Wait till you hear what he whispers to himself when he’s j*cking off
I say pick your battles because this sure shouldn’t be one of them. 7.5 years is a long time and if that’s your only complaint then you should feel blessed. I’ve called my husband a bitch behind his back and to his face lol (jokingly but I’ve still done it) and I’m sure he’s done the same to me behind my back because welp I have my moments and we have been together for almost 9 years. He is a respectful, caring man that loves me and he’s never said it to my face being serious that is even tho I’m sure he’s wanted to but even if he did, we would discuss it like adults if need be.
girl be mad then get over it. It’s not like he cheated that would be another thing.
I am a b word, so… it wouldn’t surprise me.
Um who hasn’t done this to or about their s/o?? I mean honestly everyone says things they don’t mean when angry nothing worth getting your panties in a bunch over. I’ve called my husband of 20yrs names every now an again when he pisses me off and I know he does the same thing when he is mad at me. It’s human nature it’s not the end of the world. I think you need to grow up an out your big girl panties on otherwise you’ll be getting upset at every little thing he says or does. You’re really ridiculous with this.
Well ik I’m a b word and if he called me that apparently I was probably being so and 90 out of 100 I definitely being one
Kenzie Henderson could you imagine being upset cause Shawn called you a B word…
Why make a mountain out of a mole hill, pick your battles and have a happier life.
Sounds like he was just expressing rather than actually saying it behind your back, more respectful then actually saying it to you… behind your back would be going around telling people you are a Bitch.
I’m sure we have all been called that by our significant others, whether it was to your face or behind your back. Idgaf lol because I call him that too
I know I am a bitch… All strong women are!! But if my significant other calls me a bitch, the context is going to matter. If I’m told that I’m acting like a bitch, well, maybe I am! Time to look inward. If he calls me a bitch simply because we disagree, then I’m going to call him on it. If he called me a bitch in the way you described, I’d totally ignore it because he’s pissed and he wasn’t exactly being disrespectful… He was talking to himself in a moment of frustration. Context and intent are everything.
Mines called me this and I pat myself on the back.Let it go.If this is the wise he’s said,then you’re lucky
I mean… it could have been worse.
Would u rather him he say it to your face?
Let him have his alone thoughts and get tf over it. I’m sure you are a B sometimes and he probably is too. Be glad he has enough respect for you not to cuss you out and call you a B to your face.
I call my husband names all the time behind his back
I call my husband an asshole all the time! Lol
You’ve been called worse behind your back. It’s life and you will get over it. I’m pretty sure you’ve done the same
Eh, we can all be cunts at times. I think it’s funny
He was talking/venting to himself it’s not like he was talking bad about you to friends or family. Let it go!!
When I was little I asked my Dad what sob means bc that’s what Mama calls him
I call mines a B too
Omg he was frustrated and was talking to himself…
So you’ve never uttered something under your breath about him?
It’s none of our business what other people’s opinions are of us.
He had enough respect for you not to say it to your face. Let it go.
You’ve never said something nasty in the heat of the moment? Never thought anything rude?
My boyfriend and I have ran out of names to call each other and make up new ones🤣
It is what it is. Maybe that is what he was feeling at the time. Let him vent and don’t even mention it❤️
People say things that they don’t mean when they are angry. You are making a big deal out of nothing.
As long as my husband doesn’t put stupid in front of it I don’t care
Oh no not the b word Get a grip!!
The b word…woah!!! Come on now. I doubt that is the first time he just got caught this time. Lighten up.
But were you being one is the real question
I mean he was frustrated and venting to himself. what do you expect.
Oh my Lord let it go and move there is worse things in the world to worry about. Unlike being called the b word. Like it’s just a word and you were probably being one in that moment! Also never not answer each other’s phone calls especially when mad tomorrow is not promised js
Oh goodness, it’s just a name, people vent and I’m sure he has called you worse under his breath before.
I don’t think this would bother me. He was talking to himself. He didn’t say it to you. Heck maybe he was calling another driver the b word. I’d let it go.
You’ve never called him one in over 7 years??
Jose D. Angulo meanwhile my husband is blocked
Lol my boyfriend calls me the B word and I call him an lazy asshole we been together for almost 5 years lol
At least it wasn’t to your face
Everyone calls everyone names behind their backs🤷♀️ I wouldn’t worry about it. When he pisses you off, do you not call him an a$$hole behind his back?
Why did you reject his call?
