My sons teacher this year has been horrible

Are you sure they only gave him milk? When my daughter was your son’s age, my mom would feed her a good meal, and when I picked her up she would say she was starving and that she never ate anything all day, which I knew wasn’t true.


Help your child now I got bullied growing up some of my teachers would get in on it too I’m 43 and have finally reached out for help I have PTSD along with many other mental health issues due to the bullying if the teacher is bullying your child the other kids are sure to follow if they haven’t already start with the principal but if you don’t like the outcome go higher up to the board… My psychiatrist asked me why noone helped me I really wish I knew and sadly I still try to figure out what I did wrong be your child’s voice

Nope! Kids that young don’t lie! My son is 4 and I asked him who he wanted to invited to his party from his class he said I don’t want to invite _____ because he’s mean to everyone so I said something to the teacher and she told me that there’s been issues and he’s getting help! See kids don’t lie! Secondly, your you’re child’s advocate and I DONT PLAY about my kids! I take their side first over anyone! Because what if all this is happening an you don’t believe him! I would go up the chain go directly to her let her know exactly what’s happening and let her know your going to the principal then keep going up but ME I’m requesting my kid to be moved! Because once you say something it might get worse! And I’m still working on my self if my kid tells me anything else I’m going TF OFF Especially the fact that she ignores you!

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Go to the principal! Get her fired

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Kids make stuff up sometimes when it comes to lunch time my kids have pulled that many of times lol. The other situations I would have had my child in a different class principal would know about it. Matter of fact you tell the principal there needs to be some disciplinary action against the teacher and she should have an aid in her classroom they will do these things go to the school district and make a report on the teacher! If switching classrooms do not help I would see about transferring schools.

Id be very direct with her and ask her what her deal is. I would then Tell her that her behavior is inappropriate and it stops or the school board will be involved.


Always believe your child first. Things happened to me in school and my mom never believed me because it did sound ridiculous.
I’d go straight to the school board, not her or the principal. Sometimes there are already complaints against a certain teacher! Idk why some teachers seem to have it out for particular students but it does happen and it needs to stop.


I’d be pulling the kunt aside and asking her what the fucks her problem is… maybe she’s had some thing with your husband might want to ask him lol

Talk to the teacher and express thoughts, concerns and ask questions. Email them and ask for some time to talk to them . Always go to teacher first, then principle

I would have talked to the teacher since the first incident, what ever it was.
Especially if your child is not eating!

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Your son isn’t eating or getting to play like other kids. I would definitely be addressing this with the teacher and then the principle. Most likely if you call her out she will probably be more attentive to your son if not go higher up.

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open your mouth I mean that In not a rude way I won’t tolerate anyone treating my kid ike that and ill go off on the teacher then and there…allso go to the princeable and complain if asking his teacher to change doesn’t work from you then go to her boss if the printable can’t fix it go to the bored of ed and tell them your going to get a lawyer if this teacher can’t be night and stop treating your kid like crap you have to advocate for them because they dont know how to dont worry about what someone else might think you are protecting your kid

Get a camera hide it on him or back pack , or call the school board a file a complaint

You are your child’s biggest advocate. If not now, when will you speak up for him? Be his voice. Don’t set the example now that it’s ok for ANYONE to treat him this way.


Go to the principal and move him to another class. That is terrible. I am a PK/K teacher and I would never treat a child like that. Sad that there are teacher bullies. School should be a fun and safe environment for kids.


Go to his teacher first (with an independent witness, friend etc). If you don’t get a decent explanation, then go to the teachers superior

You can go and sit in class with him. My mom has to do that with a couple different teachers. Even got the gym teacher fired one time because he tried to make me do gym when I had a doctors note saying for me to sit out.


Have u tried talking to the teacher? It seems a lot of assumptions here without actually talking to the teacher. I’d have the courtesy to talk to the teacher first.

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I would definitely address it, based on my experience with an abusive teacher that my son had, you definitely don’t want things to get worse and end up making him hate school. My son was physically abused by a teacher when he was six and cops had to get involved and I didn’t know about it till two months after cuz no one at the school told me. And he has hated school ever since.

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Añd you didn’t go to her yet???


I’d make it my point to sit in on his class, and ask the principal to sit in with me, multiple times a week, and let his teacher know that this would continue, until her behavior changes, and that afterwards, it would be a regular unannounced event that took place by me, or someone I sent in my place!!

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Go to the principle and schedule a meeting. Get the school board involved.

