Spanking teaches respect. There’s nothing wrong with seats to the bottom
Literally feel sick at the amount of people agreeing with spanking. Shouldn’t put hands on your kids ever. And at 2 years of age he’s learning about the world absolutely SICK!
Now I spanked mine when thy wouldn’t mind. I have two girls grown and have grand kids. Some kids you can talk to others you have to spank. I got plenty of ass whopping whe I was growing up and I’m 80.
Positive discipline worked for us… I read the books “the whole brained child” and “positive discipline.” It took a couple months to transition, but our house is generally pretty peaceful now.
There is a different between discipline and abuse. Should have learned that before having kids. A little tap on a diapered bottom won’t hurt. Be a parent or don’t have children.
Way to open that can of worms . Sooooo much mom shaming it’s disgusting. Inappropriate & unfiltered momma is the best place to go if you think you’re a great mom and need to hear sanctimommies tell you you’re not and never will be as good as them. , I’m out.
Listen. My daughter is 2 and she is smarter then any 2 year old ive met. Ive done gentle parenting ive done whoopings. Time out. Ignoring it. Literally everything. This girl is chaos itself lol. Distractions. Give them something to break or destroy 100x over. Distractions I’m telling you lol
No hitting period in my opinion…redirect time out … at 2 bribery…
I spank my 2 yesr old when she does something serious. Last week she pulled a spatula off the counter and was trying to stir dinner. I dont spank her hard (if im playing around with her ill hit her butt harder) its more for dramatic effect but it is very effective and times outs are much more frequent. I always explain to her what she did wrong whether she understands yet or not. She doesn’t hit, she knows its not okay, she’s gentle as can be with us, other kids, and our kittens.
I can tell you right now I was raised in a no violence household, never been in a fight in my life. Was picked on consistently throughout school and taken advantage of by people growing up which I didnt realize I was allowing until I had enough, and my mother always came to my rescue nothing was ever resolved by myself. Now 24 with my own child who will be 4 this year, and a little bitch whose chuck full of anxiety cant even entertain the idea of confrontation or aggressive people and stay an anxiety riddled mess day in and day out. I had no toughing up as a child. Spanking your child on the bottom when necessary has been a loooong time thing. However your son is 2, hes very young but if hes doing things that can potentially be very dangerous and could hurt himself or others and he just wont listen after multiple attempts to talk with him then spank his little butt and put him in timeout before he ends up in the hospital or worse! He will learn one way or the other and if the current way is not clicking in his head then try a different approach! I am not suggesting you beat your 2 year old by no means Its ridiculous and malicious to think that parents would ever beat a child no matter what age I dont care if they’re 2 or 16, but a butt spanking with a timeout he will understand. At the end of the day you are his mom and you know him best! Do what you think is right girl and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise! Your spouse should not be arguing with you about how to discipline your child, it should be a conversation and atleast come to some kind of understanding as to why you both feel the way you feel…at the end of the day I personally feel our children need to be raised to be tougher. This world is too fierce and too aggressive we do not need anymore pansies walking around!
Your son is only 2 he’s at the learning stage plus boys are a bit active more then girls anyway , spanking & beatings i don’t agree with , a tone of voice & a naughty step or no toys & treats he soon learn as long you keep top of this his far too young
No spanking did it once never again, you can make them understand through words, actions they are still babies and learning and some kids are climbers and into everything. As long he is safe all good.
I wouldn’t dream of hitting my 2 year old. Who even is HE. I’m a single parent, when my 2 year old has been acting up I get to her level and explain why something is naufhing and why she shouldn’t do it. I’ve done it since she was about 1. Even if she’s playing and something.maybe breaks or spills then she’ll either help mummy clean it up with some wipes (she loves helping) or if it’s broken I just bin it. Accidents happen and children are going to test your patience. I don’t think your other half way of doing this is right…
A tap on the bum sometimes is all it takes
Listen to Dr. Ray GAURENDI.
He’s fucking 2. Tell him get off his lazy ass and distract him. His brain isn’t even fully developed.
