Hii, I’ve asked a few questions before for advice, but I’m completely at a loss here because I’ve tried nearly everything, including our pediatrician’s recommendations. My son’s neck (5 months) is constantly raw and obviously not pleasant. I’m not sure what another way to describe the issue. But I make sure to wipe his entire neck, in every little fold, w/ a sensitive wipe to make sure there’s not any dirt or grime stuff he’s managed to carry along in there at least three times a day (his pediatrician recommended sensitive wipes so it wouldn’t irritate it as much) and then follow that w/ Aquaphor. But nothing’s helping. He gets baths regularly w/ your average Head to Toe baby soap if that helps any. I’m looking for new things to try to keep his neck from getting so irritated. Literally anything helps! ty in advance :))
I did cornstarch. It was messy but it helped keep it dry
Aquaphor & cornstarch helps diaper rashes…could help the neck. Did the doctor check for a yeast infection since it’s constantly raw?
Cornstarch and make sure your drying the area good.
Use cornstarch. His neck rolls are staying too moist and it’s causing that breakdown. Keep it clean and dry.
Less baths, keep it clean but dry. And I’d ditch that soap.
Cornstarch baby powder.
Stop using wipes… sensitive still doesn’t change the fact it’s prob making it worse!! Try using a wet paper towel instead to wipe him and switch to vaseline but maybe some cetaphil diaper rash cream on prior to the vaseline and dab when ur doing the wet paper towel and Vaseline the wiping motion can make it worse and try to keep it as dry as possible…
No wipes. Ouch.
Warm wash cloth. After bath make sure every crease is dry then layer with pure corn starch!!! Do this several times a day…check his legs behind the knees and in the thigh folds and arms and under arms.
I had 2 rollie pollie babies who never had this issue bc i was on top it !
Constantly dry with a baby rag or towel and use Aveeno oatmeal.
Never add cornstarch to yeast infection!! It will make it worse, not better!
Yes, the wetness in his little baby neck is why, but my babies would have the same issue till I figured it out…so after u bathe him and dry him , use bibs and or a burp cloth during feedings to keep it dry.
There’s an aquaphor baby bath, use that at bath time
Keep a bib on him, change when the drool saturates it. Apply cornstarch every time you change the bib.
Less baths, make sure it’s dry after you use the wipes. Corn starch is what I used when we had this issue.
Sulfur powder mixed in petroleum jelly
Could be a skin yeast infection. If that’s the case none of those creams will work, you’ll need an antifungal cream
Dont use baby soap we had the same issue and our doctor told us to use an adult dove bar and aquaphor it cleared up significantly in a couple weeks
Stop using wipes all together and use a warm baby wash rag… I babysit forva boy and if I use diaper wipe on his skin besides his butt and hands it gets red rashes.
Less baths, do every other day if possible. I only use the johnsons soothing soaps and lotion. And when my sons neck gets irritated I put coconut oil on it 3-4 times daily. I see results after 24 hours usually. It’s From my son drooling so much haha
I’m surprised they advised wipes! Cotton bud and warm water , pat dry and then use a barrier cream
Try those 99% water wipes maybe and pat gently all the way dry and then maybe some breast milk? And blow on it until it’s dry. If you’re not nursing, maybe someone could donate just a couple ounces for his little neck.
Nystatin powder is what worked for mine
Keep dry and use cornstarch. It will heal it in a couple of days.
Keep it dry! The wipes will just irritate it! Try a warm damp cloth clean it up & i usually use cornstarch but can use baby powder!
Vaseline or diaper rash cream
I was def having this problem with my 5 month old…I was using aquaphor also but it seems as if when I switched to reg vasaline I started to see better results…I wipe first with a wet cloth with Aveeno wash…pat dry completely before I apply a thin layer of vasaline
Sounds like yeast or same thing as a diaper rash. Either hydrocortisone or the Boudreau’s buttpaste works amazing.
Keep a bib on him and we used baby powder… but with this whole baby powder containing asbestos think Cornstarch is a great idea.
After washing and drying him completely, powder him with corn starch. It works like baby powder but it has no perfumes and will keep him from sweating!!
I swear by using cornstarch!!
My last two were huge and the same with like 3 necks so I bought those tommee Tippee bibs with extra padding and always wiped it. They’d get yeast infections and I had to use nystatin on it but just try and keep it clean and dry
Ditch the wipes and use a wet washcloth, or soap and water. Dry with a towel. Most wipes are full of chemicals that can be irritating.
