My sons teacher this year has been horrible

So what did the teacher say when you brought this issue up to her with all of your concerns?

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Honestly I wouldn’t even bother having a talk with the teacher at this point especially since she has even ignored you at pickup.
Request an immediate meeting with the principal.


Why question what you should do??? It’s apparent what should be done!


Can you and your husband do (separate) surprise visits to the school classroom?


Time to go to the principal


Change classes I did last year and it was the best decision.

Inform the principal if nothing improves move him to a different school for next year. Good luck.


I’d say go straight to teacher and tell her you need to know why your child is coming home saying these things. Tell her if she has a problem with his behavior at school you need to know so you can correct it at home as well. That if things don’t get better you will reach out to principal and school district to get him the help he needs. That should scare her.

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Go with ur gutt momma🤍

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I would talk to the teacher and ask her what her problem is and if it doesn’t stop go to the school board. That’s BS and no kid should be treated like that. Not saying anything about it and just switching schools isn’t a good idea, though. If the teacher is doing this to your child, I’m sure she’d have no problem doing it to others. So, speak up! You might save other children from being treated like shit, as well.

You are your child’s advocate an your gut is usually right! Don’t let them get away with being unfair to your child because you are allowing them to treat him and you this way if you don’t do something even if its just move him or go secretly observe the class outside the door for a surprise visit!


You’d be surprised what kind of behavior they’d condone. Happens all the time at schools and daycares. I’d talk to the principal. If that doesn’t help, I’d go to the school board and if the teacher is still there after that I’d change classes if changing schools isn’t an option. Go with you guy on this.

Why not speak to the teacher directly first? Jumping to the principal isn’t ok, you’re solely going on a 4 year olds story? Then this 4 year old listens to you critique the teacher at home? There’s a reason why kids are called individually, each is learning their turn, patience, self control (not running immediately to the parents) it’s not a rat race for which parent gets there first, lol. Dismissal time is the same. There’s also a reason why teachers don’t directly acknowledge parents and speak to them during dismissal time. Are you redirecting your child to go back to their seat and wait their turn, or leaving it up to the teacher? Are you sure your theories haven’t reflected in your attitude and the teacher senses that? Ridiculous. I’m not saying shut your yap is appropriate, but…


Put him in another class.

I read on a comment you are your child’s advocate. I can’t back this up anymore!! Go to the school. He might make some up but not all. Have you tried just talking to her?

Call the principal and tell him/her your concerns. They will investigate it and get back to you. Be warned that sometimes 4 year olds make up stuff.

This kind of behavior is exactly why my child is homeschooled :woman_shrugging: we had similar issues and so much more with our chuld when we put her in public school for prek and my cousin and friends have had similar if not worse situations. I’ll just keep mine with me

I’d suggest a principal, both parents, child and that TEACHER’s meeting. And that way you will figure out how and what to do next.

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I’d go to the teacher first, THEN if need be I’d go to the principal, have a meeting with them if you have to go to the school board…

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Go quietly and watch where they don’t see you. My youngest son had a 3rd grade teacher similar to this. When I was finished, parents were all.happy. that is little boys parents

I’d first have a meeting with the teacher. I had the same with my year 4 teacher, my mum got an invite to an award assembly and yet every other child got one except me, I was the only child left sitting on the floor.
Have a parent teacher meeting, and tell her what’s on your mind, tell her all of this that you’ve said right here. And make sure they know if nothing changes you’ll go to the principal and board of study. You don’t want to take your child away from his friends because of some jerk teacher. You are the parent, your child’s happiness and education is more important than the teacher, so just lay it on em IMO

I’d walk my ass up to her and demand she tell me what’s going on, I would go to the principal too right after. No teacher should tell kids to “shut your yap” and basically starve him. I would be taking my baby out asap.

Address the issue head on call her out ask her why she over looks you when your picking up your child, why doesn’t he get to eat, or play with toys? I mean if you don’t stand up for yourself and your child who will?

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Address it directly. Ask for a conference and discuss your concerns. If it isn’t met with understanding and solutions than go to the principal

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I definitely would’ve already spoken to thr teacher directly and came to the school about it. Thats awful.

My daughter had a teacher a bit like this once. She would stand there yapping with other parents and completely ignore my daughter, and if she ever noticed me about to approach her she would rush back in as quick as she could. I would definitely talk to the head about her, if this is the only teacher that you have had a problem with, I would say insist on your son going to the next class, see how that goes.

Whether he’s making things up or not what you’ve witnessed yourself speaks a lot. I wouldn’t want my child around anyone who gives me negative vibes and that’s as simple as that

Put him in a different school

I’d go to the teacher and tell her your concerns. Depending on how that went, I may or may not go above her head.


I would set up a meeting and ask that everyone attend. Get to the bottom of it :pray:


Are you not allowed to sit in on a class or two just to observe how the class works? I thought schools allowed this?