Honestly everyone is going to say something different. Some people will preach “I was spanked and was fine.” But here’s the thing- what anyone else says or thinks doesn’t matter because it’s YOUR son. It’s unfortunate you and your husband don’t agree but I think that there is much kinder ways to discipline a 2 year old. Often times when a child that young is acting out it’s because they are trying to see what is the new normal. “Is this okay? Or not? How am I feeling? What are these feelings?” 2 is hard but it will pass. Be firm when he acts out but gentle and reassuring as well. Redirection is also key. He’s a person so talk to him like you’d do to anyone else. Hugs to you mama.
Spanking isn’t hitting if it’s done with restrictions and done properly. If you call it hitting and spank your child they are going to say you hit them. Regardless that’s not what you want. Spanking can be a controlled choice for discipline. If your doing it in anger and not controlled then that is hitting. Kids will learn to hit regardless of how you parent. They will pick it up somewhere. Having said that spanking does not work for all children. My son hates time out. If he hits or throws something then whatever hand did it gets a time out. He just sits there and I hold his hand. Sometimes he cry’s and sometimes he will sit there till it is done. We talk about why that choice was wrong then we hug and he goes back to playing. Even at 2 kids understand a loss of privilege. If my 2year old is throwing movies around or doing something he shouldn’t we I let him know if he does it again he will loose the opportunity to do or watch whatever he wanted. He either shapes up or will test the boundaries as children do and then he looses that opportunity and he will cry but we talk about it and he goes on his way to do something else. If he spills something he wants to help clean it up because while he is doing it we tell him he’s doing such a good job or we are so proud of him. That is something we worked on from when he was younger and he actually gets upset if you don’t let him help clean up his own mess. All kids are different so you need to figure out what works for your child and do that. My husband and I talked about this before we had our son so this isn’t a fight we have BUT we sometimes talk through if a repeat problem needs a steeper consequence. We may not agree right away on what we think but ultimately it’s about how our child will learn best/most healthy.
He sounds like a normal 2 year old!
I have no problem with spanking when it’s absolutely needed. That means major issues. And definitely not for a 2 yr old. He’s just learning. Time out is very effective if done right. My husband and I argued over discipline a lot. If you don’t figure it out now their teenage years are going to be horrendous.
I am on the side of your husband. Spanking isn’t violence
If you are against spanking then try the timeout method. The child is still learning what can and can’t be done. One minute per year of the child’s age. Example: 2 year old child hits other child. Ask the child who hit to please don’t hit again because it hurts and it is not a nice thing to do( if child is older you would need to ask why they hit and explain that whatever the other child did to make them upset isn’t something to hit for and they need to tell an adult what the other child did) then tell the child who hit he or she is going to “timeout” to calm down and think about his or her actions that put said child in time out. Set a timer for 2 minutes and tell the child they can’t get up until after the timer goes off and you tell them they can get up. If said child gets up before timer goes off sit child back down and remind them the timer has went off yet. Be consistent with whatever discipline you decide. I hope this helps mama.
Personally because parents stopped spanking I think its the reason why the kids today r so damn bad the kids today do whatever when ever with no consequences time out method don’t do shit show that toddler ur the parent u don’t have to beat him but show him its not ok
For our family we do believe in spanking but not as a first resort. . .
We started with a redirect/distract approach if this didn’t work we would smack their hand not hard just enough to get their attention and if that did work we would swat the butt with a diaper it more hurt their pride.
Now my kids are older and all we do is give them “the look” and they know to straighten up. We have given a hand full of spankings to each but thats about it. But I think you and your husband need to sit down and truly speak on the issue and come to an understanding on how you want to discipline. This is an important topic when you have children.
I have friends who are on opposite pages and their kids run the house because they play the parents. They have no control and its too late to get it once they know how to work the parents:(
Good luck on what yall decide is best for your family:)
Take it from a nana! U better spank that babies butt. When he grows up you will wish u did.
check out the nurtured hearts and conscious discipline approach!!! These are amazing approaches for discipline ! I’ve used them over the years in both my personal and professional life (I’m a child care provider). Good luck to you!
