My son is terrified to go to bed: Advice?

Who watched him when you had surgery?


What is he so afraid of? Talk with him about. If itā€™s monsters, Iā€™ve seen some people take spray bottles and make Monster Spray to get rid of them. My other concern is abuse, sexual abuse. This is not the typically behavior expected of a child this age. Please take him to a doctor. Also try taking him to a neutral space, even just a solo car ride just you and him and see if he discloses any abuse. I hope thatā€™s not the case, but something is going on with him :yellow_heart:

Although I do worry about the changes in behavior and I would consult a dr. It could be stress. If heā€™s 5 did he start school this year? Some times the gain in independence can stress them out and upset them. Or if in school maybe something or someone upset him and scared him (ie. Told him a scary story someone told me son about slenderman and he thought hackers were robbers). Add to the surgery and Christmas coming all that excitement ( if you celebrate i mean). But definitely talk to the dr make sure nothing actually happened.

Please take him to a therapist / someone to talk to ā€¦ wetting the bed is a sign of so many many traumatic things ā€¦ please donā€™t leave him alone with anyone :disappointed:

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When i was young my mom would buy a plastic bottle and put water and some smelly stuff in it and put a label on it that said ā€œmonster sprayā€ or " bad dream spray" whatever the issue was, we sprayed it every night in my room and my brothers room, sometimes all around the house lol it made us feel much better.

I have to lay with my 6yo old until he falls asleep. Ever since covid happened.

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Try to think if he was always that way or what happened right before he began acting out. Then you can start to process his fears. It might take some time but maybe this will help

Can u nit just lie in bed with him while its dark, cuddle him and just relax, wait till he falls asleep :sleeping: thatā€™s probably all he needs, doesnā€™t mean it has to last forever! Just for now while heā€™s struggling xx everyone us so hung up on routine xx

I hate to be the one to say this, but it sounds like youā€™ve covered a lot of possible solutions so the next thing I would consider is the possibility he been sexually abused. I pray he hasnā€™t been. Also children can see things we canā€™t. Its possible heā€™s seeing spirits. Maybe not so friendly ones.


Iā€™m with the hot chamomile tea, honey and a touch if milk, maybe he needs a strict routine. One of mine did. He needed a hot bath, hot cup of tea and a bed time story and cuddles. Then I would play Enya And he would be gone. Sorry! Because it was very ritualistic almost for him. Same stuff same time it gave him a sense of control and comfort. He was my up every night at 2am wanting a fried egg as well. Every night!! Lol from like 2-5! His dr had me give him a melatonin gummy and Iā€™d make his egg and heā€™d go Bk to sleep. Heā€™d get another 6-7hours.

Use ā€œmonster sprayā€ I always did that and it worked like a charm.

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Kids donā€™t just make things up randomly. There is a reason 10000%! Even it is he saw a commercial or show on TV that scared him itā€™s real right down to something happening to him before/during/after surgery!

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With everything that he seems to be afraid of and everything you guys have done for him that doesnā€™t seem to be helping, have you considered maybe having a child psychologist talk to him?

He might be having nightmares. Which would make since why being asleep is scary because you canā€™t control anything happening

My niece had issues when my sister had surgery. She went from staying with us to crying everytime. Maybe something related to that?

Bring him in your bed or sleep with him. Obviously heā€™s scared to death and this is unusual behavior for him.

Sounds like some OCD symptoms might be presenting. I suggest a visit to his pediatrician and be sure to tell the Dr all the signs. Maybe feeding into the fears when they started with the different items you have purchased has solidified that he in fact has something to be scared about

Time to sit him down and take to him, maybe a playmate has put ideas in his head or something he has seen or heard ? Talk about and tell him when you were his age that you were scared too, relate and see what he says !

Please have him checked for PANDA-itā€™s a childrenā€™s issue. Gets confused with OCD, behavior issues-with terrors. They can tell with a blood test! Go now!

You or someone who knows how can smoke cleanse his room with ethically sourced sage or Palo santo. Burn lavender or sweetgrass to invite positivity. Put an amethyst under his pillowā¤ļø

My boys are 5 and 6 and they have bad dreams. They wake up screaming. So I put a dream catcher in there room and when they wake up screaming we sing a bad dream song. Sounds silly but it works. My 6 yr old will say stuff not to go to bed so we started a routine. We go and make sure the night light is on, say our prayers, tuck them in and say the bad dream song and it helps.

