My son prefers his dad over me

What do I do? My son literally sucks up his dad’s arse, like he can only love and like 1 parent and not the other, his dad can’t do no wrong, daddy’s got to give him his plate of dinner, daddy’s got to take him to bed, bath him, if I attempt to he screams and screams and holds his breath, I try to cuddle him he screams and runs away then hugs his dad and says “best friends dad” I tried to take him to the shop and he had a melt down and didn’t come in the end because his dad wernt coming (all because I wanted just me and him time) he won’t leave the house with me he gives me evils, shouts at me, I’ve done nothing but try to love him but he won’t let me near him, I’ve done nothing wrong his dad left us after cheating and since we got back together it’s like my son doesn’t want to know me anymore what can I do


You didn’t give an age but from what your saying he sounds pretty young. And this can just be a stage. My daughter only wants mommy to do everything and only wants mommy cuddles and mommy is her favorite, daddy/step-daddy/step-mom be damned. She used to only want her daddy when she was about 1 1/2 but that was when we first divorced and she rarely saw him. It sounds like he has anxiety about his dad and it is coming out in other ways. His dad left for a period of time and wasn’t around as much. Despite age kids definitely notice this stuff. Now that daddy is back he is probably strongly reacting to his anxiety that daddy might leave. In kids it come out in all sorts of ways. I wouldn’t take it personally, your child isn’t doing this to purposely hurt you and your child probably doesn’t know what is going on or why he is acting that way himself. It is something that will take quite a bit of time for him to get used to (the fact that daddy is staying), try not to force the love and affection because being obviously forceful to young kids can completely push them away because they want to do what they want to do and they will see it as negative. They need to feel as though it was their idea.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My son prefers his dad over me - Mamas Uncut

He’s afraid he will leave again


Give him some space but Dad should be encouraging him to include Mom


Maybe he’s afraid if he lets dad out of his site he’ll leave again he’s probably traumatized from dad leaving previously maybe try setting him down and talking about it to see what going on then if that doesn’t work start making him go with you and let you do his bath and stuff


I think he’s scared he will leave again . Dad should try to talk to him and tell him he’s not leaving and it’s okay for him to let mama help with things and go places.


Just ignore him it works a treat soak up the alone time while he’s with his dad it’s a faze


This is fairly normal behavior for a young child even without your circumstances. Be patient because it can and will change.


He’s traumatized from his dad leaving and now has abandonment issues.


I agree, he was emotionally traumatized when dad left. He isn’t letting him out of his site because he is afraid he will leave again… That’s sad Hun. But once he has reassurance he will come around.


He just doesn’t want his Dad to disappear again. Be patient Mama, he will be fine.

Maybe He doesn’t see dad giving mom any love or attention so mom is just in the background. He’s mimicking what he sees with dad ?? Possibly ?


It’s likely just a phase since dad was gone. Give him some space and he’ll come back around on his own. Hugs to you momma. I know it’s hurtful to you.

How old is your son?

I just read the rest…. He’s acting this way because dad left you guys. He knows you’re not going anywhere but he doesn’t know that dad won’t go away again. So he’s likely trying to fill that void up with all the dad loves right now because he’s there and he doesn’t know if he’s gonna leave again.
Poor little guy. That’s sad.
I would be hurt too especially since you’re the one who’s always there and will be always! But he’s not trying to hurt you. He’s just trying to soak in as much as he can cause he’s unsure about what’s going to happen. Hang in there mama. Just keep being a good mama to him and loving on him. He’ll want you again soon.


I wish I had this problem, I wouldn’t be complaining lol

I would suggest family counseling to help you child deal with his fear of losing his dad and to help yall be a family unit again. I hate to say this but he may feel like you caused his dad to leave. These are all things that canand should be addressed in family counseling.


Its not about you sweetie, he is so atached to his father because he is afraid if he lets him out of his sight that his daddy is going to leave him again.
Your husband leaving was a him and you issue but all your son was seeing is that daddy was not there any more and it sounds like that really affected your son. Im sorry you are hurting because you feel like your child doesnt like/love you because he wants nothing to do with you. But it has nothing to do about his love for you, your not the one who left him and is finally back. He is afraid of his daddy leaving him again.


how OLD is your son.


