Normal. One day a week isn’t much exposure so it’ll take his body longer to build immunities but it’ll pass. Stop keeping him home the following Monday, let his body work.
Honestly is sounds like maybe allergies. If they daycare has any mold or dust or even a cleaning solution that could trigger allergic response.
I’m in the saaame boat with my two year old ! He goes twice a week and a every other week he’s sick and has to stay home ! I’m at my wits end ! His daycare is very expensive and we don’t get any fees canceled on missed weeks either but don’t wana pull him out cuz he is doing so well and thriving and just loves being around other kids
I use elderberry gummies and lots of water/ pineapple juice. But as a mom of five boys I can tell you they get sick and after a while they build up an immunity on their own. Just make sure you clean and sanitize everything
First time in day care? It happens to kids and teachers alike. Encourage fruit and fluids at home
The first year of childcare is constant illnesses due to your son’s immature immune system. It won’t get better over night but after the first year it will improve. Also only going to childcare one day a week will take longer unfortunately. Can you look at increasing the days to 2 days consecutively? You’ll noticed a quicker immune response. That’s what I found with my 3yr old. He’s now been in childcare for 12mths and I’m slowly starting to see an improvement in the occurrences of illness.
This is the time for your child to build immunities and being in contact with other children creates an environment for him to catch everything that everyone else catches. This to will pass.
My son catches everything from nursery, I have started him on the kids multi vitamins to try and help his immunity a bit
Same boat momma! My kids never get sick when they at home, and as soon as I take them to daycare they get sick
Vitamins! Honestly, the cold does build his immunity and keeping him away doesn’t help too much but. Always give him vitamins! Vitamin C!
Following i just recently had this problem of daycare and getting the whole house sick its been a week hes better and I want to take him back Monday I just get weary I dont want my son sick all the time but I’ve heard its just what happens at daycare I’m wondering if there is something like a vitamin or something
Elderberry gummies. He will be sick on and off the first year.
You can always make healthy shakes. You’d be surprised what you can sneak in there with out them knowing.
That’s the risk of sending a child to daycare. If he doesn’t become immune he’ll do the same thing when he starts school. Talk to his doctor
It’s common. Once his immune system builds up, he won’t get as sick as often. I would donate germ gel and Lysol wipes
Maybe he is allergic to something there. Seems most plausible
I have the same problem - can you share the immunity powder with me ?
Is it a cold? Or allergies?
It could just be allergies…try using an antihistamine to dry up his mucus…
Unfortunately this will be a never ending cycle as he is not consistently exposed to these kids more often during the week. Most kids get sick once during the first 4-8 weeks of consistent daycare because they’re taking in the germs and adjusting their immune system, then they’re fine.
Not giving him consistency with these germs will cause the cycle to just continue over and over again.
After time of him going once a week for a VERY long period of time, all bodies will have finally mixed and hell stop getting sick.
Try putting a little vasaline on your finger and put it around the inside of his nostrils. Not a blop but just a smooth smear. It may help to stop germs and debris from going further into his sinus. Maybe the daycare needs to change the air filters.
Elderberry vitamins.
That’s normal, my son was constantly ill when he started nursery at 8months old. Get some vitamins in him, it does get easier eventually. Don’t keep him home either, send him in.
Going through the exact same thing here
The best thing to do is keep him in daycare (unless a dr recommends otherwise). My sister and I had this issue where we would go to daycare/preschool and get sick bring home germs and my little brother would get it. Now I can’t tell you the last time my brother got sick and he’s 16 now. Clearly his immune system isn’t the strongest and getting him exposed to those germs will only benefit him in the long term.
If your that worried and he doesn’t need to go keep him home
He wouldn’t catch a cold on Monday and wake up Tuesday with it. I think it’s something else. I’d check for allergies food allergies too see what he’s eating there as well
It’s daycare germs. Once a week isn’t really enough to get him used to the germs. But it’s better now than when he goes to kindergarten
Could be allergies but if not a common cold usually a child can still go to daycare as long ad their snot is clear and not green. I’m a daycare teacher and we have children with shitty noses every single day, as long as nothing else is wrong they can be there.
My kids stayed sick when they were little, seemed we always had strep, stomach bug, runny noses, whatever the going bug was. They’re 12 and 13 now and very rarely sick. Just gotta let his system work through it.
Ma’am, your child has allergies. Take him to a doctor. They may prescribe allergy meds and that should do the trick.
So stop sending him it’s only one day a week why expose him to all those germs also try boosting immune system .
I used to work in child care, so I know the cycle you’re talking about. The kids who only went part time were the ones who got sick more frequently. Taking a multivitamin with zinc, vitamin d and vitamin c would be beneficial. Try to get outside in the sunlight too.
Allergies are horrible this year too, so don’t rule that out. My son, who has never had allergies in the past, has been battling them for the past few weeks. You can be as proactive as possible, with a healthy diet, vitamins, etc., but if the symptoms are due to allergies, than it needs to be treated with antihistamines.
Give him raw local honey, and childrens airborne gummies, when he geta home wash hands, face and changw clothes. Also check area of bushes, trees plants etc…
Being a recent former dayschool worker, I’ll first say that it’s all about building immunity. If he is only going one day a week, he’s not building up immunity at all from that center. Also one day a week is not always a good thing considering the social/emotional/ cognitive development. Yes it helps with socialization but It would be greatly beneficial for him to have more than one day a week, and this would also help boost his immunity to the daycare germs he’s being exposed to. Hopefully it’s a clean well known center so cleaning etc is being done daily throughout the day. I’d suggest daily vitamins and just more exposure to the daycare. It’ll greatly help him with developmental aspects and build his immunity
My son was this way around 1-2 years old was constantly sick and has never even went to daycare! We swapped drs to a small local dr( a place not overpacked with small socks kids) because I believe he was catching something else everytime we went, anyways we swapped she put him on allergy meds and I ordered immune drop and elderberry off Amazon and he’s only been sick one or twice since, he’s almost 4 now!!
change daycare facilities
Just keep him out of day care. Hopefully as he gets older his immunity will build up. But I am a preschool teacher and every year I get sick during those first weeks. He can go to reading hour at library, museums, parks etc. That will be fine. He will benefit the most from spending his time with you and visiting these places together.
try giving him medication for the flu the morning before he goes and then the evening when he returns before any symptoms develop
My son was like that too he’s a very picky eater and I just gave him vitamins children’s vitamins with extra C in them
Try giving him a spoonful of honey every morning to help boost his immune system
My son started nursery at 9 months old in Sept 2020 so he’s just coming up to going for 10 months he still gets a runny nose and colds every other week… we just keep sending him in and give him a supplement every night with his bottle
If you think about it, he is in close proximity to others and new germs…sooooo yeah