My sons teacher this year has been horrible

For instance, she keeps all the kids inside and calls the children forward when she sees their parents, she completely ignores me and my husband even when standing directly in front of her, she’ll call peoples kids who are behind us or just walking up. A few times, kids will run out and she doesn’t say anything but the one time my kid did, she yelled at him. He even tries to tell her “i see my parents” and she’ll ignore him. Multiple times ive gone past her, grabbed his hand and walked out with him. A few weeks ago my son came home saying “shut your yap”. I told him that wasn’t okay and asked where he heard it. He said his teacher says that to him sometimes. I started sending him a lunch because i recently asked him what he had for lunch one day and he said “they gave me milk” i asked “oh. Did you not like the other food?” And he said they didn’t give him anything else. Theres a few times hes come home and said he didn’t get to play with toys because they all take turns but it was never his turn. Im at my wits end and thinking about taking him out of the school. Should i go to the principle, let him know and get him into a different class or just try a different school? I asked him if he likes her and he says hes does. Idk what to think. There are two helpers in the class and they wouldn’t condone behavior like this and not say something right? Hes 4 so he could be making some of this up but i can already tell she doesn’t like us and im just hoping to get some advice on the situation


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sons teacher this year has been horrible

Absolutely report this.I would even say something to the teacher outright.As for the helpers in the class they most definitely would keep info to themselves if worried about repercussion from the school teacher or flat out losing their jobs.
I would listen to your gut mom…you feel something is off and by what you wrote it sounds like your son is not being treated right.
Call this teacher out and put her in her place


Try new class first.

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I would talk to the principal then transfer him to another class

Definitely say something.

Is this a school or a daycare? I would 100% talk to the principle, ask them to watch cameras and see what is going on. Def have him transfered to another class. The whole not eating part is just wrong. Is that how teacher not giving him lunch or the school?


Would definitely be giving the teacher a shock. I’d tell her she better change her tune before I make it my absolute goal to have her sacked. Treating my kid like that.


Switch teachers immediately, call her out on her bs and then go to the school board. That is not OK.


Just based on your personal experiences with this teacher, I would say that your son isn’t making it up. I would go to the principal with your concerns and request that he be placed in another class.


Set up a parent conference, so you can express these things. Many times this resolves things. The principal can sit in too.


Sign up to be a class parent, Volunteer here and there .
The more you’re involved in their school life the less you will deal with this from teacher and staff.


Have a meeting with both the teacher and the principal.

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Teachers are undergoing a lot of stress right now. She’s probably on survival mode, there’s a teacher shortage and a sub shortage, she probably can’t take her days off for mental health reasons, and I wonder if she even gets admin support at this time. Why don’t you set up a conference with the teacher directly and see if you can talk things through instead of going straight to the principal first?


Definitely have a talk with the principle and teacher

Teachers being under stress is no reason to single out a 4 year old. Switch classes and talk to both her and the principal. I’d even say something to her while she was ignoring me standing there to pick up my kid. That’s enough warning right there.


Request a meeting with the Teacher and Principal…


This woman shouldn’t be a teacher end of

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Report her that’s abuse

The fact you were infront of her and she blatantly ignored you i wouldve put her in check then. She sounds evil.


Whether l reported it or not l would def change schools.blve me teachers pet is not just a old slang it’s true.l been on both sides l got straight A’s from a male teacher l never opened a book in his class & then had the 1 to pull u up in front of the whole class & embarrassed the heck outta u.:woman_shrugging::roll_eyes::flushed:

That is not ok. Go talk to her

You already have a gut feeling, don’t ever ignore. As they are children we think they make stuff up and while it is possible, listen and believe your child when they tell you something like this. They are young and usually speaking truth. Do whatever is necessary for the well-being of your child even if it means switching schools. And by all means definitely bring it to the schools attention. Wish you all the best.


Put to use the Principle. The School Board is also at your disposal. I mean that. This woman is a MONSTER.

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I say this because it happened to my daughter. This woman ended up having a break down. I knew she was unstable.

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She is an influence in your son life some many hours of a day her behavior is reflected on your son.his mind is still try process the whole learning school , I would have meeting with the board if she don’t have time to hear me, if that don’t work different school would.

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Report her to the principal if that does not work go to the district. Try to get videos? Get A recorder/ cell put it in his pocket? Backpack . But report her

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I’d go to the principal 1st

This teacher is a BULLY. Why are parents so afraid to stand up for their kids??? I’d tell her in front of everyone that her behavior is NOT acceptable. She’ll stop.


