My sons teacher this year has been horrible

Have a talk with teacher and principal and child , then have one without your child explain your concerns and goals .

Switch his teacher . Been there done that not all Teacher are there to teach some just for the paycheck .


I would talk to the principle since she doesn’t want to acknowledge you. If you have a meeting with both of them talk to only the teacher act as if she’s not there. Give her a taste of her own medicine. Petty I know. Lol. But she being petty too. Please let us know what happens next. I have anxiety and don’t like the unknown.


My son came home from daycare saying stuff like this. I thought it was odd and after a couple other issues came up I ended up switching his daycare completely. He’s a bit older now (almost 4, he was 2 at the old daycare) and every time we drive by the old daycare he tells me “mommy that’s my old school, I don’t like it there the teachers are mean”. He couldn’t tell me all of that before because he was too little and I’m so glad I trusted my gut and just switched completely. I say go with your gut feeling. If you’re even considering switching schools completely then I say do it. No reaction is an over reaction when it comes to keeping your child safe from negligence in my opinion especially with schools/daycares. Always better safe than sorry


I hear nothing wrong. She is teaching him something you seem not to. Patience, waiting and taking turns. Maybe you should teach him it’s not appropriate to disrupt others learning and not to talk when asked not to. This generation is creating entitled, narcissistic monsters. There are others in the class. I would have checked with the school on the food thing, doesn’t sound right and you teach your children to resolve a situation.
I was standing behind my son once and he didn’t know it as he’s telling the teacher that he can tell his mom anything and she’ll believe it and they will get in trouble. That is absolutely and has always been untrue. I have always made my kids take responsibility for their own actions so it’s frustrating when they were in a classroom with kids that were so entitled and doesn’t prepare them for the future,which is a parent’s job


Follow that mother’s intuition and definitely go speak to the principle

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I would look at the handbook (I assume your child is in a pre k class in an elementary) and see what the protocol is. In our school, they ask that you speak to the teacher first, if no resolution is reached, then the principal, and then on to the school board if necessary. HOWEVER…… if you feel like the teacher isn’t going to genuinely listen to your concerns, I’d skip the teacher and go to the principal.

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Time to sit in class and observe. If your son has an issue, I’d talk to her right away. Don’t wait for the issues to pile up. If you don’t get what you need from the teacher, then go to the principal. How old is the child? Some kids like to tell lil lies. Just be his voice cuz hes so lil. Dont be afraid to get in a teachers ass.

Definitely schedule a meeting with the teacher asap and talk to her about all of your concerns. Hopefully that will fix the problems. If it doesn’t, speak with the principal and let them know you’ve already addressed all of it with the teacher and have seen no change and let them know you demand to see change now. Good luck to you and your boy! It will get better!!

Get a camera hidden on him


Report her for suspected negligence (not feeding him) and bullying/psychological abuse (deliberately ignoring/devaluing him) I’d be concerned for my child’s safety and welfare in the “care” of that teacher. See what the school does with the information, if nothing then take it further. Poor boy. We had a teacher with a real chip on her shoulder last year. She kept relentlessly harassing my son to the point where he was being sick and panicking about going into school.

I would call the school and ask to sit down with the teacher and the principal, at the same time, to discuss your concerns. If things don’t change after that you might start looking into other schools.
Sometimes kids do exaggerate things but it definitely sounds like the teacher is very unfriendly.


No, don’t go to the principal, you go to the school board. First go directly to her and let her know you know what’s going on and have a chat. She’s been rude. That’s not acceptable.

I would talk to the teacher first. Maybe he’s not telling you everything. I doubt she would not give him food.


Please make these schools accountable! If only Oxford schools would have been accountable, this was preventable

If possible sit in the classroom and observe what is happening in class.

