My spouse has not touched a tooth brush in 5 years

I’m not even exaggerating. He never brushes his teeth. I cannot Bring myself to feel any kinda of sexual desire for him. I’ve hinted and hinted. I’m about ready to just move on. He showers once a week and I can’t take it.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My spouse has not touched a tooth brush in 5 years

That’s just plain out gross :face_vomiting:

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Leave his ass. No self respect and lack of personal hygiene. Boy bye :wave: :face_vomiting:

Maybe you need to stop hinting and discuss it with him that it’s affecting the physical aspect of your relationship.


Stop hinting. Tell him hygiene is a must.


Sounds like he might be going through depression


That is not healthy for him you need to talk to him

Yeah bye :wave: that’s awful . I could not be sexual attracted either .

You need have that discussion.

Hygiene affects you too! You can get all types of infection. Time to go

clean up or get out…

Does he have any mental health issues? Poor hygiene is a sign of depression.


I’d just bloody tell him his breath bloody stank! If he don’t up his hygiene he can GET OUT!!! :nauseated_face:

Communicate. Forget about his feelings if he’s not getting the hint and just tell him. Not only is it gross its not healthy.

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Should moved on a long ass time ago lol

Dear God! Is he depressed? Even so, that’s absolutely disgusting. I’m not surprised you aren’t attracted!

Definitely need to reach out to him and inform him on how you feel about it. Honesty is key.

Yeah. Tell him he needs it. Don’t hint.

My brother went through something like similar his lady left him because of it and he got worse. Until I just told him who would want to be laying up with someone who smells like ass and onions and breath like shit. When he came to live with me It was a must he showered and brushed now he does a lot of self care and is happy

how could you stay with someone who hasnt brushed there teeth in 5 years :nauseated_face:


Girl hang some air fresheners on his dirty tail…ion know if i could be attracted to him but was he like this when u married him?

I wouldn’t have lasted 5 years lol


I wouldn’t hint just tell him is he depressed or just lazy

Ok the judgey comments are just wow I feel if the roles we reversed the comments would sound like mine is maybe he’s depressed something could be wrong instead of hinting talk to him women up and talk to him their could be something going on I’m not giving him an excuse but depression isn’t always crying and noticeable men hide a lot of emotions you’ll never even know showering and teeth brushing is also a huge sign (not always but I’m just giving my opinion) maybe reach out in a caring manner and see what happens go from there


My father in law is the worst for not showering, he will stink up the whole upstairs, my mother in law and myself have to TELL him to go shower. We also tell him it’s ok to shower more than once a week, saves us from bitching at him, and he keeps the same clothes on all those days he doesn’t shower. Love the man, but Jesus I just can’t do the smell sometimes.

That’s so disgusting!! Girl run!

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So how do they brush their teeth? With their finger :woman_shrugging:

Oh heck that is disgusting.
No more hinting you need to tell him to book his ideas up. Showering once a week is quite frankly disgusting too.
Needs to sort himself out

Waited for 5 years? Ridiculous. I’d leave after one day!

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So stop hinting… if you can’t be forward after 5 years living together, then brushing teeth isn’t the biggest problem…


His poor hygiene can give you infections!!! From oral sex & regular intercourse. His poor dental hygiene could also give you yeast infections!!

that’s disgusting oh gawd no id be out the door a long time ago

Sounds like he is depressed


Don’t hint, discuss. Ask him why he hasn’t brushed his teeth in so long. Why is he not showering daily? Does he do anything that he believes negates the need to brush his teeth? Does he use mouthwash at all? Does he use deodorant? The lack of basic cleanliness and the lack of oral hygiene hints at some sort of mental health issue.

