You need to save all the text messages and get a restraining order. once you get a restraining order make sure you give a cooy of it to the daycare/school that your child may be going to. Block the grandparents number so they can no longer contact you. If the grandparents are emergency contacts for your child at school/daycare take their numbers off. If you have no parenting plan or no custody established by the court for your child then you you need to go to the courts and get full legal custody of your son. If you can move to another city then do so and leave NO forwarding address at the post offic.
highly recommend Advocates Against Grandparents’ Visitation Rights
They can’t just take your child away from you. Now if your boyfriend REALLY IS clean than great. But if u think there is any chance at all he still does criminal activities of any sort…you need to drop him immediately.
Grandparents have no rights. That’s in every state
You file a restraining order asap and cut off contact with them .
One they have to prove you unfit and unstable. But save all the text messages and hire an attorney. And no judge will use his past against him cause he did his time.
Just because he is a cop doesn’t not mean he can look up that info for personal reasons. He can get in trouble for it. I would go file for a ppo. That’s stalking type of behavior. Cut off any & all contact with them, contact a lawyer asap.
You ex’s dad preformed a HIGHLY illegal background search on your boyfriend.
Fry their ass. Call his boss. Report him. That is a firable offense
They don’t have to like you, but they need to respect you being their grandchild’s mom. If you’re not on drugs and your partner is clean, there shouldn’t be any concerns about them trying to take your child. There are no grandparents rights to them. It’s up to their son to be sure his parents see his child since he is alive.
They have no legal right to take your child.They are trying to intimidate you and its working.I would go file a restraining order and while you are there you ask about what can be done about the exfather in law using his name as an ex cop to do illegal checks on your boyfriend.It is illegal for anyone who works or worked for the government to use their position to try to bully harass or intimidate you…look into that.
Also block all forms of communication.Cut them completely out.
They can’t take your kid away from you for that! Quit letting them get to you. block their numbers
Block them and move on. They can’t do shit. If they are threatening or harassing you save all of it. Use it against them if they try you for grandparents rights.
They are just trying to scare you, they can’t do anything about it
Request an order of protection immediately and retain a lawyer just in case. If you don’t use they lawyer you’ll get the money back anyways. Also if you’re not in a state with grandparents rights then it’s dumb for them to even try. They also can’t keep you child.from you if you had a custody agreement in your divorce decree unless they keep him on what would have been his dad’s time.
Nothing. You let them come in and prove they’re wrong and filing a false report. They cannot take your child for simply this.
Save the texts, file a restraining order against them for you and your son, have your new bf file for one as well. They have 0 rights and cannot take your kiddo away. They can call CPS but they will do nothing as long as everything is good at home with food, cleanliness, and overall health. They keep calling CPS afterwards then they’ll be the ones in trouble. Block the on everything. Change your number and if possible make new social media accounts and lock them down. Do not allow then to see your son and make sure you have a custody agreement via court with your ex so that dad doesn’t take him cause he has rights and cops won’t do anything unless court ordered. You can even ask your ex to sign his rights away if he doesn’t want to be in his son’s life.
Block them and don’t contact them at all
It’s 2022, you can block their numbers and be done with it, you owe them absolutely nothing.
Then get down to the court house and file for a n emergency custody agreement and a separation so you can get the ball rolling on your divorce and you’re child is protected from them taking him and not returning him.
Do you have complete custody. No they can not
Keep all the messages as evidence. That will definitely help you. Good luck ,
From a grandparent that isn’t toxic but does miss some of her grandchildren whom she is not allowed to see:
I would not harm a hair on their head. But…I may get a little crazy because I love my grandkids and a broken heart and soul can do that to a person.
When you keep grandchildren from grandparents you are not only punishing the grandparents but your child also.
Most grandparents have an amazing special relationship with their grandchildren.
It would be my suggestion to give them a call. Extend the olive branch. Have them come over and spend time with your child in their presence.
Maybe after awhile y’all can build up trust.
Your child has already has his dad walk away. Do not force your child to lose his grandparents also.
If your father in law is a cop….safety is not an excuse.
You will emotionally destroy your child if you let him suffer more loss in it’s you g life.
Reply: any further contact will be considered harassment and then screen hot any further contact(don’t reply to those)…document and file a report of harassment. They don’t have control and are freaking out, you got this.
File a complaint of harassment.
