My soon to be mother in law acts strange with my fiance, what do you think?

Well this is what you are about to marry into. So be ready.


Is that really his momma? :grimacing:

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Is he the only child? The only son? The oldest?

So ummmmā€¦ speak to the fiancĆ©?

Is he an only child?

I wish I could say youā€™re imagining it but like Bates Motel am I right :sweat_smile:


Huh no. My son is a mamas boy and thereā€™s no way in hell I would act like . Thatā€™s just nasty

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Not a mom son relationship def something else

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Ummā€¦ Is she his real mom or do they have some secret love thang goin onšŸ˜…

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Whew this is weird! :grimacing: I definitely donā€™t think youā€™re overreacting.

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Strrrraaange, shes got an attachment disorder or somethingā€¦


Over reacting, she just doesnā€™t like you dear. Put her in her place

I mean, my boys are toddlers and mamas boys, but this seems insane :flushed: like sure, giving him a hug and kiss, and whispering in his ear is fine :woman_shrugging:t2: and wanting time alone with just him or him and her grandchild isnā€™t really that strange either. I donā€™t find texting with heart emojis strangeā€¦I guess most of it doesnā€™t seem weird on itā€™s own, but the way you describe it seems over the top and creepy. Itā€™s not unheard of for moms to try and sleep with their sons (:face_vomiting:).

On the flip side, Iā€™ve also seen women try to ā€œcompeteā€ with their boyfriendā€™s/husbandā€™s mom, so :woman_shrugging:t2: itā€™s hard to tell from one side of the story.

Iā€™d tell your fiancĆ© that it makes you uncomfortable, and why it does. Honesty is the best policy in a relationship.

Weird! I would definitely have a conversation with him and her.



This is his biological mother???

Weird but take the opportunity to catch up with your friends child free

She needs counseling and cut the cord . He should do this also

Maybe she has a reverse Oedipus complex going on.

Incest? Or maybe sheā€™s just extremely jealous of you. Question your man. Keep your kid away from This kind of behavior canā€™t trust everyone just because theyā€™re family.

This is quite disturbing. You should gave s serious talk to him. Good luck

I wanna know what he says about it all.

Thatā€™s definitely weird I wonder if she is ā€œemotionally incestedā€ parent :neutral_face:


Defo agree weird behaviour go with ur gut xx

Mil is TRYING AND WANTING to be the wife. Nothing but trouble there.

lol that just screams out inbred vibes

Sounds like a Lifetime movie in the makingā€¦.

My bf is a mamaā€™s boy andā€¦SHE DOESNT DO ANY OF THAT :nauseated_face: Thatā€™s so weird šŸ¤¦ I would be so embarrassed if my mom acted that way with my brothers. You should talk to your SO and tell him how you feel about it.

I can relate to the mom so bad :joy::joy:. Other than the clothing and bending weirdness, I am extremely affectionate with my sonā€¦but heā€™s 8. Hopefully this isnā€™t me in 20 years šŸ„²

She is an insecure woman.
Finding it hard to adjust to change do not engage in the behaviour she displays.

I have 3 sons 22,25,28 and there would be no way in hell I would act like this. Just weird as hell!! Even if I didnā€™t care for the girl I would never act like this! Talk to the fiancee and see what he says about her and her behavior. Keep your kid away from her, especially when no one else is around! Thatā€™s just creepy as hell! I had to realize I canā€™t control things when they are adults, they are making lives for themselves and being grown. I just sit back and admire what good young men they are. Good Luck! :heartpulse:

I would rethink the entire relationship.

Iā€™m a only child and big mommaā€™s boy and my mom and I donā€™t act like that!!! Sheā€™ll hug me and kiss on the cheek but thatā€™s it, sounds like something fishy might be going on there.

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You sure itā€™s not in your head? Could just be different then what your use too. Want to spend 1 on 1 with your kid isnā€™t weird. Especially if youā€™re giving off bad vibes and watching her all weird. I like just spending time with my mom 1 on 1. Sounds kinda like when a gf/wife gets jealous when a daughter wants her dad to herself

I had a ex mother in law who i guess wS jealous of me? my kids grandmother who is now in heaven smhā€¦but anyways be careful watch out for her, keep observing her because I no a family who are all ( incest) its sick!! But you just never nošŸ¤®good luck!

