My spouse called me a bad word behind my back: Thoughts?

Get over it, I’m sure u would have felt the same :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:this isn’t even a problem … Chose ur battles & this one isn’t even worth it…


Well sounds like you were being one


Oh hunny if that’s the worst he says then your doing great and he didn’t say it to your face!! My husband and I call each other names all the time and to each other’s face!! :joy::joy: Its a great game after being together 18 yrs​:grin: I would be worried if we didnt call each other names!! :rofl:


Brandon Garcia don’t be talking about me behind my back :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::crazy_face:

I think all relationships have these moments. I know I’m a bit** and he knows I am. I call myself one so if he calls me one its not going g to hurt my feelings. I just say thanks for noticing. But also let him know that he’s a huge a** as well.

Nobody can call me a bitch and hurt my feelings

Let it go. Most likely you were being a bitch and it happens. You’ve never been called that before? That’s being overly sensitive. Seriously get over it. Man up, grow some balls and stand up for yourself, instead of coming on Facebook whining like my 13 year old. I’ve been together with my now husband for 12 years and I’ve been called a bitch plenty of times. 99% of the times yes, I was being a bitch. I didn’t sit there and sulk over it. Stand up for yourself for gods sake. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Lol ffs :woman_facepalming:t3: for real . We got woman with men having full out affairs , spending the family funds leaving their families in gnarly deficits… and you’re on here butthurt for being called the
“ B-Word” seriously
Girl I wish I only had those problems lol :joy:


I mean there’s always bad situations to not accept this but if I’m angry at my husband and he walks away I usually flip him off and call him a fkn C U n t behind his back. Or if we’re on the phone and he’s pi’s*** me off I’ll hang up and go on a rant about what a douche he is…
We’ve been married 6 years together 12 years. I’m sure he’s cussed me out too :rofl: it’s pretty normal
What’s not normal is if it’s all the time if he puts hands on you if he belittles you etc
Don’t be too upset or take too much out of it. He could of been having a bad day or been upset at you or was flustered.
Talk to him give him the opportunity to discuss. Otherwise it’s not a big issue to have a fight over :heart:

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Hahahahahahahahaha oh my I can’t…my husband has said that to my face and I just respond yup I sure am. Words are words. After 13 years we try to come up with new words…I call him a mantard douchebag.


Girl :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:
Just … G I R L

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Oh sweet summer child.

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Damn you could not be with a hispanic man. My hubby and I talk shit to eachother all the time, don’t take it personal you were probably acting like one. :rofl::rofl:

Be proud you have a relationship where he hasn’t said it to your face. He respects you THAT MUCH. I guarantee you’ve been one, we all have. You heard a moment He thought he was alone and he needed that moment. If you want to bring it up Tell him you heard him, and it surprised you because you hadn’t heard it before but you understand he was upset. If you can’t wrap your head around that he has feelings too you’ll continue to push him away. Your hurt about something he thought to himself when he was alone does not trump his frustration. I’m sure you’ve thought your own hurtful thoughts at some point in your head, but you held back from saying them. Find understanding or be alone. You’re not a princess and he is not supposed to pretend to be a perfect human to make you happy.


Hubby and I call each other names to each other face and it’s worked for us we :joy: about it

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He was talking to himself after you had a disagreement. You didn’t answer his call. What he did is called venting to himself. No one else. We have all done it. If he had said it to a mate… different story. But to himself…your making a big deal over nothing


:blush::joy::joy::joy::rofl::blush: people have nice problems lol

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Call him an asshole and move on good lord…

He was talking to himself, not you.
And if the truth be known, you probably acting like a bword.
I would just discuss it with him, however I don’t really understand the problem, we all act like bitc*** at times, get over it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Shoot I know I’m a bitch lol. At first it’ll bother you and then you’ll get tired of it and realize you deserve better.

He wasn’t talking behind your back, he was talking to himself, you made it sound as if you overheard him saying mean things about you to a friend


Wait. We are supposed to do it behind their back?! I’ve been doing it all wrong for 20 years!!! :joy::joy::joy:


30seconds to get over it, forever to laugh about it. Seriously? :woozy_face::joy:


Seriously??? I’d hate to see how you would react if you actually had a real life problem. Grow the hell up.


You need recovery time because your husband spoke to himself calling you a B? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


That’s being polite!!!


First world problems

Like you don’t call him names behind his back?
Example: he’s being such a dick rn. Or he’s such an asshole… but I love him :unamused::roll_eyes: or what a douchebag.

Lol grow up. You can’t tell me that no one has said these things or similar at one point or another lol

:joy: brilliant sometimes being called a bixth is needed :ok_hand:
Also get over it you have probably said worse behind his back


:rofl::rofl: how precious! You are a lucky girl if that’s the extent of it. Maybe you could take a look at your behaviour if he’s too scared to tell you to your face!