Baby powder to keep it dry
We have a prescription for it
Clears it right up
Wet washcloth with sensitive soap, dry thoroughly and corn starch. Worked for my babies perfectly.
Ask to have it checked for yeast. And get a steroid for it
I used medicated diaper rash cream the few times my daughter’s neck got yucky. It’s called triple paste medicated ointment for babies.
A&D ointment and Hydrocortisone! My 7mo daughter has severe eczema on her face and is always red and raw. This stuff works like a charm! Literally healed within hours. DON’T use any powders , wipes or soap. They will do nothing but irritate the area further. A warm damp cloth to clean and then pat dry.
My go-to is coconut oil. I use it for just about everything. It is the only moisturizer I use on my face. It will provide a barrier to protect the skin and it’s antibacterial. Another great cream to us is Sween cream, I order it off Amazon. It is a medical based product that is used to keep skin from breaking down. It works great on my hands when they are dry and cracking during the winter season and it doesn’t irritate my skin.
I wipe clean and use A&D on my little girls neck and her arm pits. Make sure after the bath all his little creases are dry and apply.
No soap no wipes. Use warm water. Maybe jojoba oil for moisturizing. Babies also don’t need lots of baths. Once a week is enough.
You should wipe his neck with a soft rag or towel…always something dry n then follow up with aquaphor
Resinol diaper rash cream. It only takes a little and you can only find it at smaller pharmacies or on Amazon. It’s absolutely the best and will knock this kid of thing. Also amazing on actual diaper rash…
Nystatin cream from our doctor worked wonders for us
If you’re breastfeeding, put some breast milk on it. It heals everything! Rashes, cuts, cold sores, literally everything.
You need to keep it dry or it will never go away or get better. Gold Bond baby powder w/chamomile works for us
Pure aloe vera gel found at dollar general. It cleared up the nastiest diaper rash i had ever seen. I swear by it
Cornstarch and/or nystatin
My daughter who was 20lbs at 5 months old have the raw under the neck an my grandma told me to put corn starch under her neck to keep it dry. Don’t use baby powder where it can smother the baby
Might be old school, but i used corn starch for problems like this. Sometimes old wives know what to do, learned this from my mother. I’m 73 now so this is a very old remedy.
Mild soap and water. Always keep it dry from milk.
Our pediatrician told us to use cornstarch. I thought it was crazy but it really did work. He was a chubby newborn and his neck was always gross, but after a month of using it he was fine.
Lotrimin it works like a charm used it for all 3 of my children it even clears diaper rash! It’s an antifungal cream. Recommended by my now 20 year olds pediatrician when she was just months old…
When my daughter had skin issues my mom would always tell me WWF! Warm Wet Facecloth! Even the sensitive wipes are too much for my 1 YO’s face… for the rest of the body coconut oil has helped just as much as steroid cream has! Good luck Mama!
Use this! It works wonders!
Desitin diaper cream keeps the moisture out
Stop with the water and wet wipes and lotion- you’re keeping it moist and it needs to be dry!
Bathe him in warm water then when finished, before you dry him off, rub lots of baby oil onto his skin then dry him off. After drying him off add pure vaseline.
Oh and try to use dove sensitive soap. Nothing that has fragrance. You can also put raw corn starch on his neck.
Swap to aveeno baby, store brand is just as good. Dont use baby wipes on raw skin. Use a damp wash cloth. Dont rub raw or irritated skin, blot it gently. My son was the same way. His milk and slobber would get in there. Put a towel under him with your hand under his head so you can make it where his neck is fully exposed, use warm water on the cloth squeeze it out in there. Blot it clean. Make sure it is fully dry, pat it, fan it, dont matter just dont rub it. Smear on some a&d just keep it clean and a&d lathered in there. If it gets too bad, yeast could set in so if you start seeing white and smelly let the pediatrician know asap.