You’re not wrong, he is.
Well there’s a massive difference in a spanking and a beating… apparently what you’re doing isn’t working.
i believe in spanking, but not with your hands. growing up my mom had a special spatula🤣
Honestly you should be taking a parenting class not asking the internet. Everyone parents differently. They give many other alternatives other than spanking. An as a last resort when nothing else works a tap on the butt or hand doesnt hurt no one. If you dont get it under control now the destruction only get worse. Theyre learning their boundries at this age. My ss 10 still behaves like this at his moms screams at her calls her names when in school has to have a babysitter all day bc he dont act right zero respect. She didnt discipline him. He doesnt act that way here an neither does our other 3 that live with us full time.
I don’t believe in spanking. It’s an out dated practice and you’re not actually teaching your child why things are bad. You are physically hurting them therefore instilling fear into them. That’s why they listen to you. So they don’t get spanked. Not because they actually respect you. I studied psychology and physical punishment starting at such a young age has detrimental effects on development. Also he’s 2 brain is still developing. Obvious answer here…use other methods for the love of gawddddd lol we don’t spank our daughter and guess what?? She’s not the spawn of Satan & she actually listens. Talk to your children like actual humans…timeouts work wonders.
Honesty I used to spank my two yr old but he never cared and it didn’t work, so I use the time away method and I tell him "you are going to time away for (whatever the reason-make it short so he understands) sit him on our bottom step and he isn’t allowed up or to talk to me or anything until I tell him his time is up ( 1 minute per age) and so then I get down to his level and tell him again why he was in time away and we don’t do that and he needs to say sorry and we hug it out and that is what I do every single time. But prior to time away I always give ONE warning and say “this is your warning, we do not (whatever it is) or next time you go to time away”. It seriously has been working. It’s time consuming and can get frustrating especially when he tried to used to get up a lot and I’d have to restart the timer each time and replace him back etc but it works wonders for my kiddo!
I only think a little spank is okay if they are putting them self in serious danger and haven’t listened to a no like plug sockets, wires, hot drinks, fires, trying to run into roads ect if his just acting up it’s because his bored tell him no and find something else for him to do avert his attention to something else
Hes two:person_facepalming: we dont plan on spanking until around 4 or 5. If my son does something wrong we tap his hands and his thighs (hurts his feelings more than anything tbh) and tell him what he did wrong and thats a nono. If your husband spanks your son then you whack his ass everytime. Hes TWO.
This is a tough one. But a look at the bigger picture is needed I think. Are you talking about spanking his bare bottom or a lil get your stuff together we don’t act like this pop on his hand? I don’t spank, never have but I’ve redirected with other things, redirection from a parent goes a long way. Is he frustrated, is he bored, is he sleepy? A lot of his acting out can be solved with some attention from the parent. BUT THIS IS ONLY FROM MY PERSPECTIVE. Obviously us moms have no clue what the tone in your house is. Maybe even a little couples counseling for you and your spouse to be able to communicate on the big things while raising your son?
Bust that ass, you’ll be doing him a favor in the long run. That’s what’s wrong with kids now, they arent held accountable
Yes don’t start spanking him because then he will retaliate and start hitting you in return. I would say try the naughty step it works with my son be firm with your voice and don’t let him off until you get an apology and he understands what he did to be on the step x
Co-parenting means it’s not just your decision. You don’t need to beat your child but a hard away on the ass for very bad or repetitively bad things will do him good
Guy is an idiot. And i bet he claims that “hE TuRnEd OuT fInE” too lmao
Swatting him for running in the street and potentially getting killed is acceptable. Stop that right in its tracks. Otherwise, if you’re a GOOD parent, spanking isn’t necessary. Get creative. Only losers put their hands on kids and call abusive behavior “discipline.”
