My spouse called me a bad word behind my back: Thoughts?

I know that in the past 3 years I have been with my fiance there have been plenty of times where he was being a jerk and I said to my sister that he is an a** hole or being a f’ing pr*ck, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t call anyone when he is pissed off at me because we are totally different people, but the one time he did call me a bitch to my face it hurt ALOT more than I thought it should lol I think this is one of those things you have to let go… like he obviously didn’t mean to say it TO YOU, and EVERYONE should be allowed to express their anger while alone, and at least he wasn’t talking to someone else and saying bad things about you or worse cheating… so u just need to realize we can all be difficult at times and sometimes you just have to let things go.

Every man has called or referred to his SO as a btch at one time or another when they’re pissed. I’ve called my ex a btch because he’s a bigger b*tch than any woman can be! :wink::joy::woman_shrugging:

To himself?!! Bitch please

It’s not really a big deal. I find it hard to believe that within the 7.5 years y’all have been together that you haven’t called him an ass or a douche or anything else “bad”. There’s WAY worse he could have called you…trust me.

You poor poor thing, every time I’m called a b!+(h I smile and say “I know, I got it from my momma and grandma :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:” I’m sorry his comment hurt your feelings but its probably not the first time he’s said it, just the first you have heard.


OMG…get over it…geeees

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Were you being a B#+@h? We all have to be one now and then just to get our point across. Wear it like a badge of honor.


Seriously you got called a bitch one time in 7 years by someone talking to their self I’ve been called a bitch to my face once a week not worth crying over

First of all the question is how did you get that information and from whom?? What someone tells someone else about you as none of your concern. And so what if he called you the B word maybe you were acting like that maybe he thought you were acting like that who knows get over it there’s worse things way worse things to worry about on this planet and being called a B word… I mean that’s my middle name and I stand on that lol don’t be so fragile ma’am

This is a joke right :thinking::joy:

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I said stop acting like one :joy::skull:

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That happened to me one time! My husband and I were arguing and I thought I hung the phone up and I said some bad things about him!!! I love my husband very much butt I also was very mad at him and thought he would never know butt he called me back and let me know!!! I learned a lesson that day make sure the phone is hung up lol no never say anything about anyone you would not say to them or want them to know

Thoughts run deeper than words so hang up the phone miss goody to shoe

Well you did ignore his call. So I am assuming and only assuming y’all were already in a disagreement so emotions are tend to be flared up. But he said it to himself it would be the same thing as if he said it in his head. And maybe you were acting like one. Stop looking for arguments and look for understanding…

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I’d play it back to him

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Omg get it over it’s not a big deal stop making a mole hill into a mountain, really everyone has their moment ! If it make you feel better call him a bad word then move on


If you’re being a B then you’re being a B.

I feel as though you are lucky to have a man respect you enough to not say it to your face or to someone else (if that’s the case). Him blowing off steam productively in the moment and not leaving you a ranting voice mail is freaking fantastic :sweat_smile:. It’s technically not behind your back because he isn’t sitting there with a friend bitching about you.

Oh for crying out loud he was just venting

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Grow tfu the dude was probably venting cause you acting like a B


Don’t worry we all call are wife’s a B every now and again. You shouldn’t upset us . Its life we still love them.

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Y’all are weird. :upside_down_face: It shouldn’t be considered normal having ur partner call you out your name. Him not actually saying it to her face is the bare minimum of respect.

Just because ur ok getting called names by ur partner, doesn’t mean she has to be. :raised_hand:t4:


I wish I had your husband if that’s all he’s ever done in 7 5 years be grateful


It’s called grow up and get over it. When my wife is acting like I call her out on it just like if am being a dick or assailed she calls me out on it. It’s just word

I would send the vm to him and tell him I don’t appreciate it.

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So you’ve never called him an a-hole behind his back because he did something to annoy you or something he didn’t do you asked. Or any name for that fact?? Or if he’s generally being an a-hole?? Cause I guarantee you my hubby calls me the b word when I know I’m acting like one just like I call him an a-hole when he’s being one :joy::joy::joy: y’all peeps thing this is toxic I’d hate to see what real toxic relationships are like :face_with_spiral_eyes:


And you don’t think it was disrespectful to reject his call? How do u know he want trying to solve the issue an apologise? Or are you making it a bigger deal than it should be cause the argument didn’t go the way you wanted it to?


Wait till family allowance, and he be back. Lol

Call him an arsehole and even the scales. Get over yourself. :roll_eyes:

I get called a bi@#c daily and I totally own that sh$t :woman_shrugging:t2::sweat_smile:.

But seriously if the shoe fits you wear it :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You never call him anything under your breath???

Really? If you were being one, suck it up and move on. You can’t ever tell me you have never called him an A hol e or a dik

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He was mad because he felt rejected by you when you didn’t answer his call & he said it don’t overthink it

Honey if he says it once he’ll say it again don’t worry about it there’s so much love in life to give

Grow up,accept it or get out.

Let it go. People often “talk shit” to themselves when they’re upset. Even about their spouses.

He was pissed off. He verbalized his thoughts at the moment to himself (or at least he thought so) but he didn’t go off on you with that language and wasn’t talking to anyone else that way about you.
He was just venting out loud…he didn’t need anyone to hear it. He just needed to get it out.