I would definitely change him school x

Wow. This is unacceptable

Always start with the teacher. Schedule a meeting with her. I would request an admin to be at the meeting, but always try the teacher first. If you are uncomfortable with that, speak with the principal. Going to the school board for this is ludicrous, you would look completely unreasonable.

There should be a menu of the lunches available online, as well. Even if your child was confused on the toy thing, your child’s perception is their reality, so it definitely warrants a conversation. But the idea of speaking to the school board or to the superintendent is over board.


I’d be straight up direct with her. Polite, but direct. If shit doesn’t change I’d go to the principle.

Does our kids have the same teacher???

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If she’s willing to show this behavior in front of you, she’s definitely doing more when you’re not there.
Get in there NOW and advocate for your kid. Not having food is not ok. Speaking harshly is not ok. Ignoring a child is not ok.
Momma bear the hell out of that teacher and protect your baby.


Talk to the principal first and call a meeting, with the both of you in it. Hear her out, and then explain what she’s doing wrong one by one and make it CLEAR it will not happen again. Even if you have to be an asshole about it. If it happens again, go to the school board. If that doesn’t work, I’d bet they’d love it if you talked to the local newspaper about how they don’t care if their teachers are hateful to the kids. Stop at nothing to make sure ur child is ok and is getting the same respect and treatment as everybody else.

never let your child be bullied… go to the principal. tell him what you have seen with your own eyes and what your child has said. then tell him what you want to happen. let him know if something doesn’t change that you will go to the board. if you let her get away with this with your child next time it will be someone else’s child and eventually, those children will start to hate school…, she is out of line. do not wait… nip that shit in the bud

Go talk to the principal. You know this is not right he’s not making up what you see with your own eyes.

I just grab my child and say “I have Alyvia” then leave.

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Definitely go to the principal and if nothing gets done take him out of the school. That is abuse!

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Definitely go to the principal and start there. Hopefully they can help you, but do not back down or let it go.
Sometimes, unfortunately for whatever reason some teachers just do not like certain kids.
We had issues and addressed our concerns multiple times with no changes.
We did end up moving schools and he is absolutely thriving now and wish I had of made the move sooner.
Only takes one bad teacher to ruin your child.
Good luck :purple_heart:


I would have a talk with the principal first and request for him to be switched to a different teacher before completely changing schools. You never know how many kids this teacher has done this to and the parents didn’t speak up. Speak up. At this age, kids are typically very honest so I doubt he’s making any of it up especially if he’s coming home saying things he doesn’t normally say.


Curse tht bitch out and put her in her place

Schedule a meeting with the principal and whoever is in charge of the school together. I’m assuming this is pre k? My youngests teacher also brings them out to the parents but she’ll go by whoever parent she sees first & if their child is ready (has jacket on, book bag, etc) I will note tho my son ALWAYS tells me everyday he had a burger for lunch (just a burger, or just bread) when they can actually show me proof that’s not true lol

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Don’t change his school or class confront her and tell her that she’s not Nice and you don’t appreciate her behaviour towards your family! Let her know!

Principle immediately and the teacher needs reprimanded for her actions. This is not okay and if there is not immediate results go to your school board your child should not have to change schools and change friends because an adult can not treat your child fairly


My question is why haven’t you spoken to anyone yet, the first time she ignored me I would have said something


Oh id approach her directly infront of everyone


My son is the same age and I’d be going straight to the head master.
No way would I let anyone treat my babes like that,
So sorry this is happening. I would have torn her a new one for billing my child.
Poor honey is only 4 :sob:


Yes you go to the principal you should’ve when it started to nip it the butt early on. If nothing changes then switch schools.

I am guessing since he is 4, this is pre-school, Take him out, so talk to the one that runs this & tell them what is going one

Maybe have a conference with the teacher herself before going to a higher up authority.

Schedule a meeting and talk to this teacher!!

I’ve been in the same situation where my son’s teacher totally ignored us and picked on him all year! Go to the principal and try to get him changed to another class and let them know that you’re highly disappointed with the treatment of your child!! I don’t play or tolerate when it comes to how people treat my children… I ended up homeschooling both of my kids after that awful teacher and we are on year 3!! Public schools are so bad anymore.

