My sons girlfriend decided she doesn't want the baby: Advice?

Talk to your son calmly about it not her, since she wants the baby and is only terminating for him… Find out why he is pushing not to keep the baby… She is going to regret it if she’s been trying for 2 years to have a baby and was excited to conceive… Which he would’ve known… If he is getting ready to end it or is seeing someone else, she needs all of the facts before that appointment.


Also with how controlling your coming off right now, she’s probably dodging a bullet by not having a baby with your son.


Her body her choice. Leave her alone.


And if you want her to keep the baby against her wishes, then you pay for EVERYTHING. You be there at night for her. You be there when she can’t sleep bc of the back pain. You pay for the food cravings etc. If you want to adopt the baby, great. But you take care of all her fears, financial included

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Be there for her but remember its her body and she can decide to not have one. To go wanting one then switch to not; sounds like maybe she found out some major red flags about the son and appropriately changed her mind.

As sad as it is, it is her body… Therefore it is her choice.

If you want to save the child offer to adopt it and raise it yourself. She’s allowed her body autonomy. She’s allowed to change her mind regardless of how you may feel about it.


If she doesn’t have any kids already you should tell her it’s a huge decision and she needs to be certain of her choice before regretting one or the other… maybe go shopping and find your way into a baby store n see all the cute things they have out now

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Don’t butt in. Mind your business. Not your decision at all

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Mind your business, if they want it they’ll keep it. If they don’t, accept it and move on with your life

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Leave her alone. Her body, Her choice.

I understand your feelings I really do… but at the end of the day it’s ultimately her decision…and all you can really do is show your support and show her you are there for her no matter what… I hope it works out well for everyone involved!!!


I have learned this ( the three B”s) God’s business, my business and none of my business and sadly to say but it’s none of your business… you’re just the grandma there’s nothing you can say or do sadly to say… but hopefully she will decide not to aboard the baby… how many weeks is she??

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She should seek therapy before doing an abortion. Abortion is not as easy as people think . I had one years ago and it really messed me up mentally causing depression and regret.


There really isn’t anything you can do besides what you’ve done in letting her know if she chooses to keep the baby she will have support. Beyond that, it’s her decision


It’s not up to you. It’s up to the parents.

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Unfortunately it’s her body her decision maybe the boy should of used protection and he wouldn’t of put you in this situation

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All you can do is present your case, what you’re willing to help with, and how you’ll support her. Ultimately it’s her choice and you’ll have to learn to accept whatever she decides.


Talk to your son. What’s done is done… but also make sure she gets the counseling she may need. I hope her decision is HERS. She should not abort to keep him. You need to sit his ass down… tell him they were trying…now suddenly he doesn’t want kids and now she doesn’t??? Neither sound mature enough. Also, who was behind them knowing they were trying to do this on purpose… without seeing how mature they weren’t??? Maybe get married… etc. babies making babies?!!

You mind your own body and leave her alone about it.

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My husband didnt want kids when he was a very young adult. He now has 6. If she didn’t want the baby she should’ve taken measures to prevent that. Same for the boy. Abortion is not birth control. I’d hope she changes her mind or let’s grandma adopt the child.


Coming from a person that try for 16 years to have a baby, spent 1000’s and 10000’s of tears when it didn’t happen. see if she will find a good home for him or her. There are lots of familys that cannot have there own that have so much love to give. Good luck


Unfortunately there is not much you can do. Be supportive let her know again that you will be there for them both, but ultimately it’s her choice. Prayers and fingers crossed for an outcome that’s good for all! :pray:t2::heart:

Offer her all the help you can and are willing. But leave her choice to her.

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If nothing else put up 4 adoption! No abortion!


It sounds like she wants the baby and he’s guilting her. So everyone’s saying it’s her decision obviously she’s being influenced. That’s something you’ll have to live with forever. Talk to your son about owning up to his responsibilities and definitely offer her support regardless let her know that you will love her and the child and give them whatever they need. She should make a decision not out of fear or pressure. If she has unequivocal love and support and she has the ability to follow her heart that would be the way she can make the decision for herself.