Am I correct that the father is a weekend parent? It sounds like he gets to be the fun parent while you do the daily work of raising him. You’re the primary disciplinarian. You have to wake him up for school. You make sure he does his homework, etc.

You two must get on the same page. At first, this might mean that he comes over at bath time. When your son insists on his dad, his dad needs to back you up. Start with, “We’ll both put you to bed.” Take turns reading a bed time story. At bath time, make sure you have a role. Start with playing with bath toys.

Also, the “best friends” language must end. Parents and children can’t be best friends. It undermines parental authority.

You and your ex would benefit from family counseling to get you on the same page for the sake of your son. At his age, consistency is a must.

The reason is clear. He is afraid of dad leaving and knows you aren’t going anywhere. He has abandonment issues. Have him go see a therapist. Also, have dad correct him and tell him sternly that he needs to stop. You didn’t put the age of your son but he sounds really young. My 5 year old wouldn’t eat unless my husband served her. Be patient with him and focus on doing family activities vs one on one time. You don’t state how long ago dad left or how long you’ve been back together but everything seems very recent. Give him time to adjust.


Kids go through these stages. It’s natural. Just give him space he’ll come around

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Stop giving him attention, have him spend time with daddy in the house and don’t interfere, let daddy make lunch, juice cups, snacks, help him pick up toys ect and just ignore him… Eventually he’ll get aggravated that ur ignoring him and want ur attention


Maybe scared his dad will leave again.


He’s probably afraid dad is going to leave again so he wants to spend all his time with him.


Did you ever think that he’s scared if Daddy gets out of his sight that he’s going to leave again? He knows your always going to be there with him, but his little heart and mind are still trying to cope about Dad leaving and being gone


He’s likely blaming you for his dad leaving. Counseling would help a lot here I think. Sad


First off, consider some play therapy for attachment issues. Second remember that he doesn’t see the situation like you do. He sees, Daddy left and I didn’t know where he went. Daddy is back and if I can’t see him or be with him, he might leave again and never come back. If daddy thinks I dont love him the most he might leave me again.

Talk to your pediatrician and see if he/she may suggest play therapy. Also try to find words that he will understand to explain that daddy left for awhile, but he’s back. Have him explain that daddy won’t leave again and not return. If dad leaves he will come back.


He’s scared :cry: so sorry mom ! So sick of these dads never thinking of the children. And now he’s the good guy imagine that​:face_vomiting:


My son is this way with me, it’s just a phase.

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He’s blaming you that Dad left. He’s afraid if he lets Dad out of his sight that he will leave him and disappear again. He needs some counseling


I would say he’s scared of his dad leaving again also…Just keep telling him you love him and that you will be there for him. And sooner or later he will figure things out. It might take a while, be patient…


I love that my girls love their daddy more than me!!! I’m off the hook 🪝 :crazy_face: :sunglasses: :raised_hands:

I laughed at this because it’s kinda cute. But also curious how old child is. I would try counseling because it seems he’s scared his best friend is going to leave again.


I used to be so happy when my daughter would say “no, daddy do” lol He’s definitely worried that Dad is going to disappear again.


It called separation anxiety she. My husband left for a deployment then came back after 9 months my daughter was 2 and it was all about daddy depending how long it been he will probably calm down if not therapy


He is terrified if dad isn’t in his sight he will leave and never come back. It’s not you love


Have you tried sitting down with him to see why he acts that way towards you? Also have dad gone when you ask so he can’t run to him and not answer your questions.

Ask him

Why don’t you want to go with me to the store?
Why do you scream, and hold your breathe?
What can I do to get your love back?
How can I make it where we can have a day together away from home?

Just a few questions as a rough idea to ask him.

Also once he has answered you, let him know (if you and dad) that dad won’t be leaving if that’s his issue. Maybe :thinking: see if you can take his dad vehicle when you take him for the first time out. So then he knows that you’ll be coming back to the house to his dad.

