My sons teacher refuses to help him wipe: Is that normal?

Their teachers don’t have the time and resources to wipe the butts of 20 plus kids. As a parent it’s OUR responsibility to teach our children to properly wipe their bottoms.
Maybe he isn’t ready to be in pre-k if he can’t properly wipe his bottom.


It’s not the teachers job as kids are supposed to be fully potty trained for starting school, unless they have medical reasons.


I would not expect them to. My daughter is 5 and still has issues but that is not the teachers job. If she comes home with streaks I help her to understand that SHE needs to wipe better. Usually she just poops at home.

Teachers of prek kids do not and should not have to wipe ANY butts lol :laughing:

Yes it’s normal! It’s not the teachers responsibility or job to clean a child up in the bathroom… this is your responsibility as a parent to teach them prior to school.


Most schools are not allowed to do that.


Teachers are NOT allowed to help your son for numerous reasons. They do not have to be completely potty trained, at least where I live, but they do need to be able to do it all on their own.

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Public school teachers are not allowed to go into the bathroom with students


I have never heard of a teacher wiping a child.
That’s actually insane to think a total stranger should do this.

When my son was 4 he was really bad at potty time and I used the fact that the teacher would not be able to wipe/change him for motivation to get it together! He wanted to go to school so bad. So it worked.

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As a former daycare & preschool teacher after they turned 4 we weren’t allowed to give assistance in the bathroom unless they had an accident then we changed their clothes and washed them up. We let the parents know to bring extra change of clothes,bring baby wipes and wash cloths. We would ask the parents to practice more at home teaching them to be independent while going to the bathroom because when they attend kindergarten they won’t be able to get extra assistance.


My grandson is in Pre-K and is 4 years old. He is struggling with doing #2 on a toilet. When my daughter was talking to them about getting him enrolled,they told her that they assist with getting them potty trained. So far he hasn’t had to do #2 while at school but I’m sure he will soon enough. I’m not sure how that will go. However, what they told my daughter and we do have the texts to prove they actually said it, goes against what almost every single one of you are saying. Now I’m a little confused about which is correct.

I’m a Preschool teacher…and a mom. I have no problems helping the kids that’s what we are there for! We are a daycare/preschool not strictly preschool so we still have some in diapers who are younger so it may be different…but i will always help a kid if they need it :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:I know some Preschools that won’t even go in the bathroom with the kids and help at all which I think is crazy!!!

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I’m sure if the teachers wanted to be daycare providers … they would have chosen that profession instead. I’ve always been informed before signing my kids up that they will not wipe. That your child has to be able to wipe themselves and dress themselves Incase of an emergency. Also kids stay with streaks in their undies until they’re like 8… are you going to expect his 3rd grade teacher to wipe him so he doesn’t have a streak… lmao :rofl: must be your first.


Where I work we are not even allowed in the bathroom alone with a child. We are not allowed to wipe them. We can show the the motion on what to do but we can not wipe them.


I sure as hell wouldn’t do it if I were the teacher…but that’s me…


:joy: it aint daycare anymore! Teach him to wipe better!


No…teacher should not see you child’s naked butt.

That is alot of butts for a teacher to be checking. Give me a break! Grown men still have streaks you want their bosses to help them?


I don’t think it’s so much about age but where your child is. In my state this is no public preschool so 4 year olds are often in daycare in the preschool program and would still get help if needed. However if your child is in public school in preschool then the teacher would not help.

Yeah they stop at kindergarten… my sons 4 and in daycare till 5. Thankfully there they help. But in kindergarten here and pre k they have to be able to go to bathroom.

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Please video this conversation if you have it!! :woman_facepalming::joy:

They legally can’t & if they did could realistically end up goin to prison


I think this is actually your job, Mom! Shame on you to even expect someone to wipe your kids butt, she a damn teacher not your nanny!


