My sons stepmom got mad that I gave him an apple watch: Advice?

Stepmom…are you serious.

Shes just being bossy

Your okay Mama, your just fine.

She should know her place

Tell her mine you business

Step Mom is being an ass!

Screw her. She wants it.

She needs to get over herself

She needs to go sit down!

Ignore her. She is wrong.

I’d tell
Her mind her own damn business. Bullshit

I would just ignore her behind

No. They are bullying you

She needs to stay in her lane. It’s between you & their FATHER

Ignore her it’s your kid not hers

That’s totally ridiculous!

Um she just need to stay in her lane period

You’re cool. Your child your decision :slightly_smiling_face:

Punch her in the face.

I’m not a.good rolemodel

Your did nothing wrong

think she is overstepping boundaries.

She needs to mind her own

This is on my page so my thoughts :confused:

She’s is being controlling.

Ummm nope. Not her business.

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No shes just jealous

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The step mom is a control freak. It’s your son. Why is she intimidating you?

jeolousy because she didnt get him one lol

She’s jealous. Prayers

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Don’t even worry about her

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Its none of her business

She is jealous. I know the behavior. If they can find a flaw in you it makes them feel better. You are still mommy and they hate it! I have been going through this for a few years. Finally done they split up. He told her that he still wants me :rofl:


Stepmom is trying to start drama. Don’t feed into it.

Hes your child not hers do as you wish.

Do they have custody of the children?

Well did you ask her before you stick your nose in there soon business he not your son you trying to buy he and that not good stay in your lane

Hi y’all…I’m the mama who asked this question. Let me add that I have our kids primarily and stepmom has no rights, but dad does. I’m just frustrated this even came up. It’s not the first time and when I approach dad, he doesn’t care, but also doesn’t put stepmom in her place. He allows her to run their household over there and I’m overwhelmed with it, especially when I get texts like this.

Trust me, there’s definitely not more to it than you know…this is an ongoing issue with her. I’m just shocked this time it was over a USED, old watch of mine and how she approached it.

Jealousy un believable people are way twisted to act like that

She needs to stay in her place as a stepmom and let dad deal with you and the kids

Step mom has no say in what you do with your son. If anything it would be between you and dad


Tell her he came hand it down in the future to younger sibs

Tell her to stay in her own lane. I’m a bonus parent and I would never!! Sounds like she just wants to make something innocent an issue.

Nope your not missing anything…its non of there business. You didnt do anything wrong.

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She’s just jealous over the gift and trying to hide her jealousy behind some bullshit reasoning. Jealous is jealous.

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I’d go buy him and the kids dad a brand new one, and give 'em to them infront of her. :woman_shrugging:t4:
Raven Ashley


Shes just mad she doesnt have an apple watch.thats why shes pissy.

Step mom needs to know her place :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The stepmother is over stepping her boundaries.


No, you’re not missing anything… hes your child.
She sounds controlling…

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It’s your son not hers! You can do what you want to x


Sorry but his stepmom would haveto be told

Not her kid. Not her business. Period.


My response ALWAYS with co-parenting my now 18 year old daughter with her dad and his wife was… she came out of MY vagina NOT yours I can do whatever the hell I want with my kid. It always shut them up lol!

In my opinion if this child lives with stepmother and dad 24/7, then i say the rules of that house in which he stays in 24/7 falls first. Reason being and i read on here and if mothers think they can do whatever just cuz it’s “right thing to do” but not so fast, if at all you were taught to respect then yes she should have asked first because she don’t know how they run their house. Maybe the kid is not doing well in school or maybe the kids isn’t keeping up with daily responsibilities or they just need to lay down the rules on what ever they get from the biological parent. Ignorant parents will not think about these things. If it was me, I’d ask if it’s ok to give to my child since they live with them and ask why if it was denied or when it will be a good time to give such an item. I’m not the one watching my own child, the stepmother and dad is. If you don’t agree then the biological parent is the one holding some jealousy toward the stepmother and dad. Hope that makes sense, it’s my best explanation lol

You don’t have to get permission to give your kids a gift. If she don’t like it to bad

Tell the step control freak to step down they are not her kids and it really is none if her business.


Just tell her to put her nose back on her face and move the fuck on.

She sounds like she’s on some kind of power trip with your kids! None of her business what you buy YOUR KIDS

Step mom needs to learn her place.

bottom line; your kids, your money, your business! tell her to butt out

Perspective of opinion… I am a step mom… given that statement… it isnt the stepmothers place to say what the mother gives or takes from her their own child.
Stepmom needs to calm the down and take a big dose of chill pill.

:thinking::thinking::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: that’s all I got hes your child shes stepmom and you are allowed to give YOUR child whatever you please :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh you can really piss her off and get the other kids watches to if you have Verizon lol they have a gizmo watch the you can program 5 phone s they can call or text also has tracking and automatically answers after so many rings lol its what we got our son cuz he was to young for a real cellphone

I’m at step mom myself, and in no way would I have reacted like that. If she really had an issue she could have spoke to you about it like a mature adult. Not cause a scene. And that’s your child, you can give him whatever you want!