Get him into therapy


Probably just a phase. My daughter for the first 3 years of her life would have nothing to do with my husband. It had to be me all the time, it was draining, but eventually she out grew it

The way he is behaving has NOTHING to do with you and ALL to do with the previous situation. It sounds like your son fears he will leave again so he doesn’t want to let him out of his sight etc. Just keep on loving on him anyway Momma he knows you love him and will ALWAYS be there for him… I PROMISE! :heartpulse:


He’s a child. Give him some time. That was a big upheaval and he’s probably afraid daddy will leave again. In his child mind he might even think it’s his fault daddy left it that he has to do certain things to make daddy stay. He needs reassurance and stability. Try to look at from his little perspective and don’t take it personally.


Dad needs to step back a tad

My 1 yr old son is the same way… completely a daddy’s boy! So is my 4 year old daughter! When hes home from work… its mamas break time… embrace it :blush:

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After reading the ending it seems he so worried daddy is going to leave again. He would not have a clue why it all happened, but you were there , daddy was gone, now daddy is back. Kids pick up so much more than just words , he may feel it was your fault daddy left , or many other things


Dad needs to encourage him more towards you.
Pray for him and guidance and understanding that you love him and would always be there for him. He’ll grow out if it. Just keep coming around and asking to do things with him. Maybe have a game night with all of you once a week.

It’s his little baby way to keeping dad around this time. Dad needs to very much step up and encourage le bebe to hang out with you. Also, he’s clearly having a hard time processing what happened so maybe some play therapy


He is blaming you for dad leaving. You both need to sit down and have an age appropriate talk with him


My kids dad & I are together & my daughter only wants me & I can never do anything wrong with her. I just spend way more time with her since I’m home most of the time & he works.


If dad left and came back, it seems like your son is scared his dad will leave again. And is only being with him so he won’t leave. You could try family therapy/counseling or just give it some time.


How old is he ? It seems he may be worried Daddy is going to leave again. X


His father needs to put his foot down and help you recorrect it. He needs to tell him that he has to respect you and be nice and redirect him every time. May therapy would help. A lot of kids go through separation anxiety at some point.

It’s likely that he feels safe in your love and confident that you’ll never leave no matter how he behaves, but worries that dad may leave again if he doesn’t do these things to make him stay.

If you can manage it, you might consider taking him to see a child therapist. Situations like this can deeply impact our little ones. When they are too young to really understand, they often blame themselves. Family counseling might be a good idea, too. He needs to feel safe in the understanding that dad loves him no matter what he does, and that even if you and dad separate, dad will never leave HIM.


Sounds like separation anxiety. His dad left and now he is scared he will again.


He’s probably afraid his dad will leave again so he’s staying around him as much as possible thinking he’s making him stay by doing so. Maybe have your husband start making plans and show it to be dad’s idea that you go


Umm let dad do everything for him. Take some well deserved me time. Know that he loves you but feels safe you won’t leave him like dad did. If dad stays it will pass. Don’t take it personally.


I kid you not my son was the same from birth, I couldn’t console him when he cried but stopped as soon as daddy held him. He’s now 5 and he’s the biggest mummys boy going, everyone says so! It can change, I understand the upset you feel but I’ll bet you’ll be the favourite soon :grin::heart: x

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He might have abandonment issues. In his mind the more he clings to daddy he won’t leave again


It’s a phase. My kids did that too.

Separation anxiety…. Talk to his pediatrician, they can give you real advice.


Sounds like he’s afraid of losing his dad but he knows he always has you


Seems like baby is just afraid dad will leave again. Family counseling for sure.

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No, you never make a child decide between parents! Unless a parent is truly a loser. It is not far to push sides on a child! When they are older it should be their choice if they want to be around either parent.

I’m sure he thinks his Dad will leave again, or that it was his fault he left. Have you thought about therapy for the both of you

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Let him be? It’s a phase.

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Young one - it’s a phase - besides - your reaction may be what he likes. It may feel , to him, he’s always wanted. Try acting like it doesn’t matter - and if/ and when starts coming around - don’t give in right away. You may not believe it sweetie- but you are bonding and not even know it. He knows you are right there. So give yourself a break- because someday you (:yum:) May wish for a break.:v:t4::rose::heart:


He thinks if he’s with dad, dad can’t leave


He’s afraid his daddy is going to leave again. That’s all it is. It’ll pass in time, I promise. :heart:

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Look into separation anxiety. I am not separated from my husband but he is often deployed so my son favors him and has a hard time when he’s away.