You are his voice. I’d raise hell


He’s 4 ? :pleading_face: What a witch. I would definitely have him change classes and definitely let her know why and tell the other parents too

Switch to a different teacher please I had a horrible teacher in first grade she would make me stand in the hallway or make me put my head down on the desk if I asked questions or asked for help no child should ever be mistreated by a teacher.


i would get my kid out of ger class before she ruins his school experience


Switch classes if possible so he has a different teacher if they choose not to put teacher in check… she sounds like she’s got it out for your son

Go straight to the Board of Education turn her in because I’m pretty sure he’s not the only one that she’s doing like that if need be you can hide a recorder in his backpack or on him somewhere and we record everything that she saying or doing

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The first time would be it with way to treat an 4 year old


Oh I’d be directly approaching her my 4 year old is autism the school didn’t call me till 3:30 one day I said for one " his fragile mind he thinks we’ve left him"
Told the principal she agreed 3 on the dot for now on if he misses bus or decides to get mad and not ride.
You know you’re kids better than anyone if he’s telling you this check it out.

I would schedule a meeting with the principal and teacher. Express your concerns and if things don’t improve ask he be put in a different class. If that doesn’t work then change schools. My son had a teacher that was no good like this we eventually switched classes. He did great in the other class! Good luck momma you got this!

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Definitely ask for a meeting with the principal and the teacher.

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You’re obviously better than me because I would have chosen violence at least 3 time by now


Switch classes or schools that’s messed up

Ummm…TEACHER??? CAN I SPEAK WITH U​:joy: :thinking::person_shrugging: but I’m petty when it comes to mines :joy:

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Believe him. Switch classes or schools.

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Kids that young usually don’t lie and I would be going to principal and switching classes. Never doubt your mother instinct and it is always acceptable to defend and protect your children. Let mama bear come out! I would be upset and mad and there would be something done about it.


Talk to her! My son told me a big story about something that happened at school, long story short, it was a lie! :joy::joy: (he’s 4 also) Start with her, if that doesn’t solve it, then go to the principal.


He may be just scared of her and he is scared to speak up fully about how he feels about her or he may just not really know how try role playing with him like you be him and he is the teacher or just draw and color with him kids express their feelings through role play and drawing and coloring

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I’m sure there’s truth to what he’s saying but I have a very talkative disruptive 5 yr old son who has come home saying a few of the same things. Sometimes the kids got turns at the toys HE WANTED to play with and got a turn in a day or 2, 1 time my son forgot to go the food line n ended up with milk cuz that’s all he grabbed. TAL TO THE TEACHER! Alot of schools even have school cameras now where u cna pop on n watch during times of the day


I think it’s best to ask for a meeting with the teacher and principal. I would discuss what your son has said. Remember he is 4 and may not be totally accurate with his version of what is going on. As far as pick up I would politely say maybe you didn’t see me but I’m here for my son.
You’re better than being nasty.


Don’t be posting on Facebook, HANDLE IT! You’re the mom, his voice, put your foot down! If it wasn’t a teacher, would you let this go? Teachers always get glorified but we don’t really know what goes on in those rooms. Put your foot down or meet the teacher in the parking lot. Settle it old school. And I do belive YOUR taxes pay her bills.


Trust your child first PERIOD! Show him you believe him and you will fix this and make it fair for him, YOU as a parent are his voice!

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Have you tried talking with the teacher? Because it doesn’t seem like it. Don’t go buy a fucking hidden camera and all of that stupid shit; literally COMMUNICATE.

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Omg…get to that school office. Not ok :broken_heart:

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I would go to the principal and ask for a meeting with him/her and the teacher. I wouldn’t pull my kid from that school because of this. If you do you are taking him away from any friends he might have made in this time.

Either we talk like adults or swing like boxers your choice… but decide quickly and wisely I’m out of patience!!


She’s obligated to make sure that kids are only picked up by approved adults.
So it’s entirely possible she’s actually working from a list when she’s calling certain kids forward to go with their parents. Instead of being offended first, you might just try asking yourself.

Kids can and do…catastrophize things. My own kids will complain about the other not sharing. There’s plenty of toys to go around but they want the toy the other has and will not settle for anything less. So they’ll run to me about it. I suggest they play with something else or do something together but other than that I don’t intervene unless they’re getting physical with each other because they absolutely need to learn how to sort things out.

I highly highly doubt that they only gave your son milk unless he just straight refused the rest (like refused it so they didn’t give it to him) I’ve heard that one too. My kids tried to tell me I was starving him :person_facepalming: often because he refused what I was offering and didn’t just hop to getting him something else.

And the shut your yap thing could have been a joking thing between her and another adult not necessarily aimed at the children and your son just happened to over hear and pick up on it.