We do natural consequences first, then timeouts, then grounding, then spankings. Sometimes mine do not stop until they get a spanking and it’s like a reset for mine. It basically wakes them up and makes then realize they screwed up. You have to figure out what works for you and your child. A spanking is not the same as “hitting” and “beating” it is on the rear. Also we ALWAYS talk and explain everything to the kids because if you spank them and not explain anything all that does it cause fear not actually teach them what they did was wrong. However, it does teach them after you continue to do it through all the other stages it’s the result. My son doesnt ever get spanked bc timeout and grounding work, my daughter, she is a rebellious soul and we are still tweeking her discipline for what works for her.
I work with children, kids that recieve this behavior also display it. You teach them that its ok to hit if someone isn’t listening or doing what you want. If you’re child is two they are at the age they will try to push their luck because they’re trying to find out their boundaries. Stick to being firm, not giving in, sitting them out or not letting them have a treat because of their behaviour. Make sure to explain this to them in a simple way so that they understand… youre an adult obviously you know hitting a TV or whatever isn’t appropriate but a 2 year old wont understand that, until you teach them that. Stop assuming and expecting kids to know right from wrong and punishing them for simply not understanding.
I believe redirecting an unwanted negative behavior is best. Don’t tell them what they can’t do, but what they can. Most importantly is consistency. I don’t think spanking is a bad thing, but why I believe it’s a last resort.
I was abused physically growing up with belts and switches leaving bloody Mark’s on me. I had depression, anxiety, ptsd, and more as a result. We never spanked our boy and girl and they never got a detention or suspension in school, were law abiding, honor students, one is working on second masters while working full time, both have good jobs and were great kids who did not want to displease us. They respect us. I hated my mother, did not respect her and my family of origin was a violent household. I see students who are angry, hostile, severe behavior issues, disrespectful, violent and bullies who are being spanked or beaten at home. I feel my own upbringing caused me more problems emotionally and mentally as a result of being abused. It leaves a hole in a persons soul for life. I did not want to do that to my own children.
it sounds like your child is seeking more. Try redirecting your child to something else. If they are climbing things find them some gross motor activities to do like obstacle courses, make a safe space for them to climb ect. I agree with you on your thoughts of spanking. Redirecting their behavior usually works best. When they’re getting into something give them something else to do that they willl enjoy.
“i WaS sPAnKeD aNd iM fiNe!”
Spanking is traumatic and stressful for a child who is simply being a child.
First of all this is a loaded question. When my son was young and he just turned six today when he was little I was very firm in my discipline we didn’t do tantrums, and we learned at a very early age that if Mom says not to do something you don’t do it.
As he got older if he got in trouble or he didn’t listen he got his butt whooped.
His Dad tried that whole time out let’s sit down and think about it thing he has no respect for his father, now that he’s six does not want to be at his dad’s he would much rather be with the parent that busted his ass. And now that he’s 6 years old I rarely rarely ever have to get on to him about anything we constantly get compliments at how kind he is and how mature he is and how well he listens and it’s real simple it’s because he has respect and love for his mother.
I am his best friend and he is mine but I’m his mom first and if I tell you not to do something you better not do it out of respect for the fact that I am your mother.
And he knows this, and he tells me all the time how much he loves me and I’m the best mommy in the world because I love my son.
Busting your child’s butt is not abuse folks there is a line between beating your child and abuse and busting your child’s butt and teaching them to have respect.
And if it’s not something that works for you that’s fine if the time out method works for you that’s fine every child is different every household is different every situation is different.
If your child is only two he’s still small but if he’s touching things he doesn’t need to touch a little pop on the hand is not going to kill him… A light pop on the butt which I’m sure he’s still in diapers is not going to kill the child people make such a huge deal out of it and it’s not a huge deal.
if you believe it may be a behavioral issue speak with his doctor, children go through stages of trying to express their feelings and emotions you have to be in tune to that as well my son knows he can talk to his mommy about anything I’m going to listen. It is possible to discipline your child and be there safe place.
Spanking with your hand on the butt is considered okay and not abuse here in indiana.
