Sounds to me that you are drying up.
He is struggling to get a good flow.
Time to start slowly introducing some formula.
Swaddle him , wrap him then feed
Also if you are drying out, there is meds to produce milk
Wean him off and pump so you’re not denying him his breastmilk it will just come from a sippy cup.
Pump and supplement with formula.
You can have rules surrounding nursing and he can understand them, don’t underestimate him. If he does something you don’t like move him away from you and tell him no pinching/pulling/etc.
I went through this, you aren’t drying up at all. It was actually around that age that my little girl became super rough and gosh I remember just being done with nursing! But here we are still going strong at 19 months, so first off you got this mama! I think it has a lot to do with their teeth and it just feels good to them. I still have to protect myself sometimes when she wants to pinch!! I got my little girl a toy to fiddle with so she wouldn’t pinch and then if she got too rough with the head bashing I would take her off and tell her no no. Make her wait and then start again. After a while she would stop because she didn’t want to not be able to nurse. Now the switching from side to side she still does. I pump and know how much milk I have but she just does that when we lay down for naps. No shame in weaning or to keep going! Just wanted to share my experience with you!
It can be rough when you have all this going on and arguing with your spouse! I hope this helps you and I hope you have such an amazing day today!
If possible, join a breastfeeding group and speak with knowledgeable professionals. These comments are full of out of date misinformation.
I was told to leave the house a little at a time, to wean my little one off the boob. So, I started going back to work eventually. I do night feedings and maybe 1 in the mornings now. She was a year old though, so she had water, milk, and a little bit of juice while I was gone.
I’d tap his hand and tell him no. My son stopped doing it. It took time but he figured out but he stopped.
Time to put him on the bottle . He’s not getting enough milk from you .
I don’t understand the issue. Pump and put it in a bottle. He’s a child. He will get what you give him. He can still have all the breast milk he wants from a bottle. The only pressure is from yourself. He won’t waste away without your boob in his mouth I promise.
When he does this, calmly but firmly say “No” and set him down and walk away. Wait a minute, then calmly and firmly say “no bite, no hitting or no momma milk” (or whatever he calls nursing) before latching again. If he does it again, repeat and wait a little longer before relatching. This has worked for my boob fighters.
I couldn’t breastfeed because of medical reasons but my sister did with her son and I think it was around 9-10 mths she said he but her so hard on the nipple that was it for her and she told everyone who was breastfeeding shaming crap to kiss her butt. If it is no longer to just feed and he’s hurting you like that switch him over to food and homo milk and tell people your body your choice
Why don’t you just pump and give him breast milk through a bottle?
My son was violent so I kicked him off the boob. Bottle fed him from then on. No one shamed me for it.
It’s ok to stop breastfeeding especially if it’s taking a toll on you. Just give him a bottle or sippy cup, he’ll be ok and you will feel much better too😘
When you bite the boob that feeds you- you are done! Bottle city baby!
I was an avid breast feeder. But I totally agree with “fed is best” if it’s causing a negative time for you, you can stop.
Sometimes hearing or seeing someone say you’re allowed to stop makes it easier and makes the guilt less. As long as you love your baby. And care for your baby, it doesn’t matter where they get the nourishment.
Guys there is absolutely no shame in weaning. But all of y’all telling her to pump is not helpful. I hate pumping. Its so much more work and I would absolutely be done if I had to start pumping full time at 10m.
Give him a toy to occupy himself. Stop the nursing session when he does this, and only allow him to continue when he stops the behavior. You are absolutely allowed to set boundaries. I absolutely will not tolerate twiddling my other nipple for instance. I only get one boob out at a time. However dispute all of that, I got this same touched out feeling with my last around 14m and quickly weaned over about a month quickly dropping nursing sessions until we were done.
I would personally stop for my metal wellbeing and if you still want to give him your milk express it x
Pump the milk. Smh stop allowing peer pressure to dictate. Mothers milk is best, but there’s more than 1 way to feed it to him.