Listen to your baby… At that age you or others may think what he is saying isn’t happening but it does. Yes, even if there is teacher’s aides in the classroom it still happens. I tell you from experience. I was a teacher’s aide at a private school for pre-k3-kindergarten, and the amount of stuff that happens or gets ignored is extreme. Some teacher’s DO NOT have patience for kids. I can honestly say that the amount of stuff that I witnessed and spoke up on always fell on deaf ears(I started letting parents know what was going and I myself reported the teachers to higher command till it was resolved)on due to the teacher having so much pull(25yrs of teaching). Let her know that you know and see what is going on and you want it to stop. Same day you confront her also confront the principal. Document everything. If nothing changes ask for your baby to be moved to a different class, and go speak with the schools ssi(the person above the principal located at the school district.) Whether you believe it or not… A lot of these teacher’s have zero patience for the kids.


Definately go to the principal and get this addressed with her and your kid tgda in one meeting so all is said and done with all involved at one time

Why in God’s sake are you letting this teacher abuse your child and disrespect you, go to the principal and school board with this

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Drop in unexpectedly

I would want teacher and head together in office, if you feel intimidated just get head on there own, if no satisfaction then governors write a letter to head governor someone at school will

No who they are get it sorted now I worked in school helping I was a governor

Nope, she wouldn’t be able to ignore me. I would be getting this info right from her. Ask questions directly from the source, be proactive.

I would start with a conversation with the teacher, keep a journal of all incidents, and each time something happens go talk to the teacher, let her know that you don’t & won’t ignore her poor behavior and also that if it doesn’t stop you will go above her head! If you feel more comfortable you could have a meeting with her & the principal. Next step is the principal! Be a your child’s advicate! Be your child’s voice and be a force for your child!


When you go to pick up your little one call her out in front of everyone and see how that goes put her in her place


First you hv to go to the teacher then if nothing changes then you go to the principal if he doesn’t fix it then you go higher but there’s a chain of commands per say you hv to go through. Get on it though 1st set up meeting w teach! And ask her WHY she is acting this way🤷🏼‍♀️

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I would report it and record it. I would do pop ups in the class and have conversations with the teacher. I’d let her know she is on thin ice. No way anybody is treating my kids or me like that! Kids are innocent and know when something is off. Poor baby. I hope they fix this problem for u and son

Meet with her and the principal. Find out what’s going on
I don’t think the teacher and your child are a good fit. Been there once, regret not take Ng my check is out of the class. She was older and didn’t tell us everything, but so wrong. Trying to be helpful to her

Call in a meeting with you, him, the principal and the teacher. Have them both sit and tell their side and get to the bottom of it.

Make an appointment to speak with the teacher directly about all this. Do it with the school principal present.

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Show me ONE School that is not super-stressed.
Minimize what goes on … but NO LUNCH???
Stay calm when you approach staff … everyone is fighting a battle.
Changing classes or schools will only add to your son’s stress, don’t you think?

This is what has been so difficult for me since becoming a mom, I don’t understand why parents don’t have more access to the class at least under supervision. Maybe stick a voice recorder on him to see what is going on in there


Even if he’s making things up, you’ve witnessed things to tell the principal about. Also, he could be picking up on her attitude toward him and making things up based on that. Tell the principal.


Listen to your son and start taking action. Drop in at random times. Talk to the principal and never stop going in at different times.

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Report to the school board


Dear Jesus. Just telling my son to “shut his yap” would be reason enough for me to go up there. Not feeding my child anything but milk?! I’d be going up the chain of command starting with the teacher bc none of that behavior is okay.
Even if he’s 4, don’t dismiss anything he says, you should always be on his side until you can investigate and get to the bottom of it.


If you don’t report it she get by with it you don’t know how many kids she does this to go to the school

I’d have addressed the teacher directly in first instance then the principle…


I would get him out of there and to a different school.

There is no if and or buts about you are your child’s speaker. Even if what he says is a lie its your job to investigate. I would be up to the school so fast and they won’t know what hit them. Period. What happens at parent teacher conference?