Keep all texts - and if the ex’s dad is a cop report him - when you work for the government you can not use your position for personal uses. It’s illegal- get yourself a lawyer asap - they are trying to control your life and cause drama- don’t allow them - get a house phone they can call - change your number - if they get it by use of ex’s dad - again report it - go up the chain of command when it come to ex’s dad. Don’t be afraid of them - your child is in a good safe environment- and you control it and your life.
Sounds like your ex didn’t fall far from the tree-
Move, they have no grandparent right , get an attorney if you have to deal with your husband , you don’t owe his parents shi*, since they can’t be decent and in order, don’t deal with them period
File a restraint order and speak with a lawyer. Only way to take that baby is if u can’t provide a roof or u can’t pass a drug test. Other than that it’s a scare tactic.
He is the parent not them. You might have to take out a protective order on them if they are harassing you, but if they are call the police and tell them to quit contacting you, they have no parental rights. The husband probably ran his name thru the system and he can get in trouble fir doing that on his job.
They can’t take your child away from you, they have to prove that you’re an unfit parent… but do not allow your child to go on any form of visits to their house where your child is left alone with them. Your boyfriend having a criminal history has nothing to do with you being a good parent especially if it was 10 years ago and he is sober and you’re not using drugs, and if they don’t stop harassing you get a no contact order on them for harassment.
Give them access to him
Since there’s no official statement who has custody or is there? . Get a lawyer through CPS to advise you is the first thing you should do.
Keep all phone messages and texts to prove what he us doing
Contact a lawyer
Never let your child see them unless you are with them
I think they have kinds went overboard with looking into your bf background
The only time they get visitation rights us if they see him all the time and then it stops
The lawyer will give you all the help you need
Personally i think i would move far far far away because i would be scared too but dont worry they might just be being overprotective
Document date comments etc every time they contact you,record your response also, they are trying to scare you stand up for yourself, you are in charge, make it plain. Talk to boys father that they are pushing, call the local police commissioner office and report the incident investigating your boyfriend, should be abusing power, Remember don’t take any crap or you will the rest of your sons life
Keep all the tests and stuff they trying to scare u into giving ur child up I was there ages ago and I am still fighting for my kids 12 yrs later no one can bring up anything past 2 yrs ago coz then they just trying to paint a blame game on yas in the end it will come.out
As long as YOU are taking care of your child, as long as you you can provide a clean, healthy environment, you don’t have anything to worry about.
Contact legal aid for help or a local women’s shelter for legal assistance. Yes a restraining order
Get an attorney. . . .
Cops cannot just run background checks without permission or a warrant. Report him.
Go to someone (minister, attorney, counselor) NOW!!!
Check your state. My state (Iowa) does not have grandparents rights.
Keep everything check your state for rights. My mom tried to pull this and my state doesn’t have GP rights. They have to prove you unfit
They also have to prove that them being in his life is dentermental on his physical and mental health
Is it looking up someone’s background illegal if you’re doing it for personal game even if you are a cop
This is so sad, definitely see if you can get a restraining order, if the dad is willingly not in his life then the GP’s have no reason to be (unless you allow it which this is clearly not a situation where loving grandparents are trying to see a child, they just want control)
Write everything down. Screen shot and save every text and message exchange, record the phone calls and contact a lawyer asap. FYI…it is illegal to randomly run someone’s background check for no reason without their consent unless they are in police custody Or being detained such as a traffic stops. Who ever did it can lose their access to the state database and to NCIC as well as fines and possible charges. When I was a crime scene tech I had to take an extensive class and sign all sorts of paperwork to be allowed to run criminal histories on people. Also, I would suggest speaking with whom ever in your county handles TPOs and see if you and your boyfriend have anything they can use to place a tpo on those family members which would include your child. It would also give you emergency custody and spell it all out. You can request no visitation rights for those family members and they would probably seek child support from your ex. Just remember to say, you are afraid of what they may do and are in fear for your life and your child’s life. A cop had me repeat that multiple times before he sent me to get a tpo against my ex. Good luck hun…they sound like bad news.
They would have to actually take you to court, and then they have the burden of proof (not to mention having to pay for court fines). Most people are just talk so it usually doesn’t get to that point at all, but if it did, the court will offer a GAL and possibly court appointed attorney. There is no need to get upset at the moment although it’s easier said than done. As for your significant other going to jail for drugs 10 years ago, that isn’t going to matter to any judge if he’s clean now, and they will just look like idiots for mentioning it. Do save everything they send (there are apps that can convert texts to emails for court purposes), and don’t engage in anything AT ALL because sometimes when we get rattled, we say things without thinking. You’re going to be fine.