Nope they need to be able to do it on their own …for alot of reasons


Pre-k teacher here and if your child cannot go to the bathroom 100% by themselves they shouldn’t be there :woman_shrugging: that’s what daycare is for.


My baby is 4 and I make sure she learned to wipe properly before school started because no the teachers are not suppose to help with that

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That would be incredibly inappropriate of the teacher.


Teachers don’t get paid enough to wipe a whole class butts. Usually this is something they need to know how to do prior getting accepted

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If he has no disabilities that hinder his ability to learn to do things himself then he’s old enough to be taught. That’s your job to ensure he knows how to wipe properly. My son is 4.5 and low functioning autism so he mentally doesn’t understand how to do this and I have had to meet with his school to ensure he has the extra support.

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You should teach your child to wipe themselves. Instead of teaching them to be dependent on others

They aren’t allowed to. They’re not even allowed to be alone with child in the bathroom. On top of that it is not your teachers responsibility to wipe your kid.


Would you expect her to leave the other 15ish kids to walk him to the bathroom?? :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

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My 4 year old teacher does not do that and I don’t expect her to

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Not there job and sadly many grown men still don’t know how…

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Sorry but that not their job…It’s yours! It’s just lazy parenting (imo) if they haven’t already been taught how to do so

Sorry but your post backfired. You as the parent are supposed to teach your child how to use the restroom correctly. It’s either you pull him out of Pre-K and put him back in daycare where they will actually help or you encourage and teach your child. It’s not the teachers responsibility and they don’t get paid enough to teach.


Your son needs to wipe his own butt they don’t do that unfortunately

Different Schools - Different Rules.
Our Pre-K will give wipes and help them but they can’t physically touch them.

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I know some school systems require your child to be able to wipe them selves before starting school.


Simple. He is NOT ready for pre-k if he can’t wipe himself. Period.


PreK teacher here :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t3:

Fully potty trained means being able to go to the bathroom on your own, not having to wear pullups, etc. Kids at this age dont always wipe well enough. That doesnt mean they arent potty trained.

I help, if necessary. I dont want my students smelling like feces, especially sitting on the rug, chairs, etc. I also wouldnt want my child coming home with feces left on them, either. Also, for girls, it can cause bacterial infections.

Do I like having to wipe kids? No. Will I, if needed? Yes.


The rules when a child starts preschool is…they must toilet themselves. This is strictly adhered to for the protection of the teacher. False claims cannot the made if the teacher isn’t put in that situation. It’s unfortunate that it has to be this way, but it’s for their protection


My son is in kindergarten and I thought it was VERY strange that my sons sub teacher wiped him! He told me his teacher helped him?! When I know my son doesn’t need help so I’ll be talking to him on Monday.

I’ve been a preschool teacher for years— and quite simply, it’s not recommended that we help wipe a child unless an IEP states that we have to. I will coach them through it if need be, but I’ve very rarely physically helped a child. As an educator in today’s world, you put yourself in jeopardy physically helping a child with anything, let alone toileting.


They’re not allowed to. That’s why they’re required to be potty trained before preschool

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I’m pretty sure the teacher could lose their job for doing that. They are usually not even allowed to hug a child. That is very invasive touching. I would not allow a teacher to touch my child in that manner.


This is the parents responsibility. People look everywhere for a law suit. 30 teacher here. So I know what I am talking about.


I don’t think they’re allowed to help.


What the fuck. You as a parent are required to have that down before they start school. That is not their job.

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Send him to school with wet wipes… it’s not the teachers responsibility to wipe your child’s behind…


It also depends if the preschool is a potty trained facility. Ours is. So when a parent calls ,thats one of the first things we ask,is your child potty trained. If you say yes then that means to us that they can do all that needs to be done in the bathroom by themselves. Its a big liability.

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Ummm NO! Why would you want a teacher to do that? She’s an educator not a nurse aid.


My kids school they could not even start unless fully potty trained. The teacher is there to teach. It is not a daycare center.


