My spouse kicks me out everytime we get in a fight: Advice?

If you love him, you’ll always go through this.
However if you’re fed up, start looking for your own place without him knowing and slowly stop paying the bills to stack your own money and move out.
You gotta want to leave though or else it won’t work.
I used to be in the same situation and it took a lot of mental abuse to realize I’ve had enough, I got tired of it and bought me a one way ticket to Vegas. Had my flight bought six months in advance, searched for the cheapest apartment and secured it 2 months in advance. Then one day just packed my bags and left.
At first it was scary but I overcame it and have gotten stronger mentally, physically and spiritually. It’s been 13 years and it’s the best decision I ever made.
Good luck to you. Be smart, plan accordingly and be quiet about your plan. No need to tell everyone, just a select few that you know got your back and would never divulge where you’re at.
Be safe.

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He keeps doing it because you are allowing him to get away with all of this…you need to stand your ground…quit letting loser men take advantage you.sounds like he needs to go back home & live with his Mommy… Hes not a man!!! Hes one of them “men” that gets with desperate women who can only get a man by offering them a place to stay rent free who does nothing but sit & around & play video games all day while their woman works… Nope!!! Get him out of their asap!! Who does he think he is kicking you out of your own house that you pay to live in??

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Leave!!!.it’s simple what a waste of time. 12 years lol and u put up with that🥴 u only get 1 life. Hope u don’t wanna spend it miserable like this for another 12

Sounds like almost needs to
Be Done!

Just be done and do yourself the favor and go.

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So, you pay his bills? Assuming it’s his house?
Stay gone!
You deserve better.


If you pay the bills, your name is the only name on the lease, kick him to the curb.

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You pay the bills get him evicted

If you pay all the bills then why are YOU leaving? Stand up to him. He has no right to tell or make you leave so stop doing it.

Leave! He’s clearly not mature enough to handle a relationship if he thinks Kickin you out every time is the answer. Get your stuff together and make a plan and then start a fight :wink:

Um, kick HIM out. He needs you more than you need him it sounds like lol

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He is a child. I would tell him the next time he tells you to leave will be the last time you ever talk to him. Tell him to grow up. By the way, you pay the bills so he would need to leave. Do not get stuck with payments that aren’t yours. Prepare yourself now!


Pssshh, make him leave!


Leave… don’t wait… now

Be done. Thats my advice

You are his cash cow. Leave and have a better life.

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If I was you I would have left along time ago. Or kick him to the curve if your the one paying

What is the question ? He kicks you out and you question it ? Girl leave ! He is gaslighting you. You already paying the bills. He is using you and you let him. Don’t go back to him ever. There are men that will appreciate you way more. Don’t put up with this lazy untitled ass that is not even man enough to pay bills.

You’re paying ALL the bills and he’s kicking YOU out?! Make it make sense. I would take all MY money and rent my own place. Then, you don’t have to worry about being kicked out. Don’t let him move in either!

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So he treats you like shit, doesn’t pay any bills, you are working & paying for everything & yet hes kicking you out??? What a loser! Get rid of him!

If it’s your home then kick his butt out. If he won’t go you may have to get creative. Tell the local authorities you have issues with him and you are thinking of kicking him out but he won’t leave. Pretty sure they will help you.

You sound like a self-sufficient woman. I’m confused why you haven’t left him yet.

Depends on if it’s co-owned? If so sale it and go. If it’s a rental in his or both names…leave. You already pay all the bills. If lease is only in your name do what you need to evict him. Either way I’d be done! Sounds like he’s using you.

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Just leave if you paying all the bills then you can do it on your own

Tell me your kidding? You know what you need to do. Why are you still there and haven’t left. He doesn’t respect you or care to. What in his right mind thinks it’s ok for him to talk to you with such disrespect. You either kick him out or leave and get your own place so he can take care of himself. You deserve better.

WHAT??? Stay tf gone!! Pew. Get a good therapist instead. It’ll be a far more enriching relationship. I promise.

You pay the bills and you let him kick you out ? How about move out and let him worry about how he’s going to get all of the bills paid.


