My spouse kicks me out everytime we get in a fight: Advice?

Every time me and my significant other get in a argument he tells me to get out. We’ve been together 12 years and I pay all the bills and he makes side money. But he kicks me out every time. One time I may just leave. He tells me awful things and I’m at a loss. I’m almost done. Someone can you give me advice


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My spouse kicks me out everytime we get in a fight: Advice?

Leave! Or since you pay everything kick him out. Seems like he’s immature


ALMOST done? Girl leave. Actually… if you pay the bills he better leave


Tell him the next time he kicks you out you aren’t coming back

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Stop paying the bills or better yet kick him out since ur the one who pays the bills


Almost done? I would be DONE!!!


Kick his ass out. Give him a 30days notice.

Kick him out… you pay the bills


Know your self worth.


Is it in your name? Kick HIM out.

Or just leave and stop paying everything


I don’t know why you have him around to this day if you’re the one paying it all. Next time kick HIM out for good

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Stop paying the bills and leave


It’s easy to say leave unless someone’s in your situation. I know someone that’s in a situation similar to yours (just doesn’t get kicked out) and it’s a hard place to be in and it’s easy for people to say leave but it’s not that easy and I see it from the person I see going through the same thing


I woulda been done the first time I don’t understand why people put up with people who are like this

Leave. It’s not going to change.

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Ummmm take his license and card. Book a room and call it a week.


Contact an attorney without telling him


Leave, Don’t say a damn word to him about it. He doesn’t have enough respect for you If he always goes to that during an argument

Stop paying for it all. If you can be kicked out at any time then those bills are his responsibility. :woman_shrugging:t3: next time pack your stuff and leave permanently.


Just get out of there now !
Dont wait for a next time !

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This happened to me I packed my cloths and left

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This is abuse. Leave.

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Leave. What a pos. Disgusting . Drop him on his ass and let him pay all the bills

Stop paying bills and kick him out don’t be such a doormat


Seems like he won’t make it without you so I’ll bounce. I bet he realize real quick what he had!


I would move into a different place and not tell him. Leave and don’t go back. Make sure you turn off everything that’s in your name or he just might ruin your credit.


If you are paying all of the bills… why are you even bothering to stay?


marriage counceling.

When are you going to put yourself first. Do you want another 12 years of the same bullshit then stay ! If not go be happy you deserve to be happy!

Leave and pay the bills without the extra baggage. That’s not a good relationship

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Make HIM LEAVE! TELL HIM NO! DONT LEAVE! STAND UR GROUND! especially if you pay all the bills what tf do u need his childish a** for anyways? He isn’t going to change.

Since you pay everything, get your own place and leave him in the dust.


leave and dont look back

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If the police show up they going to make him leave not you

U pay the bills? Then kick him out

Done. Evict him. Cut your loss

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Kick his ass to the curb.

You keep allowing it and he will keep doing it. Next time stay gone

Don’t go back next time

Definitely leave. He’s abusing you. Clearly you can make it on your own and probably would have more money if you weren’t supporting him too. I know that 12 years of history feels like a lot of time wasted, but I’m guessing there are far more than 12 years left for you to live and you deserve to be happy for those years.


I’d tell him the next time he tells you to get out, you WON’T be back.

Just leave and clean out your bank, let him survive on his own his without your income

Leave start looking for a place I was with my ex husband for 14 years same thing constantly threw me out… leave and don’t look back

Well you keep putting up with it so it will continue. I don’t know why women just go along with this crap. We aren’t this weak that we have to deal with this stuff. Get out and forget him or put your foot down.


Don’t you DARE leave a home you pay for to a man.

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LEAVE. You are worthy of a home, and stability.
Sounds like you are living in hell right now and you deserve so much more. :heart:

Obviously you don’t need him, you’re doing all on your own already.

You teach people how to treat you.

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That is so disrespectful.

Girl leave his ass!! Or you kick him out!!

Kick him out if you pay the rent.

