My son wakes up covered in pee: Advice?

Stop giving him fluids after 7 p.m or at least 2 hours before bedtime…

I started using overnight diapers for my son when he started doing this around that age. It really helped.

When my son was able to walk, i put him in pullups. The overnight huggies worked for me the best. My son was big for his age… he wore them from like 11 months on… not cuz i was potty trainin him that early but because they covered higher up his stomach. He would always pee up while he slept and his front was soaking despite me trying to tuck it down.

Lessen or cut out drinks a couple hours before bed. And yes sounds to me like you can try to start potty training.

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This started with my daughter around 18 months also!! I ended up using a size larger of a night time pampers diaper and then also putting a 360 cruiser pampers over top also a size larger than what she wears during the day… this helped… she sleeps with her butt up in the air and it was coming out the top too… no more leaks with these doubled up!!

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A diaper change during the night maybe ? Or you can start introducing the potty… (ImO) no matter the brand, diapers suck for overnight use.

Decrease his fluids before bed

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Put 2 pull ups on. The bottom one the correct way and the second one out on backwards.

my 15 month old needs a fresh diaper about 2am every morning or he would wake up soaked, but He still gets a bottle at bed time and gets it refilled 1-2x a night when he wakes up.

Have you tried making sure his peepee is pointed down? I had this problem wihen my son was a newborn. And someone suggested that to me and when I started checking to make sure it was pointed down he stopped peeing himself

They have a liner that you can add to the diaper, it almost looks like a kotex pad! They work wonderful!

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I have to use small goodnites pull ups for my daughter nothing else works


This was a problem with us before. All my kids get a sippy at bedtime. Well problem that I found out was milk in a cup actually makes them pee more at night so I switched to giving sippy of water at bedtime and it worked fixing the problem. Also it depends on how long hes in his pamper. Our kids all went to bed at 8pm and up at 7am. Try water.

Honest company night time diapers are amazing. Never any night pee outs.

Also, give last sippy earlier in evening(1-1.5hrs before bedtime). A few sips of water after dinner.

The only diapers that make this stop for us are the Little Rascals brand. I’ve tried every stupid expensive diaper on the market, and at night time, nothing beats them.

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He is cold. More blankets or turn up the heater. Small babies/toddlers pee to warm themselves up.

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I wouldn’t start potty training until he shows signs that he is uncomfortable with how his pee/poop feels in his diapers…

At night I put regular diaper on & I put a pull over it (a size larger pull up) for extra protection. Keeps him dry & doesnt leak

Aldi or lidl r best nappys xxx

Go in early hours and change his nappy before he wets through x

Have you tried Rascal and Friends? They are insanely absorbent anc have a higher back panel then most diapers

Make sure you’re buying good diapers. Store brand won’t hold as much liquid as Huggies. Go up 1 size. It might add just enough extra absorbency. It he is a tummy sleeper, put the diaper on backwards. It’s also a good time to limit fluids after 5pm since potty training should be right around the corner. Hydration earlier in the day is healthier and helps avoid accidents.

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My 1 year old was going through several Pampers a night. He ended up having type 1 diabetes. If you think he’s peeing a lot, you may want to have his sugar tested. All it takes is a finger prick and a $1 test strip (as long as someone has a glucose meter).

No liquids before bed!

My son has this problem and the only thing that I have found works is the goodnight training underwear overtop of his diaper at night. I dont believe in cutting off liquids and dehydrating my child. I have water at night and before bed because I’m thirsty so why would I take that away from my kid. That’s my personal opinion though.

My son peed through his pjs when he would have a cup of milk or water at night.

I wouldn’t try potty training yet. Stop giving him drinks after 6 at night.

Nighttime diapers by huggies are amazing my son would soak through during the night no matter how many times I would change him

Try a waterproof over the disposable. Happens to us and this is the only way we have managed to control it.

You could put a unscented maxi pad in his diaper to help

We bought these diaper booster pads from amazon, solved the problem for us! Medline Booster Pads with…

double diaper or a diaper insert!