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Just sit down and talk to him and ask him if he’s depressed and just tell him babe I notice you don’t brush your teeth often and think you need to see a dentist I don’t want to see you having to get them all pulled. Try and be understanding and if he still refuses help then leave

Communicate with him tell him exactly how you feel…Ask him why he is like that? He could be depressed or some other mental illness but not brushing and bathing is nasty real nasty


Stop hinting and just tell him that he needs to brush his teeth daily and shower atleast 2 or 3 times a week. Tell him you aren’t attracted to him because of these things and if he doesn’t work on fixing them then you can’t be woth him anymore. Also does hrle suffer from depression, cuz that can really effect that sort of thing

Ugh yuck :nauseated_face: run for the hills

Don’t hint it! Just be straight forward & honest. Stop the hinting!

Discuss it with him, and u’ll find a solution to that. It’s a habit nd u can replace it with the habit of cleaning his teeth or himself. It’ll work out

He needs to see a therapist or physician. This is a sign of health, and mental ailments.


Be honest. Sit down and talk to them. Tell them how you feel and you have reached your limit. It could be lots of things but could also be depression.

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Tell him to only brush the ones he wants to keep


Forget the HINTS just come out and say it

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Be straight forward. That’s ur spouse, u should be able to discuss anything

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This is very common for individuals suffering from depression. I’ve been in his shoes before and it’s not easy.


this w never have been a issue w me …I can’t stand dragon breath…and to kiss me…,not!

Well, really it’s his body. But I wouldn’t kiss someone that didn’t brush

So you’ve sat and watched this for 5 years and never thought to suggest it to him? Maybe you shouldn’t live together if you can’t do something as simple as ask him what’s wrong. You’d expect him to know when something’s wrong with you, correct ? Be a woman and do what a woman does. Make sure your man’s good instead of coming to other people for your relationship advice. It’s clear the relationship is already over if you can’t ask him to his face about something so serious.


Talk to him communicate there has to be a reason .

It sounds like he is dealing with mental problems. When mine get bad I don’t shower or brush my teeth because it’s the least of my worries. Try talking to him see if there is a problem.


Could be depression or a range of mental health issues. Ask him to seek help.


Sounds like clinical depression


I straight up would say something.


Sounds like my ex husband. I would have to take his clothes while he was sleeping to wash because he would wear the same thing for days on end… never even opened the toothbrush I bought him when he moved in, wouldn’t shower for days. It was gross! I mean, that was included in the reasons that we split along with other issues. But yeah :face_vomiting:

You said you’ve hinted at it, but have you flat out told him about it? I can only imagine what his breath smells like and what his teeth look like. :grimacing:

It’s possible that’s how he was raised. Personal hygiene is taught, so if he was never taught proper hygiene, that could be the reason.


I would talk to them but be gentle because it could also make them feel insecure and that sucks if they are going through things already!!

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Sophie Minuto :laughing: this will gross you out.

Maybe he is depressed and isn’t able to take care of himself and his basic needs. Try to talk to him about it. Praying for your relationship :heart:


Those are both signs of depression! You need to have a straightforward conversation with him and see if anything is going on.

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But yet we expect men to give us grace when we not having an easy time with whatever battles we’re facing.


So it’s been five years of this and now suddenly it’s a problem? You were better off leaving him way earlier in my opinion. Man or woman, this is disgusting


P.U……Nope not acceptable. I’d be gone for sure. Something very wrong with him. Hygiene is very important not only for one’s physical health but for their social health as well. He needs more help than you can give him. I wouldn’t just only give “hints” I’d say “listen stinko ”, this has got to stop or I’m gone :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Severe depression if you ask me


Hint? Hint? Hell no. Be blunt and straight forward. How could you be going on or even longer than a couple of days let alone weeks or years in this case without saying something?! Wow. Depression maybe?! Or just plain no self care. I would not stay if he can’t take care of himself.


He deserves what he gets….0

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Is he depressed or does he have Autism? xx


After 5 years you finally are ready to leave? Is this real…


My husband just woke up and some of the first words out of my mouth was “ooh babe, smelling a little ripe this morning!” And he got in the shower. Wasnt upset or anything. We are just able to be honest with one another.


Tell him. This isn’t something to hint about.

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If my husband hadn’t touched a tooth brush in 2 days, I’m taking the thing and shoving it down his throat. You’ve let this go on for 5 years?? Wow.