What you find normal, others donā€™t. And what you find abnormal, others find normal. Unless he is having sex with his motheršŸ¤¢ that is their ā€œnormalā€ i have 6 grandbabies, and at some point on time, Iā€™ve called each one them ā€œmy babyā€ while talking to them. I KNOW their not and of course so do my children. There was NOTHING meant literal by it. I like alone time with my son because he and I have always been close. I wouldnā€™t go to the extreme like she is, but that just makes me wonder what she herself has been through. Maybe that might be something for you to consider

Super weird. Talk to your man and let him know he needs to get his momma in line. Otherwise, what else is he gonna expect you to deal with over this lifetime together? Donā€™t get married, dude. Iā€™m tellin yaā€¦

Ever heard of an Oedipus complex? Where do you think that terminology comes from?
Have a sit down with him and ask him how it makes him feel. Then explain how it makes you feel as calmly as possible. Try using role reversal to help him put himself in your shoes. If your dad came over and borderline groped you and whispered in your ear would he feel comfortable?
Then explain where your boundaries are and if he canā€™t meet them what the consequences or fall out of that would be. Then stick to it. This is the ONLY way it will ever be resolved! He may have to strongly distance himself from her.

Lol. Shit some men allow their mothers to be like this. They like it. I donā€™t think itā€™s weird or anything sexual at all. They are close. Your reading to much into it I think. Just my opinion

There is a difference between an over coddling mama and a nasty incestuous succubus. Her behaviour is not normal. Some of it is but it deff crosses too many lines. Maybe he was abused by her. She sounds like she doesnt just love her son but shes in love with him. Gross. I have 2 boys. Deff not normal

thats definatly not normal, theres red flags all over that relationship

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Yeah emotional incest is a real dangerous relationship! Run forest RUN!

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That woman has lost her mind!!! Something wrong! What does he say about it?

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Def not normal but I wouldnā€™t freak about it because after all it is his mother it would pretty disgusting if anything was going on

Ew ā€¦ Thatā€™s is completely weirdā€¦ And have you asked him about it?

What does your fiance say about it?

I just wanna know how he convinced you his side dish was his mom?! :joy:


Sound like some kid a incest sh**t :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::nauseated_face:

Psychotic!!! Not normal!!!

My exes sister was like that!!
She would text him all the time, want to have ā€œdatesā€ (her words) with him, sent him NUDES of ā€œher work out progressā€ā€¦ Like you can send those CLOTHEDā€¦ She would answer his phone when they went places together and would tell me to quit calling (if I called about our son or to check in with him), she was just super weird :grimacing:


Sounds like a horror thriller lol

This isnā€™t normal behavior

Yā€™allā€¦fathers molest their daughters, but yā€™all think mothers feeling the same way is unbelievable? There are DISGUSTING people out there. Trust your gut and protect your own.


that sounds mental you should say something to both of them. especially her call that weirdo out

Not normal, she has an extremely unhealthy attachment to him, and jealousy toward you. You need to speak with him about your concerns. She needs to stop dressing like a hoebag

Doesnā€™t sound normal, but she would like to spend time alone w them, so let her. No harm doneā€¦


She is disrespectful in so many ways. Have a blunt conversation with him and the 2 of you set boundaries for her. If she donā€™t like it too bad your the queen in the castle and his life.

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Ughhhhh disgusting old lady, those type of moms give me the creeps. Iā€™ve seen so many moms obsessed with their sons and their behavior is always disgusting but this one takes the lead.

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As a mum of a 21 Yr old who also finds it hard to let go, aswell as massively over protectiveā€¦ However if I behaved like that my son would disown me :joy:Iā€™m telling you this behaviour is concerningā€¦

Sounds like my ex little brother and his mom! She had such a weird emotional attachment to him! Poor kid had so much trouble finding a girlfriend to stick around for her shit show! Like while they were trying to watch a movie she call for him then tell him let me scratch your back! Iā€™d think girl he grown man and didnā€™t even ask for you to. When he would say no she would throw huge fit and quilt him into staying in her room with him. The door would be open he would be in there looking miserable.

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Actually, itā€™s not sexual, a mother and son have a strange bond, the mother looks at him like he is her little man, itā€™s hard for her to see him any other way and there is possible jealousy of you, but itā€™s just because you take care of all his needs now and she feels un wanted and not needed anymoreā€¦

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Nope, not normal. She has some very very unhealthy attachment issues connected to him and she needs therapy. He needs to be the one to address it with her, though. Even if he doesnā€™t want to hurt his feelings. And if you havenā€™t or canā€™t go to him about it, I would personally leave him. I know leaving after years and having a child together is hard but trust me, itā€™s possible. Not sure how your and his relationship is but Iā€™m really hoping you are able to go to him with all of this and express your concerns to him :crossed_fingers:t4::crossed_fingers:t4:

What does your fiancĆ© say about all of this? Have you tried talking to her? Thatā€™s kind of strange but the way youā€™re making it sound sounds like you think she has an inappropriate relationship with him, is that the case?!