Does he have a tv in his room? Try putting him to bed early and put on a calming movie for him???

Somethingā€™s obviously scared the life out of him, I leave the doors open and hall light on in my house, if I donā€™t my boy wonā€™t sleep. Just ask him over a couple of weeks and if he mentions the same thing, you have your cause

Are you giving him Melatonin? That gave me awful nightmares

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I recently saw a posting on FBā€¦tell your kids the monsters only want dirty kids! Maybe a quick bath before bed every night will settle him. My boys hate showeringā€¦so I was thinking of discussing this with them.

I never had that problem always told my kids bed time go to bed and they did. Huh well good luck. Maybe he had a bad dream about your surgery!?!?!

Co sleep with him so he knows your there and do it for at least a week or so then slowly start leaving when he is asleep of course tell him so heā€™s not in the dark about itā€¦ no pun intended itā€™s just a happy coincidence lol

He was afraid I f losing you. Try telling him soothing stories before bed. He just needs reassurance that you are all right. My opinion

Separation anxiety maybe? You said you just had surgery, and even for one so young, that can be traumatic.

If theirs a "monster " capture it in a pillow case and take it out with the trashšŸ˜‚ I know it sounds silly but it worked with my friends kid

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I used monster spray my perfume mixed with water put in a spray bottle if hes closer to dad use a little after shave with water it made a huge difference good luck

We made ā€œmonster sprayā€ it was literally just cotton candy scented room spray. I made a label that said ā€œmonster spray.ā€ Let him spray it wherever he felt he needed to before bed. Literally not one monster scare after that. I just told him once the monster smells it it keeps him away. He doesnā€™t like it.

Maybe there is really something that is scaring him in the house try talking with him if there is someone or something bothering him or hurting him

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I really donā€™t like to suggest this but there could be he is seeing something in his room I believe in smudging first question him children have very strong insight

I play the same movie every night so mine doesnā€™t think about going to bed he watches a movie he likes and passes out 20 min into it :grimacing::pray:t2:

: lie down with him as he sleeps? My 5yo also keeps coming out of the room even though he sleeps on the double bunk bed with his elder sister.

May be a good chance of bonding as he falls asleep? May also let you ā€œtestā€ the room.

Maybe sleep in his room with him to see what is scaring him.

My granddaughter is scared to go to bed by herself at my house. I just let her go to sleep with me then put her in her bed.

Sounds like he had something happened that scared him really bad, talk to him see if heā€™ll reveal what it was.

Does he scream if you stay with him? My son is 7, and still wonā€™t fall asleep alone, I read him a book and lay with him and heā€™s out within a half hour (with malitonin).

I let mine sleep with us. A few nights with her father snoring and her room looked like heaven.

My husband used to look through closets and under the bed. That helped

Trying lying down next to him for a few nights just to see whatā€™s bothering him also do the monster spray

Add something smelling/calming to water in a spray bottle and write on it monste4/bad guy killer
Let him spray when he needs it.
Also try melatonin!

Does he say what is scsring him? Does he sleep well when he goes to sleep? Have you tried laying with him until he goes to sleep? Reading a funny or light hearted book at bedtime? Maybe the next time you change the bedding, get him to jdlp and lift mattress up from bedframe and explain all sbout the bed and bedding. Maybr when he sees snd hears all about the bed, it may calm him.
And lastly, is he being bullied or hurt by anyone.

Children are intuitive and live close closely to the other side. Ask questions.

Ask him why he is scared and what do they do to him .what does he sees and what do they say .

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Can you lay with him until he falls asleep. Or sit next to him till he goes to sleep. Ask your doctor if you feel comfortable about melatonin.

Get a Hollywood frame/trundle and put him in your room. He will get better. Itā€™s a phase and they all go through it some for longer periods of time than others. :heart:

Clean that house & specially his room . Spirituality I mean. Not bleach. Pray before bed. And buy a projector wh stars n moon.

Are you sure something hasnt happend to him?


Sage the house. I donā€™t play around with that stuff. Also move him out of that room for a few nights until the mental block has subsided

Change his bedroom. Like, literally change the room he is in. Let him choose where he sleeps and set it up for him.

Make a protection or monster spray. Water in a spray bottle with a few drops of oil of your choice. I grabbed mine at the pharmacy, the stuff you use to flavor candy with.

