The healthiest year we’ve had as a family with young children - ages 10 months, 6 & 8 years - has been since the pandemic started up to now. We’ve not had one snotty nose, no more HFM, no colds or flu, nothing. We did do 100% homelearning since school closed in March 2020. I DREAD the idea of what sicknesses we’ll be fighting within the first week of school next month. All those children with almost no immune system now…
Keep letting him get sick! That’s how ya boost their immunity permanently
Just kids decongestant/allergy on those days. Itll dry up their nose which means less coughing or sneezing.
Purée spinach and other veggies with fruit. If you’re creative there’s no reason he can’t get some veggies in his diet. And most likely he’s gonna get sick I think it’s common
Stop taking him there🤦🏽♀️
This is just what happens. Kids are germ factories.
He IS building his immunity, by meeting these new bugs. It’s normal for little ones to get lots of colds. Hopefully by the time he starts school he will be over the worst.
It happens with a bunch of kiddos just build his immunity up depends on the age but lots of vitamin C, Zinc, Elderberry. Hydrate also.
Orange juice. Elderberry kid gummies. Take him out to a public park to play. Fresh air and more kid germs for his immune system to build up against
Colloidal silver, and vitamin C
Dp you take him outside to play. Maybe more play time to build his immunity …
Ask the teacher how often she has the kids wash their hands.
Have you had him tested for allergies?
Yeh, that’s just daycare and having kids…
There are so many irresponsible parents who send their children to school/daycare sick, and then you have those who are carrying bugs and germs that aren’t showing symptoms. So essentially EVERY child in a daycare centre is it’s own little germ breeding factory.
My son has been going to daycare for over a year, 3 days a week now and still frequently gets sick. It happens.
It’s normal. Either it will happen now or when he goes to kindergarten. The only way to boost his immunity is to expose him to the germs.
It’ll take him almost a year to get used to the germs. It happens. Doctors will tell you to just keep giving him medication. And suck the boogies out. Vitamin C.
Kids get sick. Its all about building a healthy immune system.
He needs to build up an immune system. Give him vitamins. Kids in daycare don’t stop getting sick until they are like two or three.
Take. Him. To. A. Dr
Are you sure it isn’t allergies?
My son had an ongoing “cold” that wouldn’t go away and my dumba** complained to my mom that I couldn’t get it to go away and she was like “dude it’s allergies”
Sure enough I gave him some medicine and boom! Fixed lmao
Could be allergies to something there
Sure it’s not allergies?
Sounds like an allergy if it’s only after coming home from day care, try a none drowsy antihistamine before and after daycare it should stop the nose from running
Someone else commented allergies- I would look at the daycare and see if there’s anything that could be causing sinus issues/allergies. Specifically- mulch on playground and any trees nearby that you may not have at home. I would consider children’s Claritin to see if that makes any kind of difference. And on another note about veggies- I used to put green beans or broccoli in the food processor and mix it in with other foods (noodles, lasagna, shake and back chicken) for foster kids who were picky eaters and they never seemed to catch on.
Did you get him vaccinated-
That’s a hard one. Depending on how long he’s been going to daycare he might get sick the entire first year until his immunity gets higher. When my daughter started daycare she is full time, she constantly was getting a cold of some sort for the first year or so then usually at least once a year after that
Well I hope he’s gaining antibodies that will help fight off infections later on
Typical for first years in daycare.
Ugh I don’t do day care but since my kids started school at age 3 they are always sick it sucks
Best I happens now than once he starts school.
It’s bc he’s only going 1 day a week, if he went more often his immune system would be use to the germs
Does the daycare use a strong air freshener? Sounds like there could be an irritant causing a reaction.
Unfortunately that’s how it’s gonna go. My nieces went to work with their mom (she worked at a preschool) and those poor girls were ALWAYS sick. The baby had double pink eye, the other one had double ear infections. It was awful.
Unfortunately not much you can really do
You can try probiotics and multivitamins to help boost his immune system
My daughter was constantly sick but as long as there’s no fever she still went to daycare
Yupppp. The first year my son went to care he was sick all the time. His second year in now he’s so good. Barely anything. They need to build their immune system
Maybe there’s something he’s allergic to? I’m allergic to fragrances and it makes it seem like I have a cold if I’m exposed to something strong. Like the effects last a while.
Couldn’t be allergies?
The first year or two in daycare is SOOO hard. My little never went to daycare, but I worked in daycare for 3 years—let me tel you my immune system wasn’t a fan either lol. Lots of vitamin c, a multivitamin (chewable or gummy), and doterra has an essential oil called OnGaurd—I’d check with your pediatrician to make sure it’s safe for his age, but put a few drops of that in a smoothie. It helps fight off all the yuck. I take it when I am just beginning to feel onset.
