Sound like he is an insecure control freak! Do what your gut tells you! Dump him if he cant handle it! Life is too short to let a selfish mate try to control you!!
My Mother always said to never depend on anyone but yourself. Do not leave your job until he proves he can make a business successful. Put the children in day care to allow him to get a job. It costs lots of money to start a business and if he hasn’t saved enough then he need to get a job til he can afford it. A lot of children have gone to daycare without any problems most are over cautious about keeping everything clean.
Don’t leave your job. Find a great Nanny to help or daycare. Don’t leave your job.
When he is able to make what you make, either in his own business or a job of his own, then you can reasonably discuss you quiting your job. Sorry, now it just sounds like he wants to control you. Not a good choice for you and your kids.
Please stay at your job with out it your kids go with out i work full time my hubby is happy being at home i took care of some chores to share the load eg hired a gardening guy a cleaner once a month and its been a happy agreement
Stick to your guns
Keep your sanity, keep your job. He’ll have to deal with it!!
Keep the job. The kids will grow no matter what. He just wants to keep you under his thumb
Don’t quite ur job my sister, let him set up his business first and then mk arrangements to enroll ur kids in day care or bring in a close relative who u trust to look after the kids
Going from good money to no money does not make sense. He could be figuring out a business plan while he’s home all day. Don’t fall for stupidity. If he can’t support your success, he is not a good husband.
Yeah, he can shove his “demands.” If he’s so insistent on the kids not going to daycare sounds like he might need to step up and keep them home
Danger bells ringing lodly there. He has too much control already. You stay right where you are. He needs to get off his backside, get himself a job and look into childcare. Do not isolate yourself.
Do not put your kids in daycare & pay for it out of your income until his lazy ass gets a job! Otherwise he will sit on his ass at home daydreaming while you support him & pay for the kids daycare. Been there done that. Lay down the law. If he balks show him the door. When he has to find his own place to live, support himself & pay child support his little “I want to have my own business” fantasy will disappear quickly!
Tell him to forget it. You would be slitting your own throat both career wise and money wise. Where does your health insurance come from? I am sure you, if you have any. You would jeopardize your children’s health without that coverage. And if your husband fails to do anything successfully, where does that leave you and your kids…on the street. You are the stability in the family, keep it that way. Besides sounding pretty unstable, he sounds like a poor marriage partner. If your marriage fails, you need to be stable and employed for your kids. I sure hope he is doing all the housework while you are working, instead of just complaining.
He tired of taking care of kids. He now putting this on you. Put kids in crèche. Then he can do what he wants. They sanitize and fogger overnight. Also strict dont want the virus. They sanitize all kids going in parents too. Excuses
If he isn’t working he has no business telling you to quit. Someone has to feed and cloth those children
I’m another one please do not quit your job. I agree with Denise Davis mother never depend on anyone but youself.
Keep your job. Have him get a full time job before u quit. Have a business plan. Think of your kids. Bills don’t pay themselves.
Don’t do it. My husband pulled the same shit with every job I had and made good money. Now he throws it in my face that it is his money. Never again. He used to call me every day at five asking me if I was off making it a big g deal when I had to work late.
He’s not being realistic at all. He is really saying he wants you to do everything. No one can work completely from home while entirely taking care of 3 small children.
He needs to use common sense. Giving up your job could be a disaster.
Tell him you will do as he “demands” once he has 1) found you a job that pays the same/more than you are receiving now
2) written a sound business plan outlining how his business will be funded and includes a 5 year profit plan.
Sounds to me like he is trying to control a situation he is not happy in. Perhaps some mediation would be of benefit?
Is his business going to provide daycare? Insurance, a 401 or long term investment package?
Need your job to support your kids he can have a business out of the home see if works first he sounds off to not have an stable income they he wants to do it be homeless think about your kids not him
Who is paying the bills? Is he going to make as much or more immediately if you quit? No, you don’t quit!!!
Have him write out his business plan and present to bank. I suspect he has not thought that far ahead.
He sounds like a talker with no gumption. Don’t quit your job get rid of him and hire a sitter
How bout telling him all that?
First he has come up with an idea, make a real business plan, acquire capital or investors to start the business. By that time the kids can safely go to day care and the business can have a trial run of one year. If the profits match what you’ve been earning THEN you might consider quitting your job. To do anything else is simply risking your family to become destitute.
Do not quit your job. You seem level headed. Listen to yourself.
I’m sorry…but, why are you even contemplating any of this??? You have a guaranteed (as much as one can guarantee) regular paycheck…this is a no brainer…he can figure out being an entrepreneur, just like you figure out being a full-time employee and a full-time mom. Hubby needs a reality check…it is about putting a roof over everyone’s heads and food on the table and clothes on everyone’s backs…when you become a parent, those little lives and their needs come first. Stay strong…I did!!! I cut him loose and we were all the better for it. I don’t advocate this, it is a last option, because I believed in until death do you part. At some point, we stopped being partners. I hope you can get him to see past this selfishness and really be #spouse_partners, because partners do not make DEMANDs. Partners work together towards a solution. Good luck, prayers and positive vibes to you!
