My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?

Don’t even entertain that BS.

Tell her to stay in her place, what you do with your son has nothing to do with her.


Seems like she’s acting a little extra not really her business.

She is the step mother, not her place to say anything. Tell her to mind her own business


Maybe just have him keep his watch at your place and not take it to his dads house.


You are the MOM…firget her

lmao some women need real help… be careful what you send him with around her she seems spiteful or petty about her kids or somethin g


I would tell her to go f@#k herself really. She’s the Step-mom and your the Mom. So pretty sure you get to decide what to give your own kid not her. She needs to stay in her own lane really.


It’s none of her damn business what you buy for your son. That’s between you and and his father-she needs to butt out. No way in hell I would explain myself to the step mom. Unless you’ve been an absent parent and she’s had to step in to parent for you I don’t see a valid reason to explain anything to her!

“I’ll take your request into consideration next time. Thank you.”


She needs to know her place. It none of her business to begin with.

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She needs to back tf off

Perhaps, since she is the stepmom and you are the biological mom, she should express her displeasure to your son’s biological father instead of to you?


No he should not have to it’s his dad’s house so the Stepmom needs the butt out

Not her place your are his mum not her

Different house different rules. She needs to know her place, like buying stuff for her other kids and not including yours is okay too since that’s not her kiddo…

Ugh she’s just trying to have control.


Does step mom have bio kids of her own who might be jealous and causing her grief about it? :thinking::woman_shrugging: Either way she can get tf over it.


O so many comments about her being the step mom and telling her to f off. I personally am a step mother but my man’s 4 kids live with us full time so I would definitely feel some kinda way if baby mama 1 or baby mama 2 that are bairly in there lives would tell me where to go… that being said our (his) older 2 sons are 14 and 16 and see their biological mother every other weekend and holidays and a week on and a week off all summer she is a good mother for the most part being she doesnt have them much but my man and I dont care what she buys her son’s its between her and them. Now if she gave them drugs or weapons it would be different. But for a parent of any capacity I feel they have a right to doat on there children. As a step parent if there was an issue with a gift I would just tell them to keep things from their mother at her house. If the only reason for being mad is that she didnt get the other child one, I would ask how old is the other child and do they have a phone? If they are to young or do not have a phone I would consider the age and drop the whole thing. If the other child in question is not her biological child then she doeant need to buy him/her anything. If the other child is her’s and age inappropriate for anphone then maybe she got him/her a different gift. If she specifically gave to one and not the other yes this is wrong and careless on her part to cater to one and not the other. And again though it is between her and her children. Best of luck

Sounds like she wanted the watch


Wait, she has nothing to do with what you give your kids ANYHOW

She sounds so controlling n like she tries to get in your head


I’m sure each house has their own set of rules, if for whatever reason the watch goes against theirs then he just doesn’t use it there, yall should all be communicating about set rules at each other’s homes so that you are not over stepping them once they get to the others home and what gifts you get the child/ren, not only is it handy so you’re not buying more than one of something but it’s just respectful.

Sounds like she has no reason to know about his watch

It’s your bio child, you can give him a gift if you want to.-Tell her that, don’t take her bullying!!
If you never bother to give him gifts, she would also complain and say that you (The bio mom) never bother to give anything…

It’s all about her being in control

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Just tell her exactly what you said here. “There is no favoritism, considering my other children are too young and don’t even possess phones. I see no problem with my child having a watch, to me as their mother, it has more benefits than downfalls.” So if she’s worried about any kids she has getting jealous, thats not your problem. Just make sure your child keeps a close eye on their property so it doesn’t go missing.

Back that Bitch up to the state line! Its NONE of her damn business what you give YOUR children, She needs to Learn her place! I’m so sick of seeing Dads new piece behaving as if they have ANY authority over another woman’s children, being with the PARENT doesn’t give the new spouse Parental RIGHTS, the only Authority a Step parent has is what the PARENTS AGREE TO GRANT THEM! Myself, I’d get that shit in check immediately

Tell her to get over it. He’s your son and u will do what u want whether she likes it or not. She prolly jelly that u have it to him n not her.


