My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?

Ok, so…I gave my 13-year old son my old Apple Watch that can be used with his cell phone versus just tossing it into a junk drawer never to see daylight again. Well, today, I get a text from his stepmom that I should have mentioned to her (not even to dad) that I gave him the watch. It literally is a WATCH and a gift from me to my son. In no way did this affect them, and I didn’t think it was a big deal since the screen time on his phone (which they know about) also affects his watch. However, she’s making it out to be a big deal and saying that I’m playing “favorites” between my kids…over….a….watch…My other kids are way too young for a phone and have no use for an Apple Watch, considering they don’t even have phones. I don’t ask my kids’ dad to tell me about any gifts they give to our kids even when I may not agree….Why should I be expected to share every single gift I give to the kids? Am I missing something?


That stepmom can fuck right off!

She sounds petty maybe she is jealous because she doesn’t have one. It is not like it was brand new and if he is old enough then why not. Stepmother needs to back up and know that you are mom. Do kids live with dad full time if not then she needs to stop. You give children gifts or things that are age appropriate she is making a mountain out of a molehill maybe you needbto loop dad in and have him tell her to back up and be quiet, were the younger ones upset that big brother got used watch, I am betting not. I say talk to dad and have him get his wife under control

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?

Tell her to mind her business in her home


Sounds like she is jealous she don’t have one hahahahah

Nope none of her business. Get ur kid what u want unless it’s harmful to the child or the siblings. Step mom it’s ok :wink:


As a step mom I think she’s going over the top. My step sons mom gives him things and I never complain because it’s her son as well as mine


It’s none of her business.


Tell to shut up it none of her business


Your child your business


Did you say his STEP MOM is mad?? Wtf


I wouldn’t bother even responding sounds like she’s trying to start drama

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Not her kid not her business.


Tell her mind her business!


Shes making something outta nothing!
Maybe she had nothing better to do lol


Huh? You said step mom? And you’re the mom? Wtf? Is this a real question? This stuff seems so fake sometimes. Lady that is YOUR child tell her to suck a fart through your asshole


None of her business period tell her stay in her own lane


It’s. Your. Child. Not. Hers. She got a problem with that or anything else you do where YOUR child is concerned? Long as it doesn’t hurt the child, it’s her problem.


Stepmom needs to stay in her lane.

It’s none of her business what you buy YOUR son.

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Tell that lady to step back its YOUR son :wink: you’re ready his favorite hahaha


That’s ur child not hers


She can eat a fat one


Ok first off she shouldn’t be in your business secondly if ever there is a problem it is up to your ex to communicate with you not her!


First off it’s the other way around. Second that is your son who you carried in you and brought into this world. The only person even even consider to speak to is the father.

Sounds like she needs to mind her own business

First of all. Your his MOTHER. Period. She needs to stay in her place.

You’re the one who birthed that child you can give him whatever gift you want stepmom needs to mind her place.

Well it is your kid soooooo

Why are you going to explain anything to the stepmom. If the dad had a issue with then he should have contacted you. You can give your kids whatever you want


I would’ve told her to mind her damn business. You can buy your child whatever tf you want! Then I’d let dad know he better tell her to find her place before you let her know where it is! I wish the next person would tell me how to parent my child!

When stepmom has her own children she can say whatever she wants. As a stepmother you try to not interfere with the relationship between mom and child because it can get very aggressive quickly


Your kid you can do whatever the hell you want her opinion and anger is irrelevant

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U tell that long titty no nipple having ass bitch to mind her daaaamn business

Wtf lmaooo dont entertain her ass, tell her whatsup and leave it at that. Pfttttt,

I would tell her to get bent. My son you have no say in the matter. Who the hell does she think she is. Oh hell no. I would not put up with that. No no no

Does he live with the stepmother and dad full time is this why this is even being questioned maybe need more info


NOT her kid. Probably time she learned her place and how to sit down and be quiet.


Tell her you’ll buy her an apple watch if she’s jealous and can’t afford one :laughing::woman_shrugging:


I’d just tell her to fvck off personally :joy:


Sounds like she is jealous! Your his mother!

Oh my gods.
She needs to climb down off of her high horse! He’s YOUR son and you do NOT have to explain or justify buying your own child a gift, no matter what it is.
This is just ridiculous

Not her kids, not her business. I’d tell her to f*** off.


I’m sorry but I’d have a few choice words to give her and none of them being the slightest bit nice!! HE is YOUR child and you can do as you please !! I’d tell her to mind her damn business and stay in her lane . Point blank period it would end there.


I thought this was reversed. That the bio mom got angry that stepmom bought her kid a watch. Stepmom got some big balls! :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Is she jealous that your son has one and she don’t?!? Tell her to get over it and if the father has a problem with it, then HE can come to you and not her…


While your at it, ask her if you need to update her when you change your tampons too? She’s over stepping and tell your x husband to put her back in her place.


Why even give her your number…u have kids by her man not her. Whatever you do with your own kids is none of her business


Maybe she wanted the watch :joy::joy:

Unless stepmom/dad have full time custody,then she may have a say and I can see where she is coming from, but if the kids see them every other weekend/holidays girll tell her to mind her business is above her pay grade at this point​:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Wow shes out of line. I was a step mom for 13 years and never did I ever get mad at his ex wife and her hubs for anything they got her kids. I was a good step mom in my opinion dad was a horrible parent so I probably did more than I should have. I was always on my ex because he favored his son.