In my OPINION (not at all any type of “professional “) why not try bottle feeding? You gave it your best but switching to formula is not a defeat or something to be ashamed of. (I only did formula) honestly If you still want him on breast milk you can always pump and put it in a bottle. But I think you’re under too much pressure physically and mentally. They say as time goes on it gets easier but in all honesty it’s just a new things to do/avoid every few months. Take a few hours for yourself. Shower, shave, eat a hot meal, and take a nice nap.
Then why continue? It’s not healthy for either of you at this point
You need to wean him now, asap. This is not good for you, him or your partner. You have done really well feeding for 10 months, and he has had the main benefit he needs from it. It’s okay, don’t stress over it.
My son was a biter. At 9 months I stopped breastfeeding cuz it was hurting so bad but continued to pump. My boy got breastmilk till he was about 15 months old. Maybe try pumping and bottle feeding him. This way he can still get the breastmilk and your partner can help with feedings too.
Pump and bottle feed?
Bottle feed and save yourself in so many ways.
Baby will be okay.
He doesn’t have to get the titty to get the milk . Seriously at 10 months , just pump and bottle feed .
Pump then. Give him a bottle
my youngest bit me quite badly twice and he was around this age as well and i thought nope just nope no more and he went onto a normal bottle as he was eating all 3 meals this was really just a top up, hence it was time to move on
Pump…… I’d pump breast milk. If breastfeeding in your world is that important…. Pump it…… momma has gotta be happy too…. Baby still gets the breast milk benefit…. Momma gets non chew toy nipples. Win/win.
Time to smack his hand…
Why do you feel the need to breastfeed under these conditions? Just stop.
baby will be just fine if you bottle feed, fed is best!
My sister swore by these Nipple Shields. Not sure what brand is best but worth looking into
Pump and use a bottle start using formula buy donor milk get some counseling talk to a lactation specialist
So pump and feed him or wean him all together. Not hard to figure out
When my baby started to bite I would take the boob away and say “you can’t bite momma” and after a little while she got the point and she never bites any more… she was about 6 months old though and didn’t have teeth yet then, but I knew I had to nip it in the bud before she got teeth!
Give him a bottle with breast milk in it .or put him on formula!
My son weaned himself and 10 months old. At that time he had already started solid foods so I was giving him little sips of regular milk. He was already drinking juice and water so the breast milk wasn’t necessary anymore.
Switch to pumping, that way you can still give him breastmilk, without the violence. That or just switch to formula, fed is best, no shame in it. It’s not worth your mental health degrading. Or at 10 months you could switch to milk I believe. I’d ask the pediatrician, but I think 9 months is usually the age you can switch (9-12 being the range, depending on how iron rich baby’s diet is), so you could go straight to that. Hugs!
Pump and use bottles. He’s getting the same milk, but differently.
This is detrimental to both of you. Ask your Dr some options and information. Please…
Gently unlatch him as soon as the undesired behavior starts and set him down and say, “Rough.” He may cry or he may get distracted with a toy instead. If he does cry, pick him
up and say “Gentle”or “Nice” and then offer to nurse him again. When he is nursing the right way, reinforce the behavior, by saying, “Gentle” or “Nice” or “Good Job” or “Much Better,” in a pleasant tone. If he starts again with the undesired behavior, remove him gently again, say “Rough” and start over. It’s important to set him down to give you time to walk away and decompress as well as send the message to him that when he nurses roughly, he doesn’t get to bond with mommy. Even though he’s only 10 months old, he’ll understand that when he exhibits certain behavior, there’s undesired consequences. Also, please bottle feed your baby if you feel like you’re at wits end or are just done!! You did a great job for as long as you could!! Give yourself credit for that! There is NO shame in bottle feeding at ALL!! It is certainly more acceptable to bottle feed then resenting your baby for hurting you and all the drama that comes with that. Good luck!!
I would do what’s best for your mental health!
What matters the most is mommas sanity!
You have bf 10 months longer than I did. I didnt even try and I have no shame in that. You sure in hell shouldnt feel shamed because you gave your child your body for 9 months of pregnancy and 10 more months after that!