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When a parent leaves the family weather it be full on abandonment or just leaving as in divorce/separation children depending on how young will usually cling to that parent really hard when they come back in the picture or on their weekends with that parent. My brother did this when my parents split up I did the opposite and have still had a hard time having any relationship with my dad.

Maybe he’s afraid his dad is going to leave again?


Does he see his dad respecting you and loving you? If he is seeing and learning that Daddy is disrepecting you…hes getting the messege that its ok for him to disrepect you also.
…if he sees Daddy respects you as a strong woman…he will too


A lot of good advice here. I’m sorry. My feelings would be hurt too. Hope it gets better soon

He’s broken. Take him back and get a new one.

Just kidding. Idk, try having Dad say positive things about you like “it’s so much fun to play with mommy” and then you and dad play a game and then invite your son to play. As well as other things like that…
You give daddy his dinner plate then dad says “I love it when mommy gives me my dinner”.
I’m a single mom of 5, so, I don’t have much experience with dads and their kids.
Hang in there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Mine dispises dad but up my ass I think it’s beacuse dad works and I’m a SAHM

Definitely a phase. My daughter onlys wants me giving her a bath, me putting her to bed, me opening her juice box. But then she has times where she onlys wants daddy.

Separation anxiety
I’m sorry to hear it.
Also sounds like you have a young boy
It can always change

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Sounds like he’s scared dad will leave and maybe thinks it’s his fault? Poor little guy!

Try getting out of the house and doing activities as a family to rebuild the relationship between the 3 of you!


A play therapist helped our daughter big time!!!

Your kid has abandonment issues because of that break up, he’s terrified if he is out of his sight he won’t come back. Get him into therapy ASAP to start working through it.


He’s probably just afraid his dad is going to leave again. My son is like that with his dad. I’m not with him but my son definitely shows favoritism towards him. It doesn’t bother me but I can tell it’s because he wants him around.

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Sounds like he’s just scared his dads going to leave again. Definitely separation anxiety


they flip flop at times…

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This was my son with his dad too. It’s only recently that now he does it to me. It used to break my heart as I waited forever to have my little guy. But now he is all up in my grits and won’t let go of me. Trust me that I’m eating up every minute

The last part is your answer, he’s scared his Dad will leave again. He probably believes his Dad left bc he didn’t love him or he was too bad or whatever the case.


Maybe dad should talk to him and if he is scared of dad leaving again dad needs to fess up why he left to begin with


how old is the kid? it’s probably a phase but you can talk to his doctor about it…I went through it with my kids too

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It’s just a phase mama. kids are always a suck too one parent & not the other

Its a phase. I agree it’s probably because dad left. When we brought home the new baby my 2.5 legit would sit back to me in the tub and ignore me. She only wanted daddy.

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The child needs counselling he thinks his dad is going to leave him again


Wish my kids did this so I didn’t hear “muuuuuum” every 5 minutes lmfao
Definitely a phase I would say, probably because he “left” (because you’s broke up) and now he’s back he’s trying to keep him and make him stay. Maybe just sit and have a talk to him and reassure him dad’s not going anywhere and the last time he left wasn’t little man’s fault whatsoever, to me it sounds like he might be blaming himself a bit

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My daughter is like that with me. She won’t let her dad put her to bed nothing. It has to be me. She’s 7

Your kid has abandonment issues and needs to see a therapist.


Are you and dad ok? Could your son be picking up negative energy and be afraid dad will leave again? Dad should also be encouraging him to include mom and including mom himself, or is dad enjoying being the favorite too much? How is your son with you when dad is not around, like at work? How old is your son?


It is time for you, dad, and son to have a long talk to iron out this problem!


Wait till he gets older.

He is afraid daddy will leave again


My personal experience with 3 boys…its a phase. It hurts like hell, but he’ll come around and then it’ll be only you that can do all those things. Hang in there momma. :heart:

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He is afraid his dad will leVe again. Patience.


Just a phase. Enjoy the time he spends with his Dad. It will be a short phase, and it gives you a break from doing it all.

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