My son refuses to wipe his own butt: Advice?

Mine has a few times but he says he’s just not ready :joy::joy::woman_shrugging:

Install a portable bidet on your toilet. Why are these not a thing in America :woman_shrugging:t2:

Refuses??? OK let his ass itch, let him get told he smell like boo boo - that’ll fix him.

My grandson loves cottonelle wipes. Teach them to use both

My 5 year old does the same

Give him 2 choices:. Wipe his own butt…or …I spank his butt…he will go with wiping without hesitation

Let him walk around with a itchy but

Try teaching your husband :grinning::partying_face::face_vomiting:

Provide a mirror on the back of bathroom door or near toilet.

Leave him on the potty. I did this with mine and she caught on rather quickly too

Mine wouldn’t either! At all! But it was because his poop was always so thick and sticky and really hard to wipe and get clean! Plus he didn’t want it on his hands… I let him wipe what he could then I cleaned him up… until he was probably 8-9 tbh…

Huggies wipes or toilet paper that’s not soft. That was our answer.

Make him sit on the toilet until he does it! Also maybe try flushable wipes he may not like the tp

Make him hand-wash his yucky underpants…

Now, you have to stick his nose in it! Gawd!..

Mine used wipes for a long time because she was not good with toilet paper and then she started using toilet paper on her own

Have u tried flushable wipes

Leave him in the bathroom till he does it himself. End of story!

My daughter just turned 8 and still has problems doing that :woman_shrugging:t2:


Both of my children were potty trained by 2 and wiped there butt independenly by about 3 1/2. My son was a little messy at first but he got it. My daughter was pretty quick with it because she hates anything dirty.

I would not continue wiping my 5 year old unless he is developmentally delayed. If he is not, tell him that you’re going to teach him over the next two weeks and will not wipe him after that. Be firm and stand by your word. Children are quick learners but they can develop a dependence when they aren’t taught age appropriate independence.

Het him a sprayer hose to wash it🤷🏻‍♀️

My son was 6, just given birth via c-section and getting up and down just to wipe his butt was a big no no… I held my ground, he cried, screamed, begged ect sitting on the toilet for over an HR when he finally realised I wasn’t coming he wiped his own butt :joy::joy::joy:

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Might be an unconventional way of things, maybe just let him have a dirty butt. It’ll be itchy and smelly and super uncomfortable and he will eventually be bothered by it and hopefully start wiping himself when he realizes no one else will.


Put his behind on the toilet and stand there when he’s done hand him a wipe and tell him either wipe his butt or sit there til his feet fall asleep​:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: then seriously make him sit there til he wipes his butt. He push too much start taking stuff away. Naw he can’t have his whatever because that’s for big boys and big boys wipe their butts. This is non negotiable. You CAN NOT allow a person to sit around with poop on their butt. It’s gross and unsanitary and causes rashes. You’re the parent. Make him. Wether it’s make him wipe his butt or make him sit there.

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My daughter is 7, she is autistic and doesn’t always wipe properly, at home she calls me when she has done a poo to help her wipe properly, although at school she obviously wipes herself but I find skid marks in her knickers, she just doesn’t always get it. I get her to try wipes but this was not a success for us. Just preserve I guess, don’t yell or get upset as that could make it worse. Maybe try a reward chart, if he does try he gets a sticker or something that works for him? Good luck xx

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Just leave it. Tell him if he’s not gonna wipe it then the pop stays on him


Stars on a ChuckECheese calendar, you download calendar and get 20 coins or maybe 10

We bought portable bidet, boom problem solved Clear Rear Bidet Toilet Seat Attachment


He’s 5. What’s the concern here? That you’ll have a 25 year old come over to your house every time he has to shit so you can wipe his ass? I can promise you that has never happened. Even with children who’s parents let them develop when they were ready.

IDK…you should ask my sister Tammy Jeancola …lol

Let his butt itch

Wait he’s 5 guide him

Invest in a bidet :woman_shrugging:t2:

Flushable wipes helped keep our bums clean :raised_hands:

Make him sit there until he does it himself. When he realizes it will dry and it’ll hurt when he has to wipe off dry shit, he’ll learn to just do it. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Same boat right here!! :raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3::raising_hand_woman:t3:

My son is 6 and Autistic. He still has trouble, he trys to do it on his own if he uses it at school, and at home I ask him if he needs help when he is done using the bathroom. I’m not gonna leave him in shit, and he’s 6 some will still need help. Everyone is different but I choose to help my child still to make sure he’s clean because he does have trouble seeing and doing it properly.

