My spouse complains about being hungry but will not eat what I make: Advice?

Tell him he has a tape worm he needs to go do a ton of blood work at the hospital lmao

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If I cooked and he didn’t eat I’d tell him to starve

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Stop cooking for him. Let him fend for himself.

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So try cooking 3 meals a day instead of 1 every three or four days, make easy snacks in between…some people need food …lol…just saying…not saying u don’t try, I get it all the time sometimes he’s not “ready” to eat then eats alot at night…idk


Tell him to cook his own food then.

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I wouldn’t worry about him. Cook for yourself and your son.


Respect ……

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Why would you even care. Every time they complain about my food I cook for me only (family of 7 and I’m the chef)


Let him make what he wants to eat. I am sure he is capable. Worry about you and your son. Stop wasting food on him


I would stop cooking for him


Just take care of yourself and the son… Let him take care of himself


But also make sure he washes and dries his own clothes… He wouldn’t get shit out of me anymore

Try to ask him what exactly he means when he’s rudely insinuating that you don’t make what he wants? Maybe he really is that guy who would rather make what he wants and doesn’t want You to do anything . Or he just wants to complain instead of acting like a mature individual and talking to you. If you’ve tried and he still doesn’t give you any real input and assumes you are psychic Inwould just stop making him anything.

Talk to him find out what he wants to eat n cook that? If he continues to be hungry all the time and not eating what you cook for him, he is grown he can cook himself. Beggars cant be choosy.

Psssssstttt…he is screwing with your head. I know this because you already know there will be a fight. It’s a pattern at this point. If he really wanted you to cook something in particular, he would tell you. The fact you made a whole feast and he just heated up frozen sausage biscuits. Come on…you’re smarter than that. What else does he do this with?


Ck. Out your cooking skills sorry JS

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Don’t cook for him then


Are you cooking things he doesn’t like? I’m a picky eater so I don’t eat a lot of the same foods as my husband but I also cook separate stuff for us. Definitely better ways to go about it.

He’s either fucking with your head or doesn’t want you to cook for him…can’t decide which

Stop making food for him

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I’m assuming he is a picky eater - just like my hubby - with time I came to find out what kinda of food he liked & now it’s not an issue, but u should probably ask him what it is he does like - it’ll make ur job 100x easier… It’s what I did & now he eats seconds & he even takes it for lunch the next day.

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Try paying close attention to what his mother cooks, what food she keeps, and how and when she prepares food. I am fortunate enough to have a husband that will never ever turn down a home cooked meal and will eat what is put in front of him even if he doesn’t like it. But I love his mom’s cooking and she was always happy to let me in the kitchen to see what she was up to. So I started cooking things that she cooks and keeping similar staple pantry items she keeps etc. She even gave me a family recipe book for holiday last year! Not only does my husband love my cooking, especially nights when I make pan fried pork chops and other dishes just like his mother’s. My mother was an okay cook, but sometimes even I just want eggs the way my mom makes them. Make him what his mommy makes and you should have him happy and eating in no time. Good luck mama

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Stop making him food :triumph:

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Omg. He did not go “days without eating” because you didn’t cook something for him. Tell him to grow the hell up, he knows where the kitchen is. He can cut the martyrdom crap while he’s making some food while he’s at it. “Oh don’t worry about me, just make food for our son and you” is such a passive aggressive move its sickening.


pretty sure if he was my fiance he would be buying his own groceries and getting the food he wants and be cooking it himself.


Buy peanut butter and jelly and let him make his own food


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Either you can’t cook or he doesn’t trust you🤷🏽‍♀️


Easy fix. Have him cook his own food.


If I made the meal and he was pouting about being hungry, then tough titties for him, I ate, so go hungry ya moron.

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I have a lot of food allergies and it wouldn’t be fair to my husband if I just cooked what I could eat. I fix him some meals (seafood) that I can’t eat. On those days, I fix food that I like. We don’t have any children in the house and we both are retired, so I have time to prepare multiple meals.

Honestly this sounds like manipulation and attention seeking. He needs therapy.

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Is he your child??? Sounds like this post was written about a toddler.


He’s a fully grown human if he won’t eat what you make he can make his own.


Take a cooking class

Sounds like an asshole. He is a man, and should say thank you for the food. I could serve burnt toast and my husband and kids would eat it and say thank you. He needs to make his own darned food

Sounds like my husband :joy:

Sounds like you got another kid on your hands. I mean, my son is 8 and tells me he’s hungry, then denies most offerings until he’s asking for a sandwich or a bowl of cereal.


I would really work on not caring about it anymore. He could be trying to stress you out on purpose & then gaslighting you when you confront the “problem”. Do you find yourself always stressed and nervous when they’re around?


Sounds like he has a personal problem


Yeah well he’s a jerk. Don’t cook a thing


He doesn’t seem to like your cooking.


Listen to his advice and just worry about you and your son.


Just don’t cook for him


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I would tell him to either eat what you cook or be quiet and cook his own with no complaints.


I’d say take his words at face value. He knows he’s a picky eater. Let it go.

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Let him fend for himself if he doesn’t eat what you cook leave him let him get his own


let him fend for himself and I wouldn’t even bother to cook him any thing


If he doesn’t eat what you cook he can fend for himself. Complain all he wants, he’s a grown man. Send him home to his mum lol.


Definitely not,hungry, his,looking for,a argument.


Tell him to shut the fuck up and make his own food or better still divorce him and send him on his way back to mummy the child clearly ain’t acting like a husband or father

Um I would only make food for me and my child in that case. You’re not his mom


Is he not capable of cooking as well?