It’s none of her business what you give your son.


Ummm who in the hell does she think she is??? That is YOUR son, and YOUR business!! She needs to mind her own!!


Cuss her out and tell your ex to tell her to stay in her place…

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Wait , WHAT?!His step-mom got mad?
Wth. NO. She needs to learn or/& be given boundaries.
She has no say as to what you, his mom, gifts her own son!
I wouldn’t never consult with my sons step-mom about a decision that I made.
She sounds ridiculous.
She’s just throwing a fit.


No your not missing anything. Wtf is her problem? Causing problems where there is none.


Wait who’s kid is of again ?? She needs to be reminded lol

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I think the bigger question here is who is the primary parent in this situation. That makes a huge difference. If step mom is the primary “mom” in his life then she absolutely has a say. My fiance has been in my kids lives for 8 years now. 2 of my kids were babies. He has been dad to them for 8 years. The only thing missing is the DNA. If their bio dad decided to buy them some kind of gift and he had an issue he absolutely has every right to speak his mind about it. I feel like there is something missing here

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Wow he’s YOUR son tell her to do one

Sounds like she wants to control you and the situation.

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She is the STEP mom …you did nothing wrong. If anyone has the right to question it it wld be the father not her. Stand your ground and tell her it is non of her business what you buy him.

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As a fellow stepmom for the past 18 years, she needs to back up. This is your child, not hers. She is in his life and has a say over her own home, not over what you give him. I can only imagine what my stepchildren mother would have said if I’d do e something like that…wow.

Yikes. That’s over the line. It’s important to respect step parents and the role they play in a child’s life, but that role does not, and should not, include trying to call the shots. Parents should take into account and include a step parent’s thoughts and opinions, but the mom and dad make the final call and step parents just kind of have to accept it.

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Tell her do one hevyour son xxxx

Just jealous that she didn’t think about it first :kissing_heart:

She needs to stay in her lane and mind her own mf business!!! Period!!


Shes overstepping and needs to be checked


If he already has a phone and they know about it, she needs to mind her business and stay in her lane.


Depends if there is a power play between the parents or the children against the parents. Blended families are tough. You are fortunate your ex has a partner that is willing to step in and parent while you are not there, but working together instead of against each other is beneficial to everyone involved.

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You are the mom. So no it is not her decision and she has no say in what you give to your kids. If it was the dad saying something then yes, his opinion matters but not her

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Explained it just like you did. Don’t be defensive

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Um she shouldn’t have a say. You’re their mother full stop. You don’t need to go through her for shit.

Really and what’s it to do with her obviously she’s only stepmum through marriage so really she has no say!!

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She sounds like a jealous twit. Put her in her place and keep an eye out. She could try to put a wedge between your kids and you later on. There is no way in hell id let a an understudy take over my lead as a mother. There are step parents and birth parents that are able to coordinate and work together. Then there are this type of stepparent who is jealous of the birth parent in every way and tries everything possible to not only make the birth parent look bad but to get the step children to hate their birth parent as a f u I’m with your ex now and try to be the head in charge. Don’t let that happen if you want to keep a good relationship with your kids.

Sounds like you need to put her in her place.


I had the same kind of problem with my kids fathers ex. She also told my son that he couldn’t call me mom anymore


The audacity of these stepparents nowadays is astonishing. :exploding_head::unamused:


It’s not for her to say what you can and can not give your child. I have two stepkids who I raised with their parents for the last 19 years. I would never have told their mom that she can’t give something to her kids. And I also have my daughter who has a stepmother. I would lose my mind if she ever tried to tell me what to do with my child. That’s seriously overstepping.