I’d be furious if a teacher helped my child wipe their private parts . They are supposed to know this stuff before they start , it’s not a day care …


They aren’t allowed to. The child should be potty trained and a part of that is wipe the butt

Legally they are not allowed to. It’s that way in kindergarten as well. Daycares can’t even help after a certain age. They aren’t even allowed to help them fasten buttons on their pants.

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Depends on the school. But by age 4 kids are expected to be fully potty trained and able to take care of themselves in the bathroom. If your child is not, you need to work on it more at home. Teachers are there to teach not wipe butts.


As a pre k teacher unless your son has a 504 and something medically wrong we can not touch them to wipe them.


Yeah well it’s not a teachers job to wipe your kids ass. It’s just not.

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It is not a teacher’s job to wipe your sons butt. They are not allowed to legally help your child wipe his butt. Teach him at home to wipe his own butt. Even if he has a poop mark in his underwear, I would rather deal with that then putting a teacher’s job in jeopardy.

I could not ask anyone outside of a family member, nor would I allow anyone outside of a family member or a licensed doctor of some level. To wipe my child’s butt, boy or girl doesn’t matter. Let alone would I be ok with it or allow it, especially being that close to private parts…

I would rather my kid come home 78% wiped than that. Because we’ll fix it pronto so it doesn’t happen again. But I’m just a guy

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I mean, I wipe my 2.5 year olds. By the time they hit 4 they usually have it pretty down. Unless there’s a reason he needs extra assistance in the bathroom I think it’s reasonable to expect him to wipe himself.

Kid have to be fully potty trained before going to school


Um. No… you are wrong here. He isn’t in daycare, he is in pre-k. More than likely the teacher isn’t even allowed to help and you shouldn’t expect him/her to. It’s school, not daycare for a child that isn’t potty trained.


My 7 year olds teacher wipes his butt but only because he’s special needs…your son needs to be doing it himself, this is normal unless your child is special needs

That’s normal. Teach him to wipe it’s your job not the teacher who has far to many kids to be worried about your child’s inability to wipe properly.


Teachers are there to teach not to wipe butts. In most schools they aren’t allowed to help. I understand kids are kids, but being fully potty trained is one of the requirements to be in school (unless the kid is disabled in some way)

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Our school you had to be potty trained to start. Which implies that they are able to wipe themselves. If he is four years old he should be able to grasp wiping his butt.


No…that is NOT her job. That is a part of parenting life. He will get better and better at it until then he will just need to bathe and change clothes asap. Maybe get him baby wipes ??


Teachers do not wipe your children. They must be able to take care of themselves in the restroom. :woozy_face: Most schools won’t take children in pre K that aren’t fully potty trained,by fully I mean they can clean themselves.


A child needs to learn how to wipe. And a 4 year old should be able to wipe themselves.

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As a preschool teacher we aren’t allowed to help them. We can’t be in the bathroom with them. It’s called state laws.


Buy him flushable wipes to keep at school so he can clean his butt better. Teachers have a lot to do and often times have many kids in the class with other needs. They can’t spend their time in the washroom wiping butts. At my school teachers aren’t allow to. The task of helping falls to the ECE’s. But they are there to assist with words not to actually wipe the kids.

The teacher could lose her job :woman_facepalming:


Teach your child. With how people are nowadays I would not either. Also you should not be trusting anyone to do that.


Teach your kid to wipe themselves, absolutely no one wants to wipe anyone else’s ass if it’s not their kid


At 4 he should be doing that himself and legally i don’t believe they are allowed to due to possibly being falsely or actual sexual abuse. When my mom worked at the school they were not even allowed to hug the kids. Which was hard for my mom because outside if a child fell or got hurt, she couldn’t even hug and comfort them. None the less wipe their butts. They are in school…not daycare. Child obviously not fully ready if he can’t wipe his own private parts. Mine did at 3.