If it makes YOU feel better to try some of the advise here with unlatching and reinforcing etc, then YOU do it. If YOU want to be done, then there are alternative options.
Do what YOU need to do to be the best momma for your babes and what keeps YOU calm and sane!
Natavia Harris this is some good advice for what todo.
Can’t u pump the milk and feed from a bottle?
Mama, I am sorry you are experiencing this. Use a pump and bottle feed him.
If this is a new behavior, ear infection or teething needs considered and aided. Feeding can be painful under either condition for them, causing them to lash out since they lack impulse control and verbals. Those conditions can be easily treated and pain managed as well.
My youngest liked to pinch for the sensory of it, and I held her hand while nursing and kept other side covered to limit the “landscape.” This helped eliminate that behavior and eventually I didn’t need to hold hands with her.
When older, you can explain that something hurts by saying “oww,” but at that age, it may make it more of a game for him.
And while there should not be pressure to continue breastfeeding, establishing a pump response at all, let alone an EP pump response this late, would be very difficult and most older babies will refuse formula if they haven’t had it earlier.
They need full amount of breastmilk or formula, or in combination, until one year of age. Neither can be replaced with water or solids.
So while OP’s mental health absolutely matters, it cannot take priority over her baby’s brain development, physical growth, nourishment, and hydration either.
So, oversimplification on this complex matter does not actually help either party and both of them–mother and child–matter.
Use a breast pump for your milk and put it in a bottle.
Pump and give him a bottle and take a breath. You aren’t doing anything wrong and your partner can’t really say much since he isn’t the one feeding and going through it
The stress you are going thru isn’t good for anyone including your baby. I understand you might want to.nurse longer but might be best to pump and use a bottle from now on. My son at that age loved to bite and pull while nursing. I.think he thought was funny the faces I made. I finally broke him of it but took a bit. Take care of yourself as much a you take care of your baby, you need it.
Mama! Wean him off! I breastfed for 10 months and had to stop due to a breast infection. In one night!! She did fine and so will your little man. I promise! Your mental health is to fragile right now. I wish you nothing but the best for you and your little man.
Do what you need to do for your mental health. He can feel your energy, he’s not going to reap any bonding benefits if you completely resent breastfeeding anyway, plus he might be feeding off your mental status. Give him a bottle, it won’t hurt him and you’ll be happier, making you a better mom and partner.
Hel old enough, pump, use bottle and kick the tit!!! Especially now you want him OFF it’s time to get him off. That baby only loves you for your milk momma babies are evil creatures I swear they know whats happening… mine would bite me any time someone laughed or if I made reaction, what a total B (baby) even if your supply drops. You made it this far, he has gotten the most important months with your milk, supplementing with real food and formula will make your life 10x easier and less stressful.
Pump it and give it to him in a bottle
Will he take a bottle. You could always pump and bottle feed. Maybe start out with every other feeding if he’s having a hard time and increase bottle feedings as it gets easier.
Pump or give him formula. This makes no sense.
Get an electric pump… then he gets his milk and u get a rest xxx
Pump and give him in bottle.
Sometimes this can be normal behavior as they are figuring out what neat things they can do.
Pump and bottle feed. It isn’t doing either of you any good when you are feeling this way. Breastfeeding is hard! You have made it 10 months. He can still get the same nutrients and you won’t be so drained. He will adjust to a bottle. You have to take care of you in order to take care of your family.
Exclusively pump! Switch over and you might find it happier
When my lo (almost 8 months) gets antsy I stop feeding him and put him down. He nurses best when he’s sleepy, otherwise he’s agitated, kicking, latching and unlatching and occasionally bites. Really learning his cues has helped immensely.
Pump . Don’t feel guilty and talk to a specialist about his tendencies maybe get some insight maybe he’s not getting enough or something not sure that’s why speaking to a specialist can shed some light …. Pump regardless . Feel better
STOP!! You have to stop breastfeeding! Your mental health is way more important and he will get plenty of nutrients from formula/milk/solid foods etc! The last thing you want to do is completely lose yourself! He will be ok but will be even better with a happy mom.!!
