I feel like if u haven’t said anything to him in 5 years he pry doesn’t care if u say something now, but good luck
Come right out and tell him! Sometimes it hard to hurt the ones we love , but if you truly love him you will save your marriage
Maybe he’s just really environmentally conscious?
You haven’t talked to him about it just watched this go on 5 years?
I think this a mental health issue.
I’m a dental hygienist… Ive seen alot of mouths, dirty and clean. Maybe gifting him a new electric TB and some nice toothpaste would help give him a hint and motivation ? Laziness- electric TB might help. Its hard to say those things nicely so you might just need to say it. " I’m worried about the health of your body and mouth because I feel like you don’t brush your teeth often. The bacteria in the mouth goes in your blood stream and whole body and can cause other health issues. Here try this new toothbrush and paste I got for you, I love it so I thought you might! " … worth a try!
James Wernert dat you
Have u asked him why? Personally I can’t get out of the shower unless it’s done. I have met a couple of guys in my time that actually dry reach Everytime they brush their teeth. 5 years is a long time so I don’t believe it’s depression. I was severely depressed for the most part of the miserable 10year relationship I was in and when I could manage to get up I still brushed my teeth and had hygiene That furry feeling on ur teeth is revolting. But I agree it’s not nice and u need to say something if it’s affecting ur relationship.
Like… how does he close his mouth with 5 years worth of plaque piling up on his teeth??
Does he have unresolved trauma? Bc this all sounds like it’s attached to his mental health no healthy person would purposely avoid hygiene
I would’ve been saying something after day 2… 5 Y E A R S???
5 years and you’re still with him that’s disgusting af!
Does he still have any teeth?
This has to be a joke
Enough with the hints! Speak up plain and simple. Tell him flat out that you’re leaving if he doesn’t floss, brush and shower! Maybe get his doctor involved in the conversation . . .and/or a brother, friend, etc.
Maybe he doesn’t like the taste of tooth paste or the feel of a tooth brush on his teeth. (A friend of mine is like that. It’s really disgusting. But she gags just the thought of using a tooth brush or the taste or tooth paste like the texture of it) Just a thought…
Hygiene is really Important. If he hasn’t brushed his teeth in 5 years he should have no teeth, especially if he smokes cigarettes or weed for a long time. Showering once a week is just plain nasty. He should at least shower every 2-3 days. Honestly I’ve never been in a relationship, so I don’t know what it’s like in that position. I’m sorry you have to go through that.
That’s freaking gross just freaking gross
tell him to shape up or ship out!..that’s just nasty
So just a thought…. Maybe he’s dealing with some underlying depression issues. Maybe work, maybe home life or both. No work homelife balance. He should or you both should talk to a counselor. You married for a reason and if he used to do all the things you mentioned what changed? Yes he could just be comfortable with you but in that case try talking. Marriage is communication give him a chance. These are signs.
Have you considered talking to him about talking to a doctor about depression and/or anxiety? For people that have it, it can be physically challenging to take care of themselves. Maybe he is in the same boat. Your his wife, talk to him with grown up words. Men dont always understand when you “hint” to things, as all women should know.
Stop hinting and just talk to him about his lack of hygiene, ask him why and work out where you go from there.
One comment said shower every 2-3 days nawl baby you need to wash yo a## everyday
That was a pre-marriage check. Don’t do hygiene? Bye!
Hi there. OK my husband is very similar. However he has no problem showering. He just hates brushing his teeth. I sat down and said to him (very nicely) and he explained that everytime everything brushes his teeth and the toothpaste turns into a foam he throws up. So what we (myself him and the dentist) agreed on is he can brush his teeth with way to get rid of all the placque and then use mouth wash to get him free breath. Yes its not the same by it works. Maybe sit down with him and find the underlying issue and work on a compromise goodluck sweets
No!!! You are kidding us. OMG! YOU SERIOUSLY ARE!
Hinted? Be rude, say exactly what you’ve said here. Tell him. And ask if he’s well mentally…cuz that’s some type of illness.
There has to be a redeeming quality in him !
On the lighter side, Please don’t touch this spouse!
But it sure must be difficult to deal with ,no matter how much you try …hugs n comfort to you!
Wow reacted because there was no vomit react
Sibel Nur Akyol Ayla Kalayci
That’s not even funny. Be straight up. Tell him jump his ass in the shower & brush his teeth. No shame in wanting a clean man. I gotta remind my man sometimes too. If you have too, jump in & scrub his back & let him do the rest. If not, leave…
I think I wouldn’t hint anymore and talk to him about it.
Gross yes, but does NOT qualify for divorce… He deserves better than someone who would leave a marriage for those 2 reasons
Didn’t you know this when yu dated? Or did he stop after?
Don’t hint tell him straight. He’s a grown man, personal hygiene isn’t just an option it’s a must!
Can I start off by saying “ew”? How can someone NOT go without brushing their teeth. I’m curious as to how his dental health is. Not good I imagine. Yeah, I think it’s fair to say that it’s time to move on.
That’s a nope for me.
WTF did you even go out with him? Gross! You should have known better. This just didn’t start happening when he met you.
That is disgusting. I couldn’t live with somebody with poor hygiene. Gross!
Talk to him about it be honest. Can’t believe women are saying divorce:woman_facepalming:
The man knows how to save on water
Are there any other habits that have been out of the norm? Usually this is a sign of depression. Men have a tendency to hide it better then women, but poor hygiene is a huge sign up depression.
