My spouse kicks me out everytime we get in a fight: Advice?

Go! Don’t look back!
He will reap what he sow’s!


Why you asking a question you know the answer to? Leave girl

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Just tell him we’re the door is your a legal resident he can’t kick you out but you can have him removed for DV is he becomes violent sounds like he’s got something he’s doesn’t want you to know about

No judgement about how long you stayed hun, but I do want you to understand you can do it alone and when you leave he won’t be able to pay bills let someone on his level have him. Do not run back when he says he misses you bc he can’t pay his light bill. Next time he says leave never look back!


You pay the bills. Kick his ass out. Or next time he does, don’t pay the bills lmfao let them shut all the shit off.

You are paying the bills so he should but if he doesn’t then stop paying the bills and leave. No one deserves to be treated like that.

Call the cops, have him removed, stay in the house or he will get it…get a restraining order…why people continue to put up with this crap everyday just baffles me…get out before you end up dead!!!

If you own the or part of the house you have every right to stay in the house
If you dont you need to seek legal advice as youve been paying bills and could lay claim
Hope you have receipts to do that
Good luck

Get out and stay out!!! What are you waiting for … SMH!!!


Just leave. Life is to short to be treated that way. There are other people out in the world that will treat you better.

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Sounds like a perfect marriage to me :joy: you are made for each other

Kick him out. You pay the bills. He can go. Boy bye.


Leave!!! If you already pay the bills, you can obviously afford to live on your own. He’s just bringing you down and holding you back. Leave and don’t look back.


So are you married or not…first it’s spouse, then it’s S O…

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Leave. Such a childish dude. Men benefit from marriage/relationships more than women. Leave.

Why the hell are you still there you gotta be nuts

I’d give him exactly what he wants. He can pay the bills by his damn self. You are no one’s bitch.

If u stand for nothing you will fall for anything

If it in your name, he can get tf out

F!&$ that! I’d be gone faster than he could say I’m sorry, come back! No one deserves that bullshit

If you’re drivers license address is there or your name is on it then he can’t just kick you out.

Don’t go back. That’s it. That’s the advice.

The next time he tells you to get out, take your money and your belongings and leave!

That is extremely immature and should show you exactly what you mean to him, especially after 12 years. Stop paying the bills, bank your money, look for a place of your own and leave him in your past!

Girl, get out and don’t look back!!!

Leave. Sounds like I don’t need him anyway

You decide. Stay because you have that right and tell him to leave if he doesn’t want to be there with you… or just pack your stuff and go

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Council for for sure

Do what he says and Leave. Just don’t go back next time! Sorry you go through that :pleading_face:


Girl if you don’t stop paying that man’s bills and leave


Get your own place!! Don’t put up with that crap especially if your paying the way!! Then it’s your house and he can’t kick you out!!


The first time he did that should have been his last. You should be kicking him out instead, if you pay all the bills.


Leave and stop paying for a place for him to live


If u pay all then when he says get out do so and never go back
Get your own place and be happy

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You pay the bills?! I think tf not. If anyone is leaving he is.


You pay the bills. Next time he tells you to leave… make him leave. Be done with it

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Advice?? What you want to hear? Please just go. They don’t want you. No person that loves you would treat you like this. Stop wasting your time.

It’s abuse. Call it what it is.
If you can’t handle an argument or disagreement without this, seek help.
Obviously there’s a few issue’s there cause normal people don’t get upset and flip on their spouse. They don’t put them down?
He’s abusive, and unfortunately he knows and won’t worry about anything.

Your mental health is important and valued. It’s valid, his words cannot depreciate your self worth.
You’re in control of yourself, your feelings and insecurities. You own them
You control them and don’t try forcing people to be your victims.

That’s not how this works


Set boundaries for yourself!!! He has absolutely no right to kick you out. You are letting this happen.

Yap leave, mine would tell me his way or the hiway. One day after 23 yrs I took the hiway. Don’t put up with that crap.

I would be done! That’s not ok to do or treat you that way. If it’s like that now chances are it won’t change or get better. Love yourself enough to get out.

Start preparing…unless you Not pay the bills and you just leave him

So your dealing with a man acting like a child? Who won’t even get a steady job? And you pay all the bills? Your better off on your own no matter how much you “love him” that isn’t love

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Absolutely be IMMEDIATLY looking for another place of * YOUR* OWN*!! Soon as u find 1 while hes gone outta house QUICKLY move ur stuff out DONT tell him where your new place is either! He DOESNT deserve to know its 1 of the classic signs of a Narcissist!! TRUST ne when I tell you its NOT gonna get better only WORSE if u stay! QUIT paying all the bills while U work & he basically sits on his broke ass!! Your just simply ENABLING him giving him PERMISSION to mistreat you & you DONT deserve it!! PLEASE do yourself that favor & kick him to curb & I say get another place so that once you leave you WILL have a COMPLETELY CLEAN BREAK from him! New beginning fresh start!! Good luck plz update!