Ok as a bitch mom this is what I would do. Either yank her tf out or your child. No teacher should abuse a child. Giving him no food is inexcusable this teacher is a piece of shit for telling your 4 yr old to shut his trap yeah that teacher would have already had my hands on her for neglecting my kid. It doesnt matter if she likes y’all or not what she is doing is abuse. She needs her teaching license taken away and for her to learn some damn respect for kids. What a horrible teacher. Take your kid tf outta there or it’ll get worse.

Go have a talk with the principal and super.

I had the no lunch thing happen with my non verbal son and good thing the lunch lady was a family friend because she told me my sons teacher wouldn’t let me eat sometimes because the lunch was too messy so I went into the school and threatened with police and the news and that stopped and he got all his lunches. I guess the teacher thought since my son didn’t talk I would never know.


Don’t rely on teacher aides to report anything. Def report her & encourage your son to tell u anything & everything without fear of getting into trouble. Trust me, I’ve been there, & abuse was happening under every parents & principles noses. Best of luck to u and ur child.

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Raise hell. Set up a meeting with the teacher and principal. I had an abusive teacher nearly 40 years ago and still have nightmares about him. My parents dis not listen to me and did nothing. He would call me a dumb C… and a dumb B… then tell my or was my fault my parents were getting divorced he would yell at me daily he made me cry every day that can really damage a kid. Fight for your kid make sure the school knows you won’t put up with mistreatment of your son.


OMG! Talk to the principal already

go to the school unexpected and wait outside the classroom and listen. then surprise her. then go to principle and discuss with them then schoolboard


Contact the school administrator, school board, principal, and then the teacher. I’d NEVER allow anyone, let alone his teacher, treat my children like this. That’s not even to mention that I’d have had some words with the teacher about her blatant disrespect to me. That’s completely unacceptable behavior for someone who works with children and families. You are your child’s advocate and it’s your job to ensure they’re in a safe and fruitful environment. This is definitely not the environment.


Yes, make an appointment have either a witness with you like a vice principal or someone. Write down all your issues. She shouldn’t be singling out just one child that’s not ok. I wouldn’t put up with it, he’s 4 you got to learn to get used to confrontation, you got a lot of years ahead of you.


I say you have to always stand up for your kids. If something isn’t right about the teacher or feels odd you need to say something. Who cares if it ruffles anyone’s feathers. Maybe they need to take a look at why then? You are their voice, I am on the best terms with all of my daughter’s teachers past and present. The principal as well as vice. Everyone who works in the office knows I will not hesitate to speak up for my girl. Always make sure they’re in a good place so they want to be there too. I always thought I don’t want to be one of " those" mom’s, that bugs the tea her blah, blah. I am that mom, and it’s ok. Because you need to be sometimes to protect them. :heart::heart:


You have a conversations with the principal and if that does not work then you go to the superintendent building and you leave a letter saying you want a call back with your number . You make sure to drop it off at the building yourself . You call at the end of the day and ask if they have got it yet . Yu make an appointment and let them know . Most principals act like they will do something about it but they will not . Its a slap on the hand and then the teacher keeps getting away with bad behavior as always because they know they can . If that was not true you would not hear that stuff on Tv and then the school acting like they did not know as the same with bullies. That is how to make them accountable so if the superintendent does nothing you have your proof of an letter a meeting and paper trail. Believe me that superintendent push works .

I’d start randomly showing up. Offer to read to the class? Offer to bring and serve a special treat for snack? Etc. Or check him out early one day. Your son might be making some of it up? Maybe not. But I wouldn’t attack the teacher with accusations unless you know for sure.

I would go talk with the Principal. Then I would talk with the School Board. Your child is not mistaken. These things are happening to him. As far as the assistants in his room, no, they might not question this teachers actions. They may feel they would lose their jobs if the stand up to her. Shut your yap? I would be furious if that were said to my child. Please bring this teacher to the attention of everyone you can, before something more serious happens. I would go to the lunch room or cafeteria and check out the incident where your child was given only milk. To many things are going on involving your child. Something is not right!


I had to go to the principal several times for my daughter in K.