I am a step mom and this is some poor behavior . That step mom should respect anything u say since ur his rightful mother . She needs to know her place cause she can be taken out the picture by the courts … good luck sweetie . Stand ur ground communicate only with ur child’s father from now on if possible

Why is it the step moms problem anyway? Your the kids parent correct? Fuck her! Tell her to mind her own business and not what you give to YOUR OWN son!

Is the step mum on here? Is this a low-key way of letting her know she’s being a tool? You are the mother, if She got the watch for your son then maybe that’s a different situation but it seems she is jealous and being a tw@t about it.

None of her business what you give to your child, tell her to jog on

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Tell her to wind her neck in she’s a jealous woman

Oof. Some of yall…
Assuming they are married, she 100% gets a say in the home life while at their home.
But the watch thing seems petty to me. And Id address the pettiness.
If hes old enough to have a phone and a smart watch, then that should be the end of the conversation.
If hes misusing it, Thats another conversation.
If its simply “the younger kids didnt get one” then its petty and Id simply say “they arent old enough to have something like this, if youd like to get them a simple character watch, Im sure theyd love it”

Why is this relevant?? Your kid.

Dang… sounds to me that stepmom needs to step TF back and learn her place

It’s not any of her business what you give your son tell her to mind her own business when it comes to you and your son!

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I’d laugh and keep it moving. My kid, my business :woman_shrugging:t4:


WHO THE F does she think she is !!! :woman_facepalming:t2::rage:

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Should’ve told her I can give my kids whatever I want so get off my phone asap

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Pshh thats my kid fool …I don’t need your permission to give him sheeeet!


Umm She is is step mum and she needs to remember her place
You don’t need to ask her permission for anything
Tell her to quietly sit down and shut up


I got nothing. :joy: tell her mind her own goddamn mf business and move on lol. Idk.


Text her back and tell her the last time you checked your children didn’t come into this world through her vagina so what you give or don’t give them isn’t her concern.


Ummm…you are MOM… NOT HER.

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I would have text back “STFU”


She can piss off and stay in the Step-mom lane. You owe HER no answers at all!


Sounds like step mom runs the show here :rofl::rofl:

I would tell her to kindly mind her own business


Look at your husband and say, “your ex is being crazy again. Tag your it!”


She must be missing the point that your his mom!!! That is YOUR son!!!


That’s your kid, not hers. If there’s any person who you should have told first, that’s the dad. But then that’s still your kid so whatever you think is best for him is great

Your kid, your decision! She needs to butt out!

Um…I would tell her to stfu and mind her own biz


Definitely non of her business! You can give your child whatever gift you want and she has no say.


She’s probably jealous cause she wants one or if she has a kid of her own her kid is jealous they don’t get one but that’s your choice not here what you give to ur kids

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It’s none of her business. I’m not sure what right she has to request that you tell her what you give your son? It’s none of her business. She should be thankful and happy for him he got a nice gift!!! AND, I’m a step mom!!!

:roll_eyes:Yeah you are missing something… your kids in your care/ home.

Step mom needs to be knocked back into her place.

Is she upset that he got a watch and the other kids got nothing because I can see that side but if it’s not that then why is she upset?

Did she give birth to the step son ? :rofl:


“I will give MY CHILD whatever I choose. When I want your opinion, I’ll ask. Also, don’t hold your breath waiting.” That’s my advice on what to tell Ms. Overstepper.


First off, how dare another woman come in and make such accusations when its a perfectly logical gift? Id have some choice words over that! Tell her to stuff it n mind her own business! If she doesnt like it she can make her own kids n not give them apple watches! Done deal! I get step parents can be incredible (i have a stepmom) but sometimes they just need to back off and deal with their own mess! Id be seriously insulted if anyone ever had the audacity to accuse me of playing favourites with my kids! ESPECIALLY if they put that idea in my kids heads! Id be a raging ball of scary headed her way!

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She sounds like a nightmare to deal with

You did a nice thing for your son. Last time I checked step parents don’t have the final say over things like that. I understand sometimes in blended families things can be complicated. Just know you did the right thing.

You gave him life, give him what you want to.


YOUR HIS MUM . She needs to back off !!

To me it sounds like she’s jealous she didn’t get the watch for herself& I wouldn’t be surprised if one day it comes up “missing”…. I’d be careful sending it with him when he goes to his dads, yea it might just be a watch, but like I said it might come up missing. And she would be the first person I would look at if it does!

Side note: YOU’RE his biological mother, if your other kids aren’t old enough because they don’t have phones yet, who is she to say something to you about it to begin with?

She’s the stepmother & needs to know her role. You don’t need her permission to give a gift to your child ,especially if the child lives with you. If it’s that big of a deal just let your son wear it when he’s in your care.

I mean that’s kinda weird honestly. I’m a step mom myself and I legit dont get this lol. It’s a gift to your son? Why does she need to be included… it just dont make no sense to me lmao. I just dont see the issue to be upset about. Ita a used watch, connected to his phone and as you said has restrictions as well. It seems like a good gift.

She’s a step mom so to me what you do an or give your son his none of her concern. It’s not your giving him drugs, alcohol. She needs to stay in her lane as step mom period

Exactly this truly is none of her business. Stay in her lane and if your ex her recent allowed that to happen now we know the reason for your divorce!!!

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She needs to take a step back!!!

Tell her to get her some business.

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Step mom. Need I say more???


Dad needs to set up some boundaries.