He was talking to himself. HIMSELF is the keyword. He was angry and upset obviously and it’s healthier to get it out. He didn’t look you in the face and call you a bitch. He wasn’t out with his friends and telling others you were a bitch. He said it alone. Grow up
Lol my husband calls me names all the time
How weird to complain. Are you 4? Adults cuss lady
I wouldn’t i would confront him sure its not the first but it would be the last
Get petty leave him a vmail calling him a c**t bahahaha
Sometimes I act like the B word and my husband calls me out on it and straight up calls me that but I also call him an a**hole also
He was talking to himself that is not talking behind your back… You’re being a little OTT.
It’s totally normal lol let it go. He’s just expressing himself by himself. He’s not saying to your face to make you feel bad and he isn’t telling other people that’s how he feels about you. It’s just like exclaiming “F#CK!” After stubbing your toe. I do it all the time and so does my husband. We both admitted it but would never say it in a harmful way to each other or to another person to make our partner look bad.
Ashleigh Steel Donna Fuller
My spouse and I have been together for 12 years and never have we fought so much as to get that mad.
Everyone accepting this as an oh well situation has a rough relationship.
How can it be ok to be called names in a relationship? Why should she just get over it?
More importantly, why are you guys in a relationship were being called names is fine?
Are you married, or is he a boyfriend…
Not to be rude but, my guess is it’s not the first time. He just got caught
Are you for real? If this isn’t a joke, suck it up, that’s small beans, you should hear my hubby and I😂 I’d just turn around and call him out on it and call him a little b$&ch for not saying it to your face🤷🏼♀️
Y’all are exhausting - To think calling her a Bsh is okay or normal!!! Ain’t no way!!!
It’s a voicemail. He most likely was just frustrated and thought he was having a private moment to vent.
People need to vent or we would all just explode.
Girl me and my hubby have been married 8 years if he called me a bitch I would prob take it as a compliment at this point get over it
Girl, you’ll be okay lmao.
Call him something back and show him how it feels
I suggest c*nt
Maybe because it’s a pet name for mine
Lmao call mine names all the time
Maybe next time don’t ignore the phone call?
Ummm…you’ve never called him an ass behind his back! He was by himself, he was annoyed, who cares. He’s human.
Are you one? A B word that is?
It would be easier for me to tell you what names my husband hasn’t called me!
Your lucky it wasn’t me I would of called you a lot worse. Next time dont be a c*^t and take the call.
i Guarentee you he has called you a bitch before behind your back lol u just didn’t know about it.
Then Be The BADDEST Bit*h! Own that shit boo
I am a btch. So being called one is not offensive. I can’t imagine how you’d act if you heard what everyone in your life says behind your back. I think she’s a bit sensitive.
If it barks like a dog, it’s a dog.
Sometimes someone says something out of frustration. Think about it being in his shoes. If you called him and he didn’t answer wouldn’t that have upset you? You would have said something out of frustration too.
What you need to do here is decide if you’re going to let what he mumbles to himself bother you. If he was saying it to someone else, I would understand you being upset… but he was muttering to himself. Now, before you think that I agree with being called names… my last husband turned out to be crazy as a loon. He would have his little fuse lit over Heaven knows what, and he would cuss me up one side and down the other… and call me the filthiest names you ever heard in your life. Then he started throwing things as well. I left. For good. So I don’t agree with name calling at all. But there’s a vast difference between being screamed at for no reason… and being muttered about while thinking out loud, to nobody. But if that’s unacceptable too-and only you can decide that-let him know you heard it… tell him you didn’t like it… and see what he says. Then move on from there. He’ll either watch it from then on… or he will say it to your face… after which you will have to react accordingly.
Are you a B though? What did you do?
After 7.5 years, if a simple noun would be grounds for this kind of upset, I’d say there have been issues long before this and you either get professional therapy for your relationship or call it quits.
He was frustrated, thought the connection had been broken, and vented a little. Better he blow off steam that way than bottle it up and possibly have a worse ending. I’ve called my husband much worse behind his back when I was pissed at him, but never to his face.
He’s allowed to feel how he wants to feel, just because you were able to get a glimpse in a moment of him not being able to hide it, doesn’t mean he wasn’t hurt or pissed in that moment. I’ve called my husband an asshole to myself, and to his face. To me, I feel like you need to let it go.
Don’t act like you have never called your husband a name in your head before.