Leave her alone. You gave her an option, which is great, but ultimately it’s her decision.


Maybe worry about that your son is still living at home. :sweat_smile::grimacing:


It’s literally not your choice.


Yeah it’s not your body and not your choice. You can offer support and even options but at the end of the day it’s none of your business what she chooses


this is not your choice . however if shes reached out to you because shes conflicted then there are bigger issues at play here. If she wants it and he doesnt and only way she can be with him is if she gets rid of it, thats pretty selfish on the behalf of your son-- perhaps start with talking to him and then them together and help by being a safe place for them to hash it out and that you support them whatever they decide to do.


I don’t want to sound harsh… but… At the end, it’s not your choice :pleading_face:

There’s nothing u can do but support her in her decision x


Trust me… be in her life as if ur life depends on it… make her trust u… she will come around… ive done this before… my son has two kids…


Since she wants the baby, then you should speak to your son. Find out why he doesn’t want it. She probably doesn’t want to lose him. Hope all works out for you guys.


Your son meeds the attitude adjustment. Id be all over him.


What you do is stay in your own dam lane.


OMG, ew. Mind your own uterus. This girl wasn’t put on Earth to give you a grandchild.


Her body her decision x she will need support either way x

I love these answers tbh


It’s not your body. It’s not your choice. You have no right to even have an opinion about this. Get over yourself.


You should mind your business. If you truly want to help her, support her choice.


Ultimately it’s her choice!

If your son doesn’t want any kids she does not need to be with him and she can raise the baby herself With your and her mother’s help She can do it


It’s NOT your business


Not your baby body or choice


It really is up to her if she wants the baby or not her choice not yours. sorry…


Be there for her, or her a ride. Just be the support she needs. Listen, don’t try to solve it. She needs to.


I’m not judging you, but I don’t understand her thinking process. This isn’t a car and she can return it. There are consequences to their actions. First IMO, she needs to break up with your son. This is ridiculous. The rest is up to her because based on what you have shared, your son doesn’t want kids so he might not care.

Edit be supportive as best as you can but at the end of the day this is not your decision and you can’t “force” her keep the baby unless you’re willing to take on full financial responsibility for her pregnancy and then adopt it. Even then she might not want the baby. Again, this is a ridiculous story. She wanted a baby. She’s now pregnant but because the man she wanted it with doesn’t want the baby she doesn’t know what to do. Not everything is a Hallmark movie. They should have talked about this more. Maybe she told him she was protecting herself and if she got pregnant he would change his mind. Maybe he should have gotten a vasectomy or wrapped it up if he absolutely didn’t want children. Maybe he doesn’t want it with her. Anyways, she seems checked out because he doesn’t want the child.


So you want her to end up a single mother and struggling financially for awhile because YOU want a grandchild?


You should be talking to your son about taking precautions so this doesn’t happen again :roll_eyes: how did this all fall on the gf, smh


Offer her your support with whatever decision she makes. she is probably very scared and is facing the tough reality that if she decides to have the baby, she will be doing it alone. Feeling like she has support and will have people to count on can make a big difference between her keeping the baby or not. The fact that she’s been wanting a baby says a lot, that feeling doesn’t just go away, she’s scared at what the future will hold and how she would have to be a single mom.


wait so for two years she wanted to get pregnant and he hasn’t?? how did they even manage to be together for this long?


Not your body, not your choice.


Shes not an incubator.
If your son is already showing that he is a deadbeat dad then the last thing any woman would want is to have to be connected to someone like that for the next 18 years.