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I wish some STEPMOM would try to come at me like that about MY child :joy:


Tell her to get bent…and to stop being a bitch

So… did he come out of her? Or why does her opinion matter, lady needs to wear beige and take a step back, she should let you and your ex parent your child

I was a stepmom, no kids of my own & we had full custody of his daughter, yet I would NEVER have told the mom what she could buy/give her kid. Both kids still called me by my name because they both have a mom, not me. The only time we would have discussed presents was if it was expensive enough that both families wanted to get her something from us as a whole. If it’s a money thing that’s none of her business how you afforded a new one in order to give him your old one. Again in our situation it was agreed she didn’t need to pay child support even though we had full custody. Yet I would just be thrilled if she gave her daughter whatever she felt like :slightly_smiling_face:. If you have an ok relationship with dad still, I would bring it up with him. She has way overstepped and he needs to address it.

He’s your child, you gave birth to him.

She needs to step the fuck back and mind her own business.

And get back in the area where she belongs.

Stepmother needs to check herself and learn her place.

You do not need her permission, your child.


Id tell her to go fly a damn kite ain’t none of her business. You will give what you want to who. She didn’t pay for it or for his phone bill so yah


As a stepmother myself I think the stepmom is totally out of line . . She can disagree with the gift all she wants but it’s none of her business.


Non of her business, just a jealous petty move. I would’ve flipped if someone tried to school me on what and what’s not appropriate for my kids.

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That’s between you and your son. I have a soon to be 16 year old “bonus” son and I would never interfere with what takes place between he and his mom or his dad. You are his parent. You gave birth to him and you have every right to give him whatever you please. This stepmom is overstepping her boundary. You should have a discussion with your son’s father about boundaries. You shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about anything you do for your son, period.

Your missing nothing but the fact she see your kid having something hers doesn’t, possible scenerio? I been through that but she can be mad all she wants and get over it. We are all moms doing the best we can

If you buy something for the child there is no need to brag that you bought it. No need to tell the bio parent you bought them something they NEEDED. There is a big difference between NEED. and WANT. Parents/Step parents are the ones that decides if it is a want or need. Parents DO NOT BUY YOUR CHILDS LOVE AND AFFECTION. Quality is better than quantity.

You need to have a heart-to- heart with her about minding the business that pays her. You’re his mom, that’s your child and your money. She needs to close her mother’s and play her position. She souls like a jealous control bmfreak. Nip it in the bud now because she has overstepped her boundaries, it will money get worse of you don’t.

I dare any step mother to tell me what I can give my child. I wouldn’t tell her what she gives hers. There’s just some lines you do not cross

I’ve been a step mom now for 28 years. When dad was alive it was all left up to him to communicate with the mothers. I did offer advice to him since I had a 13 year old when husband came into my life. Unless your friends with step mom she should but out and you need to discuss with your ex that if he has concerns that he should bring them to you.

I guess what concerns me is why you feel the need to post this at all? Why do you care what anyone thinks? Do you have a need to have to have a strangers approval? Sheeesh!

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Alot of questions not answered! Who does the kid live with? Who is primary caretaker? Who sits up taking care of the when he’s sick? Gets him to Dr appts? Gets him to and from school? Provides his daily care? If he lives with dad, then Mostly stepmom! I can’t form an opinion without more info. I have raised my kids, bonus kids, and now grands. Every situation is different. Being a blended family takes alot of work, respect, and communication. The kids best interest must always come first!

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I can and will, give my child whatever I want. It’s not as if husband doing the giving. Stay in your lane lady.

Maybe she is scared you could be hearing her, as he could answer in silent? Maybe she has something to hide. Or just really insecure.

STOP!!! Wasting Yourself on Dumb Stuff Like This. No One Paid Her to Think!!! You Give Your Kids What You Want Them to Have. She is Only Kin to Your X. She May Even Be Some Sort of a " step MOM"!! You Never Picked Her !! CANCEL Her Completely !!! Just Make Sure Their DAD Gifts His Off Spring !!!