Our son 11 still has night terrors and sleep walking, talking, screaming hes on fire, etc. he will go to the actual bathroom to pee like normal in his sleep etc. long story short we just let him make a bed next to our bed on the floor in our room it makes him feel safer. We did that for a long time, now I walk him back to bed a d hold him til he falls back asleep or on the couch whatever he wants. sometimes if itā€™s really bad where hes screaming he can just take my spot in bed with his dad and Iā€™ll sleep in his room. My sister and I both had night terrors and sleep walking when we were kids. Depending on what you believe in maybe a blessing or sage the home to clear the air. He can be picking up on your stresses also. so clear that with sage or blessing. With the pandemic and changes in the norm daily tasks itā€™s also making kids fearful. kids get stressed too.

A nice bath with some sleepytime wash and some melatonin should work and you can even turn on some sleep sounds its and app for it but forgot what itā€™s call but it helps drift you to sleep goodluck tho

Try rearranging the room, worked with my daughter. :crossed_fingers:

We used to salt the doors for my daughter

Get a can of spray and make a label that says anti monster spray. Let him spray it every where before bed and keep it next to his bed so he can grab it, I hope this helps.

Spray bottle labeled with stickers as monster spray on mist. Tell him it keeps the monsters away. Worked for a friend of mines kiddo.

Let him sleep with you.
He obviously needs you and what youā€™ve been doing isnā€™t working.


My daughter went through a similar phase around that age. I just started reading as many books as needed until she fell asleep. It will pass

Is he waking up having night terrors? Or just refusing to go in the room to sleep?

Maybe ask the doctor about melatonin to get back on schedule or sleep tea.

Put corse/ sea salt by every corner of the house including window frames helps purify the house

If itā€™s possible co-sleep. I know it can be a pain but itā€™s better you all get sleep.

Do you maybe have rodens in the wall? They are usually only active at night and might be scaring him. Otherwise, I would recommend therapy.

Praying with my son every night has helped too


Do you lay with him til he falls asleep or read to him while heā€™s falling asleep?

Does he have a elf on shelf? Maybe that.

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Go back to the basics momma. Fall asleep with him. Move later if you can, but if not, just lay with him. Comfort him. Make him feel safe.

Thatā€™s what I would try to do if in this situation.

Iā€™m also only a mommy to a 3yo girl, so I havent experienced this behavior(to this extent) YET. So ā€œmy remediesā€ might not work lol

Does he play a lot of video games?

Does he go to daycare?

Some times lil ones have seperation anxietyā€¦reassure him that your ok and your not gonna abandon him

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Is he taking any kind of medication?

Did he watch something scary?

Let him sleep with you. Hold him at night so he knows heā€™s protected and comforted.

Ask him what exactly heā€™s afraid of and believe him.


It could be severe anxiety. Iā€™d talk to his doctor.

Let him co-sleep for a while. It will be fine.

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Rearrange the room. Have the child help maybe a new way will help him sleep.

Talk to him listen to him and maybe try counseling or talk to his doctor

Lay with him or read him a story and that will be something he can look forward to.

Sage his room nowā€¦Seriously Now!

Maybe lay with him for a lil while until he falls asleep

There is something in that room terrifying that little boyā€¦

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Sleep in his room with him for a while. Will calm him with you in the room

I would let him sleep where ever he wants until this passes.

Let him sleep in your room until he overcomes his fear.

Take the baby out that room!! Put him anywhere but in there and, I guarantee it will probably stop. If nothing has changed and he is still freaking out, he needs to move out of that room ASAP. I know youre worried sick and he is stressed af. Iā€™m sure everything will calm down once he is somewhere else. Sending good vibes yalls way! Sage your house too and see if that helps. Kids are attuned to things we cant see or feel.

I would take him to a child therapist.

Talk to his doctor see if yiu can get him on something and sleep through the night. Also a small night :bulb:.

ask him what he is scared of then fix the problem that way

Lay down with him cuddling him until he goes to sleep.

What has happened in his life to traumatize him this bad

Please co sleep then he needs u as a comfort not all those things

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Bring him to bed with you mama. This will pass. He wonā€™t be little and need mama to sleep with forever. :heart::pray:t2:

Call your pediatrician and ask for help

My daughter had serious problems falling asleep because of ā€œbad dreamsā€. Try 2 mg melatonin gummie. They are more delicious than candy so keep them put up. Maybe bring it up to his pediatrician too

Try a weighted blanket for security

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