My spouse has been demanding I quit my job: Advice?

YOU deserve to be respected and supported in your decisions. Sounds to me like you would both be headed into an entire world of hurt economically and with a LOT of stress if you give up your job.

This does not sound like a win win for anyone. While he is staying home, ask him to create a prospectus on where the money will come from for his business, rent, start up inventory costs, etc.
A true reality check.

If he were a real man he would see your dilemma, and support you, making lunches for all his family.
My husband has always been there to help clean house,cook and he was a working man too.
In fact…I wish I could clone him.
Good luck lady.

Right now you should keep your job and he should try starting a work from home business. Your job is safe and secure and supports the family. You can’t risk giving it up at this time.

I would tell him they are going to daycare. You are going to get a job. If you can’t help with the family I’m not raising you also your a grown man. He needs to grow up my husband tried to do the same thing he didn’t want to work and made excuses any way he could.

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My ex did the same thing and then convinced everyone that I refused to work even though I had to leave 3 good jobs because of him. Four actually now that I think about it. Don’t do it, you will hate yourself later.

I wouldn’t give up your job.he is being will become financial unstable then he will blame you.

Do not quit your job. Are y able to do some days from home. Let him work his business out and come up with a solution.

Hes not thinking ahead. Clearly he doesn’t want you getting away from home
.I stayed home with my kids for years, then when we divorced, I had no money. Kids have to be cared for. Stay with your job. Please

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If he didn’t want too be the bread winner at the start dump him !


Sounds like a bad idea… Where is his sound business plan? Maybe you should discuss timeframe for when kids start school FT.

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If it’s so easy to do why doesn’t he do it. You already have a good paying job. It makes no sense. Why would u quit a good paying job to stay home n TRY to work from home. He’s already home. Tell him go for it. If he thinks it’s so easy. He’s just tired of having to take care of the kids.

DO NOT leave your job…let him look for a job from home or get a job out and pAy a babysitter…listen to all these pieces of advice

He is trying to isolate you from everyone. Don’t leave your job. My husband started his own business while working at that business. When we divorced he owned six semi trucks snd eight trailers. In the divorce I had to pay him $35,000 for the pleasure of working for him for 10 years while working a full time job. Keep your Job and take care of yourself and your kids

I think you should keep your job. Sounds as if your husband doesn’t know what he really wants or he would have started his business long before now. He just doesn’t want to be stuck at home raising the kids. A lot of work. Beside it takes a lot of hard work and money to start and build a business. I don’t think he realizes what it takes to build a business. You seem to have a good income and beside that you will need that to make ends meet while he is trying to build a business. He could be working at home and think about how he is going about starting a business. Kids take a lot of money. Putting them in day care a couple days a week would be good for interaction with other children their own ages. Beside I bet they would enjoy it for a few hours a couple days a week. Your husband could use those days to start building his business. Give that some thought. Don’t give up your job.

Stay with your job. Let him find his own creative ways to make his dreams come true.

To find a job you like, pays good and enjoy people, only quit if you want not someone telling you to. Good luck

DONT quit. Do what you have to do.

You will regret it. Please don’t quit .

What the hell is this? Says “Dearly PARENTS.”. All I see is whiny WOMEN bitching.

If he has no skills and no capital what kind of business is he going to start?
You keep your job.
Get your kids into a safe daycare or hire someone to watch them. Then get rid the bum.
He is a child. He does not want to get a job. He does not want to take on the responsibility of house husband. (IE: He wants you to do it all) He is delusional about starting a business.
This man has nothing to offer you. Except maybe more babies.
He is a loser!An albatross around your neck!
Speak with your family. Tell them you need help. Do whatever it takes, just get it together for you and your children. Good luck.

Girl why you with him if you’re the man and woman send those kids to daycare and tell him go to his mom’s or get a job… don’t make no sense you the working husband and he’s the stay at home mom… But he has no skills :nauseated_face::nauseated_face: he barely a man…matter of fact sis you the man…anywho if you’re actually considering this your outcome with be your own fault because that don’t even make sense what is his business plan most business you have to have some sort of certification you can’t just start selling stuff also… The pandemic is going away the stay at home jobs with be drying up and secondly do you do everything your husband tells you because it sounds like the last person to listen to is him… He has no skills once again has he even accomplished anything

Glenda Crawford YOU are right he’s tired of taking care of those kids mama don’t quit your job you be taking care of him and kids

Better keep your job