Nothing will help. Just make sure to give him his necessary vaccinations & daily vitamins.
Ironically your child getting sick is building his immune system and he keeps getting sick because he lacks one. But it could be allergies, you could give him some children’s allergy meds before school. To try and prevent sickies make sure to teach good hand washing. Elderberry syrup is supposedly good at boosting immune systems. Good luck mama!
They get sick even if they are vaccinated, my grandson is vaccinated he gets sick every time he goes to day care
Vitamin D/k2 and magnesium will help his immune system as well as time.
Elderberry and multivitamin! Unfortunately at that age they share more then just toys. Lol
He needs to go more often to build up his immunity.
Probiotics and kefir , elderberry
Most kids get sick often the first year of daycare. They’re constantly exposed to other children’s germs regardless of how clean the rooms are. Kids sneeze into each other’s eyes and keep talking like everything is normal It’s unfortunately just part of it
Allergy medicine? Like Claritin, Allegra, something that start with a Z but I can’t remember the name. All over the counter.
Change day care locations
Does he have a fever? What is the daycare policy for sickness? Most places take the kid if they have a runny nose as long as they don’t have a fever over 101 or 102. I agree with everyone else, it’s common for the first year or two.
I give my grands 50 mg zinc in juice. It prevents viruses from mutating … chewable Vit c and elderberry gummies also help. (I’m a retired Ed nurse)
Mine have been in daycare since they were little but my 3.5 year old takes these daily and seems to dodge getting “really” sick when stuff is going around.
Elderberry tonic every morning. Or honestly find a cleaner daycare, they may just be passing the same thing over and over
While it is typical for kids to get sick at daycare, you might also look into their sanitizing and cleaning procedures and possibly take him somewhere else. Like others have said vitamins and probiotics might help (if his doctor is okay with it). My advice would be to consult his doctor first, then check about cleaning and sanitizing procedures. He may also just miss his mama. My son used to run a fever sometimes at daycare then when I picked him up his fever was mysteriously gone and he was completely fine (I still had to keep him home for 24 hours though to be safe). I talked to his doctor about it and he said kids can do some crazy things, such as create a fever when theres no sickness
He will eventually become immune.
The daycare sounds like the problem honestly
Change locations
I would find another playgroup. Meet at a park so their outside playing.
It’s very common and where he is only going once a week, his body isn’t able to build up his immunity as quickly as kids who are around each other and germs more often.
He may have allergies Something at the Daycare maybe triggering symptoms
fruit is the best thing your son can eat.feed him all kinds of different sorted berries.full of antioxidants!! i get the simply truth frozen berries mixed .Any brand will work.
Sounds like allergies
Unfortunately it’s going to happen, my son went through this and we put him on Children’s Zyrtec and it helped tremendously… he’s now on his 3rd year at daycare… like everyone else suggested it’s natural and eventually the immune system will build up but definitely would have him go more than just one day a week so they’ll build up faster… just a suggestion. Good luck!
It takes 1-3 days to catch a contagious cold…and 7-10 days to get rid of it (as long as it doesn’t develop into bronchitis, ear infection, sinus infection). So, it may be he just doesn’t have enough recovery time to completely shake it each time…or has an underlying condition as well now. CDC says many times the beginning AND end of colds are not apparent, yet they are still in the contagious and actives stages, even though you think they are gone. Good nutrition is very helpful with colds. Blend veggies into almost everything you make. Hide them if you must…or model good behavior by offering them at every meal and eating them yourself. Kids are little mimics, lol. Smoothies, sauces, stews and soups are all great ways to include veggies in meals. They can really help! But maybe see a dr if it continues…perhaps there is something that cannot be seen that is blocking him from recovering completely or something getting worse.
Sounds like it might be allergies to something there at daycare
As a licensed home daycare, I can assure you it’s common. These kids have colds non stop. They have it way before the snot starts and then by that time everyone else has been exposed and it’s like a hamster on a wheel…a spinning cycle that never stops. I spray toys during the week and clean on weekends. We go outside when it isn’t 110 so we can have fresh air. We wash hands and the whole nine yards. I go through about 3 boxes of Kleenex weekly with 6 kids. All of the kids in my daycare are vaccinated. It happens. Unless you have some bubble wrap to send him in it’s just par for the course while they are young and around other kids.
This is actually normal and since he only goes once a week, that’s why it happens each time. If he’s going more often he will eventually get better. It’s like if he’s being switched daycare every week. He has to get used to the environment and the germs there.