Well if she’s a good stepmom and shares in the parenting when you guys generally get along and discuss things there’s no need to bash her. But you are the mother and regardless of the situation a gift from you to him is exactly what that is, it’s a gift you don’t need to ask her to give him that unless it’s something life changing like a trip far away. Even if the father has Primary Care, it’s really not her place to say anything and sometimes moms can think that all the children deserve the same thing regardless of age and that’s just incorrect, so I agree with you, you should be fine don’t guilt-trip yourself and don’t allow her to make you feel guilty either.

Tell her to mind her business!!

Your missing nothing. I’m not being funny but your his mum & you don’t in no way owe her any explanations as to why you gave your own son a watch. Sounds like jealousy to me lovely. Their your children you don’t have to have anyones permission to give them as you said a watch that would otherwise sit in a drawer. Smile lovely you’ve done nothing wrong :rainbow: xx


Tell Karen to pipe down and mind her own business.


As a stepmom of over 13yrs i can say that in this scenario the stepmom is out of line and picking a fight wit you for no reason


Let her be mad all she wants you owe her nothing no response no explanation nothing she is a “step” which is nothing at all to you. Let your ex deal with her petty drama it’s his problem not yours. You keep doing you and your kids ignore her completely she has no say in anything. She can step on out of the picture completely.


Ask her should her child’s father know every gift she gives her own kids (if she had bio kids of her own) see how she responds to that lol.

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Her opinion is IRRELEVANT!


You gave him life, you can give him anything you want to give him, its nobody’s business!!


well I would say last time I checked it was me and your husbands name on the birth certificate so don’t come for me and what I do for MY SON you do your part when he is there…that is all literally…

Obviously her marriage is not fulfilling her needs and feels threatened by ur “surpise” gifts . Ur peeing in her hydrant, not ur issue not ur battle. You be you and never allow the insecurities of others environment to dictate how u express ur love ND affection for children


Totally agree with all the comments on here.

Its YOUR son!! You sure don’t have to ask a StepMom or Okay what you want to do for your Son or any of your Children!! Stepmother needs to mind her on business!!

She’s just feeling threatened. The teen is your own son, and you are giving him a present. While she is just a stepmom. She wanted to ‘show’ you that just because you are the boy’s biological mother, she is now married to the boy’s father, so have some ‘obligation’ stuff towards the boy. She’s doing this to drift you and your children apart. She wants to make sure that her husband stays with her and he and the children love her more than you. What you should do is make sure she knows that whoever she is, you are the children’s mother and has the right to do as you fit. If she argues, ask her to get pregnant and have her own children.

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You are fine stepmom is wrong.

She jealous​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:it’s not about the watch sweetie don’t stress. :person_shrugging:

That’d funny, I would just laugh in her face. :rofl::rofl: wth…:rofl::rofl:

The only time I could see certain gifts by bio mom being a possible problem is if the child lives with dad and step mom but then I think that it should be addressed by dad not step mom. The reason I say this is because I was and am that step mom and bio mom rarely saw her son. She would call herself a “Disneyland parent” who only did the fun stuff with her son and loved to give gifts that could cause a potential problem at home. But it was up to my husband to deal with his ex not me. She was not an active part of raising our son by her own choice.

She has no say in what you give to your sons, his father might but I’m going to doubt that he would truly be upset about something that he didn’t buy.

She must be control you just like she control his daddy because she would have never called me about anything I gave to my child

Tell her to get over herself and zip it


Why does her opinion matter. You’re the parent.


It’s not playing favorites. You clearly said your other kids are too young to even need/use that type of device. That’s not unfair-that’s just how it is! If she doesn’t have kids herself, maybe she just isn’t getting it!

Your the mother! You can give him whatever you want and if it’s so he can contact you then it’s none of her business! Tell her to sit the hell back down.
She may be a part of his life but he is your son. I would lose my mind over this.

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I wouldn’t even bother to reply.
They may have rules at their house where your son will need to respect that and might not be able to wear and be on his phone for whatever reason you can’t control that.
But you buying him a watch I don’t even see is issue Mayb she a hater!

Everyone here is saying you’re the mom, and f*** her… and I somewhat agree but before you do, stop a moment and listen to her without judgment or bias. Being a step parent can be really tough, especially with kids who are old enough to have iPhone and watches.

She might be being jealous and irrational, or she might actually have a point that you haven’t considered. I don’t know, I haven’t heard her side of the story. All I am saying is it pays to listen to people before you pass them over like bumps in the road.


Step mom needs to step back…


EXCUSE ME??? YOU are his MOTHER!!! It is not ANY of her BUSINESS what you give YOUR CHILD! Politely tell her to stay in her place or just better yet ignore her. Sounds like to me she is simply jealous or just being petty. You do you and your children REGARDLESS of what comes out of her ignorant ass thoughts or mouth

This is clearly a non issue that she has chosen to make something of. Tell her to pull her head in and do you ‘MUM’!

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She’s jealous cuz she wants one and a kid got one instead.


Is is your kid or hers? you sound like a confused stepmom tell her to stfu it’s none of her business what you buy your kids.

This is between you and his dad. I find that super disrespectful. My kids step mom has a place in their lives but decisions are still mostly between me and their dad. That’s just crazy

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Not her business nor is her kids your business

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She a jealous dragon tell her there your kids and not hers