1st, I wouldn’t want another adult wiping my child!!! Image having a male teacher wiping your daughter. I mean really??? By preschool your child should be well aware of how to wipe. This must be one of those type of parents. SMH :woman_facepalming:


Omg for real? Children shouldn’t go to school unless they’re somewhat independent. If you need someone to wipe your child’s ass you should homeschool your child


I would be worried about anyone touch my child’s bottom. Saw a man changing a little one. Saw him stroke the kid in a way that made me sick. Yes I called him out. Made a scene over it. CYS got involved saw him in paper few years latered arrested. Rather have a kid with dirty underwear madam. You clean clothes. Safer that way

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No in pre k they should be doing it not teacher sorry mama

Is this a real post?:woman_facepalming:t3:

Absolutely not! Never expected my daughters teacher to wipe her, I have always told her she needs to know how to wipe herself and I show how to, since she still learning we use baby wipes so it’s much easier since she doesn’t know how to do toilet paper yet. I wouldn’t allow anyone touching her either way, so inappropriate!


Is this a joke?? This can’t be a real post… :person_facepalming:


Honestly by 4 your child should have been taught by you how to properly wipe

I’m so confused about the many rude comments here… What difference would it be a week earlier if the kid was in “diapers”? If someone refused to wipe a kids butt who was in diapers it would be neglect, but once starting pull ups or underwear there is regulations where you can’t assist? I find that extremely odd.

He’s 4 and starts school next year I’m assuming so with a lot of patience at home teach him how to do it. It shouldn’t be the teachers responsibility because at this age they are preparing them for big kid school. It is frustrating I’m sure mama just keep teaching him and he will get better in time. Some kids learn things longer than others. I babysit a little boy and let me just say at 2 potty training is literally for the birds lol…. But every day we try and every day I pray it clicks but it’s going to take a lot of being consistent. You got this mama and remember he’s only 4. He can learn it. Make him do it and help as needed. Don’t do it for it because he won’t learn it’s ok. I’m sure you are doing a great job but yes he needs to learn and not the teaching doing it

It’s not the preschool teachers job! They have how many kids and you expect her/him to wipe every kids butt? I’m an infant/toddler teacher I change diapers that’s my job to wipe butts not the preschool teacher.

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Yes normal. Actually when my girls went to Montessori many year ago like 15 years ago they would only let them in if I would come and help them if that was the case. Lucky it was only 2 hours and I lived a block away. Yes they are expected to be trained

Not the teachers job. If your think he’s not doing a good enough job get him flushable wipes?

It depends typically kids have to be fully potty trained for 4K. Unless your school helps with that in that case yes she should help. But standardly no, but a teacher shouldn’t let a child suffer either if she/he struggles but they are not there to change pants or diapers. I worked 4K and it was apart of a daycare so I was “expected” to change these kids who still used pull ups

Nope in Pre-K they don’t do that. It’s your responsibility as a parent to teach them to do that beforehand.

It is not refusing to help - it is to safeguard your child and themselves X


absolutely not wipe your children :pray:

They should know how to do this by now. Maybe his itchy butt will prompt him to wipe better. Parents should have been teaching this BEFORE sending him off to school. I’m pretty sure it’s a requirement. Can you imagine the amount of claims towards pedophilia that could come from teachers wiping your kids butts?!

My preschool 3 and 4 years must potty trained… we don’t wipe. Difference between preschool and daycare.


I would not want anyone to wipe my kids butt in school…day care yesss, but not school

My son is in pre k and they help him

Hard to believe that parents want the teacher to do their job for them. Teachers teach. Personal hygiene parents job.


From what I know and how it works where I live, your child has to be completely potty trained which includes wiping themselves. Teachers aren’t aloud to be in the bathroom with your kid going to the bathroom. Honestly idk why you’d prefer that she did? I don’t want any adult I barely know in the bathroom alone with my child.