There’s way worse things to be called by someone who says they love you.
Take it as a compliment and go on about your day!
Just tell him he made you that way.
Me and my fiance use the word bitch jokingly towards one another, like you would a friend. Doesn’t bother me to be called one in an argument either. you just…move on. He was venting to himself, he’s allowed to vent his frustrations to himself, he just made a poor choice in not hanging up the phone.
Smile about it cause I am one. I’ll give him the finger and call him an ass to his face.
none of this “behind his back” nonsense.
Oh sweetie.
Our bedspread literally says “asshole husband” and “bitch wife”. Before we started dating I warned my husband that I was a bitch and he said “That’s okay, I’m an asshole”. And we have proved that to each other time and time again but we always work it out.
You must always love your partner but you don’t always have to like them.
Say thanks and move on
He didn’t say it to your face, and you can you say that you have never said anything bad about him behind his back when you were angry? come on be adults lol
When l get called a “B” and say " thanks!!! Proud to be one". I work hard for that title.
I would have called him a douche canoe and went on about my day,
You should have called him back and said, “That’s Miss b*tch to you, sir”
Aren’t we all on occasion?
Oh my lord girl. You’ll be okay He said it to himself. If y’all were arguing and he told you this I’d say it’s not appropriate. But we all mumble to ourselves and think things we wish we could say lol.
You’ve never had a negative thought about him behind his back and said it to yourself? Never refused to talk cause you was mad at him?
But you were probably being a bitch
The b word? Lol i call myself that.
Just let it roll…
It’s not that big of a deal. Unless yall have deeper issues.
He could of called you a lot of other thing’s.
Pick your battles.
Little petty don’t u think lol I call my man and asshole more times than he will ever know
Personally I think it’s disrespectful. I have been in a relationship where my SO called me that all the time. It messes with you mentally. Respect each other…no name calling and talk like adults…stop being immature.
Grow. Up.
Have you never had a negative thought about him? Or called him a name to yourself or others? It’s not like he was at the bar, or work or wherever talking about you to his friends.
You have to choose whether to let it go or keep being petty.
Lmmfao quit being so sensitive. I’m proud to be a bitch and I give no fu*ks
He was privately getting his anger out, you just so caught it on vm… he was properly being an asshole just as well as you lol get over it and move on🤷♀️
I would’ve confronted him and been like yea I can be a bitch but you still love this bitch don’t ya you prick lol
I mean you may have been acting like one… sometimes I’m guilty of being a “b” word
I let them go right away everyone is entitled to vent on their own terms!! If he don’t call it to your face or be disrespectful on those terms I wouldn’t sweat it. I call my husband and ass all the time even to his face so it’s no different. Haven’t you ever yelled at the windshield or the wall and just got it out before you called or after?
I know I can be a bitch and when he calls me a bitch to my face even I laugh half the time. Cuz I’m usually right in line with being one
Omg… if a bitch is the worst thing you’ve been called in life then idk what to tell you:joy:
If he hasn’t called u a b just once…. Are u even in a relationship??
It happens. You don’t know what’s said behind your back. As long as he doesn’t say it to your face and disrespect you then move on like you never heard it.
You were listening to him talking to himself and your offended? I been married 30 years I hope my husband never hears me talking to myself get over it…if he was talking to someone else then I’d be mad but expressing his frustration by talking out loud to himself…grow up
Haha I proudly own the fact that I am in FACT the B word… and probably some other words some days. Girl let it go. That man was upset whether he was wrong or you were wrong. Doesn’t matter. It’s a word….
So you’ve never called him an a$$hole to yourself? A jerk? Or something else?
If you have then you accept it the same way you’d want him to accept it.
Lmao I own it. I call him an a$$hole and he knows he’s one. We play around and call each other names. It’s no big thing to us
My spouse calls me a bitch to my face. I wish I tried to be this sensitive. On the other side of that coin, I call him many things, also to his face.
Have you never said something about someone you would NEVER say to their face but I’m the moment it felt “right”?! Lol. Please. I tell myself my fiancé is an a****le all the time
Really? When I piss of my bf I am sure he calls me a B in his thoughts… and i am okay with that bc i know sometimes I am a B. I call him an AH when I am pissed and I said it to myself or even whisper it. It’s normal, as humans we sometimes react like that and bad words are part of our vocabulary when it come to express emotions. So, if your husband isn’t allowed to be human, then divorce and go marry a tree
I was married to the same woman for 56 years and never in the world would I call h÷ that word I lost her to cancer in 2016 wonderful woman she is missed
My husband has serious anger issues and has called me lots of names but the kicker was when he called me a “miserable cunt” in front of his 2 older kids and has done it in front of our kids as well who are 4 and almost 2. He’s a miserable dick head sometimes but I try to keep that comment to myself when my kids are present. We fight too much and are working on it but our lives are stressful and hard but we keep trying so I wouldn’t take it to heart people say hurtful stuff when they’re angry
Um its a word. Bitch is the lamest word. Dont be upset. He did t come home and scream it in your face. Let it go. Keep calm and let it go
were you being the b word??!!
Are you actually serious? You need to grow up
Should he call u sugar pie?
Try not to be whatever he called you. Could have been some truth there!
You’ve been together almost 8 years and never ONCE called him an a**hole?
So even in the heat of the moment you didn’t think he was being an asshole you just didn’t say it out loud is that the difference
Oof, you probably don’t wanna know all the things I call my man behind his back then
Just accept your a bitch and don’t let it bother you🤭
I’ve earned every letter of that word fair and square. Also, I call myself a dumb bitch at least 30 times a day
It’s the beginning of the end, prepare for it.
