My son keeps getting sick at daycare: Advice?

Go for influenza jab? It works for my son

Would be nice if ppl stop takin their kids o daycare when sick is the first thing. I’ve had that happen a few times

Unfortunately that comes with daycare😕 some people never keep their kids home even when their sick so it’s hard to prevent

Multi Vitamin. Elderberry gummies. Vitamin C and vitamin D. Probiotics.

Works for my daughter and she rarely gets sick at the sitters, even when the other kiddos do!


I like the Jarrow brand

I took my oldest out of pre school bc of the same issue, it’s not worth my child being sick all the time. I often wondered why the pre school didn’t/wasn’t disinfecting properly, and why and how other parents kids were so germy? My children do not get sick often, it has to be a powerful bug to get them sick. Taking him out of pre school did the trick, not sick and went to kindergarten with no social abnormalities or behind in any way… same with my other 2… all my children’s immune systems are strong and I do not believe getting sick every week as a toddler “boosts” or does anything positive for my children, I opted to skip that nonsense once my 1st child displayed it weekly until I removed him and kept him home.

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Sorry to say this but an old lady once told me no one will take care of your kid like you do,at creche some usually just leaves kids with their bottles and that’s how they become wet and milk/water runs down to their ear causing infections etc that is why we should be more aware and address it if it gets noticed


One Day a week isn’t enough,not only that’s you’re going to get sick,he’s going to get sick,everyone’s going to get sick. And you’ll pretty much stay sick honestly. My son’s bene in daycare since March and he’s constantly sick and so am I and his baby brother. Our allergies are terrible and unfortunately I game my son’s my immune system. It’s going to happen,you legit can not avoid it no matter how hard you try…

Ask the daycare what they use to sanitize ask them how often they sanitize the toys ect ect…. They could possibly not be doing it enough or not using the correct amount…. In BC Canada we wash the tables n toys with soapy water then bleach bath…… which oddly I think licensing has it wrong because soap n bleach create toxic gases! :scream:

With covid toys should be sanitized daily

But also boost your kids immune system!

Start sneaking his fruit and veggies in in a frozen yogurt peanuts butter smoothie.

Kids need to play outside in dirt and grass buildup there immune system. Also since he doesn’t eat vegetables and fruits you can give him a one a day kids vitamin. If he’s only going to learn social skills I would pull him out and wait for kindergarten that’s a perfect time to learn Social skills and how to get along with other kids.

My kid did this for 4 years straight. The only thing that cured it was covid and getting to work from home.


My pediatrician told me that kids in daycare get sick at least 14 times per year and that there was no getting around it :unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:


I’ve heard that mangos help boost the immune system. Also there’s airborne for kids I think that boosts the immune system I could be wrong.

It may be allergies. Give him pineapple the bromelain in it helps with sinuses

The longer he is there the better it will be. My daughter was constantly sick in kindergarten and after that it got better. In time it will get better

Has he always only gone 1 day a week? They say it takes a few years of going to develop their immune system… and that is for kids going frequently… my older 2 never went, but my younger 2 probably didn’t stop having that issue until they where almost in kindergarten… daycare’s are pretty germy cause there are so many kids and they don’t keep things out of their mouths…

Maybe allergies. Honey from that area helps build immunity against them

This is probably something you need to discuss with your childcare provider and ask them what precautions they are taking to prevent kids from getting so sick all the time. Ask them why they aren’t turning kids away if they seem sick have a temp cough or runny nose.
Also like comments above have said it could be allergies. My kid would cough so bad and I thought she was always sick but it turned out to be allergies and we had to replace the carpet in our rental.

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I work in a nursery and see babies/children with colds every single day recently!

Depends on the nursery but we spend all day outside (only time we are inside is during mealtimes)
We are outside in all types of weather - appropriate clothing will be worn.