Start putting it in a cup
old enough now to start moving to breaking him from you…I agree, sippy cups!
You could pump into a bottle for him instead maybe that way ur still basically breastfeeding just not having him on ur boob it’d still be ur breastmilk?
All the suggestions to pump- but no one mentions how unbelievably stressful exclusively pumping can also be. If switching to formula is best for ur mental health - please do it. I experienced anger and agitation nursing and pumping with my first and ultimately had to stop and it was best for me and my baby
Pump so he can be fed and you won’t have to feel attacked.
Stop, I would stop breast-feeding him… if you can’t even make this decision now and he’s only 10 months old he’s going to give you living hell when he’s two and 12 you’re in for a lifetime of hell if you cannot get a hold of this right now, you are the adult in the situation, he is a baby he does not control the situation. You can still do your “woke” parenting but you still need to teach him discipline and respect and boundaries
Where is my body my choice??? 
Mayne it’s time to stop breastfeeding
Set limits. It will take a few times… but when he is doing a behaviour you don’t like while nursing, say, no thank you. Mommy doesn’t like that… if he keeps at it, end the nursing session. Put him down and wait a minute and try again. Can use terms like gentle hands or no thank you… don’t let him have both sides unless you want him to have them.
Enforce your boundaries! They’ll catch on
If this were my situation, I’d start to wean. My personal breastfeeding goal was 1 year anyways and 10 months is just about there. Within 2 months he could be fully weaned.
Girl either pump or get some formula, fed is best and I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way.
Pump and put it on a sippy cup. He’s 10 months old. He will be fine without the boob. At a year old they want you to take a bottle away anyways so it’s good practice to wing off.
Your mental health is important
Pump n give the kid some food. Fk the pressure, worry bout your mental health first before something bad happens
I would probably pump
Time to stop breastfeeding in my honest opinion. No need to feel guilty. Pump/ pump and formula/ just formula, it’s up to your preference. Do what you need to do to have a healthy relationship with your family and keep your mental health positive. You can still bond other ways with your son. My first born was breastfed until approximately 8 months. She was constantly trying to feed and switch sides. Would bite from time to time. Turns out, I wasn’t producing enough milk anymore.
He’s reacting to adrenal stimulents, switch to de-caff coffee and watch what happens
Just pump. Take his boobie away from him. Hand him and the bottle to dad and walk away. If that fails, grab some formula.
Don’t beat yourself up over anything. Look at all the people in this world who’ve survived breast milk, pumped milk, formula, goat milk…. Whatever. Just feed your baby and stop beating yourself up.
I’d just pump from now on and put it in a bottle or cup. No longer nurse him.
Why not just pump it and put it in bottle
Time to break him , he’s old enough for a sippy cup now
could he not be getting enough milk and trying to get more by butting against your breast?
actually i believe studies show nursing your child until the age of 2 and even 3 is very good for them.
Take him off give him bottles
He will start hitting soon I had to with my daughter cause she tried to take it off
Time to ween him off
I would pump and put in sippy cup during the day and bottle at night.
When he starts being mean just stop tell him since your not being nice your done. He may be little but he should catch on that whens he mean he doesn’t get to nurse
Stop breast feeding him he will be fine he should be on a cup o had 6kids never breast feed any of them @ they were never sick and fine today
At the daycare they start mixing whole milk to get them off breast milk and formula before they turn 1 and move to the next room. They do just fine and are drinking it out of a sip cup. And they start this at 10 months.
At 10 months start introducing a sippy cup with express milk and whole milk …you can let him watch you put breast milk in the sippy ( with whole milk already in it ) start with more brest milk than whole and after a week add more whole and less breast . doctors recommend whole milk by 1 year so now is a good time to start
Pump and give bottle.
Nurse in a darker, quiet room when possible where there are no distractions. I always stopped feeding when pinching and biting (which was soooo bad with my last), or any behavior. Say “no” and offer again when you are both calm. At that age, I nursed only before naps and bed.
But don’t feel like you need to continue for others. Do what you want to do. Good luck!