Don’t quit your job, this will end in disaster if you do
Girl if he doesn’t have a job and is a stay at home dad that’s fine but he wants you to work full time from home and take care of the kids while he is bringing in no income ok…that’s crazy you keep on working and if he doesn’t like it that’s just to bad I bet he likes a roof over his head and food on the table that you provide!
He sounds like narc. Its emotional control. Not a mans ass
Do what’s best for your family.
Quitting your job wouldn’t be such an issue if he was able to carry you financially but since he can’t then that’s a hard no! Starting a business isn’t free either and he will most likely need a loan which he can’t get without having money. So you would most likely have to put your name on all of that too. You guys should start your business and wait for it to take off then think about quitting. Quitting your job in this situation wouldn’t be a sacrifice for ur family but putting you all in a situation to be homeless in a short period of time.
Don’t do it . This is about him and his insecurities.
Get rid of him hire a nhome babysitter
Stick with ur gut! U know whats best !
I wouldn’t if I liked it
Tell him to stay home and look after kids
No way he made decisions for the kid so let him take responsibility if he wants let him start a business from home see how it goes do not give up your independence espically when there be nothing to fall back on if he isn’t working
Don’t leave would be a big mistake
Don’t do it, keep your job, because it means independence.
If he can’t start a business while watching the kids then tell him you can’t watch the kids and work at same time either …Put your foot down and tell him your not risking yalls income or taking a chance if his business fails .You can’t take risks like that when you have children unless y’all have a lot money to fall back on
tell him no, it’s a type of control
Don’t change jobs, change husbands…
Do what is best for the kids.
Not to mention staying home with kids is a full time job
Why hasn’t he got the ground work laid out for his business since he is at home all the time.? Keep your job. Send he kids to day care and kick his butt out the door to find a job so he will have money to start up his business ! If he persists in nagging you kick his butt all the way out the door!
Dont leave your job. Put your kids in daycare and tell him to get a job
Don’t do it. Keep the job and quit him. He’s an hinderance not an asset.
Do not do it. Period. You will regret the outcome.
Absolutely do not leave your job. Leave him instead. Why would a person give up the only stable income for the family?
Tell the lame ass to get out and find a job that as much as you are earning and than you can stay home and take care of your children and he will have the business he is looking for. Boot his ass out and take care of your family yourself, it would be one less mouth for you to have to feed and not have to listen to his bullsh.t.
Tell him when he gets off his lazy arse and brings in enough money to support the entire household comfortably (not scraping by or struggling) then and only then will you think about it.
Sounds like ego not smart business practices. Never make a decision based on stroking another’s ego.
Make him leave & get child support from him if he not willing to help you out let you work
Tell him to give you a solid business plan and he won’t be able to.
Who pays for the insurance for children
If you enjoy your job you have now keep it n dnt listen to him
Keep your job and your sanity
Know your worth…Please keep your job.
That doesn’t sound like a partner, that sounds like a man-child you’re going to end up financially supporting
Don’t quit your job!
Is he good for your kids? No. You’ll be homeless with no way to feed your kids if you listen to him.
You’re a mum, you’re your own person, then you’re his wife. Make your decisions with priorities in that order.
No way, don’t quit your job
Umm, unless you have millions in savings somewhere, why on earth would he tell you to quit your job? That’s a definite “NO”.
Oh honey vent all you need to but DONT quit your job !!!
RED FLAG! Do not Do not Do not quit your job. WARNING!
Please don’t quit your job. I have a feeling you are going to need it.
Do not do that. If there is anything to be quit, then quit on him.
Key word my dear…DEMANDING. Don’t do it. He can suggest. He can elude to a better job but to demand you quit yours is not an option. Especially if you are in a good place at work. Workplaces like that are hard to come by. Why doesn’t he start this business and once he has it going maybe you can CONSIDER working from home…part time.
Youd be making a huge mistake. That’s for sure. Tell him to suck it up about putting the kids in daycare if he wants to start his own business or get a job and when he makes as much as you do or more than you’ll quit your job
pls keep your job and just start helping him lil by lil with what ever he wants to do but you should not quit fuck that
Don’t do it and if he has no special skills and doesn’t make enough why doesn’t he stay home with them. I mean even kindergarten this year is in person not online. He’s going to have to get over it.
Maybe he needs some support with his ideas. It doesn’t mean you have to quit your awesome job but sit down and make a real shot at a business plan for him to start on. Realistic people like yourself will always do the right thing. TAKE CARE!
Don’t quit. Tell him they can go to daycare.
You are his helpmate!Use wisdom before giving up financial support for your family. He’s probably stressed being home all day with the children.
