My sons neck is always raw: advice?

I wouldnt use wipes to clean neck with every time… try keep it dry.

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Use a bib. Try aveeno baby lotion and bath with colloidal oatmeal.

You need to see a dermatologist it could be eczema


A lot of these ideas and also milk gets in the neck too when feeding. You can put a baby wash rag in the neck to soak up some of the milk

I had this issue i would use lettuce water

Corn starch and bibs

If you can get a hold of Breast milk it would clear it up. That stuff is good for cuts bites rashes etc🤷‍♀️. Heals it up quick even after the milk if no good to feed to baby. I’m not no where near you prolly but I have breast milk. I just wouldn’t recommend feeding it to a baby because I was a smoker and a caffeine drinker🤷‍♀️ I didn’t break feed long because that wasn’t good for my daughter, but I have not parted with her milk because it helps down the road. She will be 2 in March. I’ve used some this year for stuff and it’s still good to go.

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Corn starch is the best I’ve used it all my life on my children Grand babies and myself now it’s wonderful and it works soft and smooth and will heal any rawness anywhere get it at the gro store plain ole cooking corn starch works every time dear plz try it over nite you will see I’m 54 My grandmother used it on me all my life it works


Gold bond baby powder?

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You need to check with a dermatologist! Wipes even the sensitive ones can have allergens in them.

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A &D ointment is the best on the market.

This works on baby skin elderly skin .put 1 1/2 Bi carb soda in bath lay him bath so water can touch his neck play splash pat dry then put a small amount of vasaline do this after breakfast then after evening food good for bottoms. Too

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It needs to be kept dry. Since babies have so many folds in their necks and chins. Clean it at bath time and with wipes as needed. But also dry it off well. My kids all had that when they started drooling like crazy from teething. Also, consider getting bibs of handkerchiefs to catch the drool.

We used boob ointment on my son. Lanolin. And instead of a baby wipe, try a wet washcloth.

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I powder my baby girls neck folds after baths and wiping her formula spills

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Make sure skin is completely dry before applying aquaphor… Ointments can trap moisture

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Corn starch the best


Try the athletes foot cream or ask your doctor for Nystatin cream. If what your doing isn’t working it could be yeast. Yeast needs medication to go away. I would also be patting it dry with a clean cloth baby wipes can just spread bacteria and germs.

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It’s from being wet. Corn starch and a bib. Make sure its dry. When you use the wipes your leaving it wet. which I would say is what’s causing it. Same with my daughter. I never used any cream even on butt rash. Since you get it from being wet. I used corn starch. It drys it right up.


my daughters used to get like this. I would very carefully put cornstarch powder on it after wiping it at every diaper change. Just be careful you don’t create a dust storm putting it on because it can be dangerous if inhaled.

My daughter had the same issues. The doctor said it was a yeast infection , they prescribed Nystatin and it was clearing up within a week and was gone within two.

Cornstarch ba y powder and bibs. Use a burb cloth while feeding

I would try corn starch it old fashion but out works

Corn starch is amazing

Only thing that worked was warm wash cloth to clean it out, pat dry and corn starch. Did this after each feed, bed time and first waking up… even though it’s still cleared, I keep doing it just to make sure it stays cleaned. Wipes I found still irritated her even though it was sensitive.

Bag balm. Not sure itll work but it should keep a layer on his skin so other things wont bother it as much .

To help keep dry maybe try baby powder. My sons neck and hands did this. I’d clean, wipe dry and apply a lot of baby powder.

Cornstarch!!! Family secret!!!

I know this sounds out of the ordinary but have you tried rubbing diaper rash cream on his neck ? He may be raw because of the moisture forming around his neck and the diaper rash cream will keep the moisture from around his neck from forming


After you give him his bath make sure his neck is nice and dry then put some cornstarch on his neck.

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My granddaughter was the same way. Most likely needs and antibiotic ointment or an antifungal

Nystatin cream is a godsend :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: four times a day, and the rest of the time cover in Vaseline to keep milk or drool from setting on the skin. This was what my daughter’s pediatrician recommended when she was little and chunky​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Cornstarch. My son was like that because he drooled a lot.

Baby wipes are wet. Like, most neck rashes are from wetness.

Use bibs, get a surplus, change out when damp and use some triple antibiotic on it for a day or two.

I swear by triple antibiotic, its been the only thing to work within a day for any rash so far.

Don’t use a wipe. Use a clean washcloth with only water. Then dry it right away. When you bathe him, make sure that you use a gentle soap like unscented dove, nothing liquid or scented. You can also apply a little desitin (baby bum cream)

Skin has to be completely dry, if you run your finger over the area and your finger glides easily over the skin its dry, if your finger seems to stick even alittle its not all the way dry

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Keep it dry
My friends child had this
Keep it dry
As it sarts getting better baby powder
The most important thing for fear of repeating myself

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This happened to my daughter. If it’s shiny at all it’s probably yeast. Wash with soap and water. Make sure it’s dry( I blow on her neck and arm pits). Then used Canesten where ever it was red. Always looked better within a day. Regardless of what it actually is, I don’t recommend anything that isn’t going to be absorbed by the skin. Anything oily like ointment or Vaseline is going to trap bacteria/fungus on the skin.

