My spouse has been demanding I quit my job: Advice?

Anyone else with an unsupportive partner? I’m working full-time while he’s home with the kids because he doesn’t want to send them to daycare because of COVID. He keeps demanding I quit my job so I can stay home and find a full-time work-from-home job so he can try and start a business. I just received a very nice raise, and I’ve been at this job for five years. They appreciate me and family-oriented and work with me on a lot of things since we have three small kids. He has no trade or special skills to even start his own business. Mine leaving my current job will mean a HUGE pay cut. And he doesn’t currently have an income to make up the difference. I’m the one who won’t sacrifice for my family, but I work my butt off. Then come home and “work” for my family. I just need to release all this for my sanity.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My spouse has been demanding I quit my job: Advice?

I’d tell him no. If he wants to start a business I guess the kids will have to go to daycare. He’s sick of being home all the time with them. You shouldn’t have to quit your job bc of that. No way.

I personally would not quit my job. You know what’s best for you and your family.

There are thousands of stay at home mothers who start a business without asking their spouse to quit their job. There’s no reason he should be asking you to leave a secure job to chase a business venture that has a 50% chance of failure. You aren’t in the wrong here. He is.

Girl leave his ass. You can do bad all by yourself!

Think carefully before you decide but perhaps you,d be better off without him, I,m sorry to say.


Sounds like you have 4 kids to me

Sounds selfish. A good steady job is hard to find especially if they appreciate and work w u. I’d keep it and tell him he’s being selfish…he’s the one keeping the kids home

At least don’t do it til you find a job from home if your wanting to do that. Think very carefully what you want to do and what’s best for you and kids. If you have a job you like and works with you and gave benefits and retirement I’d stay where your at

And I would tell him when he picks up a job that pays at least the amount that you would be losing out on that you’ll consider it. You have children to take care of and you can’t put that on the line for a business that doesn’t even exist.

Don’t do it…just make time to support and help him


He needs to suck it up! You definitely should not do that! Sounds like you’re happy! He can’t have everything his way… Basically, he doesn’t want the kids in childcare, he wants you to quit your job & he literally has no income… Starting a business isn’t a cheap or easy thing, be is asking too much, IMO.

If you are happy at your job don’t quit think of the money you are making.if anything find something before you quit and have no Income coming in.Sounds like a controlling spouse I demand you quit the relationship.

This does not sound logical or responsible. Until you have a steady income and able to pay the bills I definitely would not quit anywhere. A very small percentage well make it when starting up a business that is a big risk when there’s no other income just my humble opinion


Girl drop the whole man away, like in the trash :wastebasket::joy:

I would not do that, it is to hard to find another job and the pay you are getting now, your husband is just jealous. If you like your job and the co workers are nice to work with I would personally stay there. Just my opinion.

He better get a J O B before you quit.


Dont quit tell him to suck it up


His new business better be a daycare :laughing:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My spouse has been demanding I quit my job: Advice?

Demanding? I don’t think so. Adios!


Tell him to get a job! Everyone is hiring now! The kids are fine in daycare. Their risk of Covid is minimal and rarely life threading to kids.


Take some advice from someone who has lived this nonsense…you tell him get a job if he wants but that your bare a whole person and you are keeping your job…being a wife and mother does not make you a slave


Tell him when he starts making what you make now, only then you’ll leave the job… put the burden on him to get off his lazy butt, at this point not sending kids to daycare is just an excuse( ive many friends sending theirs w/o a single incident).
You’re right to second-guess it and you all will be miserable fighting over monetary issues if you leave your job!!


Tell him you will only quit your job if he can provide atleast the same amount of income before you do. Tell it in his face that you will not sacrifice your family’s financial security so he can have his dream business. If he is really determine, he will find ways to start it while taking care of the kids while you keep working. There are other ways and time to support your spouse dreams but not this time of pandemic and when your children’s lives can be in jeopardy.


As someone who worked from home remotely as an auditor so I could be my husband’s caregiver …if he is expecting you to take care of the children and work remotely from home…it can’t be done! I was emotionally, physically and spiritually exhausted. My husband was a wonderful man who was homebound due to strokes. He was not demanding in any way but my work life was always adjusting for his needs and routine. Your partner is being very unrealistic. You cannot work remotely while caring for children too. And if it’s so easy, why can’t he start his business while taking care of the children? What happens if his business fails and you’ve given up a job you have 5 years invested in? What if working remotely doesn’t work for you? He needs to slow his roll!!!


Do not ever allow a man to control your career or income!


There is no excuse for him not working.keep your job have him get a job .get a nanny or daycare.sacrifces somewhere need to be made.dont let it be your job


Don’t quit your job
How the heck he going to start a business with no money?
He must be crazy to be demanding you to do anything.
Tell him to find a full time job or any job for that matter

Don’t ever give up financial security for anyone!