Here’s the thing 4 year olds don’t typically lie just to lie, but they also have their own interpretation of events that isn’t always necessarily accurate.
I’ve seen it a few times (I’ve got an 8 year old and a 4 year old) my 4 year old loves his teachers. But there was a couple days that he came home and said his teacher was mean to him. She wouldn’t let him play. Turns out it was just time to go inside so she was mean for sticking to their routine and not just letting him do what he wanted🤷 he told me that when I started asking more questions about what he was doing and what else was going on.
Rather than just freaking out and pulling your child, I would say an actual conversation with the teacher is in order.
If you’re still not satisfied then yes, call a meeting with the principal.
But I’d make a real effort to get to the whole situation rather than just your child’s version.
If he likes her and he’s not afraid of her it sounds like there’s every possibility that more than likely your child’s version is missing some very important details.


If this were any of my children and I knew something like this was going on… Girl I’d be in a bright orange jumpsuit by now.
In all seriousness I’d talk to the principal that is unacceptable behavior from a teacher.
I was a teachers helper and I would NEVER treat any of my school babies lie that.
If no one takes you seriously remove your child from that school that is not the kind of environment that our children should be allowed in.

I’ve noticed parents are to soft these days when it comes to confronting a teacher if they feel something is off. Buuut I’m not one of those people I have no problem telling the teacher principal or anyone else how I feel. Thankfully my son’s teacher this year is a godsend but if I ever have any issues you better believe I’m letting it be known


Go to principal and voice your concerns and ask for a new teacher. No teacher should ever disrespect any parents that way. If she is doing it to you she is doing it to your child !!


Gonna be a long 12 yrs !


What are you waiting for I would be storming in that school and confronting a few ppl.


I would be talking to the principal, changing classes and saying something to the teacher. None of that is right. Always fight for your child. I was raised (Gen x here) you sit be silent and no matter what so what the teacher says. So when I raised my oldest 31 I did the same thing and I waited to long at times to say something. Well my second is 12 and I realized along the way how messed up it all was and now I am quick to ask questions and if I feel something is wrong I say something. I know things changed cause of covid and I don’t know if you can but see if you can help in the class. I did this when my 12 year old was in 2nd grade the teacher came to me said my very well behaved child wasn’t behaving so after talking after talk and him telling me this a few times at pick up I dropped in to watch what was going on. I found out a couple of kids ran around the class not behaving. My child thought this was okay because they did it. So try that see if you can stop in watch that teacher or drop a nanny cam on your kid. Honestly I would do that. Cause we all know dropping in that teachers will act fine but a cam will show if she is treating any child wrong. Js Damn I love tech

My son had a teacher that would say things like who likes my new hair cut? And the kids who put their hands up to say they like it got lollies, the others got none. She asked who wishes they had me again next year? The kids who put hands up got lollies the others did not, she said let’s play a game making up words or rymes about their names, teacher said I’ll go first, my sons name is Kalifa so she said Kalifat (and my son is chubby) another student said oh that’s a bit much miss so she tried justifying it by letting my son so her name… She nags the kids and even pushed a kid, complaints were made, by me also. The principal said they would sit in on her class. Like really. Kids aren’t supposed to have lollies at school… She is still there teaching. Some teachers are past their used by date I reckon, when they think their god and get nasty it’s time to find a new profession… Don’t stand for anything that’s not right. Kids will remember their days at school…

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Yes talk to her mama and if you can’t talk to the principal then go to the board!

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Request a meeting with the principal and her. If it continues, request a new class. If they won’t switch his class, go to the board of education with documented events to show proof of claims.


Kids don’t lie. Very young kids, don’t lie. I would go to the board! That is ridiculous! I would go to the board & put him in a new school!

Um get off Facebook and go to that school! If this was my baby I’d have popped off from the jump.


Your son isn’t eating…Yes you should go to the school the board or somebody because this is unacceptable…Your son is not lying…you need to address this immediately!


This is when you secretly put a small camera with audio and attach it to him and see what she is doing. Yeah it may be illegal but that is the one way to find out. I wouldn’t mention it to your son or anyone.


Go to principal and school board

Wait you didn’t address it on the first time it happened? :smirk::woozy_face:

Couldn’t be me or my kids… :angry:


Why havent you approched the teacher? Id be calling the teacher tge principal and super intendent about tge issue lord have mercy on her soul if she talked to my baby like that apsolutley not. I had a little girl calling my child and idiot and pushing her down and i called tge school the next day n it immediately everyday until something was done it took two calls n me stand9ng that ground. Thats your baby. Dont let anyone talk to him that way f*** NO


The helpers may be afraid of her. Her ignoring you is not enough to report. But if he is not getting his meals and if she is telling him to shut up then email is in order. Some teachers shouldn’t teach or be around kids

How much longer does he have in this class for the school year?

Go to the principal voice your concerns if that does not work take him out.

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Ask for a meeting with the teacher and principal .

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