It’s so sad that in today’s world, a woman makes a decision based on what THE MAN WANTS!!! She’ll regret this so badly in later years if she kills thus baby. May not be able to have another one, ever. Your son is a real scumbag, :100:. Talk to her again, offer to take your grandchild, if it comes to that. Who knows, when he sees his baby, his entire attitude will change


So she intentionally got pregnant by someone who doesn’t want children and now she’s choosing to abort the child? No, that’s not reasonable. Her choice or not. And it is your business because she made it your business.


Hold on, she wanted to have this baby, sounds like her mind is changing to please her boyfriend. If she truly wants to keep the baby the has the right to. Yall keep saying her body her choice but it sounds like she’s being influenced by her boyfriend to end the pregnancy. Don’t come after the grandmother for offering her support to keep her baby. Y’all need to go after boyfriend too. They both need to stay in thier own lane.


There’s nothing you can do. It’s completely her choice. Just be there for her.

Not your choice to make or persuade

Be there for her, but you ultimately cannot control her choice in this matter. So we’re just gonna let your son off the hook and force her to raise it even if she doesn’t want too?? Even though he could’ve put a condom on himself 100 times over?? Why did this fall strictly onto her? Why don’t you make your son step it up a fucking notch. Way to raise the standards for your own child lol.

Just support her. It’s great you offered her help and this option. She may think on it and change her mind before the appointment. But at the end of the day, it’s her choice. The only part that bothers me is she’s been wanting a baby and she’s terminating because of your son. She shouldn’t feel like she’s gunna lose her bf or something of that nature because he now voices he doesn’t want kids. Knowing she does this decision might bother her the rest of her life. Just be there, keep checking in on her to show support etc. If any part of her is considering keeping the baby she will think about your offer. But again, it’s her choice at the end of the day and I hope if she ends up terminating you’ll still offer her support because she will need it emotionally if she wanted kids.

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Mind your business. If she is smart she will get rid of your son and the baby id that is her choice.

l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19306 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

I really hate the fact that so many people are being rude to this grand parent when all they asked for was some advice. I also get the fact that it’s not her body and not her choice but it is partly her blood. I also get the mother, being as I am one, and having a child that my husband wanted but also didn’t and is lazy when it comes to his fatherly responsibilities is really hard on a mother in everyday possible. If the mother is fine with going thru the pregnancy and doing the adoption thing that would be great but again there are some downsides to that also… what if the baby doesn’t get a good home and hops home to home??? Yes there are many different options to choose but they all have equal pros and cons to them… the most important thing is having support… if the mom decides to abort it’s going to eat at her for the rest of her life, trust me I know this from experience and being young. Adoption does the same thing… it’s that “what if” Scenario… I just hope the best decision is made that is in every one’s best interests…

She doesn’t want it because the bf don’t? Wow. Just be supportive what made him change his mind after 2 years? I’d figure out why he changed his mind too. It’s not the babies fault it was conceived.

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She should choose the child over the bf. And you can remain a constant in her and the babies life even after her and your son split up.


Not your body, not your place. :woman_shrugging:


You have no rights and it’s not your business. I wonder what your son thinks. Leave the woman alone.


Hopefully she doesn’t decide to kill her baby. Maybe try reaching out to her Mom if she’s still adamant about killing y’all’s grandchild for help/support. Good luck!


l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19306 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

I can’t imagine how this must make you feel towards your son. This is heartbreaking.

Why don’t you worry about your son. Not her uterus. He’s with someone who has been trying to get pregnant, but he doesn’t want kids?? Why is he with her then?? The issue is with him. Beyond that, her body her choice. Not yours. She wasn’t put on this earth to give you a grandchild. Selfish thinking.


l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19306 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Than…go to your grandbaby.

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I wish I could talk to her.
I was in the same situation and I chose adoption. I am pro-choice; but that was my choice. My daughter has a beautiful life with a beautiful family now.


I’m so sorry your going through this
I’m sorry we live in a world that finds it ok to kill their children
No one wants to see the reality that just because they don’t care about the baby they carry don’t mean that others don’t. I’d try to arrange plans to adopt if she would allow it. Again I’m so sorry :disappointed:

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This is heartbreaking. She sounds a little unstable herself.