But my suggestion to you is go outside more with the child it builds their immune system

Worth a try :blush:but it does make a difference x

I had one child that didn’t go to day care and one that did. The one that didn’t go to day care got sick all the time when he started kindergarten. My one that went to day care was at the doctor 20 times in his first 30 days there but it did get better with time and by the time he got to kindergarten, he rarely got sick.

Try a immune booster for kids

Probiotics drinks! Only mild sickness this year and I’ve kept sending them. Can’t keep them home just because of a runny nose

My 1st thought was allergies. Playing in dirt and being outside will help build up immunity… Since Vegetables and Fruits are very important, you must find a way for him to get them, lots of people make smoothies. Get a childs pre & pro biotics. And give him Vitamins… slow down on sanitizer at home, using to much of that will lower a childs ability to naturally build up immunities .

I went through this, seriously contemplated removing my son but over time his immunity became stronger and he stopped getting sick. I definitely recommend a good probiotic and multivitamin (can get them in satchels from woolies that you mix in their drinks, my son is a fussy eater too). If they don’t get sick there they’ll get sick more often when they start school. It’s difficult now but is best for them in the long run. Also recommend getting their yearly flu shot :blush:

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He has to get used to it, the more you keep him home the more sick he will be! My oldest was always getting sick and I kept everything impeccable clean, and my youngest i just let her be and she was healthier and stronger! We have to let them develop inmunity because as doctors say that you should not be giving your kids any medicine unless they are suffering! Otherwise it’s good for their body to fight it on its own!

Elderberry syrup is a good prevention/immune booster. Manuka honey when symptoms appear (great for on cuts and stuff too…20 umf or higher)


This is going to sound crazy but it works. Stop cleaning with disinfectant and bleach. They also kill good bacteria and will help build immunity quicker. It doesn’t cause colds and viruses. Those are spread by infected people. If the baby is the only one sick then it should be fine not to.

Stop blaming daycare!!! Unless your child is kept in a bubble and only ever goes to daycare then your blame is valid however it’s a known statistic that daycare is often more hygienic and healthy then some dr surgeries, hospitals and common community places like shopping centres.

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Yes expose your child to more germs. Heve him around others outside in the dirt etc. Ecposure is how a child builds immunity.

My toddler chews on our dogs bones. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:hahahaha

Honestly kids just need to build their immune systems. Try taking him to more public places, especially since everything is just opening up from covid, he probably hasn’t been other germs enough to build immunity and such. Maybe try doing day care or play groups more often so he’s around things to build immunity more? Also make sure he’s up to date on vaccines and taking vitamins. Take him to the grocery store and let him wander, go to parks, ect. Nothing crazy, just “normal” places and behavior to help build him up. Keep in mind we are coming up on flu season though, so flu shot and just be a bit more careful so he’s not getting too big of germs

If there is no fever or vomitimg/diarrhea the provider should be able to watch them still. Tahts what my children’s daycare provider tolf me.

You don’t catch a cold overnight🙄

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I worked at a day enter for kids and I had to stop working because I kept getting sick. I got pneumonia and got better went back and a week later got it again and worst. We cleaned everyday and i just couldn’t seem to get better. Now I take vitamin c chewables or the drink. Helps. Good luck mommy

My 2 girls were always sick the first year and a half of daycare. Colds, pink eye, strep, stomach bugs… I imagine only going 1 day a week is going to take longer to build immunity. I’m sorry I don’t have any advice but it is tough! Vitamins and hydration is really all I think you can do.


My son has under lying immunity issue - " so no long in daycare or preschool - public school wont option either " - My ped ref - our son got high fever - crazy rash - "
Try vitamins - hopeful he gain immunity -

Bring him there is doing that it sucks but exposing them to other nasty LO (please don’t get offended I adore little kids but they are definitely germtopia) will help him you can also try feeding him food with vitamin C or offer orange juice but his body probably just needs to fight the little bugs I have 3 kids and I swear by the not keeping them super clean again obviously with in reason but the more they are outside or eat the occasional dirt so to speak does wonders! But on a side note does daycare have any plants or animals that could be new to him maby it’s more of allergies them cold?