Find an apartment and leave. Cut the bills to the place you’re currently in.
You deserve better.


leave him you are paying all the bills , let him find a way to pay his own bills. make yourself happy for once

YOU pay the bills. He does not. He leaves. NOT you

If you’re paying the bills kick his butt to the curb and be done with him

12 years and you haven’t had enough yet. You can live without him. Leave ASAP.

I would call the police, because he can’t just kick you out. Are yall legally married? But it doesn’t matter he can’t just kick you out. But I would be looking for my own place, I don’t need to live in drama with him.

Listen to him, he doesn’t want to live with you. He’s making life miserable for you hoping you walk away first so he’s not the one who walks. If the place is in your name, evict him. If its in his name, find another place.


You said together… Not married. Whose name is house in. If its your name. Tell him to leave. When he dont call cops. If its in his name. Go get your own place and move on.

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.My question is who’s name is the place in? Is it both names? I know it doesn’t matter but if you are paying the bills. If it’s just yours tell him to leave and get out . Change the locks. Or just leave altogether and get your own place because you don’t deserve this.

Leave, sis. Let him keep the house. He won’t be able to maintain it without you

I’d say,okay.Pack my bags and go.

….I couldn’t have read this right. You’re ALLOWING someone else to dictate your behavior and actions as an adult? And have been doing so for 12yrs?
Why are you still there?

You’re beyond advice if you put up with this


He should be the one going sounds like

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You pay all the bills and you let him kick you out :man_facepalming: ffs kick his arse to the curb total gas lighting freak.get rid.

If you are paying the bills tell him to leave. Sounds like a narcissist!

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Go. Find you a place. If you really love him, let him move into your place. As long as you’re the main person on the lease, he can’t kick you out. When he gets pissy tell him what he tells you. For example: get your shit and get out. Just throw it back in his face. He’ll soon realize how bad it hurt you and made you feel every time he did it to you.

Ew. Just leave for good. That’s toxic and childish.

Leave and stay gone. Stop paying his bills RIGHT NOW.


Just leave and don’t go back… Take ur things and out! U can do better than a piece of toilet paper like him

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Well, turn off all the utilities since they’re in your name and leave.

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He’s telling you how he truly feels. Why are you going back?
Your not “almost” honey…you are.
That’s your house!
Tell HIM to leave.
You can do better. You deserve someone who Cares and makes you feel loved. If he cared he would get a job with benefits and make you feel secure. I’m so sorry. He’s already gone.
God bless. Pray about it.

Stay home one day and change the locks. If you can afford it with out him then stay or start packing and get a new place to start your new life. This is not how someone who loves you treats you.


Tell him to get out. Period. Bills in your name. Open that and tell him to go and don’t let him come back. Hit the road dude.

If you own the house together i would leave and make him buy u out he want’s it that bad!!! You are worth so much more

So you pay for everything yet you allow him to kick you out?

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Stop paying his Bill’s.

My best advice is to make him leave. You may not want to hear that rn but you deserve so much better. If the place is in your name, stay and make him leave, if not then take all your money and do YOU. That’s abuse. No amount of love is worth this. You deserve someone who will respect you. If your throat doesn’t burn when you scream at the person you love, it’s NOT LOVE.

why do you let him kick you out? You have just as much right to be there. Tell him to grow up or leave.

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Save up money and leave him.

I’m at a loss as to why anyone would put up with someone like him! 12 yrs? NO WAY


He needs to leave that’s your house if he isn’t really contributing!

Why do you let him kick you out? Why don’t you stay & tell him to leave? Look at eviction procedures (may be difficult as this is and has been his address, but not impossible), start divorce proceedings, have meticulous financial records & store them where he has no access to them.

Once you are able to get him out change the locks. Know how to get a restraining order and put cameras up to catch him if he comes around your house.

Alternatively, since the place is in your name, sell the property or break the lease & move somewhere else. Don’t give him your new address or a key. But first check with a lawyer what his rights would be in this scenario though.

Tell him to leave. That’s a great way to make sure he stops treating you like crap.