You let that go WAYYY too far. The yap thing would have shut that shit down…. The good thing would have had me up there. Deal with it now. Like immediately

Why do parents wait so long.

Meet with teacher and principal

What the age? This sounds awful and I would not deal with the teacher but I would talk to her boss

Ya, no!!! This wouldn’t fly with me one bit. I say don’t take any chances and have him moved to a different class if there is one. Bring everything to the principals attention but make sure to also have it in writing via email so you have proof incase you need to go higher up. Giving a child a milk for lunch when food is suppose to be provided is starving him. That’s neglect. Call her out on her crap, look her straight in the eyes and ask her why she ignores you everyday at pick up? Tell her, her behaviour won’t be tolerated and you deserve respect. Sounds like she’s holding a grudge on your child and that’s pretty ridiculous especially since he’s 4 YEARS OLD! I would also take the teacher helpers aside and ask them individually and sternly so they know you aren’t messing around. This whole this makes me sick!

Write her email and call her out ask y she does that, tell her what ur son learned from her start recording pick up no video her n what she does have evidence but also have a convo with the principle so he’s aware I don’t know what his school year is over but here fl it’s too late to change a class if it’s not for u then change classes but make it known to the teacher u know what’s up and you are playing

Have you talked to the teacher? Thatd be step 1. I mean u can talk to the principle but they normally ask if you’ve touched base with the teacher first. 1 is normally teacher …2 is principle…3rd would be school board go above the whole schools heads if nothing is done. And 4th take it to the news that’s 100% unfair to ur child and people need to know how the school is

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I would request a meeting with the teacher first to ask her about her behavior and if there are any issues that need to be addressed. Then, I would request a classroom transfer immediately!

Address it with the teacher. I always keep an open line of communication, good or bad. I let them know from the beginning. If you let her know that your kid tells you EVERYTHING they tend to back off. I either email or use the Dojo app weekly. I tell them if there are any issues, message me so I can address it with my son. I have spoke with the principal at times too. Your kid shouldn’t be uncomfortable going to school. My son liked teachers before that have said and done questionable things. You can’t just go off that.

Speak to the principal. Go to the BOE. None of the behavior is acceptable on their part.

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Too many things have happened to your child.
Stop it from continuing right now!!


Next time i went and picked him up and was ignored i would bluntly call her out on it. Like wave at her in her face and say can you not hear or see us?
I would also have a meeting with the teacher first off. Then go from there

Theirs alot of kids and parents dont take this personally help the teachers dont criticize. They’re overworked too many kids in class.They cant spoil kids and parents,Grow up .Its not a contest you’re an adult.


Absolutely confront her about this,u should know by her reaction if she’s got a problem ,I wouldn’t have even waited til now,God knows whats shes like in class,if there is an issue she should be able to speak to you about it that’s what normal teachers would do.No way would I be having any teacher near my child if this is the feeling your getting.

Always believe you kid!! Even more at 4 they don’t make that kind of stuff up!!

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There’s an old phrase in education: if you don’t believe what they say about us we won’t believe what they say about you. Does that mean you ignore mistreatment and abuse? No. It does mean that young kids are, by their very nature, narcissistic. This is the time in their lives when they develop their concept of self. That means that every story comes from their perspective in the moment. So did it happen? Yes. Could the teacher have said that to him? Yes. Couldn’t it have been a tongue in check comment that they both took as a joke? Yes. Could it have been a classroom management technique. “Ok class, what do we do now?” “Shut our yaps,” followed by a room full of giggles. With pickups: covid protocols are a real thing. We had the same problem with pickup and drop off when I was doing a summer program. If you see kids run out it’s probably because someone advised the class to send them out. This is a difficult time and people are doing their best.

He likes her. He wouldn’t like her if she was mistreating him.


That’s not ok… Learn now you must be your child’s advocate… Start with the principle, but don’t expect it to get much better… Then know if new school is feasible, that’s what you do

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You’ve not had an adult conversation with the teacher 1st?? Go upto her, make it a point to ‘show face’, be a room mother, pop up, observe.


I would just take him out. And report this. And have a camera set up. Before taking him out so you have evidence of the situation.

A mothers instinct is never wrong.


Have a meeting with her and the principal

Confront her about it. If it doesn’t change go to the principal and see what happens.

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Talk to her find out her problem

That’s not ok I would be recording her actions when you can and take it to the school board and show them

Just do one thing, REMIND her helps to pay her salary, YOU DO and every other parent! They gotta get told about themselves ! I’ve done it to a couple over the years mine are adults now, but believe me, I’ve done it. She works for YOU!