Carrie-Anne Modica
Amy Madeiros :joy:


Maybe ask him why. It might gross him out. Maybe wet wipes or a glove will help? I’d leave letting him sit in his own shit as a last resort, contrary to what some of these other folks are saying.

His teacher will call you

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Make a game out of it. Take turns wiping. Kid wipes you wipe to start. Then make it if kid wipes completely, they get an incentive of some sort. Give it time still young.

Just don’t wipe him then :woman_shrugging: he will eventually do it. Make him scrub his own underpants if they are dirty

My son was 7. He was a gentle giant and didn’t have the coordination to stay on the toilet and reach around to clean until then. His arms just weren’t quite long enough. Humiliation isn’t the answer.

At that age, I would not do it. Let him wait til dad comes home. By then that kid is going to want to wipe his butt. It’s going to hurt him a little but it’s going to be a lesson well learned.


Does he want to go to school? Thats how we got my daughter to wipe. We told her if she ever wants to go to school she has to wipe her own butt.

Try letting him use baby wipes, I don’t have a 5 year old so I’m not sure… But I know when I go I sometimes use some of my daughters because it helps clean better

I still help my 5 year old daughter at times. I don’t mind I rather know she’s clean. We use baby wipes for poop.

Mine is 5 1/2 and finally is doing it himself , he still calls me in sometimes to check to see if it’s clean. I just had to tell him to do it and not cave. If he wants to sit in there and wait I continue to do my stuff.

I pretty much never wiped the butt of mine. I showed them how and put it as part of wearing grown up pants and not nappies. It was never questioned…:joy: what happens when they’re in school? I think maybe talk about not being a baby anymore and school where you won’t be there to do it for him. Talk about being clean and why it’s not nice to be covered in poo.

You know idk when my son now 10 finally started but it was sometime in kindergarten he just figured it out one day. He has never had skid mark so he does a great job. He did however demand wipes until 7 or so when I finally said no dude use tp like the rest of us.

Don’t help him and send him back to wipe it.ams don’t let him leave bathroom until it’s done and hands are washed. Maybe let j use baby wipes

I was mean. My son was only allowed to stand or sit on the floor on a towel that he had to wash and change his underware after every bathroom trip. if he didn’t wipe his rear and he learned really quick to wipe his hind end every time!

My daughter is 6.5 and she still calls us to help her wipe. Please note that she does have neurodevelopmental delays. Each child reaches milestones at different times. Ask him to try. Tell him you will check to see if he is good to go afterwards. After a few times it will boost his confidence that he is getting all clean by himself!


So when I worked in a daycare when the kids hit like 4 1/2-5 right before kindergarten we wouldn’t wipe for them immediately anymore, we encouraged them to try and we’d help them if they needed it because in kindergarten your teacher will not wipe their butt!

My daughter preferred that I wipe her butt. She told me I just did a better job than she did​:joy::rofl:. She does her own wiping at school, but she does still ask me to help on occasion​:wink:. She is 6 years old.

My daughter is almost 7, i still wash her butt. the presence of bidet doesn’t help at all. she still calls my name.

I used to put wet wipes in the toilet and tell my son to wipe or stay there. Sounds harsh but it worked

Omg I am in the same boat with my 4 year old daughter she thinks it’s disgusting I have tried to explain that it’s not

I would force my son to take a bath afterwards, each time. It worked for us quick, he hates taking baths :sob:

When someone tells he smells like crap or don’t buy no underwear

my one daughter started started doing this so I wprte her name on the bathroom mirror with the message remember to your wipe your butt in dry erase marker on the bathroom mirror

I never bother until she was 6 and a half years old. When I told her she have too cause shes growing up she was ready the day I told her she have to do it herself :heart_eyes:

Punish him when he has a skid

Ha ha my kids always yelled can you wipe my buuuum because they didn’t want any poo left behind .

Leave him dirty he won’t like the feeling

Good luck this will be a fight for years

Make an incentives chart. He will catch on

Make him wash his dirty underwear by hand. Worked for me.

My 6 yr old son goes through about half a roll per poop session :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

The trick is to try and make a game out of it. Boys are different than girls. It’s just like potty training

Show him a picture of butt rash.

Michelle Christensen is that you talking about Aeric?

My son started school and still wasnt doing it himself. He came home with belly aches because he wouldn’t go at school knowing teachers wont wipe him.

At home, he wouldn’t do it (properly) and would be itchy.

I told him that he needed to clean himself to stop the itch and the belly aches.

Didnt take long and he does it. At 5, he should be doing this. Let him go without wiping. He will learn soon enough.