So has he told you how this will work .He doesn’t have a trade. He doesn’t have a job or an offer yet but you must quit.
Now really ! Things world over are hard .What will you all do for money while he awaits a job to keep a family of five afloat.
He want’s to be the boss. I work and I control. No way if he insists he will have to go . Is he guaranteed a job to keep all of you ?,I doubt
I think you all ready know the answer: NO
Marriage is a partnership, you are 1/2 of the equation,if he worked you could afford child care, starting a business sounds interesting but it doesn’t pay the bills!
It’s great that he has an aspiration, but it sounds as though he’s not thinking about the practical side of those aspirations.
No. I absolutely wouldn’t quit your job. That’s definitely not what I’m advising.
But maybe [hear me out]
Sit down with him.
What kind of business is he wanting to start?
Is he wanting to make and sell something? If so…encourage him to make a few of those things and sell them on Facebook market place. Just to test how well it does. Help him figure out how to set prices and reinvest the money from it.
If it does well…maybe set a booth at a local farmers market or do Etsy or craft fairs.
If there’s a way for whatever he’s wanting to do…to be done as a side/extra/hobby type job don’t discourage him completely and Don’t just shut the convo down.
Remind him that you at your job will help with start up…start up you can’t do if you have to take less wages.
Things like that.
Why are you working and supporting a man that is not working to start with?maybe I am just old school but in my eyes it’s the man’s place to provide for the family.if you quit where does the income to provide for your family come from
I’d keep working until he has this “business” up and running and brining in a profit. What does he expect you to live on if you have no income?
Stop with the fear of COVID excuses and make him get a job and help. If your working and then coming home and doing the rest of the work then what is he doing?? Get daycare or babysitters. Thing is you married him knowing he had no skills or training and if you truly like working and are the main source of income tell hubby suck it up and get to work. Sounds like he wants his cake and eat it to. He also must see that you are frustrated and getting tired of his BS and is afraid well my couch bum days are over if she’s out in the work force she could actually meet a real man and leave me so let’s use the you stay home while i promise to use all my non skills to say i own a business and keep you under me even though that will cause my kids and wife to suffer. Don’t fall for this any longer. You know yourself the issues or you wouldn’t be so stressed and upset about it. If you have to force a man to meet you half way all your doing is taking care of another grown kid. Best of luck.
please take my advice. dont quit your job . they are too hard to find and a man like you described is not thinking rationally / use your head on this one . . wait until this guy can support you and the kids before you make thisb major jump
There’s a lot of people taking care of kids and have their own business.
I’d say, to him, dig deeper and get it done
See you when I get home from work
He wants you to leave your job, isolate yourself in the house with kids, while goes off on a pipe dream? Ummmmmmm… not a chance bum!! Don’t do it!!
If he’s wanting to start a business he can do that while at home with children. He just wants you to quit because he doesn’t want be stuck at home all day because being a stay at home parent isn’t easy and he wants you to do it.
Tell him to swallow his ego! If he really wants to start his own business then let the kids go to daycare. In that way if ever his business fell, you still have a job and source of income and you can just pull out the kids from the daycare.
Your the bread winner he can’t tell you shit …let him know,that he can stop being a SAHD as soon as he gets a job …maybe you can get a sitter to come to your house !..starting and running a business is such a gamble …especially during covid …I wouldn’t want to quit my career to like on the edge …sure he can pursue it …but don’t quit your job hun!
Keep ur job, ur going to need it!
It has to be a realistic dream for him as well, but he could figure out how to start it whilst your still working. Life just doesn’t work like that, someone has to bring money in!
Do not do it. Nope. You will 10000% regret it.
If he has an idea to open a business then fine he can go adhead an plan it all out while he is at home…
U dont have to quit ur job ,
tell him u got a raise an it is ur job that is really running the housewhole bills…
But in the meantime also to make things easy for him and yourself both of u can sit down at night an u can start hearing his business ideas, u can also give give him some ideas, an help him come up with something…
Sit down an talk about it nicely…
Plan together an if it all works out for him sucessfully …
Motivate ur husband by helping him an planning with him dont break him…
Ask a relative or grandma to help u babysitt ur kids an u can pay them …
Marriage works hand in hand if both spouses really want things to work out …
Girl throw his broke lazy ass out!! Sounds like he’s delusional. Don’t you there quit your job. He sounds selfish! Time to reevaluate this relationship.
He sounds controlling. He may be jealous that you are providing, plus staying at home sucks!!! I love my kids but staying home, you never clock out. Tell him to find a stable job to replace your income and then you will talk.
Do NOT quit your job!!! If he is home all day, he should be researching the costs, and time involved in “starting his own business.” He sounds like a loser.
Don’t leave your job, you know what you have to do to keep moving forward. He will either understand or he won’t. Take it from there! Wishing by the best!
Run away take the kids and flee have a plan just saying… been there done that