Wow,sheā€™s in love with him and not in a motherly way,I have 5 children,oldest,boy 21 this year and I would never be that hands on with him,itā€™s very weird.

Honestly? Just sounds like youā€™re jealous and taking this too far into something itā€™s not. She wants to spend time with her son. Let her. Nothing wrong with that.


Whoa girl you gotta look into that!! He allows this to happen?? That donā€™t sound right at all and I dealt with a MIL that literally broke up my marriage she controlled my ex and tried to have my kids taken away so she could have them

Yā€™all comments are weird AF. She is weird for acting like that towards her son. Not even just weird but super gross. I could understand her always wanting to be with him, or cooking him food, or folding his clothes, because thatā€™s what moms doā€¦ but trying to get him alone ALL the time? Whispering in his ear seductively while she holds his waist and kisses him? Sticking her ass out while wearing booty shorts??? Not letting his wife be near him at all and acting like their child is her child?Something here is weird/incestuous as fuck and yā€™all are definitely weird for defending it. :woozy_face::face_vomiting:

Sounds like a narcissistic move. She overbearing and doesnā€™t want to share him. Either heā€™s not noticing or heā€™s use to it. Talk to him how you feel. He canā€™t read mines. SHE WONT STOP UNLESS HE PUTS HER IN CHECK. If you talk to her, shell come off as the victim and you the bully. SHes sexualizing him to get you to back off.

Iā€™ll be the odd one out. I donā€™t think itā€™s weird. The showing her a$$ part yes but the most of the rest like hugging him by the waist and kissing him, donā€™t see a problem with that. My mother in law hugs my husband by the waist and kisses his cheeks. She short soā€¦ she also calls my kids her babies. They are her grandbabies and I love that she loves them as her own. When she tries to over step I let her know and thatā€™s the end of it.

She probably raised him on emotional incest and now thats hes grown and has an actual woman he can ā€œbe withā€ shes all butthurt cuz now her own son wont give her the time of dayā€¦but ye tell your husband about it and have him call her out on it in your presence
(My mil is like this to the t)

My MIL is nothing like that. This situation sounds very strange and uncomfortable. Iā€™d confront her

Sounds a little strange but, take this time to enjoy your girlfriends and catch up.

You know what you are implying so with that being saidā€¦does it sound normal or remotely functional to you???

Sexual abuse? Like your husband when he was a child or something?

My bf is a mommas boy and nope this isnt normal not one bit of what I just read unless ur from some hick effed up town


Be thankful she moved TF away!.. because she got issues

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Sounds like emotional incest
Even if that isnā€™t the case,sounds super toxic

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Iā€™d get all the family together and tell her how sheā€™s been actin in front of your fiancĆ© lolšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I mean.

This isnā€™t even bad :rofl: youā€™re over thinking and sexualizing things

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Girl you better kick her assā€‹:joy::joy: jk violence doesnā€™t solve anything!! What does your fiancĆ© say about this? How does he react?

Iā€™ve only ever dated mamas boys. They were annoying but that sounds like she wants to bang her kid. Not a damn thing normal.

Read up on emotional incest :upside_down_face:

Ewww creepy muthašŸ¤¬ā€¦ Sort your partner out, thatā€™s CREEPY AF what he lets her get away with, get him on side then, put that ol pimp hag hoe in her place!!

Put an end to all that shit girl cos your babies are growing up and you donā€™t want them behaving and accepting that unacceptable behaviour from adults!!

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Umm this seems inappropriate

She is mentally ill.

Sounds to me like she wants his cock.

The fact that ur asking is a definite warning sign

Holy shit :eyes::eyes::eyes: Iā€™m so sorry, that is fā€™in nuts. How does he act??

Sounds like she wants to be the side chickā€¦SMH

Sheā€™s tapped for sure. Iā€™d be curious if your man sees the problem. If not, yikes!! You have your work cut out for you. Good luck.

He is your son, not your boyfriend

Emotional incest.
Good luck. :flushed:

My MIL was the same exact way. All I can say is watch your back.


Let them spend time aloneā€¦

That ie freaking weird

He mussy still breastfeeding aye?

Thatā€™s it, Iā€™m Mother-In-Law Shaming

U are not overreacting. Donā€™t ignore the obvious.

Thatā€™s it, Iā€™m Mother-In-Law Shaming

Super gross and super inappropriate!