Call his bluff.leave and dont go back

You’re paying all your own bills… LEAVE! Why stay with someone who treats you so poorly!

Why haven’t you left yet?


What does he pay? Who’s name r the bills in?

I’d do just that and leave but if u pay the bills who’s house is it?

Wait. You’re married and you actually leave? Girl…

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Kick his ass out. You pay the bills you make the rules. He wants to be immature every time there’s a disagreement tell him you’re ready to find a real man instead of big cry baby.

You have one time to say you are leaving ie tell me to leave(if it’s not my house) It is over! You know why because I warn you what I won’t put up with and that’s cheating, disrespect, lying and this​:arrow_up::arrow_up:

You need to kick him out. He’s emotionally abusing you. Using your emotions to make you be more careful around him, giving him what he wants or be punished. I hope you can prove you’re paying the rent & utilities. File for eviction.

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My ex did the same and I finally got sick of it and did

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So you actually leave? I wouldn’t, that’s your house too and his reaction is really immature.

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Years ago I was in a similar situation. One day I rented a storage unit waited until I knew he would be gone for a while and moved out without a word. And never went back because I knew he’d never change. One of the smartest things I have done.


Take your money and leave. Find someone who will value you and treat you with respect. Why are you still with that jerk and putting up with it??? It is not going to get better, he will not change. Better to be alone then deal with that.


Leave and don’t come back, or if the house :house: s in your name and you can prove you pay all bills give him a 30 day eviction notice


Kik his ass out see how he feels who name is least in

Elbows&asshole shiiidddd I been walking my self straight out the door

You’re nuts if you keep going back. End it once and for all.


Kick him out! You don’t need him!

Never let nobody have that much control over your life where you have no home to live in.


Heck no!!! I would not come back!

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Why do you leave? If you pay everything then he’s the one that leaves!


I personally have no desire to stay somewhere I am clearly not wanted. I’d leave. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yep leave then they can pay their own rent and bills and you pay your own but be happy!

pack his shit and put it on the lawn

You should have been done the first time he kicked you out

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Simple when he says get out, leave and don’t come back. No One needs that bullshit in their life. Go find your happy

I noticed you said almost done so that means no matter what we tell you you’ll stay! Sort your s**t out

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Get rid of the man child

Uh, laugh and tell him to get the fuck out

12 years looks like you been taking it long. Leave. And leave him hi and dry

Well, why are you still with him?

I would leave and not go back

Have the dignity and self love to leave for something better. Thats a POS NOT A MAN

Wow, and you’re still there? He’s not worth your time, your life that he’s diminishing, and your heart. Kick him to the curb!!

You already know the answer to your own question, it’s time for you to save yourself by kicking him out. If you’re paying all the bills, the house or apartment is yours. You’re worth more than an existence with a gaslighting abuser. Get rid of him and NEVER look back.


Just leave he thinks he can manipulate you with the threat. Better yet tell him to leave and change the locks.

Stop paying his bills and get your own place and make him figure it out. But if you’ve been doing it for 12 years… what’s even the point?

You pay all of the bills and been together for twelve years is the first problem.
Why don’t you just leave?….
He won’t have a pot to pissss in.

If i had the money, i would get me another place to live, have all the utilities cut off, and tell the landlord your moving. And I would not tell him where you moved to and don’t go back to him. He’s not going to change. You’ve done this for 12 years.

You pay the bills and he kicks you out???..plzzzz

Almost done?

You should be done!!

Get your own place and leave this person.

He/She treats you the way they do because they can!!

We teach people how to treat us. Don’t accept it ….

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There wouldn’t have been a second time…:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You’re only ALMOST done? After 12 years of this?


You need to be 100% done.

YOU pay the bills but HE kicks YOU out? Nah hun needs to be the other way around.

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Do you think you deserve to be treated like that? Why do you tolerate it? I think he’s a habit, not a love. You’ve taught him that his behavior is all right, since you’ve put up with it. You should be done!

Leave. He only does it because you allow it

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U pay all the bills and he kicks u out? Smh I’d either 1 leave let him figure the bills all out on his own. Or 2 kick him out and change the locks

Next time, take your things and don’t come back. You’re already paying all the bills, so you know you can take care of yourself. He’s dead weight at this point, so cut him loose and find someone that will appreciate you.


Move out and take the place out of your name. He sounds like a low life

Yep should kick him out for good you pay bills your place not his

Leave. I should have shown my ex he didn’t have to tell me twice. With this relationship he said that shit one time and I sure as fuck left. After that he watched wtf he said to me

I hate this, my ex would say the same shit to me. I’ll never put up w/that shit again.

yeah.leave. or make him leave since you pay everything.

I’ll would say see ya later :v:

Stand your ground or Call his bluff.