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Awe I remember feeling like this when my son was in kindergarten. Turns out the teacher was fine. I was just over protective. If your son was saying he didn’t like her or that she was mean then I would go to the principal. I’m sure there was a reason about the lunch. Maybe send an e.ail asking next time.

Please you need to speak to the principal very necessary.

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I wouldn’t even confront the teacher, go over her head and go talk to the principal


Oh that teacher would’ve heard me first time any of that happened, if you don’t stand up for your child no one will, I once made a teacher get fired because of the crappy job she was doing, turns out when I spoke out, other parents did also, follow your instinct


Out of this whole statement, I didn’t see where you tried talking to the teacher. :thinking: You say how she ignores you and your husband when standing right in front of her and will call people behind you or just walking up, did you say anything then or just stood there? I would’ve said EXCUSE ME, I’m
__________ mom and I’ve been waiting. Can you call my son out? Address the teacher first and if the behaviors continue THEN go to the principal. Also look into volunteer opportunities at the school so people will get to know your face and you can see first hand what’s going on.


You need to report the school and leave

Grab the bull by the horns mama, you need to make it clear that this is not ok in your eyes, my son struggled in his first yr (speech delays and such) of school. And it came to my attention (through another teacher who was uncomfortable with what they saw) that my son was having a melt down and they were recording him, one teachers aid said that after 6 yrs of volunteering that the treatment of my son by the teacher was enough for them to not come back cuz they had lost hope in their positions

Dont let it slide, make calls every dam day, demand meetings make them know you will not tolerate the way things currently are

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Yes go to the principal. This is completely unacceptable. Demand he be switched to the other class at his school if there is one

Go straight to the principal. I would’ve already done that. And if that doesn’t work then call the school board. Or if it’s a daycare facility, call corporate.


As a teacher I would ask for a meeting. You can always ask the principal to sit in. I wouldn’t go over her head first though. Since you have seen some of this yourself and have questions. Parents often misinterpret things going on. I have one who calls the principal constantly and he gets so frustrated and it’s often trival and nothing. Your child likes his teacher so she is doing something right.


I would go above the teachers head. You are your child’s advocate.


Meet with the teacher her self. Dont let it slide. You are the voice for your child nip it in the bud.


If a teacher told my kid to shut their yap would be the day I lay the teacher out. You think a professional would have a better vernacular.


I’d go scorched earth.

I had issues with my son’s teacher last year. She would post pictures of other kids but never him, didn’t let him participate in anything, and nit picked every little thing he did and made him flip his cards daily. I pulled him out because he had to repeat kindergarten anyway and was just so far behind because of his teacher. This year he has a new teacher and she is absolutely amazing. He now loves school and I haven’t got a single phone call this year.

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I’d definitely report/remove. My son is 14 now but when he was in kindergarten I was having similar issues. (He had to walk the track all recess/sit at a desk by himself and not participate in group circle) He was diagnosed with add/adhd and said he liked his teacher, too. I assumed it was behaviors that was causing the consequence. I was also 24 at the time and fully trusted the teachers to have his best interest at heart. Fast forward 6 months into the school year and my son had a big ass bruise on his wrist. He was being placed at a desk, with other desks on their sides making a cubby. The fucking teacher was pushing him under the desk with his hands in his lap, not allowing him to move/talk… he always claimed he liked her. (Yes, charges were filed and she lost her job) After that experience I have been hyper aware of teachers and behaviors. Go with your gut!:heart:

I would go to the principal first step. See what happens there, nothing changes then you should either switch schools or see about a different teacher. That what I would do. Good luck.

You didn’t say whether or not there’s a race difference but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the problem. As in your son’s teacher might be significantly racist. Very not ok and needs to be addressed immediately. There’s really no measure that is too far here.

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I’d ask for a meeting with the teacher & the principal & lay it all out. If you do that & nothing changes, I’d ask for the child to move classes. Worst case scenario, you can switch schools.

Well by the way she acts when time to go I’d be suspicious. I’d go straight to her and talk to her directly and if I felt it necessary I’d then head to the principal

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I’d like to hear the teacher’s side. Maybe you’re difficult and she chooses not to have a confrontation with you. Why just you? I’d ask for a conference with you, teacher and the principal before pulling him out especially if he says he likes her :woman_shrugging:t3:


Have you tried to talk to the teacher as an adult/parent🤔

This hurts my heart!!! I would go to the principle & Ask to speak with the teacher & principle together so there’s no he said she said bs


I would go to the principal and see if the issue is addressed. If it is happening to your kiddo, its happening to others too. At least give them a chance.