Don’t quit . Put the kids in daycare and tell him to find a job or get out


Tell him to prove he can maintain the house… but until then don’t quit. He can work a job opposite to your hours he’s not being very logical at all.


NOPE! DO NOT QIUT UR JOB! He needs to get off his ass and get a JOB


Personally if it were me, I would not quit my job and be dependent on anyone.
Sounds like like a control tactic

So, he doesn’t pull his weight nor want you to, either. Tell him you have your own demands which include him going to college or finding gainful employment, himself.

Also, I feel like you need to hear this: you deserve better than this mess.


Keep your job and kick him out. He obviously doesn’t want to do anything to help you besides be home with the kids but that doesn’t bring in income. Boy bye!


So he doesn’t have any special skills to start a job or business, and he wants to cut off the only household income? Umm…no


Don’t quit your job unless he has a job and he needs to get over the Covid crap .my grandkids have been going to daycare since day one and not one kid sick …you have been with your job awhile I definitely would not quit.I know so many people that can’t find work from home paying what they made from there previous jobs.I wouldn’t take a chance if I we’re you…

You would so regret it if you quit to be stay at home mom!!
That’s your independence for your self and to have control of your own life, your own money!!! Phuck him if he don’t want to work.
Your the bread Winner making Bill payment and house payment, keeping food on the table!!
If you Quit what income is there :thinking:
Sorry, for the rant!
I’ve been Married for 39 years stood home as a housewife for 25 years, For 25 years I had to depend on him, when I was very independent on my own. I will never let a man tell me to stay home and not work ever again.
I like my own :moneybag::money_mouth_face:

No that is just the first step in a controlling mans game, next he will try to get rid of all your friends and family, then he will see no reason to have 2 cars. It’s a blueprint for total control! Watch some movies about controlling men they are pretty accurate. I know I lived it!


Is he trying to put you all in the street??? I can’t understand his logic. Do not quit your job and I also suggest reconsidering your relationship with this guy


Do not leave your job, your man needs to get one and your kids need to be registered into day care. Go back to the norm honey, it’s time.


He needs a reality check

Keep your job. You deserve better than that

Don’t quit. I regret leaving my job.

No way do you quit your job that’s your independence and to hell with getting locked in the house all day . You have a career and you deserve a life outside of the home. You be strong and do it for your kids

I did that and regret it till this day . If you don’t want to then I wouldn’t. There are ways to do both .

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Starting a business costs lots of money. One of yall need to be working. You won’t have an income if you quit while he “tries” to start a business that may fail or be successful. Hire someone to come to your house to watch your kids. Then you both can work.

Why cant he start the business while he at home and you continue working. If the business takes off maybe you both can discuss different arrangements. You need something to live off so I wouldn’t quit my job

Tell him to screw off put the kid n daycare n tell him get a job.

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So it means if He say “please Die for me”…you will commit suicide? If not then DONT NOT LEAVE THAT JOB. He is suppose make his dreams of starting a business into action. If He cant do that then continue working.

Sound bad idea. You never know if his business will be success. So he may need start it from home and see if it is success. If you quit and his business not work out then you guys are screwed. :woman_shrugging: plus you said he don’t have much skilled then sound bad…

He’d be getting up off his ass and getting a job if he was in my house or he would be sitting on his ass OUTSIDE my house bc he’s not contributing to the household. If he’s not making anything and you quit your job there is no financial security. In today’s society whose to say his “business” would take off or even make it. Then you are without a job and everything you have worked hard for. HARD NO!

Don’t quit,. Read Laura and Ann advice. They are spot on!

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Do Not Quit Your Job !!! You will need it if you two ever spilt up…Js

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If he doesnt want to work get rid of him. Starting a business takes money you probably dont have. Getting a loan with one income is unlikey. Covid is an excuse.

Dont do it just dont!

Do not quit your job!!!

That’s a control freak. He’ll first disarm you (make you quit your job), then cut off your family and friends before they’ll start abusing you.

Read “Why does he do that?”
You’ll get your answer.

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Set an example for your children. If he has a business dream he can work it on the side after getting a full time job. Once the business makes enough then reconsider but till then you gotta take care of you and your kids. Don’t show your kids to let others influence bad decisions.

He’s not unsupportive. He may potentially be abusive.

Keep your job. Maintain your financial independence. Kids can go to daycare. If he wants to pursue a business, he can do that while you work.

You may be arguing now, but just wait. A year or two (or less) down the road when his business fails and you are financially strapped, you will be arguing about a whole lot more.

He needs to compromise. If he’s that controlling and you feel helpless and needed to turn to Facebook for answers, he is probably abusive.

Hopefully I’m wrong, but I’m speaking from personal experience. I am describing my ex who was mentally AND physically abusive.

Once he disarms you and strips you of your independence, it’s easier for him to manipulate you.

Please be careful. I wish you lots of luck.