As a grandmother myself,I know how hard this would be, however, you have to keep in mind that it’s her body and her decision to make, she is now stuck as being a single mom, which there is nothing wrong with that, but it’s very difficult and she may not want to have to do that, and she may not trust that she will have help from the family. And if you were the one taking care of the baby and not her, like if you adopted the baby,I can imagine that would be hard for her as well. Like I said, this has to be her decision only.

Only thing you can do is be a listening hear, and good shoulder to respect whatever decision.

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Keep offering your support and help. Ask her why she changed her mind. Also maybe find a place to take her for an ultrasound before then, if she will agree to it, she may find that seeing the baby on ultrasound tugs at her heart and reminds her why she wanted a baby so much.

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Love how many people on here forgot it takes a village to help. It is her buisness that is her grandchild. She cant stop the girlfriend from doing what she wants to, but at least she tried. The girlfriend will have to live with her choice and karma.


If she wants kids and he doesn’t then they need to separate. Especially since she’s been wanting kids for years and not a suprise. Is just in shock and having cold feet? My kids das pulled that and hes a great dad. But unfortunately everyone here is right and it’s her body but I say you should jump out of your boundaries and tell her your commitment to being a helpful grandmother. It might make all the difference in the world.

I think it’s wonderful that you want to help support your sons girlfriend, but ultimately this is her choice. Maybe she wants a family, not to be a single mom and she knows she will be because your son sounds like an I D I O T. Support her no matter what choice she makes and if you care about her as much as you say you do, encourage her to leave him and move on with her life.

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To all you ladies that say it’s my body I wish your mothers would of had an abortion.


Adopt the baby! Don’t kill it!!! That precious child didn’t ask to be concieved it deserves life even through adoption by you or a family that desperately wants a child…CHOOSE LIFE!


Don’t try to I glue her because then if it turns out wrong it’s on you. Let her make her decision and be there to support whichever way it goes.

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Her body, her choice and if your son isn’t going to step up and help and she is the one who will struggle. Babies should never be born with a purpose

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Wow, it looks like she is being smart in thinking of what her future may look like as a single mother. It’s not easy when she will be the only one physically responsible for that child’s well being.


All the her body her choice commentsake me sick. Abortion as a form of birth control cuz the father doesn’t want a child is disgusting


So offer to keep the baby for ur self or tell her to adopt it out many people pay good to adopt a kid


She may feel alone in this. Offer her your support and let her know you are there for her and will help her.


Don’t let her do it. Tell her she will regret it. I have so many people I know that have regrets from getting an abortion. Tell her, her child might be someone important one day. Tell her an abortion shouldn’t be an option when it comes to a child’s life. God gave us that child to make choices for and killing them before they have a chance at life is not one of them. They will never get a chance at life again if she does kill the baby. How sad…:cry:. Stand up grandma, tell her you will take grand baby in and she is more then welcome to be in his/her life and see them whenever she wants. Maybe her mom should know so she can talk to her…


But she wanted the baby at first. She will have lifelong regrets if she is doing this for your son.


Her uterus is her business, please dont try and force her, making her have a baby she dont want will traumatize her. You need to maybe worry about getting your son a vasectomy, if he doesnt want kids he should of had the problem fixed a long time ago.


Are you in a position where you could adopt the child?

Just support and love her. From what you’ve told us she wants to be a mom.
Whether she keeps the baby or not, it’s not your choice though.

Also, it makes your son an Asshole that he either changed his mind, or led this girl on for two plus years while wanting different

It’s her body. It’s her life. Let her make the best decision for herself.


Find a lawyer or someone who handles adoption and lay it out for her so she can see the options she has for you adoption the child if needed
She may just be going through a depression right now.
Then let her make a decision.


Just make sure she knows that you’ll support her if she has the baby. Pregnancy messes with your mental state, let whatever happens happen!