Theres a wonderful book called no drama discipline that may be of help
We spank and ours is 2 and before anyone starts talking sh*t we do it open hand on the bottom and its a swat not beating the children and its not illegal. My kids will listen the 2dt time when told its called discipline. When my kids was babies i would pop their hands and tell em no my kids knew though why they got swatted or hand smacked.
Just take child by the hand time out for a minute and explain what they did wrong most of all consistency Consistency is the most important thing if it’s bad today it’s bad always it’s never good. Mom and dad had to be on the same page whatever the rules are the rules mom and dad follow them as well no exceptions and then your child will probably do you’d like if not I don’t know Try wash rinse repeat consistency
Also my kids don’t hit and their fine and i turned out fine too. Its not abuse if you spank but if your against it there are books to help
First of all, a pop on the hand isn’t abuse. A pop on the diaper isn’t abuse. Let’s stop with that. Now I would say something like that may be necessary if the behavior is real bad. If you still don’t want to do that then you just be consistent with redirection.
Kids can be very difficult but spanking i would never approve of. Theres other ways to handle the situation without violence. I was spanked as a child and growing up wen someone would piss me off id want to fight them. Not saying its 100% becuz i was spanked as a child but more me seeing violence and was violently disciplined growing up. Hair pulling etc. I would never ever raise my son that way. I would figure out an alternative such as time out or take away his favorite toy or something that means alot to him until he learns to act right. And make it clear why ur taking away the toy and what u expect in behavior from him so he can understand better. Violence is never a good solution just like yelling at a child does nothing but calmly talking in a stern voice would be better. If u constantly yell your kid will learn that behavior just like i did. I still struggle with it but working on myself everyday. I tend to blow up and yell instead of calmly expressing my feelings bcuz i was constantly yelled at as a child. Its damaging.
I got a 2 and half year old ifs hes bad and did something bad like slap me ima slap his ass not hard but enough he can feel it and tell him thats not nice u don’t hit mommy they need a smaxk sometimes to hurt there feelings not to hurt them but I would never beat my kids mind u I have 4 boys lol but a smack won’t hurt ur son juat his feelings
A little tap on the ass ant hurt no one I mean a tap not like hit them hard just so they feel it more like hey u little shit hahah
Throw it back that when your in court because of battering your child… at no level is it ok to use violence on a child of any age. Your got to be totally wrong in the head if you think it’s ok to teach a child breaking a toy is wrong but me battering your arse is ok…
I was spanked as a kid and I turned out just fine, but with my son even at 2 I sat him down got on his level and explained to him that was not ok, I would do that 2 or 3 times and if it continued I would put him in a time out, and if that didn’t work I would smack his hands, and if that didn’t work then I spanked him. But spanking is never my first option its a last resort and honestly after the first couple spankings the talking about it works. Because I let him know where it goes from the talking as well. So he knows that if he continues then his punishment will change. Its not abuse to discipline your child. Abuse is beating them. There is a huge difference!
We have had the same exact argument and I proved him wrong by going over psychological developments during that age. We use time outs and loss of privileges sometimes with toddlers u just gotta help them channel that energy. It works tho my pediatrian said to give him time out by sitting him ony lap and gently hugging him while counting to a min. Cuz he is two but I do it till he seems calmer about 30s. If he doesn’t clean his toys up with mommy then he doesn’t get his tv time. It works but toddlers don’t always understand they just mimic behavior they see. Like my son heard kill on his s dad’s video game and says it for everything but we r working thru that rn lol I was beat as a kid and right now I HV to get bones spurs shaved off from being hit to hard and I Kno a few other ppl that hv to do the same. Don’t hit children they live on emotions especially little ones. Unless it’s over the top like they ran in the street and just one tap so they know hey this is really serious my mom doesn’t spank me usually!
