Look for tongue or lip tie. Is your supply low? He isn’t getting enough he’s trying to stimulate you to get another let down . Top off with a bottle after and some food
Express your milk regularly and start introducing via small sterile bottles with slower flow nappies, then he will still have nutrients and anti bodies to disease.
I would persist, but gently say “no” when he gets violent. Keep reinforcing the “no” gently but firmly.
Pump the milk out he’ll be okay
He is old enough to be weened from you. Give him a sippy cup
Pump and bottle only.
Having a mentally healthy mama is WAY more important than him nursing.
If you still want to give him breast milk instead of formula, I would pump and transition him to a bottle.
I know it’ll be hard when he cries if breastfeeding comforts him, but your mental health matters so much. I promise you he will be FINE! But you need to also take care of you.
YOU matter so much and he deserves the best version of you. Good luck.
May I recommend trying this question again over at The Leaky Boob ?
These ladies are nice enough, but the Leakys have been specifically giving advice about this sort of situation for over a decade.
My advice: Build communication
I think your son might be deciding that he is done with breastfeeding.
Personally, I stopped at 10-11 months old with my son as he didn’t want to lay still during the feed and was becoming upset. Plus, my milk supply was no longer keeping him full for long so I just upped his food.
I think for your sanity you need to ask if his trying to communicate that he is done with the breastfeeding journey. It doesn’t mean you have to stop breastfeeding. You can continue to store milk and use them in smoothies for him or donate your breastmilk to your local hospital for other little ones who need it.
Pump and only bottle feed.
Get a breast pump and put it(the milk) in a bottle
Pump and give him a bottle. You may have to introduce him to bottles slowly if he won’t take one.
NO ONE SHOULD PRESSURE YOU TO CONTINUE NURSING!!! You yourself is the ONLY one who should decide when to wean your child. In the meantime look up “distract and redirect” while nursing. La Leche League USA is an excellent organization… as someone already mentioned look up The Leaky Boob
Pump (to track volume, help mamas peace of mind, and keep baby mama relationship good). Start transitioning with foods. It’s been a while since I’ve had a little one, but all of mine started baby cereals and foods by 10 months old. This will help if your little one isn’t getting full enough. I didn’t breastfeed mine for long, but wonder if the supply isn’t meeting the demand. I had a kiddo with a narrowed airway and it progressed to fits because he fell asleep eating and woke up hungry. They can’t express what is wrong and it causes behaviors. If you were to pump you’d know the volume you’re putting out and could discuss this
with a physician. I used wic with my kids. They start putting them on whole milk at one and recommended cups by 1. It’s a good time to start adding baby cereals and foods so if it is supply it won’t be such a stress all around for everyone.
Agree with most of what’s being said. Pump and given him a bottle if you wish to continue breast milk. Transition to whole milk. It won’t hurt him. Had both mine off the breast and bottle before a year. Take care of yourself so your can better care for him. Get your mind right for yourself first. The rest will follow.
Stop breastfeeding. Whatever gets food in their system is the right way. The stress is going to dry you up in the end anyways.
Most likely only nurses at bedtime, fighting his sleep.
There’s nothing wrong with formula if your mental health is at stake. Better to have a happy mummy and bubby, than miserable ones xx
Totally normal and happens to the best of us. He needs to know you have boundaries too:sparkling_heart: good luck mama. I know how hard it is. I have five children, all grown now but omgosh…felt like 18 years of breastfeeding. Pays off in the long run I promise.
I stopped at 6 months with my second because he kept biting. He switched to a bottle easily!
