me…we need God…

Ask him exactly what it is he is afraid of. My son is scared to go to bed. But there have been traumatizing events. Yet it took over 6 months for him to start being scared at bedtime. It could be something happened a while ago but it has taking this long to see the adverse reaction.

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We gave our daughter a flashlight, do you have a dog or cat if yes have them sleep with him. The monster spray worked for my neighbor.
Sage his room, open the windows for 30 minutes after…:orange_heart:

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Our neighbour used to do home renovations after 7pm (4 year olds bed time) he was terrified of the banging on the wall. Had to ask the neighbour to stop. Then there were nightmares (he said he was having bad dreams but wasnt even asleep) So I got him bad dream cream (vics vapor rub) the smell keeps the bad dreams away. It worked.

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My eldest is 9 and has suffered with paranoia and anxiety since he was 2, we made “worry jars” which contain his fav colour of glitter, water and a bit of clear glucose so it takes a while to settle and he has a worry bear where he writes down his worries (I do it because he’s dyslexic) and it eats the worry (take it out while he’s asleep) i also try to communicate with him about his fears but he’s so hard to get anything out of. This past year he has come on leaps and bounds but still takes a while to sleep but if he knows where I am in the house he normally settles OK.

My son has anxiety and was having nightmares bad one they were vivid. I as a child had them as well still get them as an adult to the point I cant go back to sleep. He has a night light and its bright and he shares a room with his older brother. He has good nights and bad. For awhile hed do the same b4 bed cry and hyperventilate terrified of his dreams. I and his father reassure him and if he really cant sleep I’ll lay with him a bit. We recently got him a dog for his anxiety we trained as a puppy to sleep with him and be around him plus therapy for anxiety its helping he still gets scared sometimes though. Hes 8 now.

Let him sleep by you. Maybe sage his room out with white sage and pray with him everynight… But until u figure it out. Let him sleep by you or a bed in your room. Put his lamp on… May the white light and violet fire of protection be with your son and your family

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Let him sleep in your room till he got 7 … !! After that chnge his room from the current room in which he sleeps daily … !! Give him time . Tell him good stories … !! Remove stuff toys from his room… !! He will feel better inshallah… :heart:

I say talk to your pediatrician about some sleep routine and therapy. also is there stress at home? Kids pick up on this. I know things are hard right now. I’m sorry. Sending you a hug. Things will get better

Maybe there’s a spirit ghost in your house way before you lived there? I used to be the same I’m 25 and I still have to sleep with the light on, when I was little 8 used to look at teddy’s and think they’re eyes was moving etc, maybe somthings happened? Maybe he’s seen a ghost? That’s what happened with me I saw a person’s head on my unit when I was 6 and ever since then I’ve slept with the light on x


Is he allowed access to YouTube? I know a lot of kids have tablets at this age and can pretty much work them like nothing. My son was super afraid of a thing called Siren Head on there and genuinely thought he was real. Swear I’m not assuming or saying you don’t but definitely monitor or go through the history. He might have seen something on there. Or there’s jump scare games out there that are really popular and advertised in videos of people playing that game. Also anything on Tv could have spooked him. Has he explained what the monster looks like or who the monster is? Is it just the dark? You might need to talk to his pediatrician.

Maybe stay in his room as soon as he falls asleep just leave you won’t know you’ve left and he will wake up and know he was ok all night long.

We bought a light projector w stars for extra light also w dream catchers i got one from a native friend they blessed it and said prayers in all corners of room making sure the dream catcher touched every corner n entry then after the prayer is done the dream catcher is not to be touched again … I know it sounds different but I swear w my experience it worked