Most parents spank because it’s easier for them. It doesn’t take but two seconds to spank your child. However, it takes longer to explain to them the situation and what they did, and how they could do better next time. My son does things over and over just like this. He broke two 55+ inch flat screens within two weeks of each other because he thought it was okay to hit the people on it (it wasn’t his fault though, it was mounted and I didn’t think about him hitting it). He also stands on chairs 24/7 I’m constantly talking to him about everything he’s doing and he learned the key words from our talks. Now when I say “Blaze, sit on your buns please,” he understands to sit down. He understands the word “down” even when I use it for other things like when he climbs.
Idk how old he is but I also have a boy he gets into everything and anything he gives zero ducks but anyways he goes to therapy we only do redirecting to other stuff and chill.out time with mommy on the couch I works so good I’d give that a try but please no spanking
I spanked my kids and they turned out just fine… just remember this… you need to teach them young because if you don’t then they turn into aholes and the rest of the world will have to deal with that ahole when he meets the real world!
YOU are not wrong. i bought myself a copy of 123Magic, recommended by the ped. Another really great one I’m reading currently is How To Talk so Little Kids will Listen. & im appreciating all of the insight it’s given me already. I’ve only gotten through the first chapter so far . After I started to read 123Magic & came to my own realization that this could actually help, i knew there had to be a conversation with my husband. I knew i did not have all the time & energy to break down the book to him. And I also knew that he may have had own ideas that also deserve to be heard. So I bought him a copy also. both for about $5 each, used off ebay. I knew my daughter was going to need for her parents to respect each other & to be consistent with the approach to discipline. It was not easy getting him to read the book either. But I had to explain where I was coming from & give him the benefit of the doubt to come to his own conclusion. Your husband sounds a little more extreme than mine. & Im not sure how productive it would be if you explained to him that, if he really needed to have his own temper tantrum, he’s gotta figure out another way to maneuver it, especially regarding his children. What does he exactly think a spanking is going to teach them in the long run
I never spanked my kids. No need to.
Give him other avenues to get his energy out. If it is not raining or snowing take him to the park to play, make sure he has a schedule during the day. Such as set meal times, play time, calm time, and sleep. He is just young he is trying to expel his extra energy towards exploring his house, and being naughty for reactions. I know it can be hard to make a schedule for your child, but you will see a massive improvement if you do get him on one. Especially if you take him places he is allowed to burn his energy, and play his little heart out. Even going on walks in the park, collecting “treasures” can help him. I know this answer might not fit spanking or not spanking, but I do believe it will solve the issues so that topic won’t be an issue.
You have to do what YOU feel is right for YOUR situation. But you and your OH need to come to some kind of agreement or there will be bigger issues than spanking your kid.
I found with my daughter that talking to her…not yelling, respecting her as her own person…not a child, being honest with her, and using blackmail and bribery when necessary worked a treat! She’s 15 now. Intelligent, talented, kind, popular and very switched on.
I have smacked her once in all those years, and I did that because as a toddler she kept hitting me when she was angry, so I warned her that as I didn’t hit her in anger, she shouldn’t hit me.
And I kept warning her that if she carried on, one day she would be big enough to take one back. She wouldn’t know when, but one day I would hit her as hard as she was hitting me and we could carry on and see who wins. Eventually when she was about 5/6, she kicked me one day when she was mad, so I slapped her on the legs. She never hit me again!
You can guide and teach without hitting. It’s honestly really stupid if you think about it making your kid cry just because your mad and impatient about teaching your kid rules and respect. It’s not really teaching him not to hit the tv because it’s not safe and can hurt him it just teaches him that he can’t do it cause YOU’LL hurt him. Do you want fear to really be what makes him listen to you
Also sounds like he needs activities to wear him out, i have to do it with my 3 year old or he gets into everything, turns his ears off and becomes a little tornado
There is a line between spanking and abuse. I have paddled my kids from a young age to where they understand when they do something wrong thats what happens. Now that their older we have resorted to other things besides spanking. I grew up in a home where i was spanked and abused and i wish i had been spanked more…i was awful as a kid…a two yr old is at that age where they need to right from wrong. Spanking isnt for everyone hit it worked for me. Spanking IS NOT violence. Maybe if more of these kids now a days had gotten spankings they wouldnt behave the way they do
Give him (your husband) a clatter every time he argues with ya and see what he thinks then.