Throw the whole damn boyfriend out!! That’s completely unsanitary and disgusting :face_vomiting: Anna Kaytlin

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Ewwwww. I couldn’t handle that!

I’ve been with my fiancé for 5 years and we are always up front with one another! That’s apart of the deal! You let each other know when you are slacking in an area! Whether it be a small problem or huge! If you can’t be upfront and let him know then I’d say move on.

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it sounds like depression or mental health issue…
I go through the same as gross as it is.
I can go weeks without doing it, brushing my hair or showering. You don’t think about stuff like that when you are battling depression. I even go all day without eating sometimes.

Then there’s that day I do it all and consecutively keep doing it. I would talk with him…actually talk not hint and find out the root cause. Maybe he just needs reminded
“hey honey I noticed you have been neglecting yourself as far as your hygiene goes. Is everything okay? Do I need to help you remember?” something like that


Tell him. I mean nicely of course like “Hey I’d really appreciate if you’d brush your teeth” sometimes there’s a lot more to neglecting hygiene than laziness, depression is a big one. Why after 5 years is this an issue all the sudden? Be an adult and communicate.

Ok so why not get him help? Sounds like maybe he has depression and doesn’t know how to seek help? Have a talk with him. Maybe try having him brush teeth and shower with u? I mean if ur realtionship is worth saving. If not leave

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Ask him to shower with you…when you are brushing your teeth hand him his toothbrush ready to go…


Why exactly can’t you be up front about it and tell him?

Hell u stayed that long and now complaining


I would never have hinted anything. I would straight up tell him to go wash his butt and brush his teeth. Like wow.

I wouldn’t even kiss him after a day never mind 5 years. Why don’t he brush his teeth it’s a must to keep teeth healthy n have good hygiene. Five years is sick sick sick honestly.


With the greatest of respect the cruel comments are not going to help here. Sounds like serious metal health issues, You should discuss the issue with him directly and encourage him to seek help where necessary. If it isn’t metal health related then you need to help him understand the importance of personal hygiene. This as gone on far too long and needs to be nipped in the bud. Hope you can turn it around


5 years! It’s going to be expensive if he doesn’t start! :thinking: And it’s going to hurt! Sounds like your manbaby is of the very common kind that needs to be raised once again as adults! :flushed: I know it’s tiresome.

Fuck that it’s nasty

Wow You definitely love him… I don’t think I could have not went to the store got him a toothbrush and put toothpaste on it for him and say okay baby it’s time to clean them teeth. Then got his clothes together and be like and shower time. Sometimes men need to be treated like kids! But if he wouldn’t take it as I better do this myself. Then I would just move on. He has no self respect that would be a huge turn off for me also.

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How did you endure his piggish ways for 5 LONG years??? I’d leave 5 minutes into the relationship, if i were you… Runnnnnnn and don’t stop to even catch on a breath else you’ll find him next to you again :face_vomiting:

How have his teeth not fallen out yet, literally??? :nauseated_face:

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Hinted? If you are married you should be willing to have the uncomfortable conversation that his hygiene is neglected


I haven’t read the comments but this sounds a lot like a mental health issue, maybe suggest he speaks to a doctor?


I’d tell my man to go brush the cheese off his teeth. :cheese:

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Sounds like severe depression to me.


Hinted??! TELL HIM!!

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No sugar coating anything tell that man it’s hygiene 101 so grossss

You have to discuss this with him! Tell him that your not meaning to sound rude but he needs to manage his hygiene more because it’s putting you off. Run his baths for him then he has no choice also.

Thos could be depression or other mental health issues. Talk to him. Don’t give hints. Be an adult


Obviously y’all have never been severely depressed and it shows :expressionless: being kind costs NOTHING.

He needs some therapy honestly. Depression is a bitch.

Hint?!:joy: Why not just schedule them a dentist appointment?! :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

5 years oh god :grimacing: 1 shower a week… that’s just flat out gross :nauseated_face:


I can’t stand one day without a shower. Tell him to go shower and brush those teeth