My soon to be ex husband hasn't been giving me my stimulus: Advice?

Can you go to the bank and take it out ?

Since you’re in the middle of your divorce, let your attorney know and make sure it’s brought up in court. You’ll get it


Report to the IRS as well as have that put into your divorce papers by your lawyer so he will be required to pay


Unless you have custody of the children in a court order he won’t have to give it to you. Ask for it in the divorce


Call the IRS and report it. I did and took a year but he has to pay it all back. I unfortunately don’t get my share but at least I let them know what he is capable of.


Sadly my ex husband got all three of my son’s checks, we are 50/50 split on time. The years taxes they used fell on his file time. I can’t get any of it. My son asked for some of his and got in big trouble with his dad and stop mom. Sadly nothing can be done about it. I have checked into it


Going through the same thing!!! It’s so complicated :woman_facepalming:t3::weary:

I’m having same issues. My ex BOYFRIEND who has NO children he is legally able to claim is getting stimulus money for MY two children from a previous MARRIAGE. Tell me how they screwed THAT up in the IRS. And you can’t get anyone on the phone and there’s no emails available you can send. I just today found a fraud report form I could fill out and so I submitted that today. Says someone will be in contact with me soon…


We’re you a stay at home mom before and if so then you shouldn’t get it :woman_shrugging:t2: If you worked then you both can get it :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


So if your starting to go through your divorce were papers signed? If not go to his bank and take your money out especially if it’s a joint account


I wouldn’t worry about it, during the divorce court trial bring it up. The amounts are in your name show proof you have the kids he will be obligated to pay you back. Don’t feed into the arguments. Those type of people crave that attention


Court may offset at division of assets hearing or settlement

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bring it up in court, they will get you taken care of


Tell u lawyer… He /she will get it for you

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Court? IRS? Girl you should have been taking care of this when he got the first one


He is wrong what caused the divorce

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Contact the it’s and they will go after him let him know that’s what your going to do might push him to just give it to you rather then the hassle he’s gonna face from the irs for fraud

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Call your lawyer to get it legally reported first then call the irs on Monday. Call em both so your double protected.


You could open a joint(still legally married) credit account for your amount and put it in the divorce…:thinking::seedling::v:

Take him to small claims court. Its quick and easy.

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Call the IRS and report him for fraud and he’ll have to pay all that money back and you’ll get what’s rightfully yours. On your taxes this year you should have put you didn’t receive the last 2 so that money could at least be included in your tax return. The only other option is to sue him in small claims court unfortunately


I don’t know if it works the same as family tax benefit? Buy my ex was receiving that for our kids the whole time we were together,then getting g him to sign it over he refused. But as ours is a DV case I didn’t need his signature. Anyway my point is! When I was speaking to them on the phone for the interview the lady actually asked me if I had been receiving any of it in the mrhs prior. As even together I was the 24/7 parent…
If I hadn’t?! I could’ve still got paid in back pay from Centrelink & they would have taken it out of his wages…
Don’t know if same applies here

Have you filed your tax return yet? If not they asked you if you have received all of your stimulus packages for the year. Say no and it will go from there

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He doesnt have to give you any of that money. Nothing you can do about it.


Talk to your attorney


First dont ever mix accounts…husband or no husband…I always kept my money separate…but I always did financial things as if I was single…I would never let nobody screw me over…


Mention it in court. The judge will deal with it.


Put it in your divorce that you are owed the money. Worst case would be they make him pay you half. :woman_shrugging:t3:


When you file your taxes it will ask if you received the stimulus check no and they will add to your refund


Call Carol Baskins girl she has got the answer :woman_shrugging:t4::face_with_monocle:


There is a form called a 3911, google it & it should help you. Not sure how soon anything will get done about it but that’s a start

Ur screwed. Money isnt everything. Just chalk it up to bad luck of the draw.Just b glad ur rid of him.


Log into the his bank account and transfer it to yourself


During court sue for it. Or get a. File emergency court order. To get funds.

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Take every single thing he has to the pawn shop until you make your money back. :wink: I would just have a bonfire in tbe yard, but thats just me.


Thankfully for my ex husband I give him his portion everytime! But what i did was incase it was sent to him I called my lawyer and let them know to add the amounts I was owed to for both stimuluss in the divorce decree that way if that had happened I’d get it in the end when we finalized. I told them the amounts I was rightfully owed and they drew it in there.


My question is if it’s a joint account like your saying why can’t you just take the money out your self :person_shrugging:


Well tell your lawyer, sue him for it


Ya name on the account then take the damm money!


Worst case… you add it into whatever is owed to you in the divorce paperwork. Any amount of stimulus can be claimed later in court if he got what was owed to you. Not saying you can get the money for the children but there’s a much higher chance of getting the amounts sent for you.


Contact your lawyer my ex had took money from our joint account and put it in an account in his own name. My lawyer got an order that froze both our assets to stop him from spending it. Was a nuisance but when the divorce was being settled financially I got half. As long as you haven’t reached financial settlement and you aren’t divorced you will get half of everything including that money x


Go to the cops !!! Show them everything ! And take his ass to court

Got to citizen’s advice beuro

tell the ploice he stole your money

File it on your taxes, you didn’t receive it and he will get audited and have to pay that back


Its in my divorce that my ex is supposed to pay me for the vehicles he sold when we were married. But my lawyer said I would never see this money though. So it can be apart of the divorce decree but if anyone figures out how to squeeze this money out of them I would appreciate it because my ex still owes me per our divorce decree

If you let the IRS know the situation they will split it in half and send half to you via check and half to him. Since it’s already gone out you won’t be able to get it without a lawyer however if there is a stimulus in the future it’s good to let your tax preparer know and the IRS that you would like the funds split. That money is half yours. Hope things get better for you. :pensive: :purple_heart:

Report d aid on the kids social security numbers. And inform them the stimulus money went to wrong parent . Or when u do taxes have the apply n make note that he is not in care of the children at all n got money that wasn’t his .