When my daughter bit me and thought it was funny at that age I would sit her down say ouch and walk away (in the same room). I did explain she had to be gentle. Your son is smart enough for you to teach him to behave - but you have to be consistent and have patience for a couple weeks. My daughter was annoying to nurse 10-12 months, I kept nursing her and I had a saying it gets easy at a year but everyone gives up by then. But after a year it was so easy as their communication gets better and they eat more and more food. That said if you want to switch to formula, your kid will be fine. Nothing is worth it if it s breaking you down mentally. Lots of kids are raised lots of ways and they all turn out pretty good:)
why is there so much pressure to continue breastfeeding!? … who is pressuring you!? … fed is best … it DOESN’T matter how a baby gets fed as long as baby is eating … tired of all these people saying breast is best … since baby is being too aggressive and wearing you down while eating , it’s better and safer for you to either pump and put your breast milk into a bottle for baby … or switch to formula … there is nothing wrong with not breast feeding
When my daughter started trying to bite me.I would abruptly remove her from.my breast and set her down and tell her no biting. She would get upset but she got the message after a few times. Even at that young age it is appropriate to teach them not to hurt you or be demanding. The consequences is he loses the boobie. Every time her hurts you take away the breast and tell him no biting or no pinching. After a while he will learn that those actions directly follows a negative consequence. He orobably won’t get it at first so it might take several times and patients. And if you want to be done BFing then don’t let outside presure influence you. Do what is best for you and baby. If you need to punp and bottle feed that’s fine. And if you need to switch to formula that’s fine too.
Personally that was the time I switched over to bottles. It took a few different kinds and 3 days of lots of crying but then it was smooth sailing
Not sure who is pressuring you but, it’s your choice, and you’ve done a tremendous although extremely difficult job for ten months. Stop breastfeeding. Your little one is not going to suffer. The stress you both must feel during the process is certainly not healthy.
Introduce solids and pump if you can
U don’t have to continue breastfeeding u can always switch to formula if u need to. However if u specifically wish to continue breastfeeding then you can always pump and then feed him from a bottle it might make things a little easier and less stressful. The stress can cause ur breastmilk supply to dry up which is why I said u can also switch to formula. Try pumping and feeding from a bottle and see if that helps with some of the stress on ur body from him feeding like he does. There is no wrong way whether ur breastfeeding, pumping and then bottle feeding, or formula feeding as long as ur baby is fed thats all that matters.
Pump and give him your milk in a bottle. You can try nursing him, but as soon as he starts being mean give him the bottle. Your partner isint feeding him, he shouldn’t have a say in what you do with your body.
Pump it and put it in a bottle maybe
Wean him off the breast…pump and.use a sippy cup
Pump your milk and give to him with a bottle. You can hold him and cuddle hum while he’s eating. But he can’t “abuse” you. And you can store any leftover.
I feel this my son is 2.5 and we’re day 4 on no boob. I felt how you feel several times since about 10 months. My daughters both just stopped at 1 no issues they just stopped. He did not. I don’t know if you have any help available but I got my mom to start taking him for a few hours during the day like 3-5 hours. He didn’t cry for a boob. You know how we eat for comfort or cause we’re bored? I think that’s what was happening. We started doing more activities during the day and made smoothies and that type of thing and that helped my guy never drank from a bottle nor will he drink cows milk. It helped plus I had a bit of a break which helped me immensely. No one can tell u what to do but I hear you it’s a lot.
Can you pump and feed him with a bottle?
Stop breastfeeding! 10 months is a good amount of time! You are not obligated to feed for a certain amount of time! Time for formula! It’s ok!!! Stop guilting yourself! You’re ok momma!!!
Time to introduce a bottle and maybe some solids? I guess he is letting you know he is ready!?
Just bottle feed, I bottle feed all my kids
Pump your breast milk and feed him with a bottle
I only breast feed two and bottle fed the other too after some heated why can t u confrontations 10 months is at least some if you can t do it Don t
You will get quite sore for about a week just put big cabbage leaves on them and they will calm down your milk won t dry up instantly so you still have time should you want to go backed
Just querying if you have enough milk supply… being anxious and upset can definitely affect your supply, are you drinking enough fluids? I have 3 children, the last one, a boy I fed for 5 years, please don’t tell anyone, I’m a bit embarrassed… in the end your peace of mind is paramount, try to relax while feeding and if he doesn’t respond I would put him on a bottle, best of luck to you and if you can please let us know how you’re going xo
Breast feeding is meant to be a calm bonding time. 10mths is a significant amount of time so well done you. Bottle feed him with formula for hungrier babies maybe? Or start off on standard n see how you go with that 1st. Deffo he needs weaning/ solids n as he eats more foid reduce milk consumption. Also give water too ( previously boiled n cooled ) he can go onto regular cows milk at 12mths. If you put on bittle partner can help feed to but never be pressurred into doing anything with your body that youre not happy with n that includes breastfeeding. Also look for advice online re weaning x
Can you pump and bottle feed? Or formula?
