"I have a four-year-old son from a previous relationship, and his father has another child from a relationship before him and me. My son’s father never spends time with my son, doesn’t help financially at all. He sees my son every 2-3 months.
Meanwhile, he has his other son every weekend or every other weekend. He lives 10-15 min away from us.
It is hurtful because my son always asks for his dad, and I don’t know what to say, but I don’t feel the need to chase him down to get him to spend time with my son. I’ve done that for years, and I am sick of it.
Plus, he’s in another relationship, and she has children that he spends time with and helps her with, and I’ve said something before, and they always try to make me look like the crazy “bitter” baby momma, but I really want nothing to do with him, just want him to be a dad. So I guess my question is, how would your moms handle the situation?
Should I continue to let him take my son whenever he wants, every few months, or should I keep my son away and raise him the way I want to? It was an abusive, toxic relationship, and I kind of don’t want my son to pick up on any of those habits as he gets older, but I understand he needs his father, even though my boyfriend is a better father figure anyway. I am tired of the inconsistent pattern.
Should I ignore, whenever he decides he wants to see my son, or should I continue to let this pattern keep going? I have tried being nice, and it gets me nowhere."
RELATED QUESTION: How Honest Should I Be with My 4-Year-Old About Where His Dad Is?
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