Trust me the Judge will make him pay you back with interest! Judge’s hate father’s who steal from their own children!!!


Let your Divorce Attorney handle it.


If it’s been dispersed you will have to take him to court to get a portion of it. The stimulus has nothing to do with who has the kids it has to do with the tax return. I would let your divorce attorney know so that maybe they can stipulate in the settlement for him to pay you a portion. He is also going to be the one getting the child tax credit advance.


Could you file an injured spouse form with the IRS? my husband and I had to file one when he owed back child support ( it was a complicated situation with his ex) so they would not take my income money ( I was the only one working but we filed jointly)

If you are in the middle of a divorce, consult your divorce attorney about it. Every single thing should be in writing before the divorced is finalized.


Yea call the IRS and A lawyer


There is a number you can call if you have the kids more says a year then he does. The irs will investigate and send u the money and make him pay it back.

The court is going to screw him so bad for doing that. Get that money sis

Im agreeing with many others, let your lawyer handle it.


My parents were going through a divorce when the first stimmy went out (they lived separately at this point but hadn’t had the court hearing yet) and her ex had to meet us at the bank with the attorney and split it or he would’ve been breaking the law according to the attorney. Don’t let this slide. Tell your attorney!


Report identify Fraud. Theft it still theft


Tell ur lawyer. Mine made my ex husband reimburse me for taxes he took when we had seperated or go to jail if he didnt


Do you have a lawyer? If not get one!! My ex use to say any cheque in his name is his even if it was for us jointly!! Changed my info pronto and I got my next check. Sorry you are dealing with this

Call your government office that handles your stimulus and tell them your situation & information. I know here in Canada, if that happens, he will have to pay the government back or it gets shaved off of his paycheck and goes directly to you

I know someone who went on the site and filled out the information that she did not receive her full stimulus. She got the full amount and her ex partner will now owe the IRS.

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Your lawyer will take care of it! Get a hold of him!


Have your attorney bring it up in court.

No excuse you should of went online and changed the bank account information

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That’s so messed up, I second everyone let the attorneys know


Get you a lawyer and call the irs


Only thing you can do is wait for court


Tell your lawyer…

Needs to be brought up in court…don’t let him get away with it…

Cant you change it on the irs portal which bank account it goes to. In your name.

As long as you are married and your funds are intermingled you are out of luck.


Call the irs and get him for fraud.
If you have the kids and he dont he needs to give you the money or they will. Or the judge will

Hunny take his ass to court

Document everything. You can sue him for it. It’s your money.

Talk to your divorce attorney.


Have ur lawyer tell the judge in court whats going on here may order ur ex to pay the money back to u nd maybe ask for partner all the money for the kids if u have them fill time ur entitled to some of it if not all of it


Right now not really…but tell your attorney about it. They can argue for half in the settlement.

No advise here, but this sucks. Sorry mama. It seems like a lot of great advice though. Best of luck to you​:heart::heart:

I heard post parents can get it I’d speak to a tax preparer

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You got a lawyer use him. Or waste more time and money on the looser.

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I would call the IRS tell them see what they’ll do.

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Well technically it depends if her and her kids were claimed as dependents at the time. If she wasn’t working it’s considered his money and she is out of luck. But she can still try to fight it in divorce court.

I’m Canadian so I’m not too sure how it works for you guys - but can you not just call them and just switch the account on your file? My husband and I file everything together but payments still come in our separate names.
Also, are you still on the bank account? Go to the bank and withdraw all of the money that was sent in your name.

Yeah, take that piece of shit to court… What a deadbeat. He’s lucky I’m not his ex cuz I’d stab him.

If the check is direct deposited and it has both of your names on it then the bank account has to have both of your names on it or it wouldn’t be able to be deposited, go to the bank and take what’s yours, he can’t do a damn thing if the account has both your names on it

You can actually get in contact with the IRS… this is a federal crime and they could possibly be fined or convicted of theft… had a friend in the same situation


If you’re in the middle of the divorce speak with your attorney. The attorney should be able to get your money for you.


Unless you’re filed jointly for 2020, there should be a way to get it in some capacity.
But to avoid any future issues with IRS talking to a tax professional is your best course of action.

You can always go to the get my payment website and change the bank account your stimulus goes to


If you are getting divorced there’s nothing you can do till you go to court. You need to keep track of everything & tell your lawyer.


Sue him for it in your divorce. It is yours the courts will grant it to you when your divorce is final


I’d tell him that if he doesn’t give it to you in X amount of time, you’re contacting the IRS and possibly a tax lawyer as well (that will know how to fight for you).


If you’re in the middle of a divorce you or your attorney should be able to file a motion with the court regarding the issue.


Document everything dates times and messages including text messages- just document it so you’ll have it for lawyers and courts!!


File charges against him. Call his employer stv.

Speak with your attorney

If you contacted the IRS and told them it was deposited into the wrong account then it is his responsibility to then take it up with his bank. He’ll have to explain why he spent money that wasn’t his!