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It isn’t none of her business and instead of her making you feel guilty about it you need to reality check her… I never had my son’s dad gfs ever say anything to me bout my son and what I give him but I think they know from get go my son is me and his dad’s business period if she wants to be cool with my son ok but she won’t have say what goes on with choices we make with him … I’d put her in her place

I will never ask my child’s stepmother if I can give my own child something if I want to give it to her I will if they want to have a cry about it they can but don’t be telling me what I can and can not buy them

She stepped over her boundaries with this one. However, I would validate her feelings and have a mature conversation with her. Ask her why she would feel that way and why it would be a matter she felt necessary to address. Let her voice and validate where she’s coming from. If can even do so sensibly, keep an open mind and staying calm, respectfully tell her how the cow ate the cabbage!! It’s an awkward situation at times and for the sake of kids this needs to be handled carefully. Relationship is top priority - for all involved.

Sounds like stepmom is jealous. My kids stepmom removed everything from their drawers and closets because they didn’t call her while at my house.

No you are not missing anything besides that your is mother and i don’t think it’s any of her business. You and your ex have the say it’s between you two.

She should have nothing to say about healthy exchanges between you and your son ,she sounds controlling !!

I think there’s alot more to the story that’s not being said. Does the child live with the stepmom and Dad or you? Maybe if he’s living with them they don’t like the idea of such an expensive gift being given to a kid.

Is she a mediator between you and your ex? His/her voice because you and they can’t get along?

Too bad! Your gift to your son is your business!! I’d be turning circles and foaming at the mouth if my son’s step person said that.

Yes she is jelouse and insecure. And being very childish. Your his mom you can give him whatever you want you don’t need the stepmoms approval she is trying to be controlling.

Tell her to mind her own fuc*in business he is your son and you can buy whatever you want for him. Tell her that if your gift giving bothers he she should ignore it because it’s not her business in the first place!

First of all the stepmom has no business interfering with what you do for your child and you do not need to clear things through her! I am a stepmom with a stepson - now 24 (who we raised bc his dad had full custody) and I never ever involved myself in that way! I was always very confident in my husbands ability to handle the relationship and issues with my step sons mother. And visa versa with my sons father. Those are lines you don’t cross. If I didn’t agree with something, I discussed it with my husband and then it was discussed with his ex “if necessary” . 99% of the time they were unimportant in the big picture. Sounds like this one, just wants to throw her weight around. I wouldn’t entertain her or her issue. Let your ex deal with her…he married her!

Who the hell is she, to worry about what you give YOUR child? I’d tell her to mind her own business.

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Your his mom, and of story. Give the boy all the gifts you like.

hmmm you are his real mom? do as you please, unless he does not live with you for some reason, or if you are not suppose to have contack with him? if he lives with you visit them, and you have the right to see him, then hmmm your his mom you damn sure don’t need a ok from a step mom.

You’re quite right. You gave birth to your son so tell her where to go!

Forget about what I would tell her or where I would tell her to go. That is YOUR son and if you want to give YOUR SON a gift that you feel you want him to have, then you give it to him and don’t listen to no one bullshit

My husband never intruded with my discipline. He showed love and concern but never lorded over me or my children. My children adore him

If it’s not effecting anyone else then the stepmom doesn’t need to know!

No she is. They are your children
She needs to back up the train

This is just stupid to be upset over. I have a 16 year old step daughter and what her mom gives her is their business. If she happens to get in trouble over at our house said object might be taken away briefly as punishment (though she’s rarely in trouble).

No. The step-mom should stay out of it. It should be none of her concern.

You need to put her in her place respectfully first. Let her know to stay out of family business, she’s marry the daddy and until it’s falls on her nothing your kids do should be her business . Now tell her get some business :roll_eyes:

Reminder her that as a step mother she is to step back and let the parents be the parents. That’s the definition of a step parent.

Your child your present in the story none of her business