My son wakes up covered in pee: Advice?

I would recommend less fluids near bed time and night time diapers. My daughter was the same way. Also you may want to start introducing the idea of the potty and see if he is interested. Most kids by that age dont want to be wet so he may be running off because he knows he needs to go but doesnt want to go in his diaper. Giving him a productive place to do that might help.

My son went through a 2 week period of waking up soaked even with wearing overnight diapers. We stopped giving him liquid after dinner and put on these plastic type underwear over too the diaper. It worked. But we only needed them a few times. Not sure why it was happening but it stopped quickly. I went with these over Gerber brand because they had better reviews.

I use pull-ups for my 21 month old. They are made for older kids. A little big but you could put a regular size diaper over it. The pull-ups are the only ones that hold enough pee for her to make it through the night.

My son is 29 months old, and I started having the same problem a while ago. Started moving him up a size and using diaper booster pads and have only had one leak since.

Pull up on top of diaper

Try putting liners from a reusable diaper inside his normal diaper for night time!

My 2 year old will get up and run to the other side of the bed if I turn my head for a second or I have to get the baby powder off the dresser. And sometimes he starts peeing… on the bed.:woman_facepalming:t5::sob:
At night I wake up to change him otherwise he will be covered in pee as well. But my son is also starting to show signs that he might be ready to start potty training. Me and his dad usually take him to the bathroom with us when we pee so he can see what we do.

Overnight diapers work great, also they have plastic bed liners in the same aisle.

We stopped giving drinks after 6, that worked for us!

Make sure his peepee is pointing down when you put his diaper on, no drinks like 2 hours before bed and yes start potty training. I like Huggies night time diapers.

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Well you could try a diaper pad to help absorb the extra pee, you could also try to reduce the amount of liquids before bedtime. Potty training would probably be a good idea if hes purposely peeing everywhere when you change him, it shows that he has the skills to start/stop when he wants to.

I would use 2… first one on backwards! Yes backwards!!! The secind on normal(bigger size) or set an alarm and do a night changing!!!

Sounds like it’s time to start waking him up for a potty break around midnightish

Sounds like time to potty train also when you change him is this thing pointing down? I had 2 girls before my son and he would leak all the time until my sister told me to point it down.

Huggies overnight diapers. I had a child who did this, and huggies overnight was the only thing that work.