My son has a terrible Pre-K teacher too!!! She’s called him a bad boy, I confronted her, she definitely lied because my son was very specific. I reported to the principal… Nothing. He then is saying he’s so naughty it’s disgusting. I said why do you say that? You’re a good boy. He said no mommy Ms. (Teacher) says that. So I asked why did she say that? He said because she not liking me. I say yes she does. He said nope mommy she said I don’t even like you Michael. Again went to the principal but haven’t heard back. We’re pulling him from public school and putting him in private school.


Automatic insist on a meeting with the teacher and principal together.


No one messes with my kid and gets away with it I would go to her and confront her about it than go to the principal your son wouldn’t be lying like that or shouldn’t be especially if he said he likes her

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If the teacher is purposely ignoring you at pick up I’d definitely go to the principal


If you’re having trouble with the principal and the teacher you need to call the superintendent immediately you call them every day till he calls you back even if it’s on a break even if it’s on the weekend you call them and leave a message every day Believe me the The principal or the teacher does not wants a call from the superintendent believe me I’ve worked in the principals office for many years no one wants a call from the superintendent he has to report those calls to the department of education no matter what state you’re in.


this teacher needa a come to jesus meeting # treat other how you want to be treated # slap the taste out of her mouth


Go past the principal higher up and tell them something needs to be done because that isn’t okay at all.

I have gone through that. The teacher singles out one child in the class and continues saying negative things to him and the whole class hears what she is saying. I went to the principal and explained what was going on. My son was a special needs student. The principal said he would sit in the classroom and observe. The outcome of this situation was he transfered out of that school and changed to a class that was 8-10 students and successfully finished the school year. At the end of the school year, the principal said I was right and apologized but my son was happy and enjoyed the second school.

I would have pulled her by now and reported her also kept a very close eye on things she wouldn’t get away with treating my child life that

Some preschools are great some are not. I was a preschool teacher and loved those kids. When I was in preschool my dad found out that the teachers were stealing my lunch and giving me nothing at lunch time. I was so young there was nothing I could do about it at the time

Start documenting all of this, dates, times, what’s said and done. Go to the principle, go to the school board if the principle doesn’t do anything. You can as a mother to sit in class with your child, document everything that is said or done in appropriately for a 4 year old! What she is doing is totally wrong. I’d also see if she is treating other students this way too, try talking to other parents, if she is, she can lose her teaching license. Get it all in writing. Especially if others can be involved, get signatures from those parents. It’s proof and back up for you, when/if you take it to higher to a school board meeting after talking with the principal first.

WOW !!! Go to the principal, going all day without eating is abuse…I don’t know what this teachers problem is but you’ll find out…Rather quickly…

Talk with the principle and superintendent if they don’t do anything then write a formal complaint to the board

id go in and speak to her directly. let her know your unhappy , comming to her before you approach the headmaster and that this feeling cant be good for your son. if things dont improve very quick go to the head and make a fuss.

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Record how you are treated when getting your child without her seeing it. That is proof to anyone you are talking to

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I would have BEEN talked to the principal AND that teacher. I would never sit there and wonder especially if she did this kind of stuff in front of me i would have said something then and there. Speak up for ur child woman!! Better to be safe than sorry.


Call a parent ,teacher conference and if it continues go directly to the dept. Of education and let them know you are ready to seek counsel !

You need a parent teacher conference asap. She can’t ignore you when you’re scheduled face to face. Ask for the guidance counselor & principal to be there too.


Go to the principal, do not tolerate this!

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Definitely talk to the principal about your concerns and ask for him to be moved to another class. If they refuse, pull him out and either put them in another school or homeschool.

Even if your child is exaggerating, what you’ve seen with you own eyes is enough. Never leave your child in a hostile situation, as it conditions children to accept hostile and abusive environments.


U have the right to go and sit in class to observe…at any time…

Always be an advocate for your child…be known at hos school and who you are…in office. In playground and even his friends…active parents always get what they want for their children…always use your voice for him…don’t like something you see change it…

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Yup went through this as well. The teacher kept trying to say because she has had 13 years experience teaching at this special school that she knew what she was on about…
I even went to the principal but because they were best friends nothing got done. My daughter isn’t toilet trained yet so they had to change her. Everyday she came home with a rash or a mark on her. We even had to go to the school cause they thought I wasn’t taking care of my daughter and take her to the doctors to give them proof that I was putting the creams on her…

I’m so glad she moved schools this year not one rash not one mark and she is the happiest I have seen her to go to school.

Trust your gut and if you want to pull your child out you can do it. Don’t let the teachers over stand your judgement… Cause they will do it and make your life a living hell…

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I put my son in private school :ok_hand:

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I would go further even if pull him out you should complain the other staff may be asked about things to confirm

Let the principle, know. Go sit in the class room you have every right to sit in the class and visit and watch. Sounds likes she likes to control to much. And record her actions. Thats abuse of her position. Letting him starve all day. Poor big boy. I’m glad he hes old enough to tell you. Always ask questions…our kids tell the truth. Teachers Always ask our kids questions about home. Talk to the counselor in the school so she will be known. Keep it up, mom.

Go to the principal like yesterday

I’d be flipping out and going higher up. Hell no that is abuse.

Teacher with a BIG problem.

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