Send an email attach the teacher principal school administrator vice principal superintendent and anyone you can think of see how quick it gets resolved

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Take your child to a new school :school:

Speak to the principal and the teacher. My son is 6 and I’m the beginning of 1st Grade his first teacher was ignoring me even on the first day of school I tried to introduce myself. After that all she would do was complain about him he wouldn’t sit down although that is true because he’s like that at home he’s just very active . He would ask her for help when he didn’t understand something and she would just go on . She complained that he wasn’t learning but wouldn’t help when he asked . She just seemed to not like my son for some reason and mainly think because he is outspoken and honest. Kids tend to bully him because he has long hair. And some kids would hit him. He wouldn’t let him. Before he would hit back he would give them a warning and even tell her and she wouldn’t listen somehow he came out the one in trouble. I changed him from class. And now he’s all good know and is learning better


Why have you waited this long with not going to the principal? If you must, record the meeting. After that, the superintendent and the local paper


You also have to remember that some children are at risk high risk low risk that you might be unaware of

Hide a mic on him so you can hear what’s real going on.


Don’t wait for something serious to happen. We in FB LAND are not the ones to look for the solution. See the principal, pay a surprise visit to the classroom without being seen, ask other parents of students in the class


Go to the principal!

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Yes absolutely talk to the school. This would also upset me as a mom !!

Believe your kid first!!! Talk to someone higher up AND move his class. Insist on this immediately! She won’t change and after you say something it may get worse.


Go to the school board and tell them you want to know what her problem is

Take him out of that school and punch the teacher in her mean face :ok_hand::+1::england:


Schools protect teachers over everything aids are easily replaceable and teachers are nearly impossible to fire. Special needs child and I worked as an aid. My boss spent over a year trying to get a teacher fired, and had multiple aids babysitting the teacher. Last I heard the teacher outlasted her. She quit because she couldn’t handle not being able to do anything. Get your child out of her classroom at the very least, document everything the more evidence you bring the higher the chance something might actually happen.


I’d make a surprise visit to her class room and ask wassup :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2:.


U have to put the fear of God in some teacher about ur baby. I dont play about my daughter and most of the teachers at my child’s school know that.


Go to principal. She shouldn’t be his teacher, to him or anyone else. How rude & sad to dismiss him & you (as his parents). Easy to get him put on another class.

Do a pop in at lunch time


This is so unacceptable to me. I’d go straight to the principal & if things don’t change I’d take it to the school district. This is not overworked behavior if she’s singling out my son that’s not a real teacher. He clearly said he doesn’t get to play with toys, only got milk & telling him “shut your yap” when his only 4. she’s ignoring me while I’m picking him up… who knows how she really is when I’m not there. That’s a teacher who shouldn’t be a teacher.


I’d create hell. What she’s doing is unacceptable!


Talk to the teacher and principal together. That’s not right for any teacher to be acting so childish to any child whether she “likes” the parents or not. I hope your son is okay though. Hope she didn’t dim his light or discourage him from going to school


if he’s 4 then he might not being completely truthful—no shade he’s just a baby! you should schedule a meeting with her first. if that doesn’t work, the principal.


Definitely talk to the principal. Not feeding the children is illegal. I was a cafeteria worker at an elementary. Complain to the principal and if nothing changes talk to superintendent.
Yelling is unacceptable.
A form of mental abuse.
Ignoring you us also unacceptable. You are a team in your child’s future and education. You must all 3 work together to achieve success. Tell principal you wish to sit in in a class. Ask another parent to do so as well.
It is legal and the school can’t keep you out legally. My child’s school had a volunteer program for parents. We would come in to a work room and cut laminated paper or make books or make copies of tests and other papers. It was a very welcoming environment. The teachers lived having the help. Ask about volunteering.

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Some teachers don’t like some kids. I had that problem with my son’s teacher. I had to talk with the principal and had to move him out of her classroom. That also made the other teacher kinds different wondering what was up with me and my son. But keep your eyes and ears open and believe your kid when she says something. Teachers can be hateful.