The only thing that has helped mine is no liquids throught the night or an hour before bed


They have extra little pads that you can buy to put in the diapers to give extra absorption

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Cut off extra drinks 2 hours before bedtime.
Plastic bedsheet.


When a diaper is very fill in the morning, it means he was cold during the night. Put sock on him before bed and maybe warmer jammies.


It sure can’t hurt to try training him.He might enjoy it better.Cut off liquids early at night.


We use night time diapers covered by a plastic diaper cover.

Is he taking liquid to bed? Also not sure what brand you are using, but only the cheap brands go through. My 3month old pees a lot but when I put him to bed with a fresh one at 9pm I change him at 330am so we dont have a mess. You may just have to get up and change him as much as it sucks.

It’s not too early to try! I would try taking him before bed and I first thing in the morning to try the potty !

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Try goodnights it’s pullups. They work great for us.

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I’d start potty training and trying to change him a couple times throughout the night instead of letting him sleep he’ll have to learn to wake up to go potty anyhow so waking him up for a change would benefit him

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You can fold a washcloth and use for diaper insert. He isn’t ready for potty training at this age. All my children and grandchildren started to pee through their diapers eventually. You can buy night time diapers that hold more too.


Try using pull ups and take him to the restroom before nap and/or bedtime. And you can use the extra pads under his sheets just as a backup.

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We day trained ours by 18 months. Itll be to early to night train

Both my kids were potty trained by 18 months.

I used to stop liquids at like 6 and then change the diaper before bedtime and then again before I went to bed. Then again in a few hours.

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One of them plastic protector sheets to keep the bed from getting wet you can always put a regular sheet above it. No liquids about 2 hours before bed and make sure they are changed right before laying them down even if it’s just a little wet. Also it honestly would not hurt to potty train him now because if he goes around peeing after you change him on everything then he may honestly be ready and that does happen.

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Washcloth IN THE DIAPER and tuck :arrow_down:


I think it’s too early my daughter would wake up dry.

Also started wanting to use potty

I did a diaper and pull up over my sons.

Buy “good nites” they sell them at Walmart , Target , Walgreens almost anywhere they are life savers for the night !!


Not sure what bands you have used but I preach for huggies. They hold a lot, at least for me. But potty training wont hurt and changing him before bed and probably during the night is a good start.

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We bought pee sheets, no drinks after 7, and went all the way back through potty training basics SMH. Boys are easy and hard at the same time, but the pee sheets are a lifesaver!!! Mines are now 11 and 9, and I still use pee sheets for fluids :grimacing::face_vomiting:

Huggies are the best

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Make sure it is facing down


Okay it may sound stupid, but we had a similar issue with my sone when he was potty training. He was peeing in the potty during the day, then he would be covered in pee in the middle of the night… well when he tucked his thing in after he peed before bed, he left it pointed up. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:So the pull up in that instance was useless. You may check and see if that’s the issue.


Dont let him drink an hour before bedtime


Huggies Overnights work great for us

Make sure it’s facing down and not pointed up before you fasten his diaper. I’ve never had a problem with either of my boys , I just made sure it was facing down.

Huggies overnights right before bed, and no liquids after 7pm (or 1 hour before bed). My son is also 18 months. This is what we do and it seems to work.

Make sure it’s pointed down

When you put his diaper on. Point his little business down.

Lol like other mommas said make sure it’s pointing south :point_down::arrow_heading_down::arrow_heading_down:

I think time to potty train has long gone! 18 months child should know already unless there are some physical issues why they can’t


try not to give him anything to drink at least the last hour before he goes to bed. that way his bladder wont be full while sleeping.

Try to have him stop drinking so much before bed time.

I cut my son off of fluids an hour before bed, make sure his junk is tucked down and I used XL puppy training pads under his sheets.

Change his diaper during the night duh


Does he go to bed with a bottle or sippy cup? Try to limit his liquid intake about an hr before bed. Children should not bed down with a sippy or bottle. It’s not on it bad for their teeth but it can drain into their ears.