Time for the bottles " don’t put up with that "
Pump and switch him mom’s do it all the time
Ive only read a few comments , but none seem to really say why this is happening. Ive been breastfeeding for 2.5 years. This is a normal stage, they hit and pinch to cause a let down. Kids are lazy and dont want to work for the milk. Its similar to a cow headbutting its moms utters or how kittens do their paws while they drink. It wont last forever mama, its just a rough patch. Breathe and do whats best for your family. You made it to 10 months, that is incredible, and i am so proud of you!
Pump into bottles and feed him.
He’s 10 months old
Te to start bottle feeding him. Those teeth might be starting to come out & the positions might not be good for him.
pump or formula
Every baby is different, sounds like he is in his own way telling you he’s done nursing. If you want to pump, up to you but he’s old enough to move on to real food so it’s not necessary for nutritional purposes.
He drinks less the more solids and definitely detailed routine helps… Also give him formula, he will be OK, as long as you OK to be the best mom we have to learn to adapt and make necessary changes strongs mum u a great mom, breastfeed or formula, bottle or breast… Dnt forget to take care of yourself too
Pump and try the bottle,
You have a good milk supply ? Perhaps hes hungry and not getting enough milk fast enough. Id bottle feed and start weaning if you haven’t already.
If you’re dreading feeding him your milk will dry up.
Maybe time for bottle and big boy food.
Who is pressuring you? Your the mother your choice no one else’s! He’s 10 months old, for me teeth and your done ….
Pump and give him a bottle
10 months? Once they have teeth it’s over. He should nearly be on solid food and it’s time to start the sippy cup.
I can remember my stepmother going through this with my little brother. She would take him off the boob and say. “No hurting.” She would do it up to 3 times then would refuse to feed him if he kept at it. She would try again in 10 minutes. It seemed to work. If you are ready to end your breastfeeding journey then that is the what you need to do. Baby is almost 1 and that is AWESOME!!! I would suggest moving to cups rather than bottles though!!! Good luck on you and your little ones journey!!
Start solids with feeding maybe he’s too hungry or switch to bottle
Pump and start solids
My son used to bite and pinch during feedings. So when he would do those things I took him off immediately and told him no that hurts mommy. It took a couple weeks but he figured out if he wanted the booby he had to behave. We were able to breast feed until he was 3. You don’t have to tolerate pain and abuse. Best of luck figuring it out.
Pump and bottle feed, Introduce solids.
Sounds as if your breast milk is drying up at 10 months it’s totally fine to switch over he should be getting his cereal added to milk before bedtime & introduced to foods the consistency of baby food like mash potatoes & such you child is hungry you are the mother your child is letting you know it’s not enough for him at 10 months he doesn’t have any other way of letting you know make change now when he gets little older be careful with hot dogs more young children choke on these getting lodged in throat than any other food
Stop breastfeeding him then. How hard is this
Pump it and let him have breast milk in bottle because you need to be not just physically fit but mentally fit for your family so switch to bottles
I would pump and switch until he could start cows milk don’t feel bad you made it!!! He has gotten so many good nutrients mama!!
It’s time to bottle feed him.
Pump and put it in a bottle or switch to formula for the next couple months. Your body, your kid your choice, to he’ll with what everyone else thinks. You can’t be the best mom you can be if you are mentally and physically exhausted, do what’s best for you in this situation because that is what is best for baby.