Leave the guy ,do not leave your job


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My spouse has been demanding I quit my job: Advice?

Dont quit! Ur doing good!

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He has lost his damned mind

What is his business plan? Does he have one? Does he have a plan on how you guys would make ends meet? Does he have start up money?
If he doesn’t have a plan, I wouldn’t quit my job.


Don’t let him tell you what to do sound like he is to lazy to help you an the kids keep your job


Tell him to work on it when you’re home.


I wouldnt ever quit. I understnad where he is coming from, but the world today you need two fulltime incomes. I understand that he is trying to start a business but if that is his dream sacrifices will have to be made in order for that to happen. Anyone knows starting a business is not cheap or easy. Stand your ground mama


Don’t stop doing what you’re doing. If your doing it on your own let him know where the door is.

You have to be that support for the kids.


DONT DO IT hun he sounds toxic and you’ll be trapped


You shouldn’t have to quit your job if you don’t want too.
Y’all need to find a way to try to make it work for both of you.

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Don’t quit! Feed those babies :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Is his plan to live on love!? :laughing: you already know this answer


Don’t let him force you out of your job.


Dont quit. I wouldn’t.


If you quit how does he propose to support the family?? Hes going to start a business doing what? It’s a no from me. Dont quit your job! Tell him to find a work from home job then if he doesnt want the kids to go to daycare.


Don’t quit your job. You need money and time away. It sounds like you have a great job and if you do quit you guys definitely need an income.


Is he gonna use your money to start his business prolly just wants your money


Why doesn’t he start his business first-you can quit when he’s earning enough to support the family.


Maybe tell him to provide the income before you give up yours. Nothing else makes sense.


That is toxic masculinity at its finest.


Never quit a job without having something else to fall back on. If you quit you might find yourself homeless

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Please don’t quit your job!!! Im 68 years old. And i did not work enough hours in my life to have enough retirement to live on.

Don’t quit your job. He’s proving to you right now how selfish he is even asking you to do it. Keep your stability.

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… even working from home most jobs require you work in a kid free space and they aren’t necessarily flexible. Does he have any kind of a business plan or is it just some random dream? I don’t think I’d give up stability so he could devote all his time to a business that may or may not take off.


If you stop working where’s the money going to come from so he can start his business!!! I don’t think he has really thought this through!

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I have my own business but I also have to work a full time job outside that business because I just started and money does not flow in overnight. So unless he has money hidden away to support u guys id stay at my job plus there r not that many work from home jobs that will give u the same benefits you have now

First of all. Don’t quit your job. But I see a lot of “ me me me, I,I, I” in this post. Having a job is hard and exhausting but so is staying with the kids. Man I’ve been a working mom and a SAHM. I will tell you that staying at home is so much harder. Have some compassion on your Husband and think about how he’s feeling as well. He might be feeling overwhelmed and tired of just being home with the kids all day. I’ve seen post here where the husband doesn’t want mom to work but she does and moms answer by saying how lonely it could get and how good it will be for her to get a job to get out of the house. Have don’t compassion girl!!! Idk why ask these comments and this post irritates me. Blah!


No he’s trying to isolate and control you. Let him figure out his “master plan” by him doing something.

Why?? Honestly if he can’t come with income why quit

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Why can’t he found like a part time job. Or a night job. And him work after you getting off work. I mean I get he don’t wanna send the littles to day care. I myself don’t wanna send my new born. But me and my boyfriend had came up with a plan. That he will work on the morning. And cone home a little before I go in to work. Right now my schedule is closer and I’m ok with that. Why can’t he look on his phone for a job that he can work around you. Just saying. I know a lot people that do.

He can’t expect you to quit a job where you have a sensible wage just so he can try start a business how is he going to fund this business if no one has an income


Not sure he can make any decisions considering the position he’s in. If indeed he wants to start a business, he needs a real plan. Not a silly idea based on ifs and whens. And certainly with the right planning, he can get started while you continue to work.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My spouse has been demanding I quit my job: Advice?

Stay with your job. Sounds like he is jealous of your success. Be strong.


Please don’t leave your job. Listen to your inner self. Everything you said was basic common sense skills. Best wishes :heart:


Do not quit your job. It is hard to find a job you love and treats you right.


He’s living in a different reality, and I honestly don’t understand his logic. Absolutely don’t leave your job. If he wants to start a business, he can work on it while he’s staying home. Either the kids are young enough that they nap or they’re old enough to occupy themselves for an hour or two every day. He can brainstorm then. But I think you guys should go to couples counseling so he can hear from a therapist about why he’s getting completely unreasonable, and you aren’t the bad guy crushing his dreams. I am confident the therapist will side with you on this one. A compromise I’d make is taking over parenting after work for an hour so he can work on his business plan during that time. But you need some downtime, too, so I wouldn’t give him the whole evening.