If it hasn’t already been suggested, check out the group Gentle Parents Unite, it’s an incredible resource on how to understand and work with your child when it comes to things like expectations and “discipline” and NO PHYSICAL PUNISHMENTS!
I spank my 1 1/2 year old after I have told him no many times but I always start with a small pop but not hard enough to hurt him just to scare him and it works I’m a 100% believer in spanking
We try time out first before spanking.
I talk first punishment second(take something away) if they do it a 3rd time the get a spanking because at that point they know what they’re doing is wrong and knowingly being disobedient
I dont the think there’s anything wrong with spanking a child. My parents spanked me and im great. My two year old gets spanked when she needs it.
I wish that those who suggested to spank the child would do some studying on child development and the brain development of a two year old. Literally abusing an innocent and defenseless kid because they’re not behaving the way you want. Unreal.
It’s a bit funny, too, that toddlers act out when they’re being under stimulated or feeling a lack of affection/attention and also when they are feeling big feelings that they don’t know how to regulate.
And you’re further impacting their ability to properly regulate emotions, causing them to be afraid of you and not trust you and you are showing your kid anger and violence is the solution.
P.S. They aren’t doing a damn thing wrong for having big feelings, destroying stuff, you name it. They need help not harm.
Don’t get mad when your child grows up to be unable to regulate emotion and often acts out as a form of rebellion.
I’m saying this because I actively study this area.
Scaring your kid into listening isn’t teaching them a thing. Your kids brain isn’t even properly responding when you’re yelling and spanking them because their fight or flight kicked in and they are running on adrenaline.
Educate yourself, for your kid(s). It’s literally the least you can do in fact it is expected of you. Know better, do better.
Do better.
Don’t spank him. U know its wrong. The research all says not to. With my 2.5 year old I started short time outs for when he ignores when I say no or does something serious. Otherwise I usually take away whatever thing he’s misusing. You just have to be consistent. If he is hitting the TV when it’s on a show he likes i turn it off. Tell him no. Move him away and if he’s not crying I explain why u can’t hit the TV. If he goes and does it again he goes for time out. He stopped after like 3 times.
Just ignore the negative behaviors, praise the positive.
Im a firm believer in the flip flop second i go to take it off everyone behaves
There’s a huge difference between spanking your child and beating them. I was spanked, and I learned to respect my grandparents. But, I know in this day and age, you can get cps called for just looking at your child the wrong way
Spanking comes from YOUR frustration as a parent. Not because it’s an actual lesson for your kid. Lazy parenting.
I don’t agree with spanking. I HIGHLY recommended 1,2,3 magic. 2 is a perfect age to start, it’s all about being consistent. My boys are pretty great when I follow it like I should. And they listen to my husband basically perfectly lol.
When he does something that he shouldn’t just take him and try to do something else with him … if you keep saying “no” non stop in this age it won’t work as he will go and do it again because they have a big curiosity. It workes with my 2 years old son perfect like this. I noticed when I say to him no all the time he will get so curious and he will do it, or he will do it just to have my attention. Of course when is something dangerous or harmful you should react but no spanking.
Won’t ever hit my child. That’s lazy parenting.
If you hit an adult, it’s domestic abuse…
If you hit an animal, it’s animal abuse…
Why would hitting a child be any different? It’s child abuse and should very much be against the law
Do timeouts and take away his favorite things. Will be mad but it works
So me and my husband agree. That cause I’m the one that’s home we discipline my way. I do take into account his suggestion and do them as well but when I’m the one at home 24/7 with my kiddo and my husbands gone at work 2 weeks on 2 days off. I have to be the one that’s always to do the discipline so we usually go with my way. Makes things easier than.
You should check out some medical articles on what a child of that age is capable of developmentally. If you did, you would never lay a hand on that baby