Sounds like a HIM problem. I would tell him if he doesn’t like the food i make then he needs to stop complaining about being hungry. Our mommy instincts kick in and we wanna feed ya lol nothing wrong with wanting to feed your spouse lol. I would just do what he said but tell him to stop complaining about it if he isnt going to fix food for himself go get take out or something. Shoot i wish this was my problem in life.


The blank stare works everytime


Maybe ask him what he would like to eat?


Do as he says and worry about you and your son. Don’t let it be your problem. He’s a grown man.


He’s grown. I assume he drives.

If he’s hungry, there’s a McDonald’s near by.

Tell him to act like an adult maybe…

Omg yes been there being told to only worry about us then when I do get complained too I didn’t make them anything but I asked and they didn’t want what we were making it’s just a never ending cycle of crazy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ugh

Tell him since he doesn’t like what you cook, he’s now in charge of cooking.


I’m sorry, is he an adult grown ass man? Let him make dinner! He can communicate and make a menu of his favorite foods or make suggestions or even tell you, I don’t like the flavor of your food, let’s take a cooking class. Etc.
Man child.

Take his advice, he’s directly telling you not to cook for him.


Could it be he doesn’t like your cooking ? But to proud to say anything ?

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Ask him what he would like for dinner then if he dont eat it i would just worry about myself and my child(ren)

Does he have arms and feet?? Can he walk ??? If so tell him to make his own food then and he won’t be starving anymore.

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Tell him he can eat what you make or be hungry

He sounds like a fast food junkie. So home cooking is not what he’s hungry for. Did he eat your cooking before this? Or has he always had this attitude? Maybe he should just cook for himself, and like he said you take care of yourself and child.

My husband does this and I just quit making enough for him, until he says that he wants something specifically then I will go and make it for everybody

He probably doesn’t have an appetite.

I only got past the first sentence to tell you you to tell him to make his feckin own lol


Are you from a different country? I am in a similar situation, I have learn to cook some of the food he likes and sometimes I do that for him. Or tacos!

Can yall try to plan meals together? My wife and I do that so we agree on dinner lol. Not sure if itll work, but worth a try!

Your job is not to slave after him. Have a life of your own. If he doesn’t eat what you cook, then tell him to go grocery shopping with you and pick out the foods he likes to eat that he CAN COOK FOR HIMSELF. Many people I know also hire their own cook so their wife doesn’t have to worry about that stuff. They only have to care for their kids. Then again these are real men! Real men, they treat their wife like a diamond because they know how hard their wife has to do when there is a child around. My husband, when he see how tired I am, he always knows to order pizza or take since he can’t cook.

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Can’t he cook for himself/ Can’t he cook for you all if he doesn’t like anything you do

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This is a grown man? Lol

Simple stop cooking and wasting food

Learn how to cook lol

Oh hell no then do what he says

Is he a picky eater or doesn’t like what you make? Other than that it doesnt make any sense why he wouldn’t eat what you make. I’d try to work with him in picking out food he likes or even simple things he won’t be picky about. If that still don’t work he is a grown man just buy him tv dinners/frozen food he can continue to feed himself and stop cooking for him :joy::joy:


Are you married to a 8 year old?


Tell hi. To cook hos own food you aren’t Dennys

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Quit wasting food :roll_eyes: cook for yourself and offer to share if there’s extra, let him cook what he wants or tell him to hike back to his momma’s house.


If he doesn’t like anything you make then why haven’t you learned something he likes? It’s a relationship and your supposed to be a team and support each other. If he was the one that always cooked and you never liked anything he made wouldn’t you expect him to learn at least 1 thing you like? I don’t understand why it has to be 1 sided, sit down together and plan a menu of things you both like so that you can both eat what is cooked like a family and stop the petty arguments over food.


He is being manipulative.


Sounds like you got him before he was weaned

I’d throw away the whole man


My husband says this all the time. In man’s speak, it means he wants take away :person_shrugging:t3:

Tell him to cook his own damn food… and shop for it too.

Sounds like he can feed himself then that’s alright mine likes to complain about being hungry and wont feed him damn self half the time if I happen to not be hungry at the same time which is most of the damn time feels like an extra kid sometimes but on a real note maybe sit down and plan meals together ahead of time

He should do some of the cooking because he’s is just insulting to you and shows your son it’s ok to be picky. Rule of thumb are make three thing for your meal try three bites of each one. Taste buds change over time so it’s ok if one day one of you’s like it this day and not that day atleast you’ve tried it,this way they more or less get a balance meal. Definitely engaged your husband to do a more active role in the cooking even if it to set the pot roast before leaving. I find when picky eaters work more in the kitchen they become less picky about it.

Okay I’m just gonna say it, and nobody is gonna like it. My man eats what I make him, but he also knows he’s welcome to make himself something else if he doesn’t like it. If he doesn’t wanna eat what you’re cooking let him make something else. It’s not a big deal. And while you’re at it ask him some foods that he likes.

We make a point to do the grocery list together 90% of the time. That way we both are decided on meals for the week or more they are supposed to last. I make things for him and the kids that I don’t like. I make things I know he doesn’t like. But I try for a balance so we mostly make things the majority of the family will eat. That’s silly that he complains and puts for 0 effort. If you’ve tried to compromise and he won’t put forth effort and only complains, give him back to his mother.

Let him make his own food and stop worrying about it. He can’t be pleased so let him be.

Sounds like your man more of a child then your child. Boy byeeeee

Stop making him food. Problem solved.

That said, it sounds like there’s something else going on here but I have no idea what it is. Check with your local therapist lol