People vent. I doubt you’ve never said something about him while you were alone or thought it in your head. Now if he said it to you while you were fighting, then maybe I could see the issue. If he called you that in front of someone then definitely an issue. But people vent. If they didn’t we would probably all explode
Girl, don’t be sad about getting called a bitch. OWN IT!! Roll it off your shoulders, love.
My youngest sons father only calls me a bitch when I’m being a bitch
Okay, so I get it. The first time my husband (boyfriend at the time) said something like that it broke my heart. 9 years later, we don’t call each other names (to each others faces), but I KNOW we have said some things to ourselves. Mention to him that it hurt you and talk about it. Communicate! These things will happen. Marriage will do that to ya. But there’s always room for respect.
How many times have you called him a name under your breath when he has made you really mad? It’s not nice and people shouldn’t do it but sometimes your temper gets away from the best of us. It doesn’t mean we don’t still love or care about the person and it doesn’t mean we don’t regret it later. If you think he loved you and you love him move on with your life.
Mannn these mfs and I boxed it out Tf is that bitch gonna do
Talk it out and work through it.
I am sure every relationship has these moments. I can definitely be a b word to my husband sometimes without trying but sometimes I’m just one because I can be one when I’m upset and I don’t try to. Just talk to
About it
You just let it go. It is obviously hurtful to hear that but in every relationship each person has been upset at the other for something and thought was a ass**** or what a bit** or something alike. I’m sure u hv thought the sane thing at some point especially since being together that long. I would simply let him know you heard him and it hurt ur feelings then move on and try to work out what made him upset in the first place or you upset and both move on.
You were never meant to hear it, and he was talking to himself. Not like he was badmouthing you to anyone else. This is so funny lol if you’ve been together 7 years and this is as bad as it gets
What hasn’t my ex husband called me when we was married He was reacting to you rejecting his call, which in my book is childish. He was venting to himself. We all do it and I bet you thought bad words before.
My husband literally just called me a b!tch today, for tired and cranky.
You’ll live.
Come on!!! We all have done the same, and not just about our partner.
He was talking to himself , not a big deal
It isn’t like he was calling you names behind your back to someone else. He was frustrated and called you a name to himself, it’s really no different than thinking it to himself🤷🏽♀️
Had he called you names in conversation with someone else, then yes that’d be an issue. He should never disrespect you like that, but mumbling a name to himself is not a big deal.
Tell him how it made you feel, and accept that you declining his call made him feel a certain way too. So each of you are upset and need to communicate that.
Don’t let something so trivial come between you. If it upsets you so bad, you may want to ask yourself what the real issue is. Sounds like a lot more than this has been building up and you picked this to let it all out on.
My ex called me a bitch, a cunt, a piece of shit, & everything in between to my face. Part of the reason I just left him.
Just knock him out… and then when he’s on the floor crying say… “who’s the bitch now, bitch!”
Bradley Houghton you think I’m SENSITIVE don’t call me bad words behind my back anymore or I’m going viral
Shit eh, my bf calls me a bitxh everyday
I mean…were you BEING a bïtch?
He couldve been calling you beautiful
I call my man a bitch and a dumb ass on the regular! Lol he does the same shit to me. But he has never done it out of anger so idk lol. I’m also not sensitive at all so idgaf
I mean, you did reject the call. 💁🏼♀🤏🏼🤷🏼♀
LMAO, I’m Irish, Russian, German and Indian… My other half is Scottish. We call each other names every time we get mad… I call him and asshole to my friends and he knows it, I haven’t got him a shirt that says best asshole husband ever
Get over it … you admitted to sending him to voice-mail just saying
that wasn’t a " nice person " thing to do .
I’m not saying what you did was wrong . Heck send him to voice mail if you need time to chill. So you don’t say something you might regret . But you can’t complain about him thinking and or saying something cause of it.
I imagine it hurt your feelings because I to have been with my SO for a long time, over 10 years and he has never once called me a name. Not out loud anyways. If he did, it would upset me regardless of what word he chose to use because he has never done it before. But it’s no reason to create an even bigger argument. If it bothers you, mention to him that it upset you without coming at him. He was likely just venting to himself out loud and if he hasn’t called you this or even worse before, he probably never meant for you to ever hear it. Every one of us can be a bitch at times whether we think we are coming off that way or not. Regardless of the situation, he can vent out loud if he wants too and think whatever he wants to about you or the situation and express that frustration. Nobody is perfect