I had this issue also. Try to air dry as much as possible and we used a bib 24/7…

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Dove soap warm water wash cloth keep dry repeat

I used baby rash ointment Desitin then put baby powder on top to keep it dry and to set it as well

Don’t use wipes …use a baby wash cloth and water and gently pat each crease completely dry …what does
“bathed regularly” mean?..every day?
That’s to much for a 5 mo.old, that can cause dry skin . You can also try 100%pure African shea butter…it works beautifully… I even use(d) it on my husband’s scars after his surgery from his car accident …7mos short of 2 years ago …and you can barely see them now. I use it on minor burns, feet hands , when my kids are running around playing the fall and get hurt I use it on their cuts and scrapes …hope he feels better

Bepanthen mate! Literally works immediately.

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We had a similar problem and after wiping clean I would dry throughly then sprinkle corn starch and it cleared right up, hope you find something that works


Check your washing powder or see if he has any allergies.

Clean with white cotton hand towel and warm water not a wipe then dry with soft cloth and follow up with cornstarch

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I used triple antibiotic ointment on my daughter. Worked like a charm!

aveeno baby for eczema :blue_heart:

Sounds like its probably too moist, pat dry and put powder on it not aquafor


My daughter had the same problem! When she was old enough to drink milk, we switched her to Almond milk and the rash went away. Ways I tried to combat it before that though was A&D ointment, trying to keep it dry as often as possible, and bibs that are the bandana type so they go up right under their neck instead of regular bibs that usually have a bit of a gap.

Don’t use the wet wipe. Powder in the neck after every nappy change and every nap, they sweat a lot in their folds.
Use a burp cloth when feeding baby. Should any milk get in the neck, wipe with water only, pat dry with a clean towel.Thereafter apply babypowder.

Use cornstarch this way until it heals, once healed change to babypowder which doesn’t have much of a fragrance. It must be dry as possible at all times

Aquaphor after a bath

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I’ve just taken my son to our doctor yesterday for the same reason, we were given steroid cream with an antibiotic in cream, he also said people think you have to keep it dry when in fact you don’t, he also said that don’t put any cream on straight from a bath, let them dry and cool off first x

My daughter had this. I used coconut oil

No wipes, they have detergent in them even the sensitive ones. Soap and water twice a day, pat dry and keep it dry. We use burp cloths on my son because he dribbles formula at every feeding.


I suggest when you clean it (however you decide is best) lay him over a fairly flat pillow so his head is reclined and dangle a toy or place some toys above his head so he will look up. When cleaning try to dab rather than wipe because the friction of wiping can be painful/make it worse.

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Don’t use wipes on your child’s neck… they aren’t meant to be used on skin. Just use a cloth and gently clean it at bath time or before bed, but if it’s raw you need to let it heal first

My daughter was the same I just put suda cream under her neck everyday after a week it was gone.

Definitely try cornstarch! I did it with my son his neck was always raw and my mom recommended cornstarch and I didn’t believe it at first but it really work’s!

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I wouldn’t use baby (talcum) powder (talc has a risk of causing cancer). And Corn Starch may actually help to HOLD IN moisture.
Would start by washing baby’s neck with Cetaphyl wash (for eczema/psoriasis) and water. Soap and baby wipes are too harsh on baby’s raw skin. Bathe in Aveeno oatmeal if possible.
Use only cotton cloth to gently dry baby’s neck folds. Pat dry and then air dry (a blow dryer on very low, COOL setting may help there but be careful not to blow near baby’s face) while gently separating the neck folds. Avoid friction by rubbing/swiping dry!
A diaper rash cream or a zinc cream may help but I wouldn’t use this all day long the skin needs to breathe. Open up those little neck folds as much as possible. GENTLY!
It may also be infected. That is where you might want to use a triple antibiotic ointment such as Polysporin etc. Or in the case of yeast infection Canestin.
But again, allow the skin to be CLEAN and AIR DRY several times a day.

Stop using wipes! As convenient as they are they can irritate the most delicate skin. My son recently became allergic to a normally used product. We don’t know why, but we rinse with warm water and no soap and then baby Aquaphor

Do you keep a dry bib on him? They make cute bandana type bibs. Drool and milk can really set that sensitive skin off. Keeping it dry and using aquaphore after washing with a clean washcloth and water rather than wipes will help. Use the soft baby wash cloths, gently pay dry the area and then apply aquaphore.

U dont need wipes. Use plain old water and a facewasher, dry it properly then put corn starch on it…

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Go completely chemical free. Water only. Don’t rub. Dab. Only organic foods and dairy free. This is an allergic reaction to something. Garlic daily. Go to a health food store and buy the gel capsules. Snip the tip off and squeezed half of it into baby’s mouth daily. It’s an amazing inflamatory. As well as raw probiotics every single morning.

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Don’t use wipes! They leave moisture!

Wash with warm water and soap, pat dry, apply a antinfungal cream

Aw poor bubba? Maybe some coconut oil or gaia natural powder? It’s awful when little ones have issues like that. I feel for u both

Not sure where u r from but if u can get your hands on Metanium nappy rash cream it’s in a yellow box and yellow tube and only usually a few pounds I would honestly highly recommend it , I used this on my daughter as she was the same it was my health visitor who told me to try it and her neck cleared up after two days with just small amounts being applied but honestly if u can get it plz give it a go x

Switch to organic gentle baby soap from the health food store and coconut oil for moisturizer it is antibacterial and antimicrobial

no wipes only warm water and a soft cloth

I found apart from trying to keep it dry as much as u can i put sudo cream on it a couple of times a day & that worked for me

Put diaper rash cream on it

Keep it dry and at every feeding, make sure he has a bib on or burp cloth under his chin to catch the milk. My oldest son would get this until we realized milk was getting under his chin. Don’t use baby wipes on it. It will irritate it further. Pat it dry, don’t wipe. It will eventually clear up.

Oilatum bath wash and bepanthen ointment, it has improved my babies teething dribble rash massively. He’s 6 months x

Stop using wipes on his neck! Even sensitive ones are too much for an area like the neck except on occasion.
Use a wet wash cloth. Then use a second dry wash cloth.

I’d also speak with your child’s doctor again if it doesn’t clear up after you stop using the wipes. From being so moist it could be some type of fungal infection.

A lot of these well meaning suggestions are probably going to make his neck worse. It sounds like a yeast infection and I’m surprised your doctor hasn’t prescribed nystatin yet. It comes in a cream or powder. I would call his doctor and ask about it. If you can’t reach his pediatrician, is there an urgent care near you that has a pediatrician on site? I would almost bet money that if you took him in to be seen, they would be willing to write a script for it! After you get the skin healed, then yes, absolutely focus on keeping the skin dry. Good luck mama. :heart:


Pat dry and then use plan old corn starch a thin layer :+1::heart:

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Even sensitive wipes make my son break out. We use water wipes on his bum and make sure to only use a wash cloth with just water everywhere else. You need to make sure the area is very dry before putting the aquafor on it otherwise it’ll trap that moisture in.

I love this stuff. It is amazing. I have been putting it on my 4 month olds dry skin. His neck and a couple other spots were red and dry and regular lotion wasn’t working. It is also great for diaper rash.

Try putting antiperspirant deodorant on it it will keep it dry so it can heal

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Stop using wipes, bath baby more times with using baby soap lathering and use a wash cloth than dry baby’s neck good and behind the ears apply any kind of diaper cream and work it in, also put a bib on baby just to absorb the drule

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I’m thinking It’s heat rash and although Aquaphor and a lot of other medications are great I swear by Neosporin (the gel type). It works on minor burns and blister irritations like cold sores and very delicate cuts as such. I believe it will bring him relief.

I use calmoseptine it’s AMAZING. And it’s a multiuse cream. Clears up a blistering diaper rash after 1 use. I use it on my newborns neck and it goes away fast. Im not sure if you can buy it over the counter or if you need a prescription

Try corn starch. I used it on my babies

It could be the sensitive wipe even those broke my babies out if I used on the face
Use a soft was cloth with dove baby Unscented
Dry it well the add corn starch

I had this same issue. Wipe clean and apply Vaseline.

Caldesene powder is what we always used. Its in a pink can i have found at walgreens and SOMETIMES walmart. Ive got 4 kids and it works wonders!!! Its not a cure all but it sure does help alot of situations. Keep it dry as much as u can. And a couple times a day put a cream on that u think will work best. Good luck momma!!

It sounds maybe like yeast? Try nystatin powder. It’s a prescription you can ask your baby’s Dr for. It needs to stay dry. I found with my baby, the aquaphor made it worse because it kept the skin too moist. She’s 9 months and her neck is still chubby but not red, stinky, or irritated anymore since I switched from the cream to the powder.

Ummm I would not use wipes on his neck! Nor do I know why your doctor would recommend that. Could be raw just from being wiped with wipes throughout the day

use diaper cream…my oldest had this issue when she was that age…

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My baby girl of going to be 4 months has it I put triple paste (the brand) work’s amazingly. I did all other diaper rash creams, corn starch and muripocin (sorry if spelled wrong ) All i can say is that triple paste is the inly thing that has worked and maintained dry It does come back though at least once a week. I wAsh her neck and apply and she is good.

Calmoseptine. Ask your Dr for some

I’ve always use a little corn starch ,and keep it dry , you can use it on diaper rash,some get lose stools from fruit they get a little red,con starch it’s soothing for the little one.

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Castor oil and zinc cream , fab for nappy rash too , cheap to buy too

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Use warm water on a facecloth then put Zincofax on his skin.He may not be able to use wipes at all

My breastfed daughter got this a lot. It’s a yeast infection. Keep dry and clean and ask for yeast cream to put on it. It’ll clear up.

I use A&D diaper rash ointment on my daughters neck. She somehow always gets spit up trapped in her little folds too! It clears it up after one time being applied

Oatmeal bath every day

Or put alittle corn starch after baths make sure his clothes is not tight around his neck

Keep it dry and aired out