Wow is all I can really say to this post. Honestly are u for real


Lmfao omg are these the bigger issues these days? I dealt with it by saying ur a asshole lmao

I wonder how he would feel having him plastered over Facebook for calling you a name in a moment of frustration? I wonder how long he will take to get over it??? :thinking:


Ok so, my husband & I have been together going on 22 years. In all those years, I know for a fact that I’ve called him some horrible things…to myself & to him. He’s definitely said some shitty things to me, too, but I’m absolutely worse about it. Thing is, it’s always just me venting frustration/anger. I never truly believe those things about him…well, maybe in those few seconds of venting…but they aren’t how I genuinely feel about him & same for him. We’re grown adults, so we understand that people can sometimes say things they don’t necessarily mean in a moment of anger. Considering you’ve never heard him say anything like this before, it sounds like he does a pretty good job of venting any frustration he has to himself. As long as he isn’t bottling issues up & he comes to u at some point to talk about stuff that bothers him, I don’t see the problem here. U weren’t meant to hear that. Maybe he has enough respect for u to not say such things around u? I don’t know, this is all just my personal opinion…but I definitely don’t think this is something to start a fight over since u weren’t even supposed to hear it. We’re all human & say lots of stuff we don’t really mean when angry.

That’s him being polite. I know for a fact my man gets fed up with my shit sometimes and calls me names to himself when I’m walking away.:joy: sometimes being called a b!tch is called for and a reality check​:joy:

Well hell should I be offended that my husband call me a bitch to my face? He also uses words like you psycho put the crow bar down and don’t you even dare smash my windows, also enjoys telling me how much of a dirty slut I am and slaps me from time to time while we are doing the deed. :joy:

That’s Mrs. B*&#^ to you sir. Lol. I take it you have never called him a name to his face of behind his back. Everyone has to vent, the fact he has never said it to your face is a nice gesture I guess. Take some deep breathes it isn’t the end of the world.

I call my husband asswipe behind, Infront, on the side, on top of him etc. We both laugh and forget about it. Bottom line, if you want to fight, pick your battle wisely. Never fight over the little things that you can easily forgive. Plus before you judge him, look to see your actions, were you being a B?

Maybe he was just venting so he doesn’t sound rude when he does come talk to you

I simply remind him that while I may be a b*tch, I’m the pick of the whole damn litter! (And, yes, I have the t-shirt). :joy:

You ladies in these comments are priceless :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

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Omg I love being called a bitch, super bitch is even better lol

Really!!! How old are you??? Show him your receding. Set a boundary. Move on.

You got into an argument. He called you and you refused to answer the call. Yeah, he got frustrated cause he wanted to talk and you refused.

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I mean was he wrong tho ?

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God people really normalising being called a bitch wow

Mine has called me a mega “b” or the wonderful “c” word since day 1 :woman_shrugging:… 9 years later I’d have a heart attack if he called me babe.


I can my wife s bitch , she tells I’m a duck head, I still love hurt and she still loves me. Remember stick and stones may break you but words will never me. I’m pretty sure you have said some shit in return . Shit happen. Like the sun goes up and it goes down . Tomorrow is anther day.

Like you haven’t called him a name before. Like you have never slagged him off to a mate. Like you have never got into an argument and said some harsh things

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Seriously you two had an argument and he wanted to talk. You decided to act like a child and ignore him. He got frustrated and he said b!tch. I’m sure you have said worse behind his back. Put your big girl panties on and get over it.

L…mfao… if you’re not already married… please don’t make it official… I’ve called my husband every name I can think of…as he’s called me the same… 15 years into this relationship… and we’re just fine. If you can’t handle this… go find someone else…:rofl::rofl::rofl: #thisisajokeright


Maybe calling you a bitch was a compliment?? :thinking:

I’ve been talked about way worse you’ll be OK :sob::woman_shrugging:t5:

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Lmao if that’s the worse he has done consider yourself lucky. He was frustrated at least he was talking to himself and not someone else. I’ve never let it bother me. Hopefully it won’t take you too long to get over it


If he only called you one bad word in 7.5 years, count you’re blessings.! Not worth getting upset about. Nobody is a Saint .


I do have problems with name calling but b word is not a problem lol at least not for me same as me calling him and as hole. When you are mad is hard to hold back the anger and frustration. However you are only married 7 years give it other 7 and you want even care to argue so name calling will disappear lol. As you get older you develop communication skills witch it seems both of you need. That skill will come with age . And with age comes wisdom so you will pick witch battles are worth standing your ground for.

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My boyfriend has never, and would never. The man worships the ground I walk on.