Hint? Ma’am you better TELL him!
Omg sorry but I wouldn’t put up with that! Don’t hint. Just say wash brush your teeth change your clothes, or theres the DOOR
Ugh. Thats so gross. One thing i liked about my husband before we married was his good Hygiene, nice smile and straight teeth.
My Suggestion to people is live together before you marry so you can see qhat kind of person they are before you shackle up.
Id keep beinging it up. By him some brushes and toothpaste for valentines day. Make some corny valentines. Like i love your smile. Or my heart beats at the smell of fresh breath!
Good luck that would be extremely tough. But if you really love him youll try to help hum.
Sometimes mental health issues can come in the form of not showering or self care, depression, or not even getting out of bed or cleaning house at all. Maybe he needs to reach out and talk to someone… Just an opinion from someone who’s no stranger to mental health issues.
Gross that truly is grounds for divorce I could not do it
Stop hinting and just say it.
Or ask him why he isn’t brushing his teeth and bathing.
Like others have said, it could be a sign of depression. Or he could just be gross. Either way, you aren’t helping him or yourself if you don’t just come out and talk about it.
Ugh throw him in the bin.
Grounds 4 a divorce that is…phew! I wouldnt wanna go near him he would be out that door my man showers every morning b4 work hes hgv driver
Manu Mazaiya Muipu do better sir
5 years and you haven’t told him why he doesn’t do it?
Depression he needs help
Omg that’s just vile. And you’re still there after 5 years!!! I’d be gone sorry. Yuck
And why hint?! Just tell him straight with no sugar coding!
The reason I ended my marriage with my son’s dad.
Jessica Danielle Carter what in the actual fuck
Yikes!! I can’t imagine being in a relationship that I didn’t feel comfortable enough to tell my significant other that something like this bothered me, but I’m going to see how the internet feels about it??? I’m sure if it’s that bad, finding someone else is going to be really hard for him, so he will probably appreciate your perspective and even if he’s ashamed or embarrassed, talking to him is the best thing to do. Having a serious conversation with him about the severity of the situation is all you can do. “this thing your doing (or not) is affecting me enough to leave you. Should we fix this or part ways?”
Surprised you lasted this long
He is Probably giving you a hint… move on .
Ummm…yuck! How do you EVEN kiss him?!!
It’s disgusting to see all the comments saying divorce him leave him when you get married it’s threw death so us part so when things get thought you leave your partner in life?? There is a deep rooted issue as to why he’s doing this probley few things but maybe mental health issues depression don’t act like y’all are perfect cause I’m sure you have had a few things you do that you shouldn’t in your marriages
He’s obviously not picking up what you’re putting down with the hints so I’d just straight up tell him. He needs to be more hygienic or you’re leaving. People need to be more communicative. No, this isn’t ideal or great. Yea, it’s pretty gross but you chose this man for a reason.
Wow. Does have any untreated mental health issues?
Hmm curious how you know. Me and my SO aren’t together in mornings or evenings like that. I brush mine in the shower at night and while she sleeps in the morning. I never see hers brushed but I know she brushes
Make him a Dental appt and surprise him. Just tell him you’re going to take care of him for the day. Blind fold him if you have to and let the dentist deal with him . My husband has to be dragged to take care of his health, so I know:heart:. Sometimes they need you to show you won’t let them continue on by taking charge. You are his other half:heart:
Yeah was with a guy for 3 years he would go on more then a week not showering but he did go through trauma himself. Would sleeep sleep sleeep. Started to get depressed myself
And maybe try making him a nice Epson salt bath to encourage him and get some nice New Bath Towels /Bath Matt and Loofas…. And toilets things to show him you care. I definitely know what it like when they let themselves go. It’s a greater motivated for them if they feel it’s out of Love:heart:
And yes, some marriage counseling would be a good idea to get through the difficulties together to get to the root of the problems for why these things are happens and heal together:heart:
Poo gap it while you can
Pack your bags and run
You shouldn’t even still be there. Worried about a man who you gotta tell to brush his teeth sorry sis but I’m with you on how gross that is that he doesn’t brush his teeth. Mine is a tooth brush fanatic.
Sharelle Quinlan Tiarna Johns whaaaaat
Sounds like depression??
If u guys have been together for 5yrs then u should feel more then comfortable to just tell him to brush his damn teeth or take a shower lmao
If this causes a big problem. You should find out why. Does he stink? Does he wash up?
He needs help, probably mental issue.
I give you credit for lasting 5 years… No way… how have his teeth not rotted out of his head? And showering once a week? I can’t even imagine what he smells like. Hopefully he doesn’t have a physical job… but still… Getting a nice hot shower and feeling clean & smelling good is like one of my favorite feelings! Lol If he is disabled that’s one thing… but if he’s an able bodies man then there is no excuse for showering once a week. Bad hygiene is a no-go for me. Obviously the hints aren’t working so you need to just tell him how you feel, and if he doesn’t change it you need to decide if thats something you can live with for the rest of your life…
He might be depressed
Tell him. Don’t hint it. He’s your spouse. Buy him a toothbrush and a nice bath set. Men aren’t really into these but ask him why he doesn’t shower and brush.
use a bloody shovel to get his attention…
Sounds like a serious depression is setting in, I’d get him help.