We use cold snap. It’s all natural and it’s safe for kids. Look into it.

Kids are going to be exposed to more germs because of daycare but going one day is not going to help build his immunity. I have owned a daycare for over 25yrs my children because exposed to other children very rare do they get sick I have never called off of work for being sick as well in the 25yrs. I do however give my children viatims as well as myself. We get outside and and interact with people as much as we can.

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Actually, the daycare is doing just that: enforcing the immunity. It just takes time because a young kid has a brand new immune system and has to learn these diseases and how to fight against them.

I used to work in a daycare center and I got really sick often in the beginning and the same happened to my kids when they were young. But as school started their immune system was strong from random stomach flues and colds and they stopped getting sick.

So I say give it time and vaccinate the kid against those things that can be prevented with a vaccine.


I’d be looking into allergens. Pollens, dust, mould, mildew, if they’re feeding them at the school what preservatives are being used. I only say this because I’m allergic to preservatives and to pollens etc. And I can go to a place that has my trigger there and I’m sick for a week or two. And it looks like a cold. But isn’t. Maybe get a allergy test done just to put that possibility out of the question


Is the snot clear? There may be something at school he is allergic to.


yes keep him out of day care, find a friend with a child that u can go a nd visit, so they can play, mine was sick all the time too when they were little until i took them out of day care, i couldn,t keep a job because i was always staying home with sick kids r going to the dr, got tired of it,

Same with my son. He didn’t start daycare until a year old because the pandemic hit but once he started he went from never being sick to always being sick… my 14 year old used to get sick often too but it slowed down as he got older.

Boost his immune system by not bathing to often. There was a week I bathed my daughter 3 times and she caught a cold and she had been well with no colds for over a year. Bathing to often strips the immune system.

Give him a daily multivitamin and let him go, because being exposed to different bugs will help build up his immune system in the long run

Every year my kids get mildly sick when they go back to school -it’s called back-to-school-flu -it’s the immune system working -I also recommend letting them run barefoot, play in the ditch, eat dirt, and get out in the sunshine as much as possible :wink:

I worked at a daycare for almost a year and I was never well. I caught things I never had before. The kids were always sick there and the parents would not keep them home. Sending them
with fevers, coughing and runny noses. Thankfully I got a new job and was back to a healthy life.

I agree with the fact he needs to build up an immunity to the other kids and environment with more germs.

If it makes him so sick do not take him there. Try somewhere else. Something is wrong.

What about elderberry gummed? Sweet taste, natural immune system booster

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I know it seems like he may get sick more than other kids, but honestly it’s perfectly normal for children to get sick alot and easily because they have not been exposed to all these germs yet and it will help them build their immunity

I know it sucks! My kids have asthma and colds are so hard on them, but they get them in winter and fall or when the weather changes, and they get sick from school or sometimes it seems like no where. Now my older ones aren’t getting sick as much but my 4 year old still does, and it’s like she can get sick by her siblings just bringing germs home with them from school

My kids stayed sick too, I took them out and put them in a home type setting daycare with only 5 or 6 other kids, and I didn’t have no more issues

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Change the day care. It may have allergens that bother him or her

It may not be a cold… He may have an allergy to something at the daycare especially if he only goes once a week. …the fibers on the rug, or cleaning solutions, the greenery in the area. I would rule out an allergy.

Sounds like he has allergies. Most viruses you only get once and how many different viruses pass through a year?

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If people wouldn’t send sick kids to spread every germ there is, it would be nice. Too many don’t care.

Could it be allergies at the facility?

Maybe he has an allergy to something there

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Only happens at daycare? My son used to get sick all the time. Or so we thought, turned out it was allergies…

Smoothies! They are good for the whole family. Fruits and veggies in them and they will never tell

Elderberry Syrup or Gummies! :purple_heart:Try to find someone who makes it fresh not over the counter brand and try some “Local”honey too.:honey_pot:

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Are you sure there’s no mold in the daycare? That can cause major respiratory issues.