He’s 4 maybe she has a system to let the kids go home relax maybe the way your acting isn’t why she isn’t a fan of yours Patience goes a long way with a busy teacher!


I’m not sure why you haven’t done something sooner. Go defend your child and don’t let that teacher treat any kids like that!!


Honestly I would talk to the principle and try to request switching classes. This makes me so mad. I would also let the principle know literally every detail about what is going on. I can’t see any reasonable adult actually find this acceptable.


I have 0 respect for some one like that and if it was my kids I would show up after school and have a little talk with the teacher to under stand what’s going on


Kids are horrible no discipline!!! Keep your kids home or teach them respect…


Set up an appointment with teacher and principal. Write down everything your son has said and take that so you don’t forget anything and tell them your concerns and ask what’s going on. You are your child’s voice, never be afraid to stand up for him.


Change schools simple

First of all, you should go straight to the teacher with your concerns and allow her to defend herself or explain to you what is actually going on, if you get no where there, then you move up the chain of command. Unfortunately Facebook & social media doesn’t fall within that chain of command and these teachers bust their rears day in and day out and have the most unappreciated job these days. Show kindness & reanalyze the situation.


I suggest a meeting with both principal. Teacher and both parents at the same time and see of it can be resolved.

Go speak to her directly.
Give yourself plenty of free time to do so.
Don’t warn her in advance, if she has time to disrespect your child and others she has time to get bitched at for it.

I would set up a meet with teacher and get a sense of her attitude maybe take some of your own have the principle present and handle this now he’s 4 and your feel a ugly vibe that she doesn’t like you as an adult and gor what reason she clearly is that “teacher” and I’d be moving him and setting some fear into her for future children sake.

Principal and teacher meeting at the same time with the child as well


I don’t know why you haven’t been straight in there already?
If I thought my son wasn’t given lunch and wasn’t allowed his turn I’d be livid and my wrath would be enormous. Get your butt in that school and advocate for your child. He cant advocate for himself hes 4 and needs you.

Get your kid outta there!

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This is your problem, not your kid’s or the teacher’s. You blatantly refuse to follow rules.


Report it This us terrible and so are some of these comments


If ur that worried by a tiny camera off Amazon stick it to his shirt . I did it once and caught the babysitter smacking my six month old baby in the face. She would put him on a spit up rag u know those u use for babies and he was not allowed to move off that and I worked 12 he shifts! Since then my kids have never been in daycare. School is different tho. Talk to principal before u pull them out. I know as a parent u worry if I complain will it make it worse for my kid w the teacher. U can have the child moved to another class.


Follow your gut instinct. I was abused by a teacher in second grade and it affects me to this day and I am 52 years old


I would go set in class all day just to see what they do, just pop up there,and I would also notify the principal


I’d try talking to the teacher first. He says he likes her. That holds a fair amount of weight to me.


Talk to the teacher before going to the principal. Just to see why she is being that way. Get her side first. If you don’t like her answers then I would go higher up.


Skip the principle and go to the board. The principle won’t do shit

Address the concerns with the teacher and the principal together. Don’t ignore it or be quick to pull your kid out. Because she could do it to the next child. Confront the behavior and address it.


I mean I took my kid out of school for less so

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I really doubt that they only gave your child milk for lunch :roll_eyes:


Report it to the principal and request a different teacher. You don’t have to have that teacher I’ve requested a different teacher for my kids before it’s nothing personal just say you don’t like the style of teaching and prefer someone different if you don’t like conflict.


You go straight to the office and tell them if your child’s teacher wants to continue to treat him bad you’re all going to have problems. Tell them they better deal with it NOW. And for drop off - next time she ignores you just exit your car and go right up to her and look her directly in the eyes and say Mrs. Xxx, (point to your car) THIS is my vehicle and please do not ignore me anymore. If she ignores you again just honk every time u see your kid.


Throw a fit! There is no reason for any of those things… make a journal of all the instants with dates and times . Yes tell the principal this is bullshit! Don’t let them manipulate the situation

And you’re sitting on this and asking advice from trolls like myself on FB. Your spirit and love for your child has told you what to do. Schedule a conference with the teacher and some one in administration. Take an objective third party if you feel you need support, but address this issue with the teacher immediately and in person.


First gut on this, go straight to them and talk about this. There is alot here that I don’t so a 4yo making up.

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