I’ve worked 52 years at being a B… don’t consider it a bad word, consider it an art form.
You rejected his call,he called you a bitch,now you’re mad, stop being a b@$$h and you won’t be called one
I mean you weren’t meant to hear him call you that…let it go he had enough respect not to call you “the b word” to your face.
Oh butter cup! Just be happy as enough respect for you that he doesn’t call you names and he was upset that you didn’t answer the phone
girl please, trust me he has said worse.
Stop being a B word. Problem solved.
Well you rejected his call so you were a b…
Yeah… I mean, I’m definitely a b*tch sometimes. And I need to be told
Also are you a b*itch or
Ummm. Most women will openly admit that they’re a B. But he has respect for you since he’s literally never done it to your face. Let HIM be mad for a few mins and disregard the voicemail. Don’t get mad, get glad. And I don’t mean the garbage bags.
my husband and I call each other names all the time, but that’s also us playing around. So its natural for us to talk shit/call names behind each others backs
I’ve mumbled some STUFF under my breath, so I’d probably just let it go.
Everyone does it. At least he’s smart enough to not say it to you directly lol
Let. It. Go.
You were mad. You ignore his call. He was mad he uttered a mean word.
Forget it. No telling what they call us, but we know they love
Suck it up buttercup. Lol my husband called me one pretty much the same eay. I played the voice mail back in front of him n he heard it!! Lol I told him I’m not just a b I better be his #1 B lmbo if only I video his face atm her heard his self. It was priceless
You rejected the call, which is a big f you to him from you. You’d catch a word from me too. Work on communication instead of picking apart an argument.
All Men do this. If it bothers you that much; talk to him about it.
If mine did that; I’d simply when we were face to face I would play the Message out loud…& We both would’ve laughed. He’d say Next time Answer you dang Phone; I needed to talk to you. Don’t you ever get upset & say stuff?
I would talk to him about it . People on here are obviously accepting disrespect as normal it’s not no one should be saying these things to or about their spouse or significant other period
If you have never “thought” or " mumbled"
A hole behind your man’s back… you are lying !
Let it go cause he didn’t say it to your face and he was venting alone in his car.
if this is your only problem in life your winning. My husband reminds me every day how big of a bitch I am and i just remind him that if he thinks imma bitch he won’t ever have to worry about people approaching me lol cause I’m worse to people I don’t know.
Sheet, I would considered myself lucky if that was the only thing my ex called me lol
Call him a name back jk jk jk don’t do that
I can assure you this is not the first time that has happened. Just be grateful he didn’t say it to your face and move on. What’s said in private shouldn’t be your concern. He’s allowed to feel his feelings.
Call him an A$$ and move on
Me, a woman who does this too. Girl, it’s not a big deal. If he’s screaming it to your face, then post about it.
Haha! 7.5 years and he’s never called you that to your face?! He’s a keeper
Babe In Total Control of Herself
You got in an argument, he tried to call you and you acted childishly by not answering your phone and you are surprised he called you that? I wouldn’t be surprised because that’s exactly how you were acting.
I wish I could meet these people in real life I have to know what the rest of you is like haha
I never forgave my ex husband it’s hard to her someone that’s suppose to love you talk to you like that. Words hurt
When my fiancé calls me that word I look at him and say do u think that hurts me cuz it don’t I know what I am and proud to be one lol.
Do you ever call him names behind his back ?? …
He knew I was before he married me
You should hear some of the names me and my boyfriend call each other, just joking around. talk to him about it if it bothers you
If you’ve been married that long I would expect you to communicate with him not post on Facebook that’s the key to successful marriage and you should be like thanks for the voicemail dick You should have hung up next time before you bad mouths me hello
You’ve never thought he was an asshole
If he’s never said it to your face before, consider yourself part of the .5% of women lol I’m sure you’ve called him a name behind his back and I think you’re upset that you physically heard it. It is what it is babe, todays a new day. I say forget about it
Lol. I’ve called my husband and asshole a lot haha. We don’t fight much and never badly. but yea I tell him he’s an asshole when I lose rock paper and scissors and have to cook dinner lol
That’s the only thing he’s called you? Or done to you… I’d say he’s doing a good job and don’t let that… Come between you… You’re blowing that way up. Honestly if my boyfriend or whatever did that… I’d be talking crap to him and making it into a joke basically
Is this a serious question or a joke
You never get over it
Not big deal grow up
My husband and I have more respect we don’t fight and argue I have told him I’m mad at you but I love you then we just laugh we are thankful for each other
Y’all have been together for 7.5 years. 7.5 YEARS??!!?? And you are just now hearing about him calling you “a bad name”.
Of all the things to let go and move on from. This is nothing to stress over. Once you cooled off, talk to him about how you heard it and how it made you feel.
Like 2 seconds, leave him a vm c accidentally calling him an ahole. He’ll get the hint
Seriously? I can promise in 7.5 years you have called him “a bad name” behind his back and visa versa. I’m sorry but this is not a deal breaker. Move on
He said it to himself…it’s not like you caught him talking Shit about you to a crowd of people……
Ohhh god … I think me and my partner has called each other worse to there face
Idk. I think it’s okay that he said that to himself. He didn’t yell at you, he wasn’t saying it to his friends or anyone else.
I always correct him im not a bitch I am THE bitch
18 years together, you’ll call him a lot worse in the future lol