Sposie Booster Pads Diaper Doubler, 90 Count, 3 Packs of 30 Pads, No Adhesive for Easy repositioning, Fits Diaper Sizes 4-6

Try night time diapers

Parents choice pull ups work for my son he is 2 and the only time he wakes up like that is when he has had to much to drink during that day and before bed or it could be his pants or shorts are to tight or he possibly has an over active bladder

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18 months is not too young potty train

I started potty training all my kids around 18 months.

During the times we had this issue with girls I would do middle of the night changes while they slept because they were such hard sleepers.

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Cut off fluids at least 30 minutes before baps and bed time.

Does he drink a bottle to bed? If so change. Him during the night :woman_shrugging:t4:

Make sure his winkie is facing down when u close his diaper


Time to ask him to go pee pee before bed time try not give him too much liquid before bed time

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Make sure his private parts are pointing down in the diaper…not up or to the side


Potty train when your child can hold their ballder for upto 2 hours, potty training comes in two stages, day training and night time training, and they need to be able to understand you, it will all come when your wee one is ready. And let it be when they are ready, not when everybody expects , as for now focus on limiting milk and juice , change him right before he goes to sleep, when your putting his nappy on try make sure his manny is down and they aint tucked in around the bum x


When you figure this out let me know! We’ve tried it all too (little is 19 months) and wakes up every morning wet🤷🏼‍♀️

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Yep time to introduce potty training.

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I think you should be seeing the pediatrician. could be something else.


He decided, whom is the parent.

Try nighttime diapers but also try starting potty training it may help more than you think every child grows differently

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My son was doing the same. Tried every brand possible until my mom brought me the huggies little movers! They are thick and hold so much pee in! You’d be surprised.! Expensive but worth it

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my son is 17 months and soaks his diapers at night but his huggies little movers are THE BEST! Never an accident and he sleeps about 10 hours at night!

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Change the diaper or try using xs/s size nighttime training pants

Yes potty train. And cut drinks off couple hours before bed

I set an alarm so my son got up and went to the toilet, with my daughter we put two nappies on at night. But limit drinks have a cut off time.

I bought some waterproof fabric and some cute flannel and sewed them together. They have helped with not having to change the sheets. Do you have night time diapers? We used those and that also helped. The only other option would be to cut liquids. If he runs away to pee I guess I’d tell him we pee in the potty and take him there to change him?!? Who knows! Kids are so much fun!

my kids potty trainded after age 3( only one did it by age 2) Just limit drinking after a certain time. Sounds like he is drinking a lot before bed

Definitely not a sign he needs to be potty trained. Chances are, he’s just being silly. If he’s showing signs of being interested in the toilet, tells you hes gone pee/poop or removing his diaper because he’s gone are signs. 18 months is still very young and nowadays, they say not to even try until 2.5-3yrs old when they can express verbally and understand how the bladder works. Now, I’m not saying it can’t be done but don’t get your Hope’s up cause you’ll get frustrated and stress him out cause you “thought” he was ready. Like the other mamas mentioned, make sure his “winkie” is pointing downwards and cut back on the liquid 1-2hrs before bed. Some even say those who are older, and wetting the bed shouldn’t have anything to drink after dinner. A lot to think about, good luck!

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Pampers overnights- huggies gave my kids rashes. And use ButtPaste

Put his diaper on backwards. It’s more coverage holds more. Try to limit the amount of liquid he /she is drinking after 6:pm.

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Buy overnight diapers my son used to be the exact same way. Also cut off any fluids an hour before bedtime and if they wakeup thinking they need a drink only give them a quarter of their cup. Started doing that with my son a lot of nights he’ll wakeup dry. Now he does still have nights where he’ll pee through 2 layers of diapers, but they are maybe once a week now. I also keep puppy pads underneath his sheets as to keep the actual mattress Pee free.

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Cut down the liquids before bedtime. Dinner for my son is at about 530pm…has a half a cup of water and thats it…bedtime is 830pm

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