Very normal with kids. I had 3 they all went thru it

Put a little antic bacteria cream at the tip of each nostrl before he goes to day care

Find other ways for him to socialize. Especially with the Delta variant going around if he doesn’t have to go to daycare would not send him.

Could be allergic to something in the building

Elderberry gummies. I give them to my kids have for years now. No issues.


Try a tonic but eventually he will be more immune

Pure cod liver oil to boost his immune system

They all go through this eventually they will build up immunity

Vitamin c every morning. My husband, kids, and myself take it every morning and never get sick.

Muscle milk kids love it like chocolate milk

He’s building up immunity

Building a immune system-

Elderberry, five times a week. It’s super simple to make and probiotics.

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Immunity build up…natural

Sounds more like an allergy to something than a cold.

Maybe allergies try Zyrtec

Could be allergies. My son kept getting sent home with “pink eye”. Turned out to be some mold growing in the walls of his school.

Could be allergies at day Care, also one day a week with other kids I wouldn’t think would help to build his immunity. Unfortunately when they are in A day Car setting, kids do get sick. Could try additional vitamin c or another supplement.

Sounds more like an allergy issue…

Does the daycare have mold somewhere inside!???

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My son keeps getting sick at daycare: Advice?

My little people take gummie vitamins. We do a kids multi vitamin, a vitamin D and a vitamin C every single day. They almost never get sick and when they do its usually really mild.

Vitamins and elderberry

Is the day care ckean

Daily gummy multi vitamins

Could just be an allergy of some sort to something in the daycare itself.

Unfortunately this is one of those things you just gotta go through. My son was sick every week for the first few months of daycare. He was also a preemie and was born with a compromised airway. His daycare was a daycare for typical and medically complex kids. They assured me it was just the getting used to the new environment. They were right. After the first initial months, his immune system started getting better. Its one of those things where they either get the colds and have to fight them now, or they get them in grade school and middle school later, when missing school, extra curriculars, and their friends sucks more. Also… You need to build the immune system up.


He needs to build his immune system. It happens to all children. As an ECE and mom of 2 boys I can attest to this. My boys went through it at 12 months when they started daycare. I know it sucks but it’s good you aren’t requiring care because you work full time. Look at it this way, building his immune system now will only help when he starts school, hopefully with less absenteeism.


My youngest started daycare at three and when he kept getting sick I asked the Dr what I could do . He said because he hadn’t spent a lot of time with other chili could expect this for the first full year while he builds up his immunity. The good news it’s not happening at first year of school when attendance counts. Good luck


My son had the same problem. I started sending him with long sleeves on because since Covid theyve had the air set on popsicle to keep germs down and he doesn’t keep his arms under his blanket. Once i started that, he’s been fine. My son is 2.

There are enough viruses yearly that a kid that frequently gets sick Amy be sick all winter. Make sure it’s not allergies too.

My son started preschool last year. He went Tuesday and Thursday and by Friday he was sick every other if not every week. 9/10 times he was better by Tuesday to go back. Nothing much you can do it’s just the natural cycle of them building up their immune system.

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He could be reacting to something in the environment, verses catching colds. Have you checked to be sure there’s no mildew or mold in the building, plants he may be allergic to, etc??


My kids aren’t in daycare, but I’ve heard that 1 glass of grape juice a day boosts immunity, and maybe a chewable kids’ Claritin before he goes to daycare. Hope this helps!:slightly_smiling_face:


This is pretty typical. Your home is a bubble and preschool/daycare is full of bacteria and viruses. Through time they build immunity but it does come with sickness. My son started daycare at 1 he was sick about every two weeks for months.

Kids this age tend to carry a runny nose as long as they are around other kids. My son had 6 ear infections his first year of daycare but after that all he had was a runny nose and it never really went away. Some weeks are worse than others but it’s normal. It is building his immunity up. Unless he has a fever there’s no reason to be pulling him out the following week.