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Lol…12 years…# he knows you aren’t going anywhere…# honestly, you know you aren’t going anywhere

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I would honestly laugh at my other half if this was the case. I mean I know you know this is wrong. I would tell him that you pay the bills and if he doesn’t want to be around you he can leave.

One time actually leave.

If your mail goes to the address then he cannot kick you out. He would have to take you to court regardless if the house is in his name. Now if you are renting and only his name is on the lease then I would say you should get your own place and stop paying his bills. If everything is in your name then you should take him to court and kick him out.

That is not someone you should be with. Take your stuff & go

you pay all the bills, kick him out… permanently…


I’d get my own place & show him …. He doesn’t deserve you


I would actually leave.

Why are you still there, and why are you asking people on Facebook, I would have done been gone the first time…

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Leave, you don’t need treated like that. Get b your own place and he is notbinvited

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Treat people how they treat you.

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You pay every thing then whose name is on the lease? If it’s both then he can’t kick you out. Get your own place and find someone else who appreciates you!


Stop paying bills there or kick his lazy ass to the curb

Wow wtf kick his ass out!

Kick him out! And if that’s not an option, leave. Factory reset his ass. Let him know it’s been a long time coming.

Sounds like you need to get your own place or kick his ass out lol

Why wait to leave? If your paying all the bills that’s obviously the only reason he is keeping you around and if you leave when he tells you to that’s on you he should be the one leaving if he doesn’t pay no bills


How does he kick you out when you pay everything? No ma’am.

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I’d leave him, kick him out since he doesn’t pay the bills. Though idk who is on the lease

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You pay all of the bills yet he is kicking you out? Hell no! You need to kick him out & he needs to grow up!!


I’d it’s a rental, leave and don’t look back. If it’s a co-owned home, don’t leave, sell it and then don’t look back. You don’t need to put with his abuse. Once he realizes he’s not in charge he will be begging you to come back. Don’t fall for it. Good luck


You should kick himnout you pay the bills.

It’s never going to change. I think you know this deep inside your heart and you are just looking for someone else to validate what you already know. You are better off leaving now instead of just wasting more of your time and energy on something that will never be what you want it to be.

Pack his shit and move it out and never look back

If you’re paying the bills then just leave a get a place of your own and pay the bills there. You don’t need this guy in your life with the way he is. Less stress on you and nobody can tell you to leave from your own home. Start looking for a place asap and when you find something just leave and don’t even bother let him know what or where you’re going since he obviously doesn’t care about you to much.


Girl kick him out :rofl: you pay all the bills don’t make yourself look silly have him “evicted” if he gets mail there he has to be formally evicted you deserve better and I don’t know your case but if he is abusive make sure you have someone there who can keep you safe


Turn it around and kick the SO out. You literally pay all the bills, why do you need to deal with that???

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I would say okay soon as I find a place

Your paying the bills and he’s kicking you out! You need to kick him out!


Hell no. I pay no bills and my man would still be the one to leave if I felt that way :joy:

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Get out leave the jero


Respect yourself since he doesn’t. STOP paying the bills where he’s at and get a different place for you and you alone!


Kick that loser to the curb. There is someone out there that will appreciate you. Leave his butt.

U already know good bye

Fuck him leave let him pay the bills

So GET OUT! Be freeeee.

Kick him out!! Take him back to his mommy! I did this 32 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did!!

I would leave & be done with him. He doesn’t love you, he loves what you do for him. Don’t take him back when he comes crying. Remember, he’s broke, not in love



Queens loss in there values boi y go back??leave permanently

Your leaving the house where you pay bills? Don’t leave. He can leave.

Advice ? Don’t leave a house that YOU pay the bills in :thinking:

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Laugh in his face and tell him to go fuck himself (if he isnt on the lease) OR actually leave and stay away from him

Take your money and leave!

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That is your choice because he not make you leave your home. Call the police next time

Get out for good. It will never change!!!

Don’t go back. Stay at Home Moms :fire:

If you aren’t on the lease or mortgage? Leave him. Don’t look back. Let somebody else be his sugar mama.

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Who’s house is it? If its his, why are you paying the bills? I’d stop paying any bills that weren’t in my name.