Elderberry is a must for us. Made a huge difference for my son when he started full time daycare
Sounds like allergies
Weird question could he be having an allergy to something at the day care do they have pets or something
It’s building immunity. There’s not much you can do but vitamins or Argentyn 23. If you’re that concerned have his thymus checked to see if it’s in good working condition. Most all mothers go through this, it’s just annoying and frustrating.
Some people just naturally have runny noses /flemy coughs.
I have personally been this way since I was a teenager. Now my son is the same way at 2 years old. Not sick . We are just weird. Some days we are normal but it’s odd
My guess is allergies
When my girls started daycare I felt like they were always sick also. On a positive note after a year of being in daycare it helped to boost their immune system tremendously.
Elderberry syrup for kids
I would suggest sending him more to daycare than just one day a week, he needs to be around others to help build up his immune system, so that he doesn’t keep getting sick
It’s pretty common for kids who aren’t used to being around a large group to become sick. My daughter has always been in some kind of social group to help build a healthy immune system. It’s always been 2 or 3 days a week for a few hours and after the first few months she became healthier and not getting sick as often. It takes time but keep doing what you’re doing and he’ll eventually get used to it not become sick as often.
Elderberry tea. Or syrup.
Same thing happens when they start school. Kindergarteners always get sick. At home their environment is controlled and less germs. By getting sick it builds up the immune system by teaching the body how to fight off viruses.
Kids have to build an immune system. Par for the course.
My son was the same way. He would get sick every other week. It was terrible. After a year of being at the same daycare, I changed him to a different one and would rarely get sick. That might of been a coincidence, I don’t know. But unfortunately there wasn’t much we could do.
Vitamin c n drink oj
Stop taking him To daycare. If it’s just for socialization, take him to a park or sign him up for gymnastics or a music class.
We thought the same thing with my youngest. But it wasn’t daycare . He has extremely bad allergies. They eventually built up immunity to the germs at school . Seeing that he’s home more than daycare see about getting a allergy test done for him ?
I would be asking the daycare if they are cleaning and sanitizing toys. Some colds are normal when they first go to daycare. But weekly sounds like the daycare may not be cleaning.
There’s vitamins you can give him, my kids take a gummy elderberry one that they love youngest who can take it states 2 yrs old might help, but kids always get sick in daycares/schools
I kid was sick for the first 6 months straight at daycare but I was told it was good for him because it would boost his immune system and when he started school he didn’t get sick
Elderberry everyday.
My son was sick every other week when we started daycare and he went full time. It took about a year but now he’s rarely ever sick at all. My second baby didn’t get sick nearly as much likely because she was around all her big brother’s germs as well as what she was exposed to at daycare.
Your son can get these colds from daycare or you can wait and then he will get them from school.
Give him some orange juice once a day if he’s not allergic
Keep him at home… take him to parks and library and socialize him yourself
Good quality multi vitamin. Also u can do vitamin C.
Elderberry gummies too
How old? If hes old enough 2 drink juice I suggest airborne once a day. They also make it in a gummy form he can chew on and he will think it’s a treat. Otherwise a flintstone gummy (or other childs vitamin) 1x a day. Pediasure chocolate milk will help too
I work at a daycare. If your child is only going one day a week he’s not working up the immune system. My first year working at a daycare I was sick the whole first year. He is being introduced to more sicknesses and more viruses. I have two children a 21-month-old and a 4-month-old and this is the first year they’ve been in child care and they have been sick almost this whole year. It’s not the daycares not cleaning or doing what they’re supposed to do is some children carry the virus they may not be sick but they do carry it and when they come in contact with your son who doesn’t have that strong immune system yet he’s going to get it.
Daily vitamins. My son never get sick since I started using them.
Are you sure it’s the daycare? And not allergy’s?? My youngest at one time, I thought he kept getting sick, around the time he was starting pre k. And around more kids. Cause he kept getting a runny nose and a cough then would get all stuffy etc. Never really a fever thou. Turns out, he had allergies. His doctor put him on an allergy medication, that when it happened, that’s what he would take. And it worked he no longer was getting “sick” he was home way more then anywhere else and not around a bunch of other children besides neighbors kids. And not outside an entire bunch, because the other kids were always at school lol so we didn’t really notice until he started going to pre k.
I worked at a daycare and my son went to the same one and we both constantly had colds. We would get better from one cold then get another. And don’t even get me started on the flu outbreak and the hand foot mouth outbreak. Daycares and schools are cesspits of yuck even though we constantly cleaned
Try daily elderberry and vitamin C for prevention.
Probiotics and daily vitamins.
I run an in home day care and all my healthiest kids take probiotics daily. The refrigerated kind. It’s just a powder to add to a purée or drink.
Send him to daycare for more than one day a week… His immune system needs to build up.