Leave his ass and don’t look back!! He sounds toxic and unhealthy so either kick him out or get a new place of your own.

You pay all the bills and yet you get kicked out??? Are you both on lease or loan? Why do you let this happen? Stand up for yourself. Sounds like maybe walking out and not looking back would be best.


My fiance is a recovering alcoholic and when we would get into fights while he was drinking he’d keep telling me to get out and shit. I flat out said one of these days I will go so if you really don’t want me to, shut your mouth. It’s been years since he’s said that to me.

First of all, let a man tell me to leave my home for having and opinion! Second, tell his ass to get out next time, he don’t pay no bills, his side money can go towards a hotel room, tell him he can come back when he grows tf up

Go and never go back

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Just leave. No love is worth this drama or trauma.


You pay all the bills and he kicks you out?

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Girl … you only tolerate what you put up with. If he is that quick to tell you to get out than your marriage nor his love is alive. You have to be strong … do you stay and await for him to utter that threat again? Do you do roll reversal and tell him to get out as your the bread winner? Or do you put your foot down, find another place to stay, and tell him to pack sand. I can’t tell you what to do. My only advice is to care about yourself more and don’t ever allow him to be a push over.

TF? You pay all the bills? I’d stay right where I was and start packing his bags


take that advise your just a door matnow!!

Leave…my ex use to tell me to leave…but then I told him to leave … I’m not going anywhere…he shut up fast about that

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You are “ALMOST DONE “ how many more times he has to kick you out to you to be DONE?
The first time he did it was on him , the rest are absolutely your fault

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What the Hell?! I paid the bills and the lease was in my name. I told my ex I’m not renewing the lease and to leave. He had no choice but to kick rocks. Tell him to leave. F that.

My ex did the same and I left. Strong independent women like the one you sound you are don’t put up with childish behavior

You will leave when u have had enough. We can tell u to go but u won’t tell ur ready.

Get a place of your own and then just say bye I’m leaving .then love start over again .look to the future and be happy xx

Next time don’t go back…

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The time before the last time should have been the last time.


My husband tried this I packed my stuff and left with my kids. He never said it again

Send HIM packing … you pay for everything ? Why is he still there ?


U kick him out and don’t let him back in… or you continue to be treated like this

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almost done? Baby nooo.

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I called a lawyer, made arrangements with my mother to help me with retaining fee. Then I let my husband know that I have secured a retainer and if he ever threatens me with divorce again, I would make the call - that was 14 years into my 17 year marriage.
He never said the word “divorce” again. This happened three years ago. We’re doing better than we ever have.

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Be done… The more you tolerate the more it’s accepted. 12 years is a long time to accept this.


Wtf lol seriously you pat bills and let this man kick you out omg :woman_facepalming: get it together get a backbone and start getting your ducks in a row and leave his ass…if I’m paying the bills ain’t no one kicking me out

Leave I got any extra room

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Leave. Only advice worth giving.


If you pay the bills make him leave. Stop dealing with emotional abuse.


They don’t truly want you. They just can’t pay for stuff without you. Pack your stuff and set sail for a happy life.


You should have left a long time ago


You need to RUN! You’re paying all the bills while a grown ass man is doing nothing!! Kick his a** to the curb

Clearly you can afford to pay bills and a place on your own. Start applying at apartments or wherever and get out. If his name is not on the lease,then you can definitely be the one kicking him out. Either way there’s no need for you to continue to put up with this !


You pay the bills? Tell him to pack his bags and get out. Pack his crap and get rid of him.


Tell him okay, pack your stuff, and leave?? I was always taught to never stay somehwere I was no longer wanted. You’re the one who works anyways. You could move out and on, and do better for yourself without him


The writing is on the wall. What do you have to loose


Please respect yourself more… kick him out for good


How does someone kick you out of a place in which you pay the bills?? Umm, you might as well leave and get ya own place.


I’d stop paying the bills and pocket my $$ and when the bills start coming in I’d be sure to hand them to him. Then I’d tell him I’m not paying shit here any more bc I have to save up for next time you kick me out bc I am not returning!

Kicking you out of a place you say you pay for…