Play it back to him. Make a joke of It, remind him
That this bishhhh keeps him on his toes :nail_care:t2:, Which is prolly why he loves you! :yellow_heart:


Good grief woman he was just venting grow up let it go .wasn’t actually saying to you .bet we have all said worse under our breath


Sorry but You sound like a snowflake. Get a grip everyone gets pissed at their spouses & calls them names once in a while :joy:


Come on jerry sure you can think of bigger dramas no wonder your show got axed


Have you never called ypur husband a name behind his back? I’m sure you have but won’t admit it. If you can’t handle being called a bitch, you need to get tougher skin. He tried to call you and you would not answer.

Don’t let it get to you he didn’t call it to your face because he didn’t want to upset you and probably because he cares he would not

You have honestly never called him anything in your head? He thought he was alone. He was letting out frustration after a fight. Do you really want to make this a bigger deal than it needs to be? If he died tomorrow would you remember he called you a B or would you remember you were mad at him? Talk it out and get over it.


So you don’t think people are allowed to vent? You never say anything to yourself out of anger you wouldn’t say to someone’s face?? Boy he’s got his hands full. Delete the damn message and move on.

It’s just a word and he’s human and can have feelings and emotions. Be grateful he was respectful enough not to say it to your face. So drop it, let it go and move on. This is childish, petty and immature behavior on your part.


My boyfriend done that to me and I laughed about it because I really hit a nerve :joy::joy:🫶🏽

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At least he has enough respect for you that he doesn’t call you names like that out of anger.

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Are you serious? What are you 10


Seriously? You had to ask this question. It’s not even a bad word. Grow up


Lord I call my husband so much behind his back and I’m sure he calls me the same. I would NOT let it bother me. If anything it was nice to say it behind your Back then to your face I guess… he was venting to himself :woman_shrugging:t2:

You ignored his phone call. You were being a bitch. Can’t fault a guy for being right.

You were both having an argument… both have feelings that matter, talk it out and move on fgs, far more serious things to worry about x

I use bad words to his face, to me its no big deal you get over it…

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my ex called me worse than that hun count urself lucky

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Damn I’ve called my wife that a few times over the years

Id let it be. I’m sure you’ve said things about him out of anger when he wasn’t there.

The horror :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

Let it go :rofl:


i found out my spouse has/had been badmouthing to me sober and drunk to some of his friends. im not really over it, its been over 6 months. im trying to calm his drinking, but he does it when sober too. Its almost a childish behavior honestly :[

Lol! If the shoe fits….

You need to get yourself a sense of humor. You WERE being a bitch by rejecting his call. Also, you wanted to piss him off when you rejected the call and you did. You got what you wanted.

It can be hurtful. I’ve been with my husband for 14 years and he has never once called me outside of my name. I would talk to him about it. Let him know your feelings. If you don’t communicate, the situation will become much bigger.


Are you for real girl :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:


he said it to himself?

Me and my husband have so much love for eachother I call him an ahole he call me A bi*. If we could have put it in our vows would have haha


Let me guess, you are the PERFECT wife and don’t call him an a@@hole behind his back EVER! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


This isn’t real right? You can’t be that soft. He’s probably called you worse lol


While it probably wasn’t nice to hear the fact he said it behind ur back in a moment of temper n not to your face shows he clearly still has love n respect for you


Lol…I give my husband the finger behind his back sometimes. No biggie


Behind your back?? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

So what y’all having for breakfast this morning??? :grin::grin::grin:


I drew a dick with mustard on my husband’s sandwich so he could literally EAT A DICK! I was pretty upset with him but still we find humor in our darkness

Mine done this so I just called him a c#nt and got on with my day :rofl::rofl:


I mean, I call my kids ass holes behind their back. Does that make me awful? It’s not your business what someone else thinks of you. He’s allowed to be frustrated. Abuse is such a wife range of things… this, this is the most appropriate way to get out those frustrations… when you’re alone. You haven’t ever said anything similar? I’ll bet you have. He just didn’t over hear it.

Chantelle Murray ahahahahaha

Well… were you being a bitch? You wasn’t clear. :joy:

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You did reject his call, so there’s that! Maybe he was calling to apologize?! Now you will never know! That does sound kind of bitch-ish! :woman_shrugging:

so you are saying, if you tried calling him & he refused to answer, after a bad fight, You wouldn’t also call him a name ??? He didn’t say it to your face or to anyone else, He was just talking to himself !

He “ESSENTIALLY” called you a b¡Tch??? What did he actually say?? So he, even when talking to himself, didn’t call you a b¡Tch??? Only essentially??? Sheesh. Toughen up. Stop acting like a lil b¡Tch… :muscle::muscle:


I’ve said worse to the face :smile::joy:.

Well you did reject his call…