My son has eczema open wounds. I gave him benadryl after the Dr said it was OK and it literally went away
You need to keep it dry so I would put cornstarch on it which will absorb any moisture and then stick of baby washcloths in there and just constantly change it out whenever it gets wet . Clean it dry it powder it new washcloths
Cornstarch! Use that overnight and Pennington cream during the day! The cornstarch will dry it out and keep it from chaffing anymore, and the Pennington will help heal I live by it as I am big and tend to get the odd rash and it worked wonders when my daughter was a baby
Stop using wipes might be something In them use a wet towel then apply corn starch keep it dry
Less bathing, let his skin dry out a little bit and see if that helps, it may be that its always damp (drool, sweat from being dressed warm, lotions and balms, etc) try some cornstarch powder to help and go to bathing only twice a week. Their skin is so sensitive at this age.
Have you changed brands of soaps/wipes?
Had that problem and having a bib on mine all the time really helped a ton as far as keeping it dry
Nystatin! My daughter was the same way, turned out to be a yeast infection
You need to be drying it…not keeping it wet…
Mine had this problem mostly from drooling. I always kept a bib on her. Try to keep it as dry as possible. I would use the wet wipe then dry with a soft cloth. Try to do a lot of tummy time, if he will let you, to keep his head up and get them little baby rolls some air.
If you don’t already put a bib on him throughout the day. I had to do that with my oldest because of how much he drooled
I used buttocks bum paste on my little ones neck before and changed her bib often when she was drooling
Pat dry. Destin. Breast milk
Corn starch in the folds
Bag Balm. It is for utters on nursing cows but works wonders for rashes, hemmoriods etc.
I had this issue. Needs to be patted very dry and use A+D medicated ointment or Lotrimin with Aquaphor on top (do not combo a+d with lotrimin as they are both medicated - as per my pedi). Also absolutely do not put breastmilk on it, yeast grows on baby skin very easily and bm would feed the yeast.
If lotrimin and medicated ointment don’t help you can go for RX antifungal.
Edit: buttpaste/desitin also work if this isn’t fungal but make sure it is max strength (40% zinc oxide).
Could it be yeast? It could be a yeast infection? Might need a special cream
Try pure corn starch. Worked for my boys
Sounds like there is constant moisture, I would try keeping it as dry as possible. Use powder
Keep it dry as well as clean. Use Vaseline to help block the moisture
My mom makes me use corn starch on my kids neck
Baby powder!
I make sure to dry it after bath and out baby powder.
My baby has no neck because her rolls lol.
I used desitin on my daughters it would get so bad and stink but the desitin really helped!
Or there is also fungal cream called lotromin and it works wonders on yeast infections if it is an infection.
Keep the area dry, use Vaseline.
Keep it dry, corn starch will help clear it up
Sure its not a yeast infection in his neck folds?
If its not going away then I would get a second opinion!
I used bag balm. Works great for diaper rash too
My daughter had this issue, its yeast. Nystatin powder does wonders. Please don’t use breast milk it will add to it and make it worse. No wet ointments keep it dry and wash daily with mild soap
I 2nd the A&D… thin layers after cleaning & drying.
Nightly baths. . .
Keep it dry as possible and change out bibs/shirts/onesies as often as needed. You’re gonna need A LOT of bibs… seriously. Lol
Put a blanket under his chin with every feeding and put him in a bib when he isnt eatting. You could also put some corn starch on his neck.
This is literally happening with my daughter right now. We tried changing soaps, detergent (tide free and clear) , A&D , baby powder, hydrocortisone the pediatrician prescribed 3 different creams and nothing is working. It’s not drool! After a bath her neck gets so much better but then really red and irritated by the end of the day. Ugh following the comments to see if something helps my little girl!
I had this same problem with my daughter and the only thing I could do to get it to go away was wash it with antibacterial soap and pat it dry. I made sure it was very dry. Then I put a small amount of A and D and a little powder. After 2 or three days it was gone. It smelled so bad we called it cheese neck.
Baby powder works wonders
No wipe they hurt and make it worse
My child has tje same problem . took him to dermatologist and they gave him a cream and ir cleared up in like less than 2 weeks. It was a yeast infection
Norwex body cloth to clean, no soap and lanolin to protect skin
Sounds like you are wiping/bathing too much. Which is causing the irritation.
Just clean with water and dry with a towel. So this after each meal or feed. It’ll go away when baby is a little bigger and loses some baby chub.
Does your kiddo have reflux at all. If so than it can be irritated from that. A good gentle wash 2x day. Fully dried and use your favorite diaper rash cream. Work amazing
Edit I forgot about cornstarch. That will work better than anything