Talk to the principal and if nothing happens go to the superintendent of that don’t work go to the next higher up. My daughter had a teacher last year that wouldn’t wear her mask even though the school had it mandatory that all staff and students wear them. I called the principal and the superintendent and nothing was done even though I wasn’t the only parent that called. Thankfully the teacher didn’t follow them this year. Put your foot down and tell them you won’t stand for her treating your child like this

Go see the principal, check around if it’s happened too any other student’s or just yours. If others, ask the parents for their intake and maybe rally up and all go into the school.

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I just put my 5 yr old in school and found out he’d been lying about a lot of things. He told me I can’t go to the bathroom and he never gets lunch and a few other things. Turns out he was to shy to ask to go potty and he didn’t like lunch, so just told me he didn’t get it. School can be a new and scary place please talk to the principle and have a sit down with the teacher as well. It could all be a misunderstanding, or she could just be a shitty teacher.

Absolutely. That’s horrible.goto principal and school board if necessary

Talk to the principal so sure. I had to take care of things when my daughter was younger. The principal took care of it no problems after that.

100% go into that school talk to principle and the teacher

Call her out to her face… Ask for an appointment tell her you need to talk then ask her what her problem is… If you don’t like her answer go to the principal and make it clear you are prepared to take things a lot further if they don’t act


I did get these posts. How have you not gone to the principle yet?? The moment I feel my child is being mistreated by a teacher I’m going to the principle. You can call me a Karen, Cheryl, or Susan , when it comes to my kids I’m not taking any chances.

Just ask her directly do you have a problem with my son and me. Yes he could be living maybe he’s not but you’ll never know unless you ask

All you women need to get a grip. This is a 4 year old that says he likes his teacher. You people are exactly why teachers are fed up. It’s YOU, not teaching and not the kids. If you have a problem you need to go to the source. Doing what these comments say will only cause more drama. You have NO CLUE what these teachers are going they right now. Stop taking everything so personal.


Change schools teachers are always very good with parents if shes giving you the cold shoulder that’s a red flag. Make note with the principle what you’re son’s experiencing and if no other options for class rearrangement I’d consider a school transfer. Starving children is NEVER okay

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I am a retired teacher. Write down your complaints. Starting with lunch problem. Ask him would he please look into them and then meet with you again.


Freakin go grab your kid a whisper in her ear Asshat

Never expect that ppl will do the right thing and speak up on negative behavior towards your son, you have to advocate for him.


She obviously wants to fight.


Communication is a must when it comes to kids being in school. Some of what your son has said could not be true or be exaggerated, but it could all be very true and could be even more going on that you do not know about. I personally would talk to the teacher and depending on what information you gather from the teacher have a sit down with the teacher, your son and yourself. If things are not resolved have a sit down with the principal, and if problems continue switch schools because after involving the principal there should not be any more issues, if the issues continue switching classes won’t do any good bc if there are more problems that come up they will just be handled the same way. I have been in a similar situation with my daughter. I had to end up switching her schools unfortunately. It’s sad how little some schools really care about their students.

If adults can’t be calm and know how to handle children then they don’t need to. Be teachers

Iv delt with a crappy teacher got made at him for taking dice

Like are you kidding me writing him up over dice :game_die:

I would understand if it was someone’s phone but dice

Go to your schools office and fill out the packet to volunteer on campus and start getting involved on campus involved in the classroom teachers act different when the parents work on campus or volunteer on campus.

I think you should call and see if you can observe I can’t help but think there is more to the story


Make an appointment to see her. Remain calm and voice your concerns. IF you and her can’t come to an understanding ask to see the Principal.

I’d request a meeting with the principal and the teacher together.
I’d bring up the fact, that you are ignored at pickup.

Send her an email, request a meeting face to face. Flat out ask her what her issue is! I would also go to the Principal.

Straight to the principal. Tell them your child’s experience, but also what you’ve experienced at pick up. I would request a new teacher as well! You’re an advocate for your child, and he’s being singled out unfairly (or feels that way), and that wouldn’t fly with me. I wouldn’t be able to refrain from saying something to her myself