There is a group called extended breastfeeding support that you can join. You will get much better advice then you are getting in this one. He could be distracted if things are going on around him. Trying to cause quicker let downs so he doesn’t have to work as hard for it. I seen quite a few people say this. No that doesn’t mean you’re drying up. Not even a little bit does him doing that mean you are drying up. But if you want help with continuing the breastfeeding please join that group. You can post anonymously if you want to. But you WILL get a lot of help and support. If need be reach out to me as well.
Start pumping at 10 months he should be getting some smashed food anyway
Feed him solid foods and give them a sippy cup with the breast milk in it
I’d stop. Try pumping then formula
You may not have enough milk. Or it could not have the vitami s in it to keep him full. ( LIKE ME).Bottle feed him for 1 week to see if there is a difference
Pump mama
I never latched on but they got the milk
He’s gotten all the nutrients thus far and it’s perfectly fine to switch to milk and cereal now. My kids started eating cereal and drinking milk at 10 months, so it should be fine now to stop breast feeding
Bottle feed him …nothing wrong with that…they thrive on it
Use a pump and give it to him in a bottle
My mum raised all us 9 kids on bottles formula…we al thrived on it…I don’t no why ANYONE would persist on breast feeding when you can feed baby formula it’s quick and easy…you can see how much there getting…and the babies are just as healthy as breast fed…U wouldn’t think twice…all my kids were bottle fed
I pumped and bottle fed. It’s more work but at least it’ll give you a little break. You won’t feel so touched out and it’ll save your sanity a little
Bottle feed and solids
If things get too painful try pumping breastmilk and just let him drink it from a bottle/sippy cup. He will still get the benefits of breastmilk and you should have more relief. Good luck mama!
You might be running out of milk! Try pumping more and give him through a bottle u til u have a fuller supply
10 months…he’s obviously ready for a bottle…or better yet, more substantial foods.
When he does this stick your finger in the corner of his mouth and break the latch, take your finger press it against their lips and tell him NO in a stern voice. You will have to do this ALOT but eventually they will understand and stop. I did this when my kids worked like a charm to get them to stop biting and we were able to breastfeed past 1. If this isn’t something you want to do or it doesn’t work I’d pump and bottle feed. I know him crying is not something you want to hear but your mental sanity comes first and there’s others ways to get him breast milk.
My daughter was like that idk how I made it as far as I did but I had bruises and scratches everywhere I get it mamma
Pump and bottle feed.
Pump and give in a bottle or stop feeding him breast milk altogether. He might have allergies and affecting him. Something has changed in his environment that he does not like.
At 10 months wing him off
Tell him no, if he keeps going kick him off and put them away, put him down. When he comes back tell him gentle. Yes your going to argue with him, but breastfeeding or not your going to have to teach him to be gentle with people.
You’ve done a great job so far and food should come into play around this time so breast milk won’t be the only source of food. But if you really want him to still have the breast milk but need your sanity back I would pump and bottle feed until you are ready to stop
Stop nursing if it’s bothering you that much
Time to start weaning him off breastfeeding. Start introducing the bottle. Just knowing your begining to come to end of breastfeeding should make you feel better. Good luck😊
I would stop breast feeding
Let me start by saying 10 months of exclusively breaat feeding is an amazing accomplishment. There is alot of good advice but please whether you decide to pump or switch to formula dont office s bottle thats just another thing you’ll be removing soon, offer a training cup, there are many options including soft spout options
Sounds like it’s time to stop BF. Pump or formula but your body is telling you no thank you
When he does that l look, remove him cover up and say no we don’t treat momma like that.
If I was feeling that way, there would be no prolonging taking action. I’d been getting bottles and formula. I wouldn’t feel bad for doing what was best for both of you.
Don’t nurse him then…
Pump and give him a bottle
Pump and give him a bottle. Or just stop.
For your own sanity. Pump and bottle feed
He will still get the nutrients and you will get the mental break
Nothing is worth you losing your sanity
Just pump instead or stop nursing