My sons neck is always raw: advice?

Use water wipes because they have no alcohol and no scent, at night put Bordeaux butt paste on it to help. During the day put the aquaphor that’s like vaseline and not the lotion. Get him bibs to help catch excess drool. Powder after baths

I used plain ol desitin a couple times a day, and then put it on a little thicker after bath before bed. Cleared up in a couple days

It sounds like yeast, especially if it’s got a sort of sticky texture or smells. Do not put cornstarch on it as yeast loves that. I’d put a natural baby rash medicine and maybe some yeast medication if your doctor will prescribe it to you. Yeast loves places that get wet and folds in skin, so it’s most likely that

Can you keep a bib on him ? So you can keep it dry from drool

Triple paste. Treat it like diaper rash. Keep it dry. Use a baby turtle neck if you have to and change it regularly. Make sure the baby isn’t always in a reclined position so the drool isn’t running into the neck rolls. Try a jumpy or a Walker or a exersaucer to keep baby upright with a bib on to catch the drool. Keep it all clean and dry and pasted over at all times.

Bag balm, helped my kids face better than anything and I just put it on while he slept

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Coconut oil and keep it dry

A wet facecloth, with a bit of baking soda in the water. Another thing, wipes are not meant for other body parts other than their bottoms, so using them on their faces and hands (wherever else) is not recommended. Then pat dry and try using ointment for yeast infection.

Destin Foot powder or Tinactin for athletes foot. Powder puff it on don’t cake it .

A&D oil base it help my daughter would get these from time to time if not go to the dr. And the should give you a cream to put on it

E45 cream…stop using wipes, just use a flannel and warm water

After washing neck spread some corn starch on it. Thats what I used for my daughters diaper rash.

Corn starch… water only rinse

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Wash with warm water and cotton woom and try using canesten cream on it xxxxx

Wash well with a mild soapy cloth, then rinse well with just plain water, dry really well and then apply thin coat of Vaseline. Do this every time you change bib. The Vaseline will protect the skin from anymore irritation. Make sure your bibs are cotton with no plastic. Try using a 100 percent cotton diaper as a bib.

Childs farm lotion brilliant stuff… Keep the area as dry as you can as well too much moisture can irritate the area I used to find.

Use the oatmeal soap don’t rub it pat it and try vasaline

Sounds like yeast issues. Get him on probiotics and use a natural diaper rash cream to protect his skin

My son had this, only thing that worked was corn starch

I mixed an anti fugal with a bit of cortisol cream into the zinc cream. However I only did this for bottom rashes.
Try baby powder also when the skin is wet. I used a brand that is not sold now. It was all natural

Bibs with plastic back to prevent his drool from getting on his neck.

Did you try a skin doctor or allergist

I used diaper rash cream for the same issue. It’s meant to dry up!

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He is being made whole and healed in Jesus name Amene

Instead of wipes, I’d use a warm cloth and cornstarch.


Keep it dry. Yeast is hard to get rid of.

Vasaline is the only thing that worked for our slobbery girl

Sounds fungal…after cream use corn starch…

I used penetin bum cream when it was raw and